Dealing with life that seems overwhelming

JANU: The overcoming of some by the twists and turns of life is from the confusion about the seeming dichotomy between peace and challenges. The premise for successful living in terms of achievement, survival, and well-being is that the peace and the twists and turns are one. One in the sense that each needs the other. For peace only, meaning the lack of challenges, does not have the depth, the broad strength and foundation that comes from all that challenges afford, including experience, strength of character, endurance, a determination to continue and master. For all of these things build a consciousness that can bring clarity and balance in the lives of those who feel overcomed with an imbalance between the two.

Your challenges are not unknown to life. It comes from the constructs of existence and the creations of those struggling to meet them. The evolution of life and truth includes clear sailing and the occasional storm. Life is constantly adjusting itself, flexing its potential. There is a natural flow of challenges, as well. To overcome the feeling of futility, place the challenges in your life in perspective. They are not your whole world. Balance them with inner strength, insight, and the tradition of your existence far larger than one lifetime, our brother. See your life as a flow of all of this, with a net worth to it all. You are becoming stronger as a being, wiser, and more in ownership of who you are and all you can be.

All of the challenges in life are not met instantly. They have a life of their own, based upon how you meet them. You get the challenges you need, whether you understand it or not. They are evidence of the presence of life and the truth of your existence. No challenge is devoid of its solution, its resolution. It lives within it for you to see, embrace, and master.

The times of peace are for inner balance, symmetry of your being, and the coordination of your thoughts and feelings and interpretations. Embrace all of life through the wisdom and love of your True Nature. You are an unlimited being. Achieve the truth of that and continue on. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 1, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with the clamor of life

JANU: We speak today of the clamor that seems to permeate much of the life for humanity. Clear decision-making, a peaceful life rich with insight and understanding holds a backseat to much of this. When the clamor becomes the norm of the day, how does one then find peace and calm, insightful wisdom, clear thinking and focus united throughout their being as one? Of course, words are not enough. What they speak about is what’s called for.

Rejecting the clamor of humanity keeps your attention on it and connected to it. So what do you put your attention on, our brother? Your inner passions and desires that your True Nature shares with you as you walk through your day. Goals that are larger than the moment. Begin to perceive your life in a deeper and larger way. See through the clamor to the truth behind it.

The news media is filled with the superficial clamor of life. As you walk the incarnate life, see the truth behind the clamor, not based upon the opinions of others who are living the clamor, but your own innate faculties, the truthful perception. Wherever you observe life, choose the truth behind what you see, with your integrity intact. Human life is noisy, with some peace here and there. Add to the peace and live your truth. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 21, 2015                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The human condition and the flow of life

JANU:    Why not include the current human condition within the framework of assessing all that life can be?

One has a tendency to see the human condition as deplorable, misguided, brutal, and unloving. The human condition, our brother, is the flow of life, no matter what its condition, character, peacefulness or lack thereof. How does one judge, then, what is enough and what is not? Where is the dividing line between failure and success? There is none for this reason: humanity is loved, no matter its condition or history or future. It is life in motion.

If life gave up on humanity because of its current condition, what else would it give up on? So giving up on humanity is rejecting the flow of life, for even in its current condition it has a future, which is life’s future. And life is vast and profound and timeless and diverse beyond imagination, and all-powerful and knowing, and patient beyond time. Never give up on humanity or yourself, for the flow of life moves on. And what is not life, to be left behind?

So move into the future through the present, no matter the condition. A more peaceful appraisal of reality, don’t you agree? Anticipate the future by opening to humanity’s potential in the present, and all it has achieved. Remember, our brother, do this no matter the condition. Namaste.

Apr. 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding sanity

JANU: We are firming up the diagnosis of the human condition as it pertains to its intimacy with the larger life, the life that is its future and its present. The human condition at this time reflects a growing uncertainty as to its future. The consensus of our opinion is that humanity will choose to see insanity for what it is and where it is.

You ask, “What is sanity, then, in this venue of exploration?” It is that which belongs to the Orders of Life that continue to exist and demonstrate the evolution of potential and the realization of destiny. Sanity chooses to gain, from experience, an advancement and understanding that reveals more of the truth of life inherent within any reality. Sanity is living life, of your choice, bringing about change with a sense of deepening purpose, then fulfillment. Sanity observes the Truth of Life without bias. Sanity appreciates the merit in the flow of life that its collective movement, even in the moment by moment of an individual and their experiences, imprints their consciousness.

A growing sanity embodies the eternal sanity of life and the commitment to oneness called ‘love.’ Choosing sanity is a wise path to choose. Always deepen your understanding of the Truth of Life some call ‘the Light.’ Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2014 B                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Integrating the elements of the human condition through awakening

JANU: Resuming our current journey of understanding the human condition and its path of awakening into the larger life, we will discover and observe many elements of the human condition to better understand its path of awakening and the impact this will have on the desire for a better life than humanity has known.

The medical profession, although a mixed bag, if you will, of motivations, emotions, and commitments and accomplishments, is an indicator of this desire in humanity. As with politics in your nation, your government, the motivations to train and begin that vocation are laudable but the reality of functioning within the established medical or political community takes its toll. For a few, it strengthens the resolve that began the journey. For others, it is changed into one of power, wealth, and longevity. The reality of both professions, and others, can be confusing when viewed globally. Even in the religious circles, the churches and organizations of same, this exists for it isn’t the profession that causes this but the current stage of human awakening. For a more awakened individual, and/or organization, makes better choices for a better life.

We are here to understand that awakening influences everything in human society and consciousness. How many consider the military establishment other than designed for war, battle, and destruction, under the banner of protecting peace? This can be confusing as well for those who participate and those who support. It can fuel distrust between nations and other leaders who possess that kind of power. Even awakening, our brother, is no guarantee of wiser choices, but increases the likelihood. But for those in pain and suffering, their confusion takes a backseat, so to speak, the focus of relief from suffering, not just physical, but emotional and mental and spiritual as well.

How many in your societies feel alone in life, even while surrounded with others? So populating your immediate surroundings is not the answer. It is the inner connection with life and your own nature that brings relief. We are not suggesting here the path of inner life, awakening, is separate from the outer life, but merging the two brings a lasting victory of clarity, peace of mind, confidence in the future, and a love of life. These journeys, our brother, are to show a path of the integration of everything into a full life. Nothing lost. Everything gained. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2014                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The human condition is known to the larger family of life

JANU: We are forming conclusions as to effective additions to human consciousness on its path of awakening. Once such addition would be the formation of groups of individuals with first hand experience and memories of connecting with the larger life to any degree. This group would not form or broadcast criticisms of their current human consciousness, for they would still be learning as well. Of course, individual and collective observation is subject to reasonableness and screening as to bias. But they would lovingly support with profound patience and understanding those who wish to develop into a larger consciousness, respecting countless different perceptions of experiences. For even those who share their insights and experiences are still evolving into deeper and broader understanding of the truth of life, so no point of view or perception is seen as the whole story, so to speak, but a glimpse and a possibility.

In this way, humanity owns its progress and grows as it may, not depending solely upon insights from spirit or other sources. The path to enlightenment must be rooted in one’s integrity, reasonableness, and true nature. Now, this does not suggest that humanity is standing still, but we all exist, our brother, to help each other in a proper way.

So, understanding the human condition and what it is capable of is a worthy adventure. Human consciousness is in the possession of memories and experience, patterns of existence richer than its current understanding. So part of the path of awakening, our brother, is remembering, bringing profound memories to the surface in a perfect way.

The human condition, or awareness of it, is known by many not of the Earth so the struggles and the victories are not a secret to the larger life. And elements of the larger life are responding, providing wise service to the human journey, with patience and care. The family of life is worth knowing, our brother, a long-standing tradition of life in motion with a foundation of love and patience. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 22, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


An intimate view of the human condition

JANU: As humanity is encumbered at this time with the results of its choices for individual and societal norms, in many ways it is accommodating its limitation of resources for understanding and true empowerment that it is aware of. Now, one does not paint all of humanity with one brush stroke, for there are many who are reaching for more and many who have achieved a great deal, but mostly individually and in small groups. The momentum of larger organizations in society continues to carry them in the directions of the past. When an enlightened and awakening society demands new directions, driven by their inner passion and vision of a brighter future, these organizations will change. For without the people, where can they go?

The awakening of humanity certainly has its struggles for the less enlightened ways struggle to survive, for it is what is known and leaving that behind can be confusing without understanding and seeing the next rung on the ladder of life. We of the Brotherhood of Light understand this, having witnessed this journey before. Even though we escort you on larger journeys of life, the more abstract the more profound, we are not ignorant of the realities of living and coping with varying degrees of ignorance of these things. So journeying on this path of awakening includes intimacy of understanding current conditions, as well as the challenges to come, the opportunities to come, the victories to come, and the larger life’s realities that are worth the effort individually and collectively.
We are the Brotherhood of Light, ‘light’ meaning the truth of life, and, in reality, our brother, humanity is part of this brotherhood and is considered to be an intimate part. So let us continue to journey together into the Light, into the future, into human destiny and the enrichment it brings to life. So we continue to serve humanity, brothers that they are, and we all grow stronger because of it. Condemn not a child that trips and falls, that disturbs the balance of things not knowing why. So you inspire and help the child arise once more, to begin again to adapt to the larger life with understanding. In the largest view of reality, of life itself, we are all children on the path, helping each other understand and try once more.
Oct. 16, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A carnivorous or a giving life

JANU: The carnivorous elements of life speak profoundly to the evolutionary journey in the relationship between consciousness and incarnate life.

Now, what do we mean by ‘carnivorous’ in this approach, this understanding? We mean that which takes from another without advantage to the one being taken from. Of course, in the area of human diet and food, the correspondence is flesh foods for consumption. But this relationship has its counterpart in many other realities of life. In humanity, financially speaking, profiting from another which only advantages the profiteer. Lying about another with blame for your own misdeeds, compromising their freedom, if only in their own consciousness, to gain your own. The ‘eat or be eaten’ scenario speaks to this. What would life be like, then, in any reality, where one was concerned with the benefit to another?
You ask why so much of this carnivorous reality exists to such degree? It has to do with primal misconceptions about survival, without illumination, a foundation of understanding, a larger view of life. Once again, this speaks to the need for awakening to see the truth at the heart of more and more of life, and then making wiser choices. It is worthy to look at one’s own existence each day to see if there are elements of being carnivorous or being beneficial to another, individual or creature or the Earth, all of life.
This theme, this approach to relating to life is profound, for life supplies to those who give, those who lift life up, those who support, whatever is needed to continue and enhance that flow because it’s of service, life expansion and richness. Giving something to another for their benefit is never a loss to the giver. The giver always has more to give. Life finds a way.
Consider this carefully, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A better life

JANU: We are accustomed, then, to these proceedings in the vein of exploring life and serving humanity. As we focus for today’s journey, let us be reminded that there are coming great changes for humanity, especially in the area of discovering and embracing the true power of True Peace and the insanity of violence. Exploring this, then this morning, let us choose to sense this change that is coming, this opportunity to reconfigure life, human society, in this direction.

You ask, “What is the tipping point for this change?” Some might suggest that a unique leader is needed to start this change. But the magnitude and destiny of this change is too important for one person. It will come in the form of inner desire and divine sanity to occur in the people. Now one person, or a small group, could plant the seed of understanding, but it must become a vision owned by the people. Only then can it not be thwarted or pass away on the shoulders of one. When it is owned within by the masses, it will be difficult to lead them away from what they know to be true.

So let us encourage then, in our own thoughts and relationships with others, the birthing of the commitment to peace and the awakening of humanity. The Earth can be transformed rapidly, with all the resources, energy, and lives sacrificed restored to constructing a brighter future, rooted in cooperation, mutual respect, enlightened education of the children, and a love for life and its possibilities.

Humanity does have a role, our brother, in the diseases of the world and the unending parade of new ones. So much of humanity is not at-ease and creates, energetically, according to its fears, angers, and frustrations. Humanity awakening to True Peace and integrity and a concern for each other will bring a new reality to light. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 16, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Pushing the limits of human awareness

JANU:   How easy it is for conscious awareness to remain fixed upon the previous day’s experience and level of understanding. For today’s journey, let us push the envelope, if you will, by entertaining a new understanding at this time.

Most of humanity is limited to a self-perception or identification of only being human, with only vague evidence or suspicion of being more. May we suggest the question: More of what? What is the nature of the ‘more’? We suggest: more of life, more that life is, more of what life is becoming. The ‘more’ that knows this, understands this, and understands your human ego. Most are impressed with their limited understanding of the so-called vastness of the universe, and its diversity, complexity, and age, and settle for this as being all of life. Not understanding that, while entertaining the idea that there are other physical universes beyond number, and equivalent universes that are not physical, this suggests to the open mind that life is without end.

The adventure continues. There will always be the next adventure, the next reality of which you are already a part, for your True Nature embraces the larger life, not settling for the limited understanding that surrounds you. The physical evidence that suggests that as reality and exploration of life has borders and limitations, a sanity of existence the mind can find comfort in and settle for. How many even realize the borders in their own consciousness and settle for this? Living in a world of physicality has an appearance of: everything has limits and form and shape and duration, obeying rigid laws of existence. And people settle for this and it is natural for them to do so, until they are ready for more and the urge comes from within.

The phrase “been there, done that” is the foundation for something new. So let us challenge humanity to review, from time to time, their place in life and possibilities. Namaste.

July 25, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross