New Journeys

The Nature of Life: Absolute freedom

JANU:   How does one broach then such a subject, such a reality? Considering the possibility that life includes all of us, all of creation, manifest or otherwise, what is its nature?

One tends to think in terms of source of life, a singular reality possessing that needed to initiate everything. Consider this, our brother, that life from this interest has no beginning. Quite a concept to embrace, that there is no ‘source’ as such, no beginning. Life has always been and always will be. One must overcome the tendency to consider understandings in terms of breadth and scope, the borders of hierarchy with beginnings and endings. Life has always been, our brother, and to understand this, it allows one to focus upon its existence. Universes have beginnings and endings, which are beyond number, scattered throughout life. Life in the most primary of reality will always be, because understanding comes when you realize that time and distance are a creation from that which is not limited to these, or defined by these. The understanding lies beyond Pure Being. “Life is” does justice to a limited understanding.

This perspective affords the consciousness the freedom to relate to the nature of life with a measure of the freedom of life without constraints or borders. It allows the consciousness to expand beyond evidence. Embracing the reality of limitless life opens the consciousness as no other reality can afford. Realizing a true freedom, yet still embracing creation. The freedom is beyond paths of discovery, of engagement, of rituals and obedience and all of these things. Pure Being consciousness is but a step to the freedom of absolute oneness with life, for to the limited mind, ‘being’ suggests the reality of ‘not being’ and that understanding alone is not the freedom we speak of.

Much to consider here, which we shall, understanding the nature of life.

Dec. 18, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life: Understanding the potential and creation

JANU: Life’s nature is crystalline, in a different sense, of course, than current understanding. These postulates occur when ‘original thought,’ for lack of a better term, self-generates into postulates that are the source of organized creation and, as such, demonstrate the principles of life and their order and hierarchy. As these postulates create, patterns are formed and this is where the crystalline nature comes in, forming a field of creation that would seem electrical in nature, but they exist beyond physicality, but are energetic, you see, of a very high order. And relate to each other as one. This best resembles ‘cosmic consciousness,’ the microcosm of which appears as the human brain, brain-mind interface. The diversity of life begins here, as this energetic network of crystalline relationships express the diversity of potential.

Now, understanding potential is not to be accomplished by seeing this as an accumulation of realized differences, variations. The theme is potential. Life is variations on this theme in manifestation. Before bits and pieces of manifestation occur, potential is understood as the oneness of an unlimited theme. The binary mind has difficulty embracing this reality, for it is part of the diverse potential, and so its model for understanding existence is time/space components of life. But nonetheless, our brother, reality is reality, whether understood or not.

The key here is being open to enlightenment, as the True Nature is. Even as the consciousness contemplates the existence of many universes, consider the life that these universes reside in, and with. This more inclusive body of life is a postulate, one of many forming the patterns of life, crystalline in nature.

More to come, our brother. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



 JANU:   I am Janu speaking, enjoying our journeys together, for they contribute to the edification of humanity and the building of strong bonds between elements of life, of consciousness, and of worlds, our brother.

Strong bonds are a necessary ingredient in the evolution of life for this contributes to the oneness that is our nature but not always understood or appreciated. Intimacy with life is available through the bonding and intimacy reveals the truth throughout life. Now, the diversity of life and of consciousness brings richness to the union, the oneness, and is enhanced through the bonding of the consciousness, no matter the degree, of all of life.

So, as we journey to the worlds, and beings, situations, realities of life, allow the intimacy, the bonding. Respect for integrity is always essential, for without this, where is the diversity that is the richness of life? Intimacy does not interfere with integrity, respect, and a love for one another. Intimacy allows sharing of the realities of life for the purpose of enhancing, enriching these elements.

What is bonding, then? It is an understanding for another element of life, including your own, that promotes acceptance, tolerance, and service, and a growing love for life. It allows for the perception that one life can say to another: “I know you. I understand you. And I respect your being and the life that you are.” Can any individual not see the value in applying these perceptions to themselves? How many can say they are bonded with all that they are, intimate in their self-awareness and, through that intimacy, appreciate their place in life?

Dec. 14, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


A new future for Egypt

JANU:   Shall we say for this evening that the service to be engaged in will change the climate of Egypt, its culture, its sense of public unity, national identity, and purpose in the world. What we serve this evening is a growing common vision as each one is capable of perceiving and understanding. The people are looking for leadership, not domination. They want the peace that allows their lives to unfold in a meaningful way, families to prosper, and business to flourish. This is what they long to hear from their leaders.

Egypt’s long history seems to no longer be enough for the people, including a history that they are not aware of—the history older than the pyramids. Their common vision for their future will include a grasp of potential, some of which was envisioned even before the pyramids, you see, for there were and are those who live in the Now.

Hitler had his eyes on Egypt, not fully understanding what he was sensing but the power intrigued him. But his vision had no place in the future of Egypt, a distorted vision filled with lust for power and domination.

The light and the jewel that was Egypt will not return in the same way as it was, for Egypt has a new future. The light in the jewel will be in the people, not in statues and temples and things made of gold.

Dec. 16, 2013 B                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The nature and purpose of service

JANU:   As we probe the mystery of life together, let us assume that there is a mystery to be probed. And what is a mystery but a reality not fully understood or aware of? You are asking this evening about service, its nature, its purpose, its role in a useful progression of life.

Now you ask, “Does life progress, or can it, without the inclusion of service?”  Yes, it can, our brother, but then its richness is lessened, for those who serve life also invest who they are in it. And that is part of the progression of life, is it not? The investment in life, and that’s what service is and that’s its purpose. That’s its meaning: to invest your life in it. Not to rule it or to run it, but to contribute. You’re concerned about interference with the natural progression of life from your own point of view or perspective. Life allows this as well, you see, for your investment in someone else’s investment into the collective evolvement of life from all of these investments helps bring life to where it is.

Right or wrong does not describe a loving investment in life, when service is a natural calling for elements of life. To desire that life evolve and fulfill its potential, that desire is innate. So you invest, our brother, where there is opportunity and that innate quality within seems beckoned. As with any endeavor, you do your best with what you know, and learn from this and refine your service. If perfection is desired, before giving service, your service will end. But not for long, for the push from within will reveal to you the illusion of perfection.

That is this evening’s service, our brother: to understand and continue to serve. Namaste.

Dec. 20, 2013 B                                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Understanding all of life

JANU:   This morning’s journey takes us on a journey into the nether regions of those who journey into the areas of limited consciousness of the seductress called power and egocentric motivation. Those who walk this journey feel they enjoy the experience of the power of darkness. Little do they understand that this is a journey of isolation from the freedom of pure being, one with the expansion of life, seasoned with love, joy, and peace.

They little realize that they are being drained of these qualities and become obsessed with their apparent power. These absorb power from others and return none of the finer qualities of life to their quests and those they take power from.

You ask, then, “Why does life allow such journeys, such behavior?” In the larger understanding, our brother, it is the price, if you will, of life in motion allowing freedom of choice and the full range of experience to gain wisdom and to discover everything. ‘Reaching for a better life’ has a different meaning for different paths in life. Taking these paths reveal the price of choice and the rewards. Who can say which is right, and which is wrong? Life does not, for it allows the freedom to be, whatever your choice, with the results that follow.

Wisdom through experience is the theme here. Wise is the individual who understands the choices to create the world they choose to experience on their journeys. There are countless worlds of experience that countless individuals have chosen and learned from and changed. Let us examine life in this way, our brother, appreciating the purpose of everything, making choices clearer and wiser. To appreciate life fully, one must understand all of it and not deny the existence, the reality, of any of it.   Stand in your integrity, our brother, as do we. Namaste.

Dec. 8, 2013                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The art of communication: Direct Knowing

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, discussing then this morning the art of communication. And it is an art to be developed and mastered continually. We will discuss this morning the reality that communication is by no means by just words, you see, for in the realms of life words are the least communicative. Emotions, images, experiences, direct knowings, and the flood of memories from an awakening consciousness—not just your own but those of others as well—and communication with all of life, including sentient beings. The art of communication is the mastery of these and more. The appreciation and study of savants is useful here, for their communication with life touches some of these and is natural.

Let us start then this morning with ‘direct knowing.’ By tuning oneself to being one with any element of life, intimately, brings direct knowing. Not limited to places and people, but to Truth, answers if you will, solutions, processes of life. Being one with an element of life does not relinquish one’s integrity or True Nature, but adds to it, enriching the flavor of life, the flavor of your life and, in time, so to speak, your master, enriching theirs as well, through the communication, you see. You are aware of your benefit from  these communications, and we benefit as well, our brother. Yet our integrities are maintained and our truths, but mutually enriched.

This journey into the intimacy of direct knowing is a challenge for many who have lingered these many years, identified with the sense of individuality, separation consciousness, isolation. This is a movement in the opposite direction, our brother, for one does not need to be consumed with protection from life, but by the integrity of their True Nature. And it is a journey of a larger identity, a larger integrity, a larger relationship, and a fuller, more complete presence on the stage of life.

            Declare your interest and allow intimacy of knowing, honoring the integrity of that element of life respectfully. And in this same way, allow life to know you. You will grow in ways you have yet to imagine. And life is the richer for it. The art of communication is beginning. Namaste, our brother.


Dec. 7, 2013                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas message

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, urging then at this time there be an acclimation to that which belongs to the scenario of life that extends the consciousness beyond the limitations of physicality.

For those who would suggest that physical experience is real and all else is illusion and not real, do not understand that physicality is by no means all there is to life. Your own True Nature exists beyond these limits. Then they ask, “Then why are we not aware of this?” The answer, our brother, is you have chosen not to be aware of this, to focus your experience, your life, in the physical without distraction, until maturity opens the doors to awakening. More and more of you are knocking on that door and stepping through it, finding your lives enriched and your maturity enhanced and, through awareness and understanding, the struggles and pain of living in the physical are overcome.

Your attention is focused upon rebirth, newness, in the Christmas and New Year’s season. That can exist for you, our brother, at all times. Peace on Earth is mentioned. And what can this mean in reality, but mutual understanding, tolerance, and, in time, a love for each other. For are you not all in the same ‘pot’ of life, stirring it haphazardly? Letting go of obsession for old ways, allowing for the embracing of a new relationship with life and your own being, leads towards peace on Earth and peace within. As peace builds, clarity is increased; decisions are more harmonious and beneficial, as your life unfolds. The key here is the letting go of obsessions with life patterns, of thoughts and feelings, that block your happiness and your peace.

In this Christmas season, may we all re-consider our options in life and choose wisely. Namaste.

Dec. 23, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Direct Knowing

JANU:             Indirect knowing seems to be fairly well known, for it is practiced almost exclusively by most of humanity. It is a viable modality of communication, of becoming aware of elements of life, and, of course, the outer self. Direct knowing, on the other hand, is, as it implies, knowing the truth of anything, the reality of anything, at any distance and at any time.

You ask, “How does this work?”  It works by enjoining the reality of life, all of life as well as your own, in conscious awareness. Now, indirect knowing is a reality of life as well, and can be known, expanded, explored, and mastered. But the rewards of this are limited. Direct knowing is being conscious as any part of life, ‘at one with’ with a purpose. Now, direct knowing is not limited by time and space; therefore, disregard those as a limitation or a control of direct knowing. Our communications are a form of this,  but can be developed further.

Now, direct knowing has its stages or phases of adeptship or mastership, partially controlled by your specific interest in knowing about anything. Direct knowing circumvents so-called barriers, what are known by some as ‘ring-pass-nots.’ For in the larger life, beyond time/space, ultimately there are no secrets for you are a co-creator with life and, collectively, all of life is self-aware. Therefore, it is your heritage to know yourself and the life that you are one with. How can life evolve if there are elements or pockets of reality it is not aware of?

Now, where does this information lie, when sought? Even the phrasing of this question is focused upon distance. It lies in the Now. The Now being one with the presence of all life, all time. So, choose your interests clearly, our brother, and allow the knowing. It has always been there, when the consciousness is attuned.

Nov. 26, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


UFO Examinations: a craft on Mars

JANU:   For today’s journey of UFO examinations, may we present ourselves on one of these that is currently resting motionless on another world. The crew are absent from the ship, the craft, as we examine it. This craft has rather large, dome-like structures on top and bottom, centered on the craft. One might suppose they were for observation, but they are part of the design for managing energy, equilibrium, balance, in the presence of fairly intense forces. Observation is made possible through sensors.

The overall design is circular and disk-shaped. The surface is black in color. It does not rest on support devices on the ground, you see. The crew do not depart this craft through openings or doorways, but are transported energetically for these beings can vary their density. There are six of these crewmembers for this craft, each one with an assigned task, and they communicate telepathically among themselves and the worlds they visit. This craft is capable of trans-light speed by way of being cocooned in a controlled-energy environment. When traveling in this way, the crew and the craft alter their frequency.

Their current location is Mars, of your solar system. They are there examining your Mars rovers, and easily monitor the transmissions between them and the Earth. They have monitored other Earth craft and continue to do so, but do so without needing to be in close proximity due to the transmissions, you see. Earth is not the only world issuing craft of exploration, and this craft monitors many others.

This craft is as a chameleon, changing its reflected color to suit its purpose. This technology is not what you would call ‘ancient’ or pre-human. It is achieved by those with great capacity for research development, and personal, if you will, genius through awakening rapidly. So, unwise to compare Earth human conditions of achievement with theirs. Not a level playing field, if you will.

Nov. 16, 2013                                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

For further information on similar journeys please see UFO Examinations