New Journeys

The creative process

JANU: For this morning’s journey through the tapestry of life, let us weave a pattern of creativity. For what would life be without it? This pattern will appear as a bright light at first, not forgetting for a moment the source of creativity and the blessing it brings to every moment.
A creative pattern first appears as this light and then transforms through the light spectrum, meaning the spectrum of Truth, settling, as it were, on one particular element of life’s potential. And then touching the consciousness that was inspired to embrace a creative moment on the path of life, that reveals itself to the genius of being. We would have you know at this time, our brother, that these creative moments spring forth continually, not always embraced to fruition, for the creative process requires understanding and commitment to the spark of truth, possibility. And this can be developed in the individual through attention on the creative process and commitment to new ideas, new solutions to challenges—the tipping point for this process—and a passion to improve life, the life experience for the self and for others.
Now, not all creations are completely unique. A life inspires itself everywhere and understandings can already exist in other consciousnesses. Now, one being might not know the creative thoughts of another, but life does. And the creative thought of similar pattern can attract other patterns. Mutually beneficial, you see, mutual enhancement. Another dynamic in the flow of life, yet to be understood and mastered. So, the creative process, our brother, is a universal one, for life is universal. Wise to become aware of how universal that is.
Apr. 26, 2014                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A new day for humanity

JANU:   There will come in time a liberation of the human spirit, leaving behind the darkness of the past and the present. This liberation will come in the form of agreeable cooperation based upon a growing understanding of what can be accomplished together and the waste that comes from conflict and greed, power struggles, fear of the unknown and each other.

This new day dawning for humanity will begin to blossom in the decades to come. It will not originate from one location or one person, but an uprising of profound inner desire around the world, here and there, not only for a better life, but from memory of a better life. For many in your world are not exclusive to Earth experience and bring with them the memories of a more peaceful and richer life.

This will occur for some in September of this year, and grow exponentially, a growing number of people. It is an awakening of the spirit overtaking and replacing the darkness on the human journey. This is not just something to be observed from without but gains its strength and scope from within, for many still see the outer world as the primary reality. It is not. Evolution of human consciousness is not limited to the daily outer experience, but from a growing presence within of True Nature, memories, potential, capability, experience, and a love for life.

We see this occurring soon, our brother, for so much lies before humanity to be achieved. It is time. The wandering in the comparative darkness is ending. There will be those who will resist the change, delaying it only for themselves. A new way of life, a new way of living is on the horizon. Rejoice in this. Embrace it, and enjoy your future. Namaste.

Apr. 14, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What are dimensions?

JANU:   We have before us this morning an invitation to dwell on the subject of prolonged migration into so-called dimensions of life. What then is a ‘dimension,’ our brother?

In the continuous reality of the existence of life, there is a tendency in the human consciousness to isolate realities, give them names, parameters of existence, and a structure to achieve them. Life is one, our brother. All realities exist in the one life and the approach to any of these, or all of these, is a relationship that includes a universal consciousness and appreciation of the essential nature of any reality. For, in a fundamental perspective, there are realities barred from your experience. Awakening to an ongoing reality reveals more and more of any reality, as embrace and understanding ensue. So dimension then is an arbitrary conception of the elements of any reality within the confines of the choice of consciousness to embrace in a manner that affords process of assimilation and exploration. When one moves on from one confine to another, the consciousness becomes inclusive of more and more realities, leading to universal consciousness, embracing them all.

So you see, then, our brother, dimensions are a series of steppingstones for one to awaken into enlightenment as to the nature of everything. We are included in this as well, our brother. Human consciousness is filled with compartmentalization, for the purposes of analysis, appreciation, embrace, and mastership. But there is a larger view here, a more inclusive one, that sees the relationships of all realities and their connection, to each other and the life that bore them. No longer the confinement of so-called dimensions.

Now, yes, there are parameters of existence that help ensure the evolution of any reality and its continuation. And these parameters are the product of each reality’s thrust for survival. Sentient life has its own organizational skills for continuation. We shall learn of these together on our journeys, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 24, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



‘What does it mean to be human?’ is explored

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us return to that which caused much stir in humanity many eons ago, and that was: a confusion as to identity and purpose when the creatures around them were so similar in their life function, yet not the intelligence humanity was beginning to discover in themselves.  Similarities to be sure but differences as well.

Humanity learned a great deal from animal intelligence, much of which was instinctual. The freedom of birds to fly through the air was enviable and a mystery. Of course, survival was preeminent, so they observed survival behavior of the creatures around them and learned from this. They grouped themselves in clusters, mimicking the herds of other creatures, for strength, protection. Humans do this to this day. Their language did not support precise communication and more resembled the sounds of some of the creatures around them. Many behaviors, organizational skills, and types of communication are yet unknown to the modern human.

Where is this all leading to, our brother? Some of the patterns of the past still linger with humanity, although in different context and form, demonstrating that understanding humanity as it is today has its roots in the distant past and may still influence humanity’s future. So isolating one’s human identity from ancient times in some ways is an illusion, for there are still primal instincts at play. Relying so much on language for communication limits the sense that instinctual communication is a viable alternative. So the collective human, you see, is inclusive of all of the past patterns and experiences.

This opens the door a bit to understanding the question: [p2p type=”slug” value=”what-does-it-mean-to-be-human”]What does it mean to be human?[/p2p] Namaste.

Apr. 18, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Transitional Migration: A life process

JANU: All of life migrates from one state to another as it evolves. How can it be otherwise, for what then would evolution be? Now, this movement through life has many interesting variables, for it is not just the movement from one state to another with complete isolation of each. Your patterns of carryover are elements in the foundation of any changed state of being.

How does one, then, sort through these influences, these carryover patterns in their current state, to maximize their use and use them to discover new possibilities beyond these patterns? For even those around you, who may communicate with you and you with them, will remember previous states of evolution and tend to see you in this way, pulling you back, so to speak, from a new expression of life. To be in control of these influences, one must have a foundation of being an anchor in their True Nature. Seeing clearly that all of these influences are but shadows, nuances, as one progresses. Now, one may choose to progress, so to speak, in the direction of old patterns from various motives of fear, comfort, or certainty of the future, and the preferences of others.

Though initially this series focused upon the transition from one incarnation to another, one life to another, but these can be understood more clearly at times with the transitions from day to day, from job to job, from relationship to relationship. One may even observe that they are unclear about why what they have chosen to leave behind in a new relationship seems to be still there. The difference is the consciousness employed, of ownership of being, and freedom to be.

Migration is always appropriate, for this is life in motion, but can take on unlimited possibilities, nuances, and patterns of previous existences, even the patterns of others as they demonstrate their successes in their migrations. How many children have aspired to be one profession or another of the adults they observe and are enamored of, which may or may not be reality for them?

So, change and migration are one, our brother. Even from the morning to the evening, migrations occur, usually without planning or conscious appreciation or in-depth understanding. For humanity has yet to achieve ownership of its being, mastership of its destiny, and the wise choosing of their path in life, even from moment to moment. We all are challenged with this, our brother, and grow in wisdom through the experiences and the observation of others’ experiences. So this is a process of life, with rich reward. A core experience is in each day that can be identified as migration in life. Plumb the depths of meaning and possibility as you consider these.

Apr. 17, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Mastering emotions

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us move into the area of life that deals with past emotions, for so many of humanity are still moved by these, influenced by these, that modify and sometimes interfere with patterns of development in consciousness evolution.

These patterns of emotion are similar to memory patterns for they certainly inspire each other to come forward with their imprints. Past emotional patterns continue the emotions of war and revenge, striking out and striking back, and have brought civilizations to their knees and, at times, their demise, all considered justified by the ones with the memories of what has been. Even communicating with and connecting with other worlds, one is not free of these imprints.

The emotional body as such is a repository of these life creations, born of life experiences, and they are part of what some would say “make people tick.” So it is a revealing and rewarding reading of the person, to be aware of the emotions within and their origins and their influence on the life. Emotional stability does not necessarily mean emotional clarity, for being locked into a stable pattern of destructive emotion, limiting emotion, is not freedom. So, what is a freeing relationship with strong emotional patterns? Even as with memories, probe their depth, allow their evolutions of source and meaning, own what is yours, and remember your true identity.

The question arises: Are your experiences and your creations who you are? Are they your identity when you stand in your Truth? When identified with incarnate life, human personality, they become who you are by what you allow. Some would say, compartmentalize the experiences. We would say: be the master of everything in your experience, in your philosophy, including your memories and your emotions. Be the choice-maker of the influences you allow in your life. Be the master of who you are.

Life presents with endless opportunities of experience, interaction, and service. Have a growing wisdom of what prevails in your life. Just because it exists does not mean you must let it rule you. There are always alternatives in life to choose, to employ, and to experience. Given the moment, the Now if you will, there exists the freedom to be whatever you choose and all is revealed as to its nature. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Seeing the truth behind wars and terrorism

JANU:    These journeys into legacies of past civilizations represent much of what is to come for humanity, for even then there was knowledge of human potential and interaction with the larger life. This legacy was deposited here by representatives of its origin.

This legacy can best be described as fortuitous for humanity, for it brings fortune upon those who endeavor to exact the best of themselves and humanity for world peace. For without it the waste of resources, time, energy, and lives would interfere with humanity’s immediate future. To bring about world peace, humanity must collectively value this above the disturbances and conflicts.

Now, those consumed with the fear of wars and the like blocking their vision, their clarity of workable alternatives, this legacy inspires or encourages humanity to see the beginnings of a viable alternative and demand it of their leaders through non-participation with their decisions of force and destruction, warring, and the economies of these. For where would the current wars be, without the colossal funding borne on the backs of the people who want a better life? This legacy brings clarity to the public perception of the truth behind wars, terrorism, and the like, those who instigate such, and their hidden agendas. Once again, the importance of awakening for the public, the masses, to see the truth, for the leaders of these conflicts are not so inclined to withdraw.

The people are beginning to exercise their power in areas of conflict around the world, but this will grow. Nonviolent non-cooperation will be a component. The True Nature of humanity is in harmony with the ideals of this legacy and is the authority for these changes.

Apr. 19, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Living is co-creation

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, establishing a connection for you with an understanding that co-creation in a fuller sense is ‘being as creator in the flow of life.’ Now, by this we mean: any creation, any degree of it, is allowed by life when life’s co-creative elements are employed to bring about movement in the flow of life. And this includes experiences, understandings, materializations, de-materializations, energy creations, and communication through varying degrees of intimacy from one part of life to another within and without the being. For how can one create individually, without employing basic and profound life principles?

Now, the art of co-creating is a journey of its own for it involves a maturing sensitivity to, and response to, the many ramifications of creation. For, as you may imagine, any creation has an effect, to varying degrees, on whatever it touches. One must mature beyond the notion that individual thoughts, actions, emotions, behavior is strictly individual. It is not. Everything you are has a ripple effect through the movements of energies. Life is like a stream full of eddies and currents, all in motion and transforming as they move through life.

Let there be then an understanding that co-creation is a cooperative reality and, as one ponders employing co-creation, one must also ponder its imprint on the life it touches. Where is the wisdom, then, that can guide and foresee? Now, one does not stop living in anticipation of what some would call errors or mistakes, for they are part of the tapestry of life as well. But to grow in maturity while living and expressing can provide a richer outcome, preparing the way for grander adventures.

Apr. 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are two other entries on co-creation: [p2p type=”slug” value=”co-creation-incarnation-and-awakening”]Jan. 2[/p2p]  and [p2p type=”slug” value=”understanding-co-creation”]Oct. 30[/p2p]



The Nesters

JANU: I am Janu speaking, arranging then this morning for our journey that which belongs to a group of “nesters” that exist along the ridge of the Himalayas and have determined to embrace the Earth, the world, the collective of its being, as proactive service. From their point of view, in their connection with life, they see for themselves coming down the mountain and walking among people, and the conflicts of the day, as futile compared to their vantage point. Some would see as isolation, withdrawal. They see as proactive and effective.

These Nesters have a tradition that is unique for it is ancient in the sense of a continuing tradition, even though many have come and gone. Yes, they are incarnate, our brother, but they are not alone. They have gathered a view of life on many levels and have become a channel, a doorway, a window for the Great Ones not incarnate to serve the Earth. This is their calling, and this calling they have met. They are serene, indeed, and are a blessing to the Earth.

Their origins are by no means limited to that of the Earth. And they are oneness indeed. We honor them and support their service. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Collaborative Journeying: the Star Journeyers

JANU:    For today’s journey, let us consider the numerous opportunities for collaborative journeying. Not all journeying resembles this morning’s setting and not all journeyers are incarnate; in fact, most are not. Today we will connect with a journeyer of the stars, one who embraces life on that scale and sees life from that perspective. This one belongs to a group of journeyers who explore the universe and encourage each other to embrace more. Having been one of these, in some ways, we return to this setting and explore our experiences and understanding with these.

STAR JOURNEYER: Yes, greetings, our brother. Returning we have, and welcome your collaboration with the Star Journeyers. Now, we use that name as focal points for our exploration of life, but we have other areas of interest as well, as you well know. This journey of yours this morning, and this connection, will return the memories of many others, for this has become a natural environment for you and one in which you are very comfortable. And you know this to be true.

Consider, then, the service to your world where you now reside from this perspective of life and its vastness and richness and countless journeyers. There are realities of life here that can expand human consciousness, leaving behind the miseries of your frustrations, illnesses, conflicts, depressions, and isolation. So journey well and lift the consciousness of humanity as you may, to enjoy the journeyers of the stars and many others in a life of greater freedom, peace of mind, and joy for living. Yes, we love humanity and many other cultures, worlds, beings. From this perspective of life, one embraces the variations with the theme of “We are one.”

Apr. 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross