Our current incarnation is in a plane of seeming duality. These issues are difficult to reconcile with concepts of Oneness and simultaneous existence. These attunements discuss this issues.
No beginning and no end
In the beginnning
A balanced view of the dichotomies of life
Incarnate and Discarnate Life: co-existence
Spirit and physical life are one
No beginning and no end
JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the protocol of living that forecasts life’s continuation. By this we mean a continuation of the themes of life that seem without limit in number and potential. And what are these protocols that forecast such? They are the vitalities of the presence of creation, not limited to physicality, you see. These vitalities and their expressions occur throughout life, but also non-physical life as well. When expressions of life are created, what is created and what is doing the creating, you see? The protocols we speak of are those that allow life to continue and evolve through continually re-creating itself, what some might call perpetual life.
You ask, “How can there be no beginning to point at, to appreciate and understand?” Difficult to grasp with the mind or consciousness rooted in linear thinking and perception of first this, then that. Life is a simultaneous reality on all levels, all configurations. No beginning and no end are illusive concepts that bring disturbance to linear time/space based thinking which is more comfortable with limits on reality for its perception is limited, therefore, everything must be.
So can a limited consciousness, or mode of consciousness, understand or grasp to any degree ‘no beginning and no end’ in terms of the nature of life? Rejecting this understanding closes the door, so to speak, to opportunity for the revelation of this. Allowing the possibility allows for life to reveal itself more fully. “And why is this important?” you ask. Because this principle of relationship with life in unlimited possibilities of understanding is directly applicable to every perception, philosophy, process of embrace, and re-creation. Vertical and horizontal thinking explained as one.
The next question that arises is: Does your own True Nature have a beginning and an end? It does not, our brother. But it is continually re-created with the motion of life. It is not static but an evolving reality, adapting to the larger life and each opportunity. Your True Nature is Life in motion.
Aug. 4, 2014 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross
In the beginning
JANU: Our journey this morning takes us into the heart of your sun, considered to be a reality of titanic forces, processes, and death throes as it dwindles in its process of sustaining your solar system. Your True Nature continues whether this sun, or any other, ceases to function as they are. The life of the universe continues, recycling itself with the birth of new ones. Your True Nature carries on in the new venue; your investments in life and consciousness continue on. Your sun is a living system and it evolves and changes constantly, as do you, as does the Earth. The sun can be understood on many levels. The most revealing of which is not how it began, but why.
The sun and the planets and the moons and the other bodies of your solar system are part of a collective process. This understanding reaches into the patterns of creation that are causal to the creation of the universe as well. “In the beginning” is a wonderful statement. It is difficult to embrace and understand consciousness of non-human realities, of which your sun is one. To attempt to understand the universe, creation, and all the levels of reality, based on the human experience of consciousness and physicality is limited to a large degree. But your True Nature is capable of much more than the human experience.
You ask if ‘in the beginning’ is a reasonable approach to that of your own True Nature? And if the answer is ‘Yes’ what light does this shine upon the concept of eternity, no beginning, no end? If your sun ends its cycle of physicality, does anything continue? It does, our brother, in the sense that the properties of its existence continue in other life patterns not recognizable as a sun, you see. It is the same for your own existence. Do you think when you leave the physical body behind you are recognizable or perceived as a human being? You are not.
Any living system has a consciousness, different patterns, of course, but a viable reality. This is what survives the physical sun’s existence, as it does with your own. Do the sun worshippers’ culture and philosophy worship the gift of the sun only, or something more? When one is grateful for their own existence, is it just for survival or something more? The challenge in this journey, our brother, is to develop the sensitivity to understand and appreciate the life in any system, opening your consciousness to the reality of your existence and its relationship to, more specifically, that of another.
Sept. 3, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross
A balanced view of the dichotomies of life
JANU: We are Janu speaking, celebrating as we may the returning home of a passenger, if you will, on a journey of Light. The journey we speak of is none other than the consciousness of one who has been called Christ. Now, ‘home’ is a relative term here and the message is still the same: loving life. And yes, this one is aware of you as well, and our activity, our brother. This one understands True Peace in the midst of much conflict and love is the theme for maintaining a positive perspective in the face of this, these conflicts. Very challenging times, but he found his strength within. His own True Nature showed him the way. His consciousness at this time is as one who is awakened to all that he is.
It takes patience and love to see the truth at the heart of everything. And with this comes understanding You have done this before, our brother. Allow the memory to return. The challenge this time, our brother, is to achieve this reality while incarnate. Experiencing the dichotomies of life while at balance within, understanding more and more without judgment and at peace. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Aug. 4, 2014 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross
Incarnate and Discarnate Life: co-existence
JANU: We are Janu speaking, enjoying another moment in your time as we ponder your questions about life. This time, the co-existence of incarnate and discarnate life, and how they can cooperate with each other successfully, to the benefit of them both, so to speak, for they are one life, you see.
Now, parts of the discarnate life are formless and other parts are not. Even though the forms are not physical, they can represent the experience of physical life and, under some circumstances, allow for interaction with physical existence and exchange. Under certain conditions that the incarnate life is not aware of, they are in the presence of a discarnate life.
Now, the term ‘density of physicality’ is a limited understanding of the complexity of existence. It is a misnomer, for the apparent density of physicality is, in fact, an illusion, our brother. This property of physicality is caused by energy realities and their properties. Now, the discarnate life, the discarnate consciousness can manifest these properties at will, giving the appearance of density and physical force. So what is real and what is not, our brother? Reality, life, is not limited to a single set of parameters or conditions, but conditions itself for certain properties, relationships, and opportunity, yet to realize potential and gain understanding from it. The density allows for feedback to interactions, to efforts, to relationships. If there were no density, as experienced in physicality, pushing back into the wind would have no result that one can gauge the presence of the wind and its strength, so to speak. So, without the illusion of density, the nature of the relationship changes and something is lost in the experience.
Now, the discarnate life has its counterpart, but not the same. Remembering that both of these experiences are part of the one life, so why does one incarnate, then? Because the properties of physicality deepen and fill the understanding of the realities of life as the True Nature continues to explore. And on that journey, Life discovers itself through the journeyer, for the journeyer, our brother, is Life. Individuality and oneness co-existing. And all of this in motion, ever-changing.
So place the moments in your life in the presence of the larger life and appreciate the perfection of life in its way of being. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 6, 2014 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross
Spirit and physical life are one
JANU: We are reaching deeply, then, into what seem like vaults of memory in their concealment, which is an illusion, our brother. We find your journeys in the larger life enjoying complete freedom to explore, and yes, even uplift. These times you have spent linger faintly in your memory, your consciousness. Grand times of association, many encounters with many others, when life was not so much a struggle to live and survive but a joyous journey of awakening and discovery of the diversity of life. Once again will you review these memories. And we do not mean only when discarnate.
As we have pointed out before, it is possible and desirable to be conscious on the inner and the outer at the same time, and this does enhance both. Even in this moment, the veil is thinning as you realize the truth of this point, this understanding. The journey is not escaping from one for the other. Let the merging of all of life, for each benefits from the other when understood and embraced. Physical and spiritual existences are one life. This is the model of understanding to move forward with. The two are one. The illusion of there being two is a misperception. The dimensions, if you put it that way, are one as well.
The paradigm of life is made up of parameters of being beyond number. When you entertain one reality as opposed to another, you limit yourself. You limit your understanding in consciousness. We communicate in this way, our brother, as one life. Life is not separated, divided within its own house.
These artificial barriers between realities perpetuate the isolation of humanity from the elements of its destiny. Let us continue to embark upon this adventure of the intimacy between realities. Allow this understanding to reveal more of itself as you explore it and adopt it.
Allow this understanding to percolate as it will through your consciousness. Part of self-mastery, our brother, conscious of being one with everything, everywhere and every when. We walk side by side with you on this journey. Namaste.
Feb. 9, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross