Linear and non-linear realities

This is part of larger topic:[p2p type=”slug” value=”the-dynamic-range-of-progressed-thought-and-understanding”] “The Dynamic Range of Progressed Thought and Understanding”[/p2p]

JANU: Understand this, our brother: that life, the reality of the universe in which you live, is not a linear progression. Life is a simultaneous reality. The dynamic range of thought and understanding represents this co-existence. So to employ or engage this dynamic range, one must let go of linear perceptions and engage the reality of simultaneous existence and all of the limited interactions and re-creations, adaptations, the cooperation that makes up life. Let us do so at this time, becoming unlimited in our identity as simultaneous existence.

All existence and all potential are one. They co-exist. You ask, “What sort of understanding does this relationship reveal?” It reveals the nature of life, our brother, which is the nature of your being, and all it can be through the patterns of its existence, which includes its potential. The human experience is but a single element of this all-inclusive reality. And one can walk the patterns of life, not just individually but collectively. The questions you raise, then, have a new foundation.

Now, the challenge here is: linear thinking, in reality, is not rejected but included in a simultaneous reality of perspectives. You ask, “How do my interests find a foothold in this simultaneous reality for revelation?” It isn’t one or the other in consciousness, our brother. It is both together, individual interest, collective awareness. That’s simultaneous existence on all levels. So entertain your concern or interest, but in the light of the light that is cast upon a non-linear, unlimited reality. This revelation is revealed for any interest to any degree. It becomes the doorway, if you will, to a far broader understanding and engagement for utilization of the revelation.

The questions of humanity, of life and death and what if, that seem unanswered move beyond understanding to a kind of experience that includes so much more, as far as you care to take it. Now, when one can perceive the life journey of the world upon which you reside, you do not see futility in continuing with that world, but the opportunity to experience so much more, without fear. If one moment in your life can be predicted to end, and another begin, does one fear the end of that moment? They do not because their consciousness includes a larger reality that includes that moment, and when that moment ceases, life continues unabated.

So include simultaneous consciousness and reality in your ponderings of the nature of life and its countless elements. Namaste our brother.

June 19, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The collective consciousness of humanity is awakening

JANU: There is a growing presence in our vicinity of attunement and this presence is the collective consciousness of humanity, speaking as one. For as the individual awakens to their own True Nature, the collective consciousness of the one humanity quickens to its own True Nature and, in due course, humanity and individuals will become aware of this truth that describes humanity’s reality in the presence of life.
What we see this morning is a movement in consciousness for all that will facilitate humanity of the Earth becoming attuned to the humanity of other worlds. For the collective consciousness of humanity includes these, you see, and they are all one in this reality. So it behooves every grouping of humanity to awaken, building the foundation for what is to come. Understand this, our brother: humanity is not just a collection of physical incarnations, or should we say physically incarnated beings, but a multi-layered reality of presence in the flow of life. There will come a time when the concept of individual consciousness and personality ego will give way to a preferred and more fulfilling reality of collective consciousness, leading to at-one-ment with the overall thrust of life and destiny of the much larger human experience.
This perception is awakening throughout humanity and the name “humanity” will take on a much larger and deeper meaning. All of humanity is awakening, our brother, and the fundamentals of this collective perception will extend opportunities for profound relationships with many other worlds, and many other species, and many other realities of subtle existence. Much is coming, our brother. Let us prepare. Namaste.
June 4, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Alternatives to our current life of limitation

JANU:   For today’s focus let us pursue the interest in formulating a path of transformation of ignorance to enlightenment. We hear so many comment as to this or that, revealing much as to the state of consciousness of humanity. Many opportunities are on the horizon, our brother, that will challenge humanity to grow into a richer life.

Realizing who you are, and what you and life can be, is a grand journey. And so-called ‘outer life’ and ‘inner life’ must merge into oneness for both to flower. Wisdom comes from experience when knowledge is applied to opportunity. And wisdom brings a greater sense of the completion of life, the balance and potential, and the maturity to embrace successfully the choices that are made.

Envision a life where one can choose their form of life and change it at will, depending upon the reality that is embraced. Currently, humanity sees itself as limited to the human body, the human personality, and physical surroundings of form and their properties. Consider the freedom and ability to understand and experience whatever interests you, anywhere in life, even your own origins and your potential.

Consider a life where survival is not a concern and that needed can be manifested as needed. A life where one questions “What is next?” from an array of choices, not from confusion and emptiness. A life where peace and happiness and joy are by choice only, not requiring circumstance. Where one can observe and understand the present from the future or from the past. Observing life from any perspective, not limited to time or distance. Where one can attune to someone on another world as sheer Life.

The possibilities are endless, our brother, and they exist now. Namaste.

May 24, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Art of Oneness—a beginning grasp

JANU:   There is an art to oneness, the reality of it, the achievement of it, the implementation of it. Oneness comes under the category of harmonious peace and intimacy of relationship, an identity that includes the identity of others and the rest of life. How then does one select this sort of relationship with life, appropriate to the moment? Oneness already exists throughout life, but a conscious relationship with it, depending upon the consciousness, is selective through degrees of confidence one has in their own being, the openness of mind, the peace in one’s own consciousness and existence, and maturity in understanding life.

Now, curiosity is not the theme here, but an acceptance of the responsibility that comes with knowledge and experience and a respect for the integrity of the rest of life’s expression and realities. The primary reason for gaining understanding of more of life is to enhance one’s service to it, that that life benefit on its path of discovery, evolution, and potential. So, when one ponders oneness with anyone or anything or any reality, these qualities must be present.

One would do well to ask the question: Why does one seek oneness with anything or anyone and what does that mean? When asking from the point of view of individualization, it is difficult to perceive a larger view of the reality considered. So, as oneness is applied to the life experience and capability, one moves to that degree from just individual consciousness, single identity, to cosmic consciousness, a larger identity more at peace with all of life and more involved. So oneness, then, our brother, is intimacy, involvement, and harmonious peace with life, with respect for integrity and the life that it is.

The Art of Oneness is the art of harmonious at-one-ment with. Another process of life of return to what we all are. Namaste.

May 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A Life of Oneness: Letting go of the lack of Light

JANU:    Oneness, then, to be served as a reality of origination, of consciousness. Oneness awareness, to be conscious of oneness, is your heritage of being and part of your being is oneness. Most have chosen to not be conscious of this for the purpose of exploring and gaining wisdom from the individuality, a sense of unique identity from the rest of manifest life. Individuality, then, taking on a more precise meaning, becoming the identity.

A life as one, of oneness, as suggested by this focus, is the realization that individuality, separation consciousness, and oneness have co-existed all of this time, with the denser reality seemingly isolated from the rest of life. The awakening and the resurgence of oneness is the maturing of the individual to the point of realization that they are more than this, although not understood. A sense within that there is a connection to the rest of life. Realizing in time the vitality of this, the essential nature.

In human terms, it has been a slow journey, the length of which is determined by the choices made as to what is important in a moment. It has always been available to human consciousness to choose any part of life to explore. And faculties exist to do just that, but with the focus on materiality and managing materiality to serve the perceived needs of living. Let there be, then, a deeper reflection upon what has always been known, on some level, to the individual being. And most of discovering, at this point, is remembering what has already been known in the fullness of consciousness and True Nature.

We speak of oneness as something to be achieved. It is more something to be returned to in consciousness, to be aware of, to engage and embrace, and move your identity to. The struggle is not to embrace the Light, but to let go of the lack of it. There is nothing to fear, our brother, only to be loved. Namaste.

May 3, 2014                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Pure Being: True Identity

JANU:   What is Pure Being, then, to be understood, to be one with, to allow the knowledge of, into your life? Pure Being stands in the reality of True Nature. Pure Being is Essential Nature, as a spiritual being, a Light being, the prime reality of existence, the most subtle of existence. And Pure Being is not understood only as the nature of an individual’s being. It is the nature of life. An animal has a Pure Being reality, as does a plant and, in the truest sense, as does any object or creation.

Now, when a worker constructs a device or object, it is composed of, comprised of materials that have a Pure Being nature. We discuss primarily that of a human being, for the human being can do much with the information, attuning to the true reality, the primary reality, the causal reality. Through all of the elements of creation of the individual, Pure Being is present and is one with each manifestation.

What is practical about this understanding is that it affords the individual a root reality or pattern for choosing a course in life that is fully supported and in harmony with their True Nature, bringing profound integrity to that life. A more complete attunement to the reality and presence of the True Being affords regeneration, greater clarity of thought and understanding, and a greater access to the power of co-creation, discovering the solutions for challenges that are opportunities for evolution. Awakening to the presence of your True Nature brings about a harmony in the life, balance, integrity, and a unification of consciousness which enhances one’s service to life to inspire others.

When one is so centered in that reality, the incarnate experience is understood as a brief one, rich with opportunity but no longer identifies the whole of the life and its experiences. Fears for survival and power over others are seen for the illusions that they are, and no longer rule your decisions. How many can really honestly profess they are at peace and confident in their lives and know who they are and what they are? So stand in your truth, our brother, be at peace, fulfill your destiny, and enjoy fuller life. Namaste.

Apr. 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The disciplines of peace and universal contact

JANU:   We would say at the onset that the disciplines of peace are the ability of the management of attention and thoughts and, yes, even memories, and the freedom of unrestricted focus without the constraints of time and space, and a character of honesty, openness, and loving respect for every opportunity. The disciplines of universal contact include these in a growing foundation of understanding and clarity of consciousness to observe life without limiting agenda or preference for the form life takes and its behavior, its philosophy, for life consists of a wide range of manifestations. Witness your own world as an example. And then the discipline of [p2p type=”slug” value=”as-a-grain-of-sand”]oneness[/p2p], mature development of this, wise management of this, for much is revealed through this connection to both parties that can strengthen life, enrich it, expand it, deepen it, and continue it.

These qualities are worthy of profound consideration and development as the opportunities arise and the connections are made. Yes, life is a symphony, our brother, with the members in attuned cooperation with each other and a vision for what is gained, what is produced. And the audience is all of life.

Apr. 12, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The cause and purpose of the diversity of life

JANU:   Diversity, then, as such speaks of creation, manifestation, endless interactions and relationships, and the realization of potential. Let us explore, this morning, the purpose of diversity; why there is so much of it.

Diversity belongs to a theory of evolution that originated in the early beginnings of life, as life discovered its vast potential and decided, in a manner of speaking, to experience it, to explore it, to discover its truth, rather than just postulate what it means. So it began: from the diversity of potential into universes, worlds, consciousnesses, energies. One must realize that the awesome diversity of life comes from the diversity of potential and the life of that potential initiating discovery of what can be.

Now, the journey of creation yields diversity, through its own creations, as a result of its own creations. For when life creates and the manifestations ensue, new life is created as a result of existence and interactions that reveal possibilities of continuation. This is a simultaneous reality. The process of life goes on and becomes the scenario for a continuation of the thrust to exist and enrich the equivalent consciousness of the source of potential.

Even though filled with nuances and diversity, it all comes down to the reality that all of this diversity is the oneness of life, revealed.

There is much more to explore here, but not during this journey, for the stage that has been set for exploration must be refined. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 7, 2014                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


As a grain of sand

Oneness is a term used frequently among those seeking enlightenment or awakening, but it is rarely explained. This attunement serves as an example of what is meant by that term and its use in the journeying process. This process is being encouraged by Janu and will be referenced in future attunements. See also the category “Oneness” for prior references.

JANU: For this morning’s journey let us resume our affiliation with that which comes to us directly from the inner life of so-called prayer, what we call attunement. Attuning then includes an embrace of an element of life, as if that and we are one.

For example, let us attune to the nature of holographic reality. Now, what does this mean, our brother? Holographic reality is a projection of multi-dimensional consciousness that can focus upon the nature of a reality from many different directions at once, therefore revealing many nuances of its nature.

So let us accomplish this with a singularity represented by a grain of sand. So you can see the shift here of becoming the grain of sand being observed and embraced and known. What then is a grain of sand? Being as a grain of sand, what do we have to reveal? We reveal the source of our being. Now is revealed, after accretions of minerals as our source: our mass, our weight, our reflectivity; the history of our exposure to the churning action of water, the atmosphere, the sun, and the abrasiveness of other grains of sand as we journey through life; the minerals we are made of and their source; the world we are one with, our uncertain destiny, and our contribution to the collective of the rest of the sand of the world, and the pleasure we bring to the creatures of the world and the energy exchange, always occurring. We are the manifestation of many realities over countless eons of time and we continue.

And now our focus returns to what has been attuning. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 6, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The human collective

JANU: The human journey includes a perception of life that has changed greatly, gone through cycles. The religions of humanity speak to this as well, and one can see the many changes in these perceptions of the truth of their own nature, behavior, aspirations, and achievements. Religions are far more organized in terms of structure and business, procedures and rituals. But religions are not the only source of structuring in humanity’s societies and philosophies, accepted norms, and included many changes in direction, both enlightening and depressing the spirit.

When one takes an overview of the human journey, it is filled with many so-called ‘sparks of Light’ of understanding and achievement, but evolution is seldom a straight undisturbed path of discovery and change in one direction only. There is enlightenment and confusion in the mix. The journey of humanity has grown, not only in its physical component or structure, but consciousness and what you call DNA is all evolving.

Now, on a much subtler level, realize that human consciousness is subtle as well, and the consciousness of others, on other worlds that have a pattern link to humanity, contribute to these changes in consciousness. And your achievements contribute to theirs as well. Human achievement will accelerate by comparison, once humanity embraces the reality of one life, connection with all life, in both directions, you see. Losing then, more and more, this perception of isolation and separation which limits the conscious mind in its influence upon the physicality. The Truth of Life exists for all to see and understand. And what is to come for humanity is uplifting and enjoyable and rewarding, filled with the freedom to Be.

Reviewing The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey reveals the movement in this direction and the range of human potential, which is part of its fabric of being, its Tapestry of Life. So discovery, our brother, is not just a linear thing from day to day, but a timeless reality without limit. Simultaneous awakening, in any direction of understanding, especially when viewed collectively, as humanity as a Being. The individual pursuits have merit, but so do collective pursuits. Humanity united as a collective being, conscious of its collectiveness and in embrace of it.

Grow in your appreciation of life collectively, our brother. Think in these terms. Ponder life globally. Namaste.

Mar. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross