
JANU: For some, mastership denotes an achievement of complete mastery, a final threshold. It is not. Mastership occurs each day, with significant victories, ownership of some part of life, the life’s experience, whether it be conduct or understanding or well-being or loving another.

Mastership is a continuous process, a growing experience, a constantly rewarding part of life. And one does not achieve any mastership in isolation, for the fruits of each achievement are known by life and observed and experienced by others. Confidence in a path of achievement is supported by others with similar accomplishments, and these encourage each other to achieve more. Mastership is a collective reality, not just individual.

And it is not a final threshold, but the evolution of life. When one overcomes an obstacle, a challenge in life and understands it, and owns their role in it, the sense of accomplishment that ensues is from that journey into mastership. Mastership is not some far away, distant, impossible achievement for some other time and place or reality. It is every moment of every day. The experience of mastership resides in every nuance of life, every opportunity. And each victory in this, in any area of living, can be revisited and developed further.

In a very real way, mastership does not yield power over others. It enables a deeper service to others and to life, for the road of mastership is the road of oneness, the path of union enriched with countless moments of achievement, demonstrated through living. Mastership honors you and all of life. Life’s investment in your existence is rewarded and expanded. Remember that your joy in these victories is life’s experience as well, for you are life. Once again, another steppingstone on the path of awakening into the larger life.

Oct. 26, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross