The Art of Communication is enhanced by the Art of Oneness

JANU:   The art of communication as such commands an intimacy with life that leads to, borders upon, oneness, for oneness is, our brother, ultimate communication. For how can there not be mutual knowing when observers, communicators, are in intimate oneness? So the art of communication includes this as a foundation. Within this premise, this foundation, the art of communication includes having something to communicate of interest to each other.

Now, individually speaking, all do not share the same interest at the same time. So one who has come to know a Truth of Life may accomplish only exposure to a possibility to another. The oneness sensitivity reveals the interests of another, revealing that the participants in communication have the possibility of sharing an interest. Now, from the individuality human perspective, communication is a process of give and take by comparison to more instantaneous communication of direct knowing and intimacy of oneness. Sharing is instantaneous and far more complete, for each party receiving information becomes aware of it as their own. So the [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-art-of-communication-reconnecting”]reconnecting [/p2p] mentioned previously  is the path to oneness. And even oneness, our brother, has many nuances, levels of reality and intimacy, and evolves. Even in instantaneous reality, life is process: instantaneous from one perspective, evolving and changing from another.

Now, when two species encounter each other with different cultures, backgrounds, philosophies, language, and some with no language—for they are telepathic and communicate in other ways, as well—what is the foundation for communication? Once again, the intimacy of oneness comes into play, a degree of it, at least, our brother. And there are degrees of oneness, for it can be applied universally, individually, and by reason of need and choice.

So today’s theme is oneness as a vehicle for communication. Oneness can be assigned to or focused upon any part of life or all of life, to any degree. So, you see, our brother, the Art of Oneness is a reality as well and worthy of exploration. So, communicate at will, our brother, with any part of life, even your own nature that at times seems illusive and not understood.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 25, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Dynamic Range of Progressed Thought and Understanding

JANU:   In looking at a new adventure this morning, may we consider and explore the dynamic range of progressed thought and understanding. In order to accomplish this, one must acknowledge the reality that whatever there is to explore already exists, whether in the present or not, for potential has its own reality, as does manifestation. So let us begin our exploration.

Exploration of this nature is not based upon models of past experience or current experience. It is based upon all realities. So let us begin with the range of consciousness that has the capacity to remove this perspective from the limitations of current experience and adopt an overview of life’s realities. And what is required to be conscious of anything, our brother, but the attunement to the pattern-matching of potential or any creation, into its nature—meaning its existence, its vitality as the flow of life.

So, being conscious of an element of life that you are not currently consciously at-one with, is a degree of conscious awareness. But to be conscious of an element of life that you are consciously in oneness with, it is experienced as if you were that element of life. Yes, consciousness can be aware, simultaneously, of the intimacy of oneness of any element of life and the integrity of its identity, understanding that oneness transcends the limits of individuality but includes it as well. Being globally conscious in your world includes all the elements as well, not just the collective. So, if this is true, one may walk the incarnate life in oneness consciousness and relate to, be effective with, the integrity of individuality.

In duality thinking, it is one thing or another. In oneness consciousness, all is included. So one may focus upon any element of awareness and explore it and perceive not only its integrity but its role in the tapestry of life with which you are one. Not an easy concept for binary mind. We will continue these explorations at another time. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Power to Exist: Life’s response to the destiny of potential

JANU:   You speak of the power to exist, in today’s journey. What is the reality of such a power, the energies it uses, and what initiates that power? In a very subtle way, the possibilities of creation, of manifestation, of existence draw the energy, the power that it needs from life itself, which is beyond energy and that power, to fulfill its destiny by existing.

Now, we are not just speaking of physicality here but all realities. The power is defined, configured, shaped if you will, by the profound nature of that potential, its particular destiny and possibilities of existence. Any portion of life, our brother, in creation has a destiny, and destiny and potential are natural allies with imperative to proceed in life.

One has a tendency to perceive the present and the future, the unmanifest and the manifest, separate in some way, separated by time and events. They are not. Life is one, our brother, and is a looping reality constantly upgrading life, evolving it, and enriching itself. The power to exist is inherent in the potential of existence. And that power modifies as the result of the unfoldment of the destiny of existence. Everything in motion, our brother, including the power to exist, adapting, responding to the need for creation.

Duality mind still perceives this or that, now or then, here or there, and does not grasp well the significance or the reality of the oneness of life, much larger than but inclusive of time/space. Past, present, and future are one. Potential and destiny and creation are one. The power to exist and existence are one.

Mar. 13, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life of Oneness adds flavor & depth to every part of life

JANU:    We have with us this morning an opportunity to expand upon our understanding of oneness. The word means what it says; however, living a life incarnate in oneness consciousness casts a different flavor on experiences, perceptions, relationships, and self-awareness. For the most part, a life in oneness is a departure from perceptions of separation, individual identity only, survival at any price, and competition, for in oneness one does not succeed at the expense of another. Together, you rise above circumstance, challenges, and the so-called unknown.

Oneness does not stifle creativity, desires to become more complete in your life expression. It reveals unimagined happiness, peace of mind, and joy in all of life.

In oneness, one does not judge another, but allows the many variations of life. Life on the move, through infinite expressions, reveals its vitality and omnipresence. Oneness reveals sharing your life with another, with all others, our brother.

Oneness brings harmony into your vehicles, for disharmony arises from the perception of being alone. And the changes oneness makes to the integration of your systems of life are harmonious balance, mutual support, the natural enrichment.

A life in oneness is a life that is conscious of, aware of, everything it touches. And a life in oneness, our brother, can inspire others to consider their possibilities. In oneness, the genius of all becomes mutually supportive and collectively endless expressions of genius.

You question then: “What happens to the process of experience, wisdom-gaining, problem-solving?” It continues, our brother, but in an enlightened way. Choices still remain to the degree of the perception of oneness adding flavor to understanding, and the choices of what you will include in your life experience. There will still be that which is new to you to be realized, to be discovered, and to experience. But one does so as an awakened being, in ownership of your True Nature.

Now, the conscious incarnate mind still has limitations on how much information can be processed at the same time. The super-conscious mind, the True Nature, is not so limited, you see.  So, as an entity, you still shape the course of your life’s experience, depending upon your interests and maturity.

Mar. 9, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life of Oneness, conscious of everything

JANU: One might describe this experience of Oneness as exalted, compared to life without it, meaning being conscious of everything—the life that you are, the life around you. Yes, and even in its potential. Oneness is a reality that has always been and is the nature of life, all of life. How can any one part, any one example or element of life not be ‘one with’ that which is common to all of it?

What does a life of oneness reveal? It reveals an intimacy with everything and every no-thing. It reveals a way of appreciation, a connection that life in motion is your motion as well. Every movement you are aware of, you move with it. The rhythms of life are yours. Every manifestation that emerges intrigues you, as it develops. Everything you understand as it experiences its own potential, and you realize that it is your own True Nature that is accomplishing this. It is one thing to observe life evolve, and another to be completely one with it as your own. Being at peace, our brother, clears the way, opens the consciousness to all of life. You experience returning home.

You ask, “How can one be in this state of consciousness yet walk the Earth in the daily routines?” Because, our brother, you are conscious of all of this and it all co-exists within you. Simultaneous awareness is as life is, conscious of everything. And ‘cosmic consciousness’ includes many aspects of your awareness co-existing. Only the incarnate mind is limited to isolated singular connections.

Jan. 14, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Become one with the flow of life

JANU: What we focus on this morning is the flow of life. It is omnipresent, carries omniscience, and is definitely omnipotent. But many are not conscious of this. The flow of life always prevails. It is the flow or movement of life itself, from the finer realities into the denser, through you. And for balance, the return on this investment of life into itself has a return flow of enrichment and fulfillment of potential, which moves through you as well.

Everyone can be free to be conscious of this and deliberate in their participation with the flow of life, as they choose. When in harmony with this natural flow of life, everything seems more guided, fortuitous, and delightful. There is a joy that comes with experiencing the flow of life, for you realize deeply you are not alone in life. Sharing this joy with others is also part of the flow. For who would not desire others to experience your joy and delight in this experience? When conscious, more and more, as all of life this makes perfect sense and your consciousness expands to include it with understanding, realizing more deeply that the rest of life is who you are.

So, become one with this flow. Move on with your life and the freedom it brings on the path of becoming. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 25, 2013                                                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross




JANU:   This morning’s journey marvels at the richness of life, even as we discover more and more of it. The focus for this morning’s journey has to do with the coexistence of each element of the diversity of life and the collective consciousness of life. How does one perceive one from the perspective of the other? It is an understanding of oneness, our brother. One made up of many. Such is the nature of the human existence—one made up with many. Even on an individual human basis, many elements of the richness of life, yet they are one.

Limited perception still sees the components of life with separate identifications, yet not their oneness. How can life be so diverse and, at the same time, a single reality? These two perceptions seem to fly in the face of the reality of each other. As long as the human mind continues to insist that an insect is an insect and not a tree, one will remain such in their consciousness, blind to the larger reality. Earth being seen as a consumable resource and not the life that it is, and the life that humanity is a part of. Even when observing a neighbor, humanity focuses on differences, seeming differences, and less on what they have in common and their True Natures. How then does humanity plan and prepare for engaging other worlds, other species, and other cultures with such a limited view? When one observes a pig in the farmyard, how does one feel connection and perceive that life as part of the Oneness in which they live?

This is the purpose of awakening, our brother, to be more aware, to see more of life, to expand understanding that all of life serves all of life. And we mean all of life. One might say, “For what do I have need of this?” as they continue with their daily routine, their jobs, their work if you will, and their relationships. When you bring pain and suffering to a part of life, do you think you are isolated from this, can go merrily on your way and ignore it? There is a price, our brother, for every moment of your life and the price includes living with the patterns you have created. And these patterns can be challenging as well as rewarding. Even the patterns of service and goodwill, you live with. Both patterns enrich your life in different ways, and it is your choice how you meet them. Realize, then, our brother, that all of these patterns are of your creating—all of them—and discover their gifts. Oneness is rich with patterns of creation and all of them are known. You speak of secrets and privacy and isolated identification. All of these are temporary illusions that endure to a degree by your choice.

Change is also a choice, our brother, even though it is a constant in life, for there is no life without it. Now, some choose to take no responsibility for the changes in life and ride the wave. Others have a vision for modification of change, to refine the life and enrich the opportunities that are presented.

So, yes, oneness is not stagnant, our brother. It evolves as well, for its elements are evolving and changing. One tends to define life by what it does, what it accomplishes, its creations. As those who have tried to define electricity do so by its behavior, its abilities, its results. So you ask, “If one understands all of the elements of life, is there still an unknown as to what life is?” Good question, our brother, for another time.

Oct. 3, 2013                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The nature of oneness

JANU:  Oneness is recognized by empathy. When a creature is confused or in pain or disabled, empathy allows connection, a transfer of knowingness, and, in some beginning ways, a sense of the same experience in one’s consciousness. Now, this does not mean one becomes the imbalance, but understands it, feels it, to a degree. And compassion allows for comforting, ameliorization, and a conveyance of understanding with a positive perspective for ownership and resolution to the creature or the person and more.

Oneness allows for the integrity of one life to support the integrity of another. Oneness is in harmony with the protocols of integrity and potential for each life to fulfill its destiny. Oneness is a true bond between elements of life, a bond that can’t be broken but can be ignored or forgotten, a bond that brings unlimited resource from the nature of life into manifestation. How can life not be powerful when it’s the nature of everything? How can life be ignorant or uncaring, when it is everything?

Oneness exists whether aware of it or not for, without it, all of creation would disassociate and succumb to oblivion. Observe how many find themselves in despair or depression or loss of interest in living as a result of feeling alone in life, disconnected, and without purpose or meaning or vitality. It is a worthy attempt at raising awareness in consciousness to the truth of oneness, for oneness restores life and purpose, integrity and meaning and vitality.

Oneness does not mean the homogenizing of infinite variety and integrities. It means connection, mutual support, universal consciousness and understanding, and a peace unlike anything else can provide. Oneness and True Love, our brother, are synonymous. And one does describe the other. Oneness is mostly misunderstood, seen as vague and impractical. It is present, immediate, and vital for the continuation of life, all of life.

Let there be, then, a resurgence of awakening to the truth of oneness, love connection, and caring for each other. Namaste, our brother.

July 23, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross