New Journeys

The larger network of life

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, choosing then this morning to engage or embrace the future path of elevation of human consciousness into the larger network of life, finally embracing each other with a vision of human destiny that brings about validity to all that has transpired and to those who have served humanity and the Earth. This elevation will be inspired by humanity discovering and strengthening its own network of life as a collective reality, for this mirrors the nature of the larger network of life. That working then to be understood as first connectivity, and then connectivity with purpose. The purpose being the emergence of humanity from tribalism, which is a lower form, into a sense of mutual purpose and synergism of the intelligence and compassion of every individual into a cherished destiny, with purpose beyond any single definition, one that evolves and matures, full of discovering and rewarding adventure. Serving the needs of each other with connection as a resource. Individual dreams and aspirations supported by collective consciousness. No longer the perspective of you being completely alone. The coexistence of individual worth and achievement, coexisting with the evolution of all of humanity, and this framework echoing the larger life’s network and ever-maturing progression; the larger picture of life, its elements and dynamics, potential, becoming more of an integral part of the human view.

This journey we speak of for humanity will occur for it is a natural part of its existence and opens the doors to individual and collective realization. This is not a forced scenario of humanity but a natural evolution. Let there be, then, contribution to understanding and inspiring others who move in this direction as a result of their own inner callings to awaken.

Aug. 21, 2013                                        Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


JANU: I am Janu speaking, researching today the element of life that prolongs interest in the development of the tools or skills of awakening.
What is awakening, then, but becoming more conscious of more of life? And that includes who you are and your journey of awakening, what you choose to include in it. Your awakening is, in a very real sense, life itself awakening, awakening to its nature, its capabilities, its potential, its diversity, and its existence. And it begs the question: What is existing? And what are we without it?
Now, awakening is an experience of inclusion, for nothing is lost in the process and everything is gained. We do not trade one awareness for another but expand awareness to include more. The benefit of this, at least in part, is that all you have experienced and come to understand has light shed upon it, light being the Truth of Life. Embracing more of life for what it is, not just what you want it to be. Seeing things the way they are, when less awakened, has a tendency to be seen as fixed, permanent, substantial, and locked into its existence. More awakening changes this to the realization that everything is in motion, changing, expanding, retracting, converting, transposing, and interconnecting. Influencing the rest of life and being influenced by the rest of life. Awakening is the revealer of everything.
One asks, “Why can’t awakening by instantaneous and complete?” Because the journey, our brother, of awakening carries its own wisdom and richness and the time, so to speak, to assimilate the nature and substance of it. When this occurs, one owns the experience and the depths of the experience continue to reveal themselves. Yes, life is a process, an unfoldment without end. To more fully partake of the opportunities of this process, one embraces awakening. Every part of existence in your experience benefits from growing awareness and understanding and intimacy with the process of life. Some refuse to address this directly, or so it would seem. But understand, our brother, that they are regulating their journey, their processing, to more fully experience their level of awareness. And this is right and proper, so to speak, for it is the prerogative of every sentient being to choose their path and, when they want it to change or accelerate, it will do so. For the opportunities will always be there.
Yes, there is life as you know it, or anticipate it, but there is life that you don’t know and seemingly unrelated to your path. So, when you ask of ‘Where would we be without life?’ one must be open to the reality that there are completely different natures of life of which your current experience is but one. You ask: “Does one nature of life have a relationship with any others?” And the answer is yes, our brother, but in a different way to this current understanding.
A bit abstract for this current process and path of awakening. So we continue as we have, to explore awakening and to what do we awaken, our brother, and the processing of the new awarenesses into the life. Worthy questions, worthy pursuits, and worthy outcomes. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2013                                 Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Questions to help awaken humanity

JANU:    Service this evening, then, requires that one prepare for events to come dealing with the next event or threshold in human consciousness answering the question: “Who am I truly?” “What am I truly?” and the honesty and courage to accept it. Dealing with the realities of life successfully through the filters of misperceptions as to one’s true nature is certainly a challenge. Now, this question is not to be answered by another, but within the depths of your own consciousness.

Another question is: “What is the scope of your understanding as to the nature of love?” And even not being incarnated, the question is valid.

“How did life begin and how and when will it end?”

And “What is life?”

These questions are a catalyst for an evolution in consciousness and awakening. We ask these questions for the purpose of stimulating the consciousness of humanity, that it embrace the freeing of itself from limitation, having you give your clearest perspective to everything that concerns you.

“How clearly do you understand the communication from another?”

And “What is Truth, from your own perception and perspective?”

And “What do you truly know and own?”

These questions we offer to the consciousness of humanity on their journey into enlightenment and destiny. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Sept. 16, 2013 B                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Communicators: The rewards of awakening

THE COMMUNICATORS:   Yes, we are the Communicators and we do so endeavoring to bring enlightenment through awakening, wherever we may. This path we encourage for others, we are on ourselves, and so, with some justification, we encourage others.

Communication concept embraces a natural element of awakening with mutual benefit. We encourage this, for this is a path of awakening, so to speak, for all of life. When humans awaken, it benefits their entire world, for the understandings they gain bring harmony and support to all of the life systems of your world, and the world as well. For life is everywhere and, collectively, enriches itself and blossoms into new realities, new creations, and depth.

Needless to say, awakening is a process with many different modalities, pathways, time frames, and elements of intimacy and connection with life. It is inspirational and rewarding to observe this process in many areas of life, for it has a beauty and a symmetry of its own. As one awakens and consciously embraces new capabilities and insights into being, your bodies benefit as well, in terms of balance, peace, rejuvenation, and evolution. For, yes, our brother, even your DNA, as you call it, is evolving. An intimate relationship with its potential helps ensure successful outcomes. Awakening in consciousness stimulates faculties of awareness and a connection with other worlds, other realities.

There are miracles to be experienced in your own environment, that are known about in other environments, that can be yours as well, once you know of them and embrace them. There are opportunities in every moment of your lives that have been missed due to a lack of awareness. Ideas for exploration and new ways of thinking and relating to life are everywhere. We would have you see this, each according to their own capacity to absorb and change. Change is the pathway to new life, not to be feared or avoided strictly because the outcome seems unknown.

Trust in life to lead you into the Light, if that is your desire and your intent is the Truth and to contribute to life in peace. One is hard-pressed to consider an argument that justifies not awakening, ignorance, and solitude. We have been as you are now and the difference leads you into the future, never to return into darkness. The love that is Life, that it is imbued with, becomes with you more consciously and you realize that this is who you are, this is your love as well that is finding freedom to be, in your life.

Sept. 12, 2013                                        Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



A message from the Peace Pilgrim

JANU:   We have with us this morning one who would speak to the definition of survival in this coming new age. And by ‘survival’ we mean the continuation of sanity, a clear mind, and an evolution of consciousness. The one who speaks on this is a good example or representative, a traveling visitor to worlds on the verge of awakening and entering a new threshold of influence and contribution to life. This one was known to you as the ‘Peace Pilgrim’ when incarnate recently.

PEACE PILGRIM:  Yes, good morning, brother. We speak to this subject of survival. As you know, my journey on the Earth was represented by, among other things, a willingness to live a simple life in terms of possessions and obsessions, and to rely, for my journeys, on the kindness of others, which existed everywhere I journeyed. Survival in the new age will have a foundation of this, for it demonstrates a trust in humanity that carries its own message, one to another. And the future will grow on this foundation into something grander than it envisions at this time. I can see this and continued my journey with this in mind.

‘Peace Pilgrim’ was an apt name but its legacy was not the conquering of a world or land but bringing a message of freedom and brotherhood—or sisterhood, if you prefer—for the coming together of humanity in an honest, open, and trusting way, is part of the guarantee of its emergence into its grander potential. For the destiny of humanity includes many wondrous adventures, far exceeding my own. Journeys such as yours contribute in their own way. Fledgling though it may be, its potential is grand, for it is founded in relying on the goodwill of others and their generosity to share their understanding with each other. This principle in the future of humanity is not based solely on physical survival but on survival of the spirit, generosity, a loving relationship and trust in each other, and an unlimited creativity to manifest these in the life. Being a Peace Pilgrim has its own rewards, as will complementary journeys by so many.

Yes, humanity does exist on other worlds, with their own destinies and I am encouraged that humanity will grow into pilgrims of peace to help enrich the rest of humanity. It grows through the willingness of an open heart and mind to find joy in the enrichment of others. This continues to be my mission, my friend, and your mission is of interest, and I offer my support and insight, as you may have need of it. Continue then, as do I and we may speak again.

Sept. 5, 2013                                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Journeys: Etheric doubling

JANU:   Speaking of journeys, then, our brother, we would like to commit this one to other modalities of journeying. There is, of course, the physical alternative, rich with experience but limited. There is the consciousness journeying, of which you are becoming more familiar. There is the Light Body experience in journeying, which is involved with many forms of journeying. And there is energetic journeying, whereby your presence and the presence of others are  known through a vehicle of expression called “etheric doubling.” One can double, triple, or further extend their presence multiple times simultaneously.

Etheric doubling reaches into the domain of the fields of incarnation that have to do with the elements required to incarnate in the first place, you see. Now, the restraints on etheric doubling require incarnation, but there are ways around this, but not with the freedom of journeys in consciousness for your True Nature.

Etheric doubling is initiated by an act of will and it comes on the heels of the transformation of consciousness and the use of the Light Body into projection. One can duplicate the etheric presence at any distance, but not in any time until a high degree of mastership is attained. Now, one can be conscious of all etheric duplication and interact with each connection.

How, then, may one describe a journey through etheric doubling? It does not involve physical interaction, but presence, awareness for those who are attuned to your projection. Yes, it is possible to communicate with the projection of others, and does not require a physical locale. You ask, “Why would one choose etheric doubling as an alternative to consciousness journeying?” It is for the reason that there are many who are accustomed to this level of awareness for journeying, and many accomplish this without the guidance and guarantee of integrity that we enjoy. Simply put, our brother, it is what they are capable of.

But it is wise for you to develop your familiarity with this form, for you will meet many in this way and gain understanding and wisdom. It is another part of life, our brother, another form of living and engagement.

Sept. 8, 2013                                       Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Artificial Gravity

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, responding to your interest of yesterday, the nature of a gravitational field and reproducing it artificially.

Gravitational fields are an extension of another reality extending into this so-called third dimension and play a key role, as you know, in the organization of and distribution of manifest life. We would say this at the onset that your physical existence depends on this. And other artificial creations of this effect are duplicated when gravity generators are placed throughout a craft to direct this force as required. These generators consist of massive amplifiers that each attract other masses and vice versa.

How then does one magnify or amplify the nature or effect of mass? It is done by concentrations of molecules and atoms into much higher densities and this is accomplished by combining highly focused nuclear bombardment, so to speak, of certain materials, forcing compression of atomic and molecular structures—not unlike that of a black hole, you see. Needless to say, this technology can be dangerous and requires much control and a fail-safe mechanism, with a gradual releasing of this concentration.

This approach to artificial gravity has been accomplished before, and is being accomplished. Realize that many travelers in spacecraft have wrestled, built, and succeeded, and overcome the need of artificial gravity. And this is how they do it, our brother. The amount of compression determines the gravitational level within the craft, and can be directed.

Aug. 30, 2013             Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Creative and destructive human choices

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, welcoming then this opportunity to discover, if you will, that which exists in the flow of the heart of humanity, for the collective humanity does have such a presence in life.

There are far more individuals with generous and loving hearts than those that appear in your media. They’re not considered newsworthy to those who live in fear, but they are newsworthy, our brother, for they are the backbone of the human journey. And, yes, they waver from time to time, due to the negative influences they are surrounded with, and the behavior of some nations and governments. These are the ‘silent majority’ that support the continuation of humanity into its destiny. Good-willed people can be confused as well by the well-publicized abusive behavior of the so-called newsworthy. This is why the climate of humanity and its destiny will benefit by those who speak out for the good-willed and good-hearted masses that long for peace.

Creativity exists everywhere, at times used for destruction and at other times used to promote well-being and prosperity and moments of genius. For many, violence represents strength and power, but it is only destructive. True peace represents true strength and true power that endures and builds and enriches. Those who live in fear see the destructive as powerful, which reinforces the fear, you see.

Now, the larger foundation or scenario for destructive power returns once more to the balance of life of entropy and creation. So, as humanity is capable of both, humanity makes its choice as it moves towards the reality of Pure Being.

Aug. 18, 2013                                                              Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Let us consider then the possibilities by exploring the world conditions and, generally speaking, the exercising of the power of choice whether great or small. What we serve this evening is the reality of this and its implementation. We see many in your world who understand this and many who do not. And not all of those who do, have an agenda in harmony with others.

So, what of this power of choice? As co-creators and masters of your lives, the reality of the power of choice is demonstrated by the convictions of your choosing, your confidence, and the depth and breadth of your enlightenment or awakening. For to command the powers of life, the forces of creation, the destiny of your life, one must grow in their understanding of what they are choosing and who they are. A sensitivity to the influence of your choices on the life paths of others, including your world, brings wisdom to your choices.

Now, not all choices are written in stone, so to speak, our brother, and they’re subject to modification and change as life unfolds. There is wisdom in this, as well. Commitment to choice and follow through must always be subject to re-evaluation and unpredicted outcomes. But the power to choose remains.

And what do you base your choice on, in the presence of life around you and in you? Do you find a natural support for your choices and the doors of opportunity opening? Or do your choices bring you only obstacles and diminishing sense of vitality? When you consider these markers, if you will, and the results of previous choices, gain in your wisdom to choose. And listen to your own True Nature, and your feelings, and your truth, and your integrity. Is there any joy in your choosing? Do you find liberation and freedom and uplift of your spirit? Do the results of your choices inspire you to own them and to make more?

Every day, our brother, is filled with opportunities to choose. Own your life, our brother. Own your choices and stand with them. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2013 B                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Can Life Know Itself? — From creation into pure being

JANU:    This reality is a dynamic of the existence of life, for as humanity struggles to know itself individually, primarily, and collectively, can it not be the same for life itself? As you have said before, what isn’t life? Can potential be realized without knowing of it and growing in the knowing of it? And by knowing, what we mean here is ‘conscious of’ meaning moving toward ‘conscious as.’ And all of life is conscious, our brother, to one degree or another. But collectively, consciousness is life. How can it not be so? It is in motion. It is changing. It is interacting with itself by way of its countless aspects and elements. And one must consider a reality of countless other universes. When you consider the scale of your own and its diversities and its collective consciousness, in the presence of so many others, the vastness of life is beyond imagination, as is its nature and collective reality and vitality. And the element or aspect of love on that scale of life has a range of meaning that is limitless.

Life knowing itself motivates it to know more, to be as fulfilled as it can be. When you turn your consciousness to this reality, you attain a foundation of peace that comes from unlimited awareness and connection. Yes, life can know itself. But the journey of this seems almost magical when appraised.

A question of source of life comes into view, and this is a process of linear thinking, which does not apply here, in the largest truth of it. For life is not linear, or at least limited to this. It is a co-existing, simultaneous reality of Being. And Being is beyond the thinking of Source. Life knows itself on the way to the reality of Pure Being, unlimited and infinite Being, that has within it the vastness of creation and, at the same time, the singularity reality which is the window beyond creation.

Much to be understood here, beyond what you have experienced so far, exploring the singularity. But this path of exploration has within it consciousness and awareness beyond the limitations of the concept of Source. A worthy journey, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2013                                                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross