The Diversity of Life: the various freedoms of the realms

JANU:   For the most part, we have spoken only of third dimensional or physical existence. But there are many other realities as well that are not physical, and they have their diversity as well and their existence, their consciousness is connected to energetic reality other than your own illusion of materiality. All realities are valid and viable and co-exist but with different parameters, if you will. Where you travel physically, they travel energetically. And travel is a word your meaning does not apply to, for they do not move through great distances, linearly. When one is conscious in their manner, one’s perception of life is more universal and unlimited, for their interests govern their experience more fluidly and more instantaneously. Life is still diverse enough, our brother, for even that capability to have endless opportunity for discovery and understanding.

You ask if they are aware of your physical experience. And the answer is, for the most part, no. For their interest is to expand what they already have and are, and not to devolve. They do have researchers who venture in your direction, so to speak.

You ask, “What is their equivalent to procreation that exists in our world?”  By desire and intent and will, they coalesce life into viable consciousnesses and life spans based upon the desire to be. For they are freer to, at will, move on to finer realms of existence, to explore and experience.

So you see, our brother, consciousness, sentience comes and goes. Life re-creates itself constantly, instantly, and through process for any duration needed. The parameters of existence are diverse indeed throughout the realities of life. We of the Brotherhood of Light are examples of this, with freedoms to be that seem impossible to the incarnate experience, but that are not only natural to us, but are expandable. As freedoms apply to be, moving at will through the range of life becomes available, no longer limited to any point in evolutionary experience.

In the larger reality of life, all is known, all is observed, and there are no secrets. That is a limited perception, based upon a limited consciousness. And yes, it is possible for the incarnate consciousness to communicate with and form relationships with those who are not incarnate, as we are demonstrating. For elements of each one’s existence transcend the limitations of their current involvement with a life reality. In your case, incarnation. The awakening of humanity opens one to this reality and new freedoms to be, to experience, and to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 19, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Understanding all of life

JANU:   This morning’s journey takes us on a journey into the nether regions of those who journey into the areas of limited consciousness of the seductress called power and egocentric motivation. Those who walk this journey feel they enjoy the experience of the power of darkness. Little do they understand that this is a journey of isolation from the freedom of pure being, one with the expansion of life, seasoned with love, joy, and peace.

They little realize that they are being drained of these qualities and become obsessed with their apparent power. These absorb power from others and return none of the finer qualities of life to their quests and those they take power from.

You ask, then, “Why does life allow such journeys, such behavior?” In the larger understanding, our brother, it is the price, if you will, of life in motion allowing freedom of choice and the full range of experience to gain wisdom and to discover everything. ‘Reaching for a better life’ has a different meaning for different paths in life. Taking these paths reveal the price of choice and the rewards. Who can say which is right, and which is wrong? Life does not, for it allows the freedom to be, whatever your choice, with the results that follow.

Wisdom through experience is the theme here. Wise is the individual who understands the choices to create the world they choose to experience on their journeys. There are countless worlds of experience that countless individuals have chosen and learned from and changed. Let us examine life in this way, our brother, appreciating the purpose of everything, making choices clearer and wiser. To appreciate life fully, one must understand all of it and not deny the existence, the reality, of any of it.   Stand in your integrity, our brother, as do we. Namaste.

Dec. 8, 2013                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

A Christmas message

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, urging then at this time there be an acclimation to that which belongs to the scenario of life that extends the consciousness beyond the limitations of physicality.

For those who would suggest that physical experience is real and all else is illusion and not real, do not understand that physicality is by no means all there is to life. Your own True Nature exists beyond these limits. Then they ask, “Then why are we not aware of this?” The answer, our brother, is you have chosen not to be aware of this, to focus your experience, your life, in the physical without distraction, until maturity opens the doors to awakening. More and more of you are knocking on that door and stepping through it, finding your lives enriched and your maturity enhanced and, through awareness and understanding, the struggles and pain of living in the physical are overcome.

Your attention is focused upon rebirth, newness, in the Christmas and New Year’s season. That can exist for you, our brother, at all times. Peace on Earth is mentioned. And what can this mean in reality, but mutual understanding, tolerance, and, in time, a love for each other. For are you not all in the same ‘pot’ of life, stirring it haphazardly? Letting go of obsession for old ways, allowing for the embracing of a new relationship with life and your own being, leads towards peace on Earth and peace within. As peace builds, clarity is increased; decisions are more harmonious and beneficial, as your life unfolds. The key here is the letting go of obsessions with life patterns, of thoughts and feelings, that block your happiness and your peace.

In this Christmas season, may we all re-consider our options in life and choose wisely. Namaste.

Dec. 23, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Can Life Know Itself? In countless ways

JANU:  I am Janu speaking, returning once again to this subject of the self-awareness of life. We have established that life can know itself, and does. But in what manner does this take place?

Life’s awareness is not being delivered by anything separate than life itself, for all that exists, all that transpires, all that evolves is life. How then can it not know itself? Observe an infant manipulating its toes and fingers, and arms, legs, discovering its reality, capabilities, sensations, and interactions with its surroundings. Life is constantly doing this as new expressions of life’s potential become viable, interactive, and evolve. Life’s manifestations are the extremities and the workings of the infant and, in life’s case, the environment is also its reality. And life remembers everything. So repetition is for refinement and exploring unlimited variables and their consequences.

You ask if life can be conscious of other universes, other realities? The answer is yes, for what is not life? Now you ask if a pencil can be aware of a piece of paper, for are they not both life? The individual elements of life are not conscious as all of life in their manifestation. The root of their existence is, but not the consciousness they use. And is not necessary for them to fulfill their function, their intended purpose. So what we speak of here is the first principle of life, the root of its being, which is behind all creations and is knowable in zero point consciousness, as explained previously.

Life’s consciousness is adapted to the manifestations, nature, and function. Not all elements of life and creation have the same consciousness. Witness the human being’s unawareness of its own True Nature as a Light being, for the physical existence, personality ego don’t require this to survive, although its existence is linked to its True Nature. Interaction with manifest life is crucial to the evolution of manifest life, and the destiny of these journeys is enriched by a growing awareness of more and more of reality.

All of life has a common root, but not all of manifest life functions the same. The diversity is life’s richness and continues to grow, to evolve and fulfill its potential. The character of life cannot be painted with one brush and understood in this way. Life knows itself in countless ways, manifestations, and elements of consciousness. This system of life is wondrous to behold and worthy of admiration, respect, and honoring.

Nov. 18, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


What is color?

JANU:    Let us explore then the role color plays in any reality. It is obvious for the visual portion of the human experience, but what about other realities, you see? Colors are shifts in frequency, the perception depends upon what is perceiving or sensing these frequencies, the eyes having a very limited range. The mind perception is much broader but interpretation becomes an issue, without a frame of reference. Experiencing the perception of colors or frequencies outside of optical sense is quite a different experience.

Much transpires in life that cannot be seen optically but can be perceived in other ways. Let us explore some of these. A sense of temperature can perceive what is not seen. A sense of pressure or presence can detect what is not seen. Direct knowing can perceive these changes. A varying sense of well-being can detect these. Degrees of understanding or enlightenment can partner with these. Your auric field can respond to these. The emotional body can respond to these.

What meaning then does a different frequency of an element of life have for the observer?  It has to do with pattern-matching, for connection and communication and assistance. It is useful for determining and achieving countless realities of life and exploring them. One can scan, so to speak, the range of realities and options, past, present, or future. Optical color perception is a very narrow band, then, of perceiving life.

Sensitizing oneself to finer perceptions is achievable. This includes the emanations from those who would communicate one thing and mean another. These frequencies are the Truth of Life, the Light of Life, and are knowable and render your existence, your perceptions, more truthful for better decision-making and service.

Consider these, our brother, as options on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Nov. 9, 2013                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

A new model for living into the future born of the present

JANU:   You ask, “What continuously brings us hope for humanity?” And that, in part, is our experience with the victories of other worlds over darkness, confusion, ignorance, and brutality. Many have accomplished this victory and it is our passion and conviction that humanity will do so as well. There are many elements of this victory that currently exist in human society, seemingly isolated from the much-publicized brutality of the world. Many of these go unannounced, recognized, or acknowledged. Humanity’s bright future, bright potential is clearly seen by many of us. It is our effort to help humanity see these, as well.

There will be a time, our brother, when humanity on Earth exists without wars or famine, infant mortality, or disease for understanding will ensue as to the cause, the root causes, of these. And once understood, and the alternatives, humanity will make the choices needed and create their bright future. There are those in your world who understand these things and long for them as well, and the worlds humanity of the Earth are yet to meet have already achieved this and understand it. As humanity awakens, the awareness of the reality behind such behavior will bring about these changes.

The news media of your world focuses primarily on fear-based attitudes, observing the mayhem, pandering to the fears of the public for sensationalism to market their coverage. Humanity’s solutions are revealed from within and that path is described as ‘awakening to the truth of life.’ What could be more important for humanity, than to know the truth and see it grow with deep understanding as to their own nature and the nature of life around them? Humanity has chosen these dark experiences through ignorance and experimentation with the limits of outrageous behavior and thoughts and emotions and personal agendas.

What time is better than any other to awaken? Awakening offers, to every profession and interest and walk of life, the insight, the clarity, and the genius to excel, create, prosper, and lift others in the enlightened direction of their choice, for all benefit from this. Understand that when your neighbor is enriched, you are as well, for society is lifted, genius and creativity flower. And how can prosperity not come from this?

Oct. 13, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross





JANU:   This morning’s journey marvels at the richness of life, even as we discover more and more of it. The focus for this morning’s journey has to do with the coexistence of each element of the diversity of life and the collective consciousness of life. How does one perceive one from the perspective of the other? It is an understanding of oneness, our brother. One made up of many. Such is the nature of the human existence—one made up with many. Even on an individual human basis, many elements of the richness of life, yet they are one.

Limited perception still sees the components of life with separate identifications, yet not their oneness. How can life be so diverse and, at the same time, a single reality? These two perceptions seem to fly in the face of the reality of each other. As long as the human mind continues to insist that an insect is an insect and not a tree, one will remain such in their consciousness, blind to the larger reality. Earth being seen as a consumable resource and not the life that it is, and the life that humanity is a part of. Even when observing a neighbor, humanity focuses on differences, seeming differences, and less on what they have in common and their True Natures. How then does humanity plan and prepare for engaging other worlds, other species, and other cultures with such a limited view? When one observes a pig in the farmyard, how does one feel connection and perceive that life as part of the Oneness in which they live?

This is the purpose of awakening, our brother, to be more aware, to see more of life, to expand understanding that all of life serves all of life. And we mean all of life. One might say, “For what do I have need of this?” as they continue with their daily routine, their jobs, their work if you will, and their relationships. When you bring pain and suffering to a part of life, do you think you are isolated from this, can go merrily on your way and ignore it? There is a price, our brother, for every moment of your life and the price includes living with the patterns you have created. And these patterns can be challenging as well as rewarding. Even the patterns of service and goodwill, you live with. Both patterns enrich your life in different ways, and it is your choice how you meet them. Realize, then, our brother, that all of these patterns are of your creating—all of them—and discover their gifts. Oneness is rich with patterns of creation and all of them are known. You speak of secrets and privacy and isolated identification. All of these are temporary illusions that endure to a degree by your choice.

Change is also a choice, our brother, even though it is a constant in life, for there is no life without it. Now, some choose to take no responsibility for the changes in life and ride the wave. Others have a vision for modification of change, to refine the life and enrich the opportunities that are presented.

So, yes, oneness is not stagnant, our brother. It evolves as well, for its elements are evolving and changing. One tends to define life by what it does, what it accomplishes, its creations. As those who have tried to define electricity do so by its behavior, its abilities, its results. So you ask, “If one understands all of the elements of life, is there still an unknown as to what life is?” Good question, our brother, for another time.

Oct. 3, 2013                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


JANU: I am Janu speaking, researching today the element of life that prolongs interest in the development of the tools or skills of awakening.
What is awakening, then, but becoming more conscious of more of life? And that includes who you are and your journey of awakening, what you choose to include in it. Your awakening is, in a very real sense, life itself awakening, awakening to its nature, its capabilities, its potential, its diversity, and its existence. And it begs the question: What is existing? And what are we without it?
Now, awakening is an experience of inclusion, for nothing is lost in the process and everything is gained. We do not trade one awareness for another but expand awareness to include more. The benefit of this, at least in part, is that all you have experienced and come to understand has light shed upon it, light being the Truth of Life. Embracing more of life for what it is, not just what you want it to be. Seeing things the way they are, when less awakened, has a tendency to be seen as fixed, permanent, substantial, and locked into its existence. More awakening changes this to the realization that everything is in motion, changing, expanding, retracting, converting, transposing, and interconnecting. Influencing the rest of life and being influenced by the rest of life. Awakening is the revealer of everything.
One asks, “Why can’t awakening by instantaneous and complete?” Because the journey, our brother, of awakening carries its own wisdom and richness and the time, so to speak, to assimilate the nature and substance of it. When this occurs, one owns the experience and the depths of the experience continue to reveal themselves. Yes, life is a process, an unfoldment without end. To more fully partake of the opportunities of this process, one embraces awakening. Every part of existence in your experience benefits from growing awareness and understanding and intimacy with the process of life. Some refuse to address this directly, or so it would seem. But understand, our brother, that they are regulating their journey, their processing, to more fully experience their level of awareness. And this is right and proper, so to speak, for it is the prerogative of every sentient being to choose their path and, when they want it to change or accelerate, it will do so. For the opportunities will always be there.
Yes, there is life as you know it, or anticipate it, but there is life that you don’t know and seemingly unrelated to your path. So, when you ask of ‘Where would we be without life?’ one must be open to the reality that there are completely different natures of life of which your current experience is but one. You ask: “Does one nature of life have a relationship with any others?” And the answer is yes, our brother, but in a different way to this current understanding.
A bit abstract for this current process and path of awakening. So we continue as we have, to explore awakening and to what do we awaken, our brother, and the processing of the new awarenesses into the life. Worthy questions, worthy pursuits, and worthy outcomes. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2013                                 Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Questions to help awaken humanity

JANU:    Service this evening, then, requires that one prepare for events to come dealing with the next event or threshold in human consciousness answering the question: “Who am I truly?” “What am I truly?” and the honesty and courage to accept it. Dealing with the realities of life successfully through the filters of misperceptions as to one’s true nature is certainly a challenge. Now, this question is not to be answered by another, but within the depths of your own consciousness.

Another question is: “What is the scope of your understanding as to the nature of love?” And even not being incarnated, the question is valid.

“How did life begin and how and when will it end?”

And “What is life?”

These questions are a catalyst for an evolution in consciousness and awakening. We ask these questions for the purpose of stimulating the consciousness of humanity, that it embrace the freeing of itself from limitation, having you give your clearest perspective to everything that concerns you.

“How clearly do you understand the communication from another?”

And “What is Truth, from your own perception and perspective?”

And “What do you truly know and own?”

These questions we offer to the consciousness of humanity on their journey into enlightenment and destiny. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Sept. 16, 2013 B                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Communicators: The rewards of awakening

THE COMMUNICATORS:   Yes, we are the Communicators and we do so endeavoring to bring enlightenment through awakening, wherever we may. This path we encourage for others, we are on ourselves, and so, with some justification, we encourage others.

Communication concept embraces a natural element of awakening with mutual benefit. We encourage this, for this is a path of awakening, so to speak, for all of life. When humans awaken, it benefits their entire world, for the understandings they gain bring harmony and support to all of the life systems of your world, and the world as well. For life is everywhere and, collectively, enriches itself and blossoms into new realities, new creations, and depth.

Needless to say, awakening is a process with many different modalities, pathways, time frames, and elements of intimacy and connection with life. It is inspirational and rewarding to observe this process in many areas of life, for it has a beauty and a symmetry of its own. As one awakens and consciously embraces new capabilities and insights into being, your bodies benefit as well, in terms of balance, peace, rejuvenation, and evolution. For, yes, our brother, even your DNA, as you call it, is evolving. An intimate relationship with its potential helps ensure successful outcomes. Awakening in consciousness stimulates faculties of awareness and a connection with other worlds, other realities.

There are miracles to be experienced in your own environment, that are known about in other environments, that can be yours as well, once you know of them and embrace them. There are opportunities in every moment of your lives that have been missed due to a lack of awareness. Ideas for exploration and new ways of thinking and relating to life are everywhere. We would have you see this, each according to their own capacity to absorb and change. Change is the pathway to new life, not to be feared or avoided strictly because the outcome seems unknown.

Trust in life to lead you into the Light, if that is your desire and your intent is the Truth and to contribute to life in peace. One is hard-pressed to consider an argument that justifies not awakening, ignorance, and solitude. We have been as you are now and the difference leads you into the future, never to return into darkness. The love that is Life, that it is imbued with, becomes with you more consciously and you realize that this is who you are, this is your love as well that is finding freedom to be, in your life.

Sept. 12, 2013                                        Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross