New Journeys

Living a joyous life

JANU: We are assembling at this time a quivering, so to speak, of essential vibrations that help to coordinate the peace movements in your world. This quivering sets up a tone that is responded to by the patterns of True Peace that emanate from the consciousnesses of humanity. It strengthens the synchronicity of emotions and insights into human nature and helps prolong the presence of True Peace that will build a new life for those incarnating into a changing society.

So, you see, our brother, True Peace is not just stillness but a dynamic reality that encourages exploration into its nature. It is a transformative experience to employ the power of this in the consciousness. Many are hungry for this without understanding what they are hungry for. That will come in time. But for now it is sufficient that they are open to the possibility.

The joy in living in this way can seem overwhelming, but once experienced, even to a small degree, there is no turning back. Anything that gives you true joy, as when helping another, is a product of this. Remember, what your attention is on, you are connected to. Choose wisely and be at peace. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Freedom to be

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, we realize that there lives within each one the desire and the quest to be free. Not just free of limitation and difficulties in living, but free to embrace more of life and understand opportunities to come and grand associations. Free to build a life that others can benefit from as well. Free to inspire a young child. Free to comfort and bring peace and understanding to the life of another. Free to reach into the future. Free from limitations of past experience. Free to find joy. Free to know the divine within. Free to enjoy life while embracing it. Free to know the truth, even as it evolves.

We join with humanity at this time encouraging liberation from accepted limitations of their own creation. New adventures, new possibilities, new dreams and visions and the confidence they are achievable. In the body but not of it. A larger awareness of their True Nature. And a growing love for life. Reaching inward for the truth and reaching outward to share.

Life is a blessing, our brother, not a curse. The journey you walk is yours to create. Respect each other’s truth. Life is large enough for all of them. Be at peace, and namaste.

Mar. 18, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding freedom

JANU: We are Janu speaking, encouraging the freedom to be. So many of humanity are, to one degree or another, embedded in social norms, traditions of thinking and perception, organized attitude and feelings. Yet the freedom has always been there to choose their lives, individually and collectively. Much has been forgotten on the social path. Many have yet to realize that individuality, uniqueness, and creativity can co-exist in a group of people, coordinating their lives for mutual benefit and larger purpose.

The question arises: “How free are you?” Have you learned to coordinate freedom with co-existence? How open are you to the larger life? What does ‘oneness’ mean, and how is it portrayed? Does your vision of freedom include freedom for others? Cooperation, coordination, co-existence, and freedom. An interesting combination, with challenges and victories, price and reward.

What are the fundamental principles for success in this? Freedom includes growing in consciousness as a being in harmony with life, in such a way that your life is a contribution to the success of others. Their choices and their path are their own, as are yours. Expressing your freedom and living it in harmony with others has its challenges, for lifestyles can conflict and not honor each other’s freedom. A good beginning, our brother, is to deeply understand and know who you are, what you have been, and what you can be. These qualities are helpful in understanding others, for you share these in the spectrum of life.

When you are at peace, the insights come and are more deeply understood, for every insight has depth and layers of understanding. Be open to what lives beyond the superficial. Look closely at your own motivations, interests, preferences, and restrictions you might place on the flow of life.

What is freedom, then, our brother? It is moving harmoniously with the flow of the life that you’ve always been part of. Independent contribution has merit. Is your contribution in the interest of the movement of life and its opportunities for everyone? Every moment of life does not need analysis to be successful, but life needs living to gain wisdom, patience, and a love of life and self.

Mar. 13, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Embracing new adventures

JANU:    Humanity’s world of consciousness is limited to human experience on the Earth. Be it known that the adventures of life range far wider. This is part of the awakening of humanity, so that adventures in the larger arena of life can inspire the human journey rather than waiting for seemingly random and unbeckoned adventures to be the scenario. Human consciousness is freeing itself from the restrictions of the past, from limited to more unlimited.

How does one perceive or see a new adventure that already exists in potential, when their own restrictions limit the view? They do so by understanding, perceiving their own restrictions for what they are and letting go of old models of perception and opening to new ones. How does one open to that which is unknown to them? They do so by realizing that life itself, which is the larger reality of their own existence, already is aware of these adventures. So, you see, these adventures are known by the larger reality of who you are. A key understanding here and a growing unlimited awareness of the reality of isolated individualism. A powerful model to move your life forward into these new adventures. Any possibility unknown to you is already known and, being part of the larger life, is available.

Awakening once again reveals your own self-imposed limitations, why they exist, how they have served you, and if you are prepared to let them go, having fulfilled their opportunities for you. New adventures rejuvenate, invigorate, expand consciousness, and help you complete your path to realizing your potentials. They’re refreshing to a life of sameness and awaken your faculties. Life in motion is the nature of change. So change, our brother, is a key to a life on the move, embracing new adventures. Namaste.

Mar. 15, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Comfort, the seductress

JANU: Amiable though it is, we would research, if you will, the conditions of prolonged exposure to the comforts of life. Comfort is a seductress, when obsessed about. Excessive comfort brings a laziness to life. We speak not just of physical comfort here, our brother, but mental and emotional comfort.

The desire to learn and know and evolve and awaken to greater faculties and the Larger Life is not realized through comfort and sameness and routine and habits. It is realized through change, letting go and embracing, risk-taking to a degree, exploring wonderment, and exploring the magic of life yet to be understood.

Original thought and original experience are unconditioned by society. Explore what you have been accustomed to in a new way. When society says that humanity is not meant to understand this, choose to understand it, if it speaks to you and you are drawn to it. Now, comfort in this setting of understanding is not being at peace, the peace that we refer to, True Peace, for True Peace is free to explore all of life, taking on change and new experiences and understandings. Comfort does not acknowledge the flow of life, the constant change. It holds on to sameness. True Peace is dynamic. Comfort more static, you see.

So, you see, our brother, life beyond the veil is active indeed, on the move, exploring and expanding and evolving. The integration of the True Nature while incarnate adds this quality to life. Consider this carefully as you engage new adventures and the dynamics and reality of the inner support will be yours. Namaste.

Mar. 19, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

The journey of miracles

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the reality that exists between universes, between worlds, between species of beings, between thoughts. The reality we speak of has to do with the essential nature of what you call life. What is the source of existence? It is not a creative presence designing everything that’s created. It is more a presence that allows the tendencies of the forces of life to create. The life of creation designs itself, our brother, from its potential. And its potential is realized through the process of self-discovery and creative spark or impulse touching another, and another, and another. The ‘snowball effect,’ if you will.

You ask, “Where does the snowball come from?” It is created by the primary impulse of life to be. The life that you speak of begins its creative reality to realize, through experience on many levels, its nature. This can seem vague or nebulous, but primal reality is not specific, as you observe in the basics of time/space reality. It’s not a structure or a form or even an energy. It is the beginning of consciousness, self-awareness. This understanding is useful to those who contemplate the scope of reality. The larger your understanding, the more complete, the wiser your choices, the greater your contribution to life’s self-discovery. The more cosmic your consciousness, the more complete you are. And isn’t that what primary life is accomplishing?

Understanding the fundamental realities of oneness awakens you to all that you are one with and one as. We embrace this as well, our brother. It not only supports our communication, but so much more. Moving in this direction of comprehension is the path to completion, fulfillment, and the loving nature of life itself. A journey of miracles, our brother. Enjoy them all. Namaste.

Mar. 12, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Human survival

JANU:    We are assembling this morning the reason for prolonged engagement of the dynasty of life called humanity. What we mean by this is that humanity’s existence on the Earth has been tenuous at times. Intervention, carefully proceeded, was necessary to thwart humanity’s tendency toward self-annihilation.

Society consumed with fears and protection and power to guarantee survival is not a sound basis for continuation, but fears cause it to seem so. Mis-emotions and fearful thinking imprisons human consciousness. As long as humanity is unconscious as to their True Nature, it will live in fear for survival. For humanity to remove these shackles of fear, it must listen to its True Nature.

It is one thing to fully embrace physical existence as a platform for opportunity to experience the wonders of life in a unique way. It is quite another to live consumed with the fear of losing it. A life of experience and contribution is never wasted, our brother, no matter its duration. Living in the moment, or the Now, one is conscious of the reality that anticipating loss actually attracts it and takes you out of the moment, you see. Living in the moment appreciates everything, leaving the consciousness free to explore everything unconstrained or blocked by fears and what they create.

Come to realize your natural abilities to create every moment and create a life of freedom. Where is the future, our brother, in self-destruction? Observe the nations of your world, the military, the scientists struggling for advantage, the willingness to ‘downtrodden’ others for the illusion of security and survival. Choose wisely, not life in fear. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 16, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Leaving all fears behind

JANU: Humanity is more precious than most realize, not just the fact of their existence, that they are alive, but they are more than that. They are life on the move, with countless destinies. The potential for creation is unlimited. Our journeys are meant to warm humanity to their potential. The existence of human consciousness impacts life in ways yet to be understood.

The perception that other worlds are distant and isolated from humanity will begin to fade away as humanity becomes conscious of unknown relationships and the interests of other worlds and species not unlike their own. As two people who move through life are stronger when cooperating and consolidating their talents, so it will be as humanity of the Earth begins to combine talents with other worlds and, beyond that, other realities.   Shared knowledge, experience, and talents or capabilities adds greatly to the experience of all participants.

Life is not your enemy, and neither are other worlds. Let not fears of the unknown prejudice your experience and limit it. Rest in the knowledge that life is in love with life. The fear of being alone in life is the root of all fears. It was never more than a perception. How can one be alone in life, in reality, when all of life is connected and oneness is fundamental?

To lower the veil, which is your choice, to focus the attention upon reincarnating existence also has the consequence of isolation from the larger life, the Family of Life. But as the consciousness matures and begins to awaken through desire, the veil becomes porous and the path of return begins. In the larger understanding of the Truth of Life, no one has ever been truly alone, just walking that journey of separation temporarily.

The time is coming, a joyous time, as humanity discovers and remembers its connection with the larger life and being part of the larger life. The days of behavior rooted in fears will dwindle away. Many will struggle to resist this change, resisting the natural flow of life. Here and there, more and more, individuals are seeing the vision of humanity’s future. They will help lead on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The price of social conformity

JANU: Sublimation of the desire for freedom in the face of social pressures is a weakness in the human experience. Self-examination of the price of acclimation and obedience is called for here. It calls into question the whole concept of collective reality, group dynamics, and the so-called ‘common good’ defined by those taking advantage of what they have created in society. It is time for many to discover, experience, and take command of their true inner power, identity, and heritage of their own making.

This does not mean anarchy and dissolution of all social structures, but it puts them on a different footing, you see, a footing of mutual freedom and support, integrity, and True Peace. Instead of organizing societies to be at war with each other, organize societies to create a better life for everyone, combining their strengths to overcome frailties, misperceptions, doubts and fears, and ill health. Whenever thievery and mayhem appear in a society, these are the markers of abuse and lack of focus.

Let us always challenge ourselves to change directions, to sort out our perceptions and choices, and be willing to embrace a change in these areas. Namaste.
Feb. 24, 2015                                                                                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The processes of incarnation

JANU: We are Janu speaking, delving into the subject of prolonging incarnate life. The first question being: Why would you want to, other than avoiding transition? When achieving and mastering the coordination of physical and spiritual existence into a combined reality, the venue of incarnate life becomes one filled with miracles indeed of discovery, achievement, and co-creation. The more you embrace the nature of life, the deeper and greater the joy. This takes nothing away from the discarnate life and its possibilities, but the incarnate life harmonious with your larger life is unique. Not better than life in other realities of existence, but unique.

What contributes, then you ask, to prolonging incarnate life? For this purpose, growing day by day in consciousness of the realities of both allows one to perceive existence, and the possibilities and opportunities that arise, in a more complete way. Becoming conscious as your complete being and the reality that it is one with brings balance, peace, and harmony, and rejuvenation to the being, including the physical vehicle, you see.

Giving back to life from the profit of this journey inspires others to the truth of their existence and the miracle of life. Being conscious only as a human being has its purpose but is limited. Being conscious as a complete being opens up the rest of life to the consciousness and to the experience and enriches physicality, the physical reality.

Now, understand this, our brother: When mastered to a larger degree, moving in and out of physicality does not require birthing and awakening yet again. It is a continuous existence, to engage at will. The process of birthing is not the only path to incarnation but has served well enough, even with its limitations. It is possible, our brother, to precipitate or manifest a vehicle and it has been done. Consider then the magnitude of change this has on the perception of incarnation and birthing, aging and passing on. So, pondering the question of prolonging life in the physical becomes understood in a new way, where the process of aging leading to transition becomes irrelevant. Incarnating in this way does not require the dropping of the veil of forgetfulness. One is conscious always and becoming more conscious. Consider the many possibilities here and the changes in perspective and goals and desires.

Mar. 5, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross