The True Nature

These attunements, done throughout 2014, talk about the True Nature, a critical understanding for the concept of awakening to the totality of life and being. Some were already published but have been included here, for continuity.  The reader may also wish to check out two more recent attunements, Conscious Connection and Connection to the True Nature as well as the category “True Nature and the Incarnate Life.”
The True Nature and beyond
Multiple Existences of Earth and humanity: the more complete you
The True Nature experience
Humanity’s True Nature


The True Nature and beyond

JANU:    For this morning’s foray into understanding life, let us begin by saying that the need for this is growing for humanity for, as always, life is on humanity’s doorstep. And the call is being heard by more and more of humanity to embrace more of life through the doorway of opportunity. Let there be, then, a continuation of discovery, allowing for the process of assimilation to refine itself, for there is much to discover and much to assimilate. That is the theme, for the moment, of discovery: the process of life, a growing awareness and assimilation. This is awakening, our brother. The fundamental process of life. Now, this process is unique to each one, for each one brings their powers of perception and acclimation to evolving.

Now, the path of awakening for the consciousness, the True Nature, includes sojourns in the physical and other realities, for the True Nature is evolving as well. Part of the process, you see, of life, of awakening. What is this True Nature that is evolving, in conjunction with these life experiences? It is who you are, our brother: a Light being of many elements of reality, of existence, co-creative abilities, capacities to become one with life’s potential, which includes each other and their True Natures.

And there is a consciousness, our brother, beyond the reality of your True Nature, of which your True Nature is a part. Yes, there is a “Cosmic Consciousness” not limited to individuality or only one True Nature. Much to consider here, our brother. Namaste.

May 26, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Multiple Existences of Earth and humanity: the more complete you

JANU: The subject this morning has to do with the more complex realities of life not understood by most. These realities of existence are in some ways like layers of life, from the denser to the finer existences. And all of these realities of existence are in communication with each other. Not in the words of your current experience, but energetically. Cross-patterning realities. A subtle foundation for the continuation of complete being.

An example of such is your physical existence, your emotional and mental, and others. Where do your thoughts and emotions reside? What do they call home? They are all part of the larger you and help coordinate and engage your physical existence and the environment of that existence. They are still you.

So what realities of existence exist as part of your complete being? Which is true for the Earth as well, you see. Your True Nature, for one thing, for as you move from one physical existence to another, called incarnation, what is it that incarnates and retains the composite experience of all of the journeys, the sojourns? Certainly, it is the True Nature. And what reality does that exist in, our brother? In one way or another, it exists in all of them. It is your true, core identity, through which you own all of your experiences and wisdom gained.

Now, you have the capacity to have a multiple mind experience, in more than one reality at a time. One not always aware of another, you see, except by way of the True Nature. Once again, the incentive for awakening into the larger truth of your being. Now, these multiple mind experiences are coordinated in their recovery of life’s experiences. And, yes, there are elements and aspects of your True Nature that are multiple realities and provide coordination that allows for existences such as your current sojourn to flow, evolve. As you are beginning to see, our brother, life is a very complex collection of multiple realities with coordination. To a degree, with self-determination. With the freedom to attach to or choose countless life opportunities for experience and service.

You ask are other associations of incarnation part of your being. The answer is yes, our brother, conditionally speaking. And it is possible to attune to another of these, building a self-awareness, a self-perception of a True Nature that is much larger than this one lifetime. Seeing who you are in a new light. And you have countless associations in many realities, but the word ‘you’ has to take on larger meaning, less limited to the human ego identification.

There is much to awaken to in life, our brother, and we are beginning. Namaste.

June 3, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The True Nature experience

JANU: May we begin by saying that the declaration of at-one-ment with the True Nature, openly, unconditionally, so that the experience is not limited in any way, brings clarity so all that you aspire to becomes yours. Peace that so many desire becomes yours. Wholeness of your vehicles of expression, your bodies, becomes yours. The love that you cherish becomes you. The truth of your being bonds you with the truth of others.

The True Nature experience or perspective deepens and broadens your identity, your self-perception. And, in time, you’ll see others’ True Nature and support them–their awakening, their ownership of their life and who they are–with patience and a commitment to their awakening. Judgment no longer applies or has merit. And you more fully understand that life does not judge you, and never has. You only judge yourself. Harshly, we might say. Punishment does not apply, when viewing the behavior of another or yourself. Life does not punish, but allows natural consequence to occur, as an opportunity for insight and growth.

The joy of awakening has no end, no destination other than the moment, the Now, for the moment is timeless and transcends confinement. Namaste.

July 24, 2014                                                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Humanity’s True Nature

JANU: We are Janu speaking, honoring, then at this time, the True Nature of humanity. And how might this best be described? Your survival to this point is a tribute to your True Nature and to all who have assisted humanity countless times, from many planes of existence. Humanity has been mostly unaware of the rest of life and the assistance, therefore having a perception of being alone in the universe. A very limited point of view.

The True Nature of humanity has integrity, honor, and a passion for existence and contribution to each other and to life. The True Nature of humanity, as a collective, is at one with the so-called Beings of Light. It seems unfathomable that humanity could have any connection with other worlds and other galaxies, but they do. The higher so-called dimensions or realities of life are more and more aware of their commonality, their common heritage, their affinity for their True Natures. Life does not begin in its essential nature as separate pieces, disconnected and unaware. That only occurs in the denser realms for the purpose of exploring facets of life, possibilities, unique expressions, to survey the range of life.

There is a richness and scope in each one’s True Nature, and a connection with the rest of life, that one awakens to. Who they truly are. The isolation falls away and the memory returns of ages of experience, associations, and the magic of life. There is a difference between loving every moment of life and hanging on to every moment so tightly that it cannot flow.

The True Nature is not a fixed reality but one full of life and movement, not limited to time and space but timeless and free. It is the Divine within and the ‘Comforter.’ The more that humanity awakens to this reality they will leave behind the notions of mutual destruction and choose mutual support and respect for the Earth. The need for defenses and securities and arsenals and protection from each other will have no relevance in their future.

These qualities of True Being transcend religions, philosophies, and rituals, therefore available to everyone, regardless of their station in life or what species they are, on different worlds. Life is life, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 14, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross