The Nature of Life: Absolute freedom

JANU:   How does one broach then such a subject, such a reality? Considering the possibility that life includes all of us, all of creation, manifest or otherwise, what is its nature?

One tends to think in terms of source of life, a singular reality possessing that needed to initiate everything. Consider this, our brother, that life from this interest has no beginning. Quite a concept to embrace, that there is no ‘source’ as such, no beginning. Life has always been and always will be. One must overcome the tendency to consider understandings in terms of breadth and scope, the borders of hierarchy with beginnings and endings. Life has always been, our brother, and to understand this, it allows one to focus upon its existence. Universes have beginnings and endings, which are beyond number, scattered throughout life. Life in the most primary of reality will always be, because understanding comes when you realize that time and distance are a creation from that which is not limited to these, or defined by these. The understanding lies beyond Pure Being. “Life is” does justice to a limited understanding.

This perspective affords the consciousness the freedom to relate to the nature of life with a measure of the freedom of life without constraints or borders. It allows the consciousness to expand beyond evidence. Embracing the reality of limitless life opens the consciousness as no other reality can afford. Realizing a true freedom, yet still embracing creation. The freedom is beyond paths of discovery, of engagement, of rituals and obedience and all of these things. Pure Being consciousness is but a step to the freedom of absolute oneness with life, for to the limited mind, ‘being’ suggests the reality of ‘not being’ and that understanding alone is not the freedom we speak of.

Much to consider here, which we shall, understanding the nature of life.

Dec. 18, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life: Understanding the potential and creation

JANU: Life’s nature is crystalline, in a different sense, of course, than current understanding. These postulates occur when ‘original thought,’ for lack of a better term, self-generates into postulates that are the source of organized creation and, as such, demonstrate the principles of life and their order and hierarchy. As these postulates create, patterns are formed and this is where the crystalline nature comes in, forming a field of creation that would seem electrical in nature, but they exist beyond physicality, but are energetic, you see, of a very high order. And relate to each other as one. This best resembles ‘cosmic consciousness,’ the microcosm of which appears as the human brain, brain-mind interface. The diversity of life begins here, as this energetic network of crystalline relationships express the diversity of potential.

Now, understanding potential is not to be accomplished by seeing this as an accumulation of realized differences, variations. The theme is potential. Life is variations on this theme in manifestation. Before bits and pieces of manifestation occur, potential is understood as the oneness of an unlimited theme. The binary mind has difficulty embracing this reality, for it is part of the diverse potential, and so its model for understanding existence is time/space components of life. But nonetheless, our brother, reality is reality, whether understood or not.

The key here is being open to enlightenment, as the True Nature is. Even as the consciousness contemplates the existence of many universes, consider the life that these universes reside in, and with. This more inclusive body of life is a postulate, one of many forming the patterns of life, crystalline in nature.

More to come, our brother. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



 JANU:   I am Janu speaking, enjoying our journeys together, for they contribute to the edification of humanity and the building of strong bonds between elements of life, of consciousness, and of worlds, our brother.

Strong bonds are a necessary ingredient in the evolution of life for this contributes to the oneness that is our nature but not always understood or appreciated. Intimacy with life is available through the bonding and intimacy reveals the truth throughout life. Now, the diversity of life and of consciousness brings richness to the union, the oneness, and is enhanced through the bonding of the consciousness, no matter the degree, of all of life.

So, as we journey to the worlds, and beings, situations, realities of life, allow the intimacy, the bonding. Respect for integrity is always essential, for without this, where is the diversity that is the richness of life? Intimacy does not interfere with integrity, respect, and a love for one another. Intimacy allows sharing of the realities of life for the purpose of enhancing, enriching these elements.

What is bonding, then? It is an understanding for another element of life, including your own, that promotes acceptance, tolerance, and service, and a growing love for life. It allows for the perception that one life can say to another: “I know you. I understand you. And I respect your being and the life that you are.” Can any individual not see the value in applying these perceptions to themselves? How many can say they are bonded with all that they are, intimate in their self-awareness and, through that intimacy, appreciate their place in life?

Dec. 14, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


UFO Examinations: a craft on Mars

JANU:   For today’s journey of UFO examinations, may we present ourselves on one of these that is currently resting motionless on another world. The crew are absent from the ship, the craft, as we examine it. This craft has rather large, dome-like structures on top and bottom, centered on the craft. One might suppose they were for observation, but they are part of the design for managing energy, equilibrium, balance, in the presence of fairly intense forces. Observation is made possible through sensors.

The overall design is circular and disk-shaped. The surface is black in color. It does not rest on support devices on the ground, you see. The crew do not depart this craft through openings or doorways, but are transported energetically for these beings can vary their density. There are six of these crewmembers for this craft, each one with an assigned task, and they communicate telepathically among themselves and the worlds they visit. This craft is capable of trans-light speed by way of being cocooned in a controlled-energy environment. When traveling in this way, the crew and the craft alter their frequency.

Their current location is Mars, of your solar system. They are there examining your Mars rovers, and easily monitor the transmissions between them and the Earth. They have monitored other Earth craft and continue to do so, but do so without needing to be in close proximity due to the transmissions, you see. Earth is not the only world issuing craft of exploration, and this craft monitors many others.

This craft is as a chameleon, changing its reflected color to suit its purpose. This technology is not what you would call ‘ancient’ or pre-human. It is achieved by those with great capacity for research development, and personal, if you will, genius through awakening rapidly. So, unwise to compare Earth human conditions of achievement with theirs. Not a level playing field, if you will.

Nov. 16, 2013                                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

For further information on similar journeys please see UFO Examinations





The Larger Human Family: Self-examination

JANU:   We encourage this, then this morning, for you to take a look at the scenario of embrace when Earth humanity discovers its roots, if you will, on other worlds. Virtually everything in human experience—perceptions, values, traditions, and visions of its future—will come under self-examination. The larger human family has already explored many of Earth humanity’s ideals, conflicts, social adjustments, and technologies. Religion, of course, will be an item of comparison with anything equivalent on other human worlds.

This will be a time of self-examination. The changes to society and the human experience of the Earth will be unsettled but slow to implement. The uncertainties on many levels of life will cause jitters, so to speak, in the economies of the world, for the future will seem very uncertain and the path to it a mystery. Humanity of the Earth will find some comfort as they realize that some human worlds have yet to achieve what humanity has in experimenting with life. Not all human world’s lifestyles will be compatible with that of the Earth, for their circumstances are different. Other human worlds, a few of them, have visited Earth—a very few—and know something of its current conditions. A contributing factor to the slow mutual influence will be the great distances, which will set the pace for a growing awareness.

Let us favor, then, an Earth humanity open to the possibilities and the self-examination beginning even now. For life transcends distance and instant knowing is part of life. For those who embrace self-examination, change is now, our brother, and more to come. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2013                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The “Dazen” attempting communication with other worlds

JANU: There are those who reach for contact with other worlds, even as your SETI does on the Earth. What we serve this evening are those who reach to make contact.

There is one world of humanity particularly that does so reach, but they do so with energetic transmission that is unlike your electromagnetic propagation. Their transmissions have reached the Earth before but gone undetected, for they operate with a form of energy that is subtler, less dense, and similar to the energy of thought projection, of which they are capable and can amplify such. When we have our communication with other worlds, it is not accomplished through your common form of energy. This world we speak of uses an energy as a medium of transmission impressed with a focus of thought manifested, to a degree, to emulate intuition. There are worlds who have achieved this technology and will one day soon respond, but Earth is not one of them yet. So theirs is a combination of technology, subtle energy, and thought impression.

The world we speak of call themselves the ‘Dazen’ and we are attuning to a new transmission, which is formed by patterns more than language, spoken language. Where the nature of these patterns, when perceived, guide one to respond in the direction of the logic of these. What they are seeking here is a patterned response that, in their opinion, could lead to compatibility of species, rather than conflict and distrust. So what we understand here is their motivation and purpose for the transmission. They use this system because they have achieved success with it, between known factions and with other human worlds similarly advanced.

Our service this evening is to support their efforts with insight into anticipating what other worlds are capable of detecting and understanding.

Oct. 17, 2013 B                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The adventure of humanity is just beginning

JANU:     Situationally speaking, then this morning, let us examine the constituency of  those of humanity becoming ready for encounters with other worlds in a balanced and reasonable way. We are not referring here to those who would be called the ‘lunatic fringe’ so to speak, but those who are thoughtful, introspective, and looking forward to expanding human consciousness into the larger truth of life. They are going to encounter worlds not obsessed with religion, dogma, blind faith, rituals, and fear of contradiction or alternate views. These are ready to embrace life as it is, not bringing agendas to change anything, but to learn, grow, and welcome opportunities ready to meet them. These of humanity have been growing into this perception, this consciousness, for some time. For many of these have a history beyond this life from other worlds and they sense this within themselves, for in some ways it is a renewal with a fresh perspective, recognizing that new opportunities exist.

The struggle for change, new ways of living seem always challenged with those who are not prepared for this. But this group can deny this no longer and look forward to the evidence of embrace of this larger reality to help them speak for what they have known, when challenged by old ways from others. The movement of humanity in this direction is unmistakable and will bring many changes to society. The squabbles among nations will fade in the presence of this opportunity to maturity. There will be those that look for any opportunity, including these, for personal wealth and gain, power, prestige, and they will continue to miss the real opportunity. But they will become the minority in human culture, for these of other worlds are mature beyond this point of view, this pettiness, this limited thinking, and they recognize it for what it is. The greedy ones of humanity will find it difficult to manipulate other worlds, but they will struggle to find a way, for what other model to exist and prosper do they have?

Then there will be the entrepreneurs who have a vision of bringing the best of two worlds to the table, so to speak, and they will negotiate in good faith and realize that their true agendas are known on the other side of the table and the benefits to both parties are enormous. A mixed bag, if you will, but both worlds prosper and other worlds will join in. There, in time, will be those humans that will mingle with these others and the isolation will dissolve into a community. The journey of humanity in a very real way is just beginning.

Sept. 23, 2013                        Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The larger network of life

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, choosing then this morning to engage or embrace the future path of elevation of human consciousness into the larger network of life, finally embracing each other with a vision of human destiny that brings about validity to all that has transpired and to those who have served humanity and the Earth. This elevation will be inspired by humanity discovering and strengthening its own network of life as a collective reality, for this mirrors the nature of the larger network of life. That working then to be understood as first connectivity, and then connectivity with purpose. The purpose being the emergence of humanity from tribalism, which is a lower form, into a sense of mutual purpose and synergism of the intelligence and compassion of every individual into a cherished destiny, with purpose beyond any single definition, one that evolves and matures, full of discovering and rewarding adventure. Serving the needs of each other with connection as a resource. Individual dreams and aspirations supported by collective consciousness. No longer the perspective of you being completely alone. The coexistence of individual worth and achievement, coexisting with the evolution of all of humanity, and this framework echoing the larger life’s network and ever-maturing progression; the larger picture of life, its elements and dynamics, potential, becoming more of an integral part of the human view.

This journey we speak of for humanity will occur for it is a natural part of its existence and opens the doors to individual and collective realization. This is not a forced scenario of humanity but a natural evolution. Let there be, then, contribution to understanding and inspiring others who move in this direction as a result of their own inner callings to awaken.

Aug. 21, 2013                                        Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The Communicators: The rewards of awakening

THE COMMUNICATORS:   Yes, we are the Communicators and we do so endeavoring to bring enlightenment through awakening, wherever we may. This path we encourage for others, we are on ourselves, and so, with some justification, we encourage others.

Communication concept embraces a natural element of awakening with mutual benefit. We encourage this, for this is a path of awakening, so to speak, for all of life. When humans awaken, it benefits their entire world, for the understandings they gain bring harmony and support to all of the life systems of your world, and the world as well. For life is everywhere and, collectively, enriches itself and blossoms into new realities, new creations, and depth.

Needless to say, awakening is a process with many different modalities, pathways, time frames, and elements of intimacy and connection with life. It is inspirational and rewarding to observe this process in many areas of life, for it has a beauty and a symmetry of its own. As one awakens and consciously embraces new capabilities and insights into being, your bodies benefit as well, in terms of balance, peace, rejuvenation, and evolution. For, yes, our brother, even your DNA, as you call it, is evolving. An intimate relationship with its potential helps ensure successful outcomes. Awakening in consciousness stimulates faculties of awareness and a connection with other worlds, other realities.

There are miracles to be experienced in your own environment, that are known about in other environments, that can be yours as well, once you know of them and embrace them. There are opportunities in every moment of your lives that have been missed due to a lack of awareness. Ideas for exploration and new ways of thinking and relating to life are everywhere. We would have you see this, each according to their own capacity to absorb and change. Change is the pathway to new life, not to be feared or avoided strictly because the outcome seems unknown.

Trust in life to lead you into the Light, if that is your desire and your intent is the Truth and to contribute to life in peace. One is hard-pressed to consider an argument that justifies not awakening, ignorance, and solitude. We have been as you are now and the difference leads you into the future, never to return into darkness. The love that is Life, that it is imbued with, becomes with you more consciously and you realize that this is who you are, this is your love as well that is finding freedom to be, in your life.

Sept. 12, 2013                                        Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



The Communicators: Describing their mission

JANU:             Yes, greetings, my brother. I am Janu speaking. We have with us this morning an envoy or emissary from this collective called the Communicators. We understand and await their message.

COMMUNICATORS:            Yes, greetings, brother. We are the Communicators and we welcome this opportunity to begin this discourse in what we cherish and hold dear, that being the awakening of consciousnesses to their True Nature and their full potential. We have accomplished this to some degree and begin this series on that authority or foundation, and would continue with these for time to come.

As you are becoming aware, our communication, our connection is not limited to one location or discourse. We are a collective beginning to reach further into the range of life of beings moving in this direction. Our concern, our service is to facilitate and enhance these interests from so many. And the numbers are growing, as you would say, exponentially, keeping us very busy as we move through life.

What then of this service and its benefit? As you have said many times, awakening of the human consciousness is of paramount importance in the expansion of life and the realization of its potential. It is incumbent upon each individual to discover and embrace their True Nature, come into their own, so to speak, be a conscious participant in the larger life, which is larger and larger as you discover your True Nature. The opportunities are without limit, are fascinating and rewarding, and enrich your consciousness in ways you may not yet imagine. Learning of and communicating with so many with diverse interests and lives and understandings is not a well of truth but more as a fountain, bubbling over, watering or enriching everything it touches.

The universe and consciousness is like a flower blooming in the light of the sun, in the light of understanding. Ours is not so much the vision of specific techniques for awakening, although they can be explored from time to time when necessary or the interest is there, but more of pointing in a direction and encouraging and bringing some of the promise of the achievement of awakening to the awareness of individuals, which leads to, ultimately, collective awakening which brings collective wisdom to this reality.

We would continue with this, our brother, at every opportunity, and we welcome this. We are the Communicators.

July 22, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross