Can Life Know Itself? — From creation into pure being

JANU:    This reality is a dynamic of the existence of life, for as humanity struggles to know itself individually, primarily, and collectively, can it not be the same for life itself? As you have said before, what isn’t life? Can potential be realized without knowing of it and growing in the knowing of it? And by knowing, what we mean here is ‘conscious of’ meaning moving toward ‘conscious as.’ And all of life is conscious, our brother, to one degree or another. But collectively, consciousness is life. How can it not be so? It is in motion. It is changing. It is interacting with itself by way of its countless aspects and elements. And one must consider a reality of countless other universes. When you consider the scale of your own and its diversities and its collective consciousness, in the presence of so many others, the vastness of life is beyond imagination, as is its nature and collective reality and vitality. And the element or aspect of love on that scale of life has a range of meaning that is limitless.

Life knowing itself motivates it to know more, to be as fulfilled as it can be. When you turn your consciousness to this reality, you attain a foundation of peace that comes from unlimited awareness and connection. Yes, life can know itself. But the journey of this seems almost magical when appraised.

A question of source of life comes into view, and this is a process of linear thinking, which does not apply here, in the largest truth of it. For life is not linear, or at least limited to this. It is a co-existing, simultaneous reality of Being. And Being is beyond the thinking of Source. Life knows itself on the way to the reality of Pure Being, unlimited and infinite Being, that has within it the vastness of creation and, at the same time, the singularity reality which is the window beyond creation.

Much to be understood here, beyond what you have experienced so far, exploring the singularity. But this path of exploration has within it consciousness and awareness beyond the limitations of the concept of Source. A worthy journey, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2013                                                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



The Communicators: Describing their mission

JANU:             Yes, greetings, my brother. I am Janu speaking. We have with us this morning an envoy or emissary from this collective called the Communicators. We understand and await their message.

COMMUNICATORS:            Yes, greetings, brother. We are the Communicators and we welcome this opportunity to begin this discourse in what we cherish and hold dear, that being the awakening of consciousnesses to their True Nature and their full potential. We have accomplished this to some degree and begin this series on that authority or foundation, and would continue with these for time to come.

As you are becoming aware, our communication, our connection is not limited to one location or discourse. We are a collective beginning to reach further into the range of life of beings moving in this direction. Our concern, our service is to facilitate and enhance these interests from so many. And the numbers are growing, as you would say, exponentially, keeping us very busy as we move through life.

What then of this service and its benefit? As you have said many times, awakening of the human consciousness is of paramount importance in the expansion of life and the realization of its potential. It is incumbent upon each individual to discover and embrace their True Nature, come into their own, so to speak, be a conscious participant in the larger life, which is larger and larger as you discover your True Nature. The opportunities are without limit, are fascinating and rewarding, and enrich your consciousness in ways you may not yet imagine. Learning of and communicating with so many with diverse interests and lives and understandings is not a well of truth but more as a fountain, bubbling over, watering or enriching everything it touches.

The universe and consciousness is like a flower blooming in the light of the sun, in the light of understanding. Ours is not so much the vision of specific techniques for awakening, although they can be explored from time to time when necessary or the interest is there, but more of pointing in a direction and encouraging and bringing some of the promise of the achievement of awakening to the awareness of individuals, which leads to, ultimately, collective awakening which brings collective wisdom to this reality.

We would continue with this, our brother, at every opportunity, and we welcome this. We are the Communicators.

July 22, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The nature of oneness

JANU:  Oneness is recognized by empathy. When a creature is confused or in pain or disabled, empathy allows connection, a transfer of knowingness, and, in some beginning ways, a sense of the same experience in one’s consciousness. Now, this does not mean one becomes the imbalance, but understands it, feels it, to a degree. And compassion allows for comforting, ameliorization, and a conveyance of understanding with a positive perspective for ownership and resolution to the creature or the person and more.

Oneness allows for the integrity of one life to support the integrity of another. Oneness is in harmony with the protocols of integrity and potential for each life to fulfill its destiny. Oneness is a true bond between elements of life, a bond that can’t be broken but can be ignored or forgotten, a bond that brings unlimited resource from the nature of life into manifestation. How can life not be powerful when it’s the nature of everything? How can life be ignorant or uncaring, when it is everything?

Oneness exists whether aware of it or not for, without it, all of creation would disassociate and succumb to oblivion. Observe how many find themselves in despair or depression or loss of interest in living as a result of feeling alone in life, disconnected, and without purpose or meaning or vitality. It is a worthy attempt at raising awareness in consciousness to the truth of oneness, for oneness restores life and purpose, integrity and meaning and vitality.

Oneness does not mean the homogenizing of infinite variety and integrities. It means connection, mutual support, universal consciousness and understanding, and a peace unlike anything else can provide. Oneness and True Love, our brother, are synonymous. And one does describe the other. Oneness is mostly misunderstood, seen as vague and impractical. It is present, immediate, and vital for the continuation of life, all of life.

Let there be, then, a resurgence of awakening to the truth of oneness, love connection, and caring for each other. Namaste, our brother.

July 23, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The Communicators: Assistance on the path of awakening

JANU:             Communicators have arrived and are welcoming you to their journey as well. Their journey includes many such as yourself who are reaching for awakening. What better way to serve life, than to be more conscious?

THE COMMUNICATORS:            Yes, brother, we are here. We are the Communicators and we enjoy what we offer. And that is the fulfillment of the quest to become conscious as you truly are. This sojourn experience, some call personality ego, is but a tiny portion of your journey. It relates to your larger quest for engaging more of life, which includes physicality. We have long since understood this, the nature of it, and its benefits. However, the benefits are limited to a degree for there is much more to life that allows for this journey of physicality.

Let us welcome you then to our approach to becoming more conscious. Now, this includes reaching into the depth of your being and discovering its light. It is rich, eternal, evolving, and enriching itself through the embrace of life. Our reality consists of many missions such as this, always rewarding by virtue of the many achievements of those who take advantage of what we offer. Now, what we offer, our brother, is not in place of what already lives within you and is your heritage and destiny, but to help you appreciate that, understand it more, and touch it on your own. Our goal here is your freedom, the freedom that you desire. Now, it seems as though, for most, they have spent an eternity relatively speaking under the veil they have created. As humanity evolves in consciousness, there are the instincts, the urgings that there is something more to a limited existence, its limitations slowly becoming apparent.

Let us begin this series this morning by speaking to the nature of your own being and what awaits you. Remember this, our brother: what awaits you is who you are and what you already own in experience and understanding. One of the first experiences will be the lightness of your reality, your being, free to move about, so to speak, to observe any part of life. The universe no longer is vast time and space reality, but a reality subject to, available to you, based on your interest and your desire. Realize that, along with this awareness and these connections, comes the opportunity to contribute in some way to the motion of life. We have long since known this and it’s the reason for all the communication this day. You will awaken, our brother, for it is in your heart to do so. And as you commit your attention, your consciousness, and your service to this, how can it be otherwise?

Welcome to the larger brotherhood of which your Janu is a part. We say “your Janu” but also is included “you are Janu’s” for when we connect in this way, our brother, we understand and embrace the oneness reality. So we are one with you, our brother, on your quest and we bring to you what we have to offer to help you achieve it. We are the Communicators, and would lift you to the Light within you that is you. For all of life can be touched through this.

April 11, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross