New Journeys


JANU:   Let us consider then the possibilities by exploring the world conditions and, generally speaking, the exercising of the power of choice whether great or small. What we serve this evening is the reality of this and its implementation. We see many in your world who understand this and many who do not. And not all of those who do, have an agenda in harmony with others.

So, what of this power of choice? As co-creators and masters of your lives, the reality of the power of choice is demonstrated by the convictions of your choosing, your confidence, and the depth and breadth of your enlightenment or awakening. For to command the powers of life, the forces of creation, the destiny of your life, one must grow in their understanding of what they are choosing and who they are. A sensitivity to the influence of your choices on the life paths of others, including your world, brings wisdom to your choices.

Now, not all choices are written in stone, so to speak, our brother, and they’re subject to modification and change as life unfolds. There is wisdom in this, as well. Commitment to choice and follow through must always be subject to re-evaluation and unpredicted outcomes. But the power to choose remains.

And what do you base your choice on, in the presence of life around you and in you? Do you find a natural support for your choices and the doors of opportunity opening? Or do your choices bring you only obstacles and diminishing sense of vitality? When you consider these markers, if you will, and the results of previous choices, gain in your wisdom to choose. And listen to your own True Nature, and your feelings, and your truth, and your integrity. Is there any joy in your choosing? Do you find liberation and freedom and uplift of your spirit? Do the results of your choices inspire you to own them and to make more?

Every day, our brother, is filled with opportunities to choose. Own your life, our brother. Own your choices and stand with them. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2013 B                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


Can Life Know Itself? — From creation into pure being

JANU:    This reality is a dynamic of the existence of life, for as humanity struggles to know itself individually, primarily, and collectively, can it not be the same for life itself? As you have said before, what isn’t life? Can potential be realized without knowing of it and growing in the knowing of it? And by knowing, what we mean here is ‘conscious of’ meaning moving toward ‘conscious as.’ And all of life is conscious, our brother, to one degree or another. But collectively, consciousness is life. How can it not be so? It is in motion. It is changing. It is interacting with itself by way of its countless aspects and elements. And one must consider a reality of countless other universes. When you consider the scale of your own and its diversities and its collective consciousness, in the presence of so many others, the vastness of life is beyond imagination, as is its nature and collective reality and vitality. And the element or aspect of love on that scale of life has a range of meaning that is limitless.

Life knowing itself motivates it to know more, to be as fulfilled as it can be. When you turn your consciousness to this reality, you attain a foundation of peace that comes from unlimited awareness and connection. Yes, life can know itself. But the journey of this seems almost magical when appraised.

A question of source of life comes into view, and this is a process of linear thinking, which does not apply here, in the largest truth of it. For life is not linear, or at least limited to this. It is a co-existing, simultaneous reality of Being. And Being is beyond the thinking of Source. Life knows itself on the way to the reality of Pure Being, unlimited and infinite Being, that has within it the vastness of creation and, at the same time, the singularity reality which is the window beyond creation.

Much to be understood here, beyond what you have experienced so far, exploring the singularity. But this path of exploration has within it consciousness and awareness beyond the limitations of the concept of Source. A worthy journey, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2013                                                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



The songs of life

JANU:  The legacy we speak of for today, has to do with the so-called ‘song of life.’ There is a tradition throughout the Earth, with all manifestations, that there be the song, or signature, or vibrational pattern in emanation of life, unique to each element. The legacy today is this reality, not caused by the legacy but the shaper of it, the shaper of the legacy.

There is inherent within the song of Earth, a pattern to be attuned to, that helps direct attention to the song of any part of life: individually, collectively, entire civilizations, nature, any part of the planet. This legacy pattern continues and is supported to this day by those who learned of and observed the Earth’s complex vitality and the manifestations. This pattern acts like a focusing lens to those who have attention upon the living presence of every part of life. You think humanity is the only source of inquiring mind and consciousness. It is not. Every part of life of the Earth has this capability and has demonstrated interest and benefit.

So the pattern here helps reveal the songs of life for connection, understanding, and mutual support. For when collective synergism takes place, creativity blossoms in ways that benefit all of life. And how many actually are conscious of their own song of life? This is a grand legacy for humanity, for moving into full consciousness. Discover your own song of life, placing your attention on it and allowing this patterned legacy to focus your connection and awareness.

Aug. 1, 2013                                                   Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Day and night dreaming

JANU:  I am Janu speaking, serving then this evening in the manner of the divine aspects pursuant to an arrangement that becomes the dreams. Dreaming is such a rich component of reflection. Now, many have been concerned that reflecting upon their dreams is almost impossible, through loss of memory of them. Be it known, our brother, that the exercise of dreaming, the journeys taken, are registered in consciousness, valued and understood, whether conscious of this or not. Dreams are an important part of a balanced life and a great resource for insight and victory over the challenges of living. They are a link, a presence of the journey of consciousness even before incarnating. The remembering of dreams is through the veil. They form a rich legacy and are a glimpse into the processing of living and its experiences into the True Nature.

What we serve this evening is not so much the remembering of dreams literally, but the absorption, the processing of dreams into the True Nature. Awakening makes these accessible with greater clarity. Another benefit on the path of discovery of True Nature and all that you are. The Light Body can play a role in this, not as just a vehicle of travel but a vehicle of embrace of the patterns of life and their rhythms, or pulsations.

So let us serve this evening, our brother, the dreamers, the daydreamers and the night dreamers, for they are one. Daydreaming has been called “woolgathering” and a waste of time. It can be one of the richest times of your day. Allow yourself time to daydream and pay close attention. Namaste, our brother.

July 17, 2013 B                                             Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



The Communicators: Describing their mission

JANU:             Yes, greetings, my brother. I am Janu speaking. We have with us this morning an envoy or emissary from this collective called the Communicators. We understand and await their message.

COMMUNICATORS:            Yes, greetings, brother. We are the Communicators and we welcome this opportunity to begin this discourse in what we cherish and hold dear, that being the awakening of consciousnesses to their True Nature and their full potential. We have accomplished this to some degree and begin this series on that authority or foundation, and would continue with these for time to come.

As you are becoming aware, our communication, our connection is not limited to one location or discourse. We are a collective beginning to reach further into the range of life of beings moving in this direction. Our concern, our service is to facilitate and enhance these interests from so many. And the numbers are growing, as you would say, exponentially, keeping us very busy as we move through life.

What then of this service and its benefit? As you have said many times, awakening of the human consciousness is of paramount importance in the expansion of life and the realization of its potential. It is incumbent upon each individual to discover and embrace their True Nature, come into their own, so to speak, be a conscious participant in the larger life, which is larger and larger as you discover your True Nature. The opportunities are without limit, are fascinating and rewarding, and enrich your consciousness in ways you may not yet imagine. Learning of and communicating with so many with diverse interests and lives and understandings is not a well of truth but more as a fountain, bubbling over, watering or enriching everything it touches.

The universe and consciousness is like a flower blooming in the light of the sun, in the light of understanding. Ours is not so much the vision of specific techniques for awakening, although they can be explored from time to time when necessary or the interest is there, but more of pointing in a direction and encouraging and bringing some of the promise of the achievement of awakening to the awareness of individuals, which leads to, ultimately, collective awakening which brings collective wisdom to this reality.

We would continue with this, our brother, at every opportunity, and we welcome this. We are the Communicators.

July 22, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Many life flows

I am Janu speaking, welcoming you then this morning to a journey into the light of understanding the predominance of life. What we mean by this is not only its omnipresence but its depth and range and eternal nature.

So what is, then, the depth and range of life? And what of that can be understood by the conscious mind? A taste of this is possible but as you move into a deeper experience of cosmic consciousness you begin to appreciate the range and depth of life more than just distance and time and diversity. Not understood by manifestations of your current experience. What then is the nature of the flow of life? These flows exist, or should we say, co-exist not in the parameters of existence for your time/space configurations.

There are many different configurations of time/space with themes of consciousness not centered in individuality struggling to find oneness, but consciousness that is rooted in oneness and therefore the life flow expands and explores and discovers as one life with many simultaneous elements of life flow. Individuality is not the theme of life here, but a consciousness free enough to be composed of countless interests, engagements, and potential, and explorations. And, yes, exploration of other life flows similar to this morning’s journey.

There are many configurations of life, quite different one from another. When you look at the larger life of which all of these flows are a part, there is yet still a collective consciousness at one with all of these, including your own. Part of the Body of Life, our brother, which we have alluded to before and began to explore. [as part of The New Paradigm series]

You ask, “How far does this go?” This understanding, our brother, a concept of limits or limitation, boundaries, has no meaning. Life is not contained, localized in its entirety. This is a time/space concept from your octave of life. By this we mean your current experience of incarnation. But, as you are discovering, and have experienced through these journeys, this is a very limited perception of life and these limitations in understanding have a purpose, for a time.

We will, of course, explore other life flows and expand consciousness to embrace them. Namaste, our brother.

July 29, 2013                                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


JANU:  We have with us this morning that which pertains to the anomaly known as ‘miracles.’ Referred to as an anomaly in the lives of most because little understood or recognized, even though they are occurring constantly.

What is a miracle, then, our brother, but an unusual configuration of life that addresses some interest or concern, seemingly unpredictable, “out of the blue” if you will. All miracles have a context of support, causation, and fulfillment. Life itself is a miracle, our brother, every bit of it. The miracle, our brother, is that it continues with infinite variety and revelation. Is it not a miracle that conception and birthing take place and that the infant survives for a lifetime? Is it not a miracle that the Earth exists as it is and will continue to do so, and that it supports life as well as it does? And if creation is a miracle, what does that say about co-creation?

Can one anticipate a miracle in their lives? How then can one consider that their lives have not already been filled with them? An unpredictable blessing, some may say, but that depends upon your consciousness, your level of awareness and your attunement to the life that you are living. How does one be consumed with a sense of disconnection, despair, depression, and being alone, and not see the miracles that allow their existence and ability to create? Yes, even life.

Many reach for communication with their Creator and the Creator has been communicating with them continuously. But they require that the Creator communicate in a manner of their choosing and therefore cannot hear the communication that takes place.

Miracles will always exist, our brother. The opportunity for each is to recognize them when they occur. The fact that you exist, have consciousness, and gain wisdom, and express love. What other proof do you need? As you serve life, bring joy or peace to another, you have performed a miracle for them.

Some speak of being a “Light worker” and we speak of being a “miracle worker.” See value then in your service to others on any level of existence or expression. And yes, we too are miracle workers. Namaste, our brother.

July 25, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The nature of oneness

JANU:  Oneness is recognized by empathy. When a creature is confused or in pain or disabled, empathy allows connection, a transfer of knowingness, and, in some beginning ways, a sense of the same experience in one’s consciousness. Now, this does not mean one becomes the imbalance, but understands it, feels it, to a degree. And compassion allows for comforting, ameliorization, and a conveyance of understanding with a positive perspective for ownership and resolution to the creature or the person and more.

Oneness allows for the integrity of one life to support the integrity of another. Oneness is in harmony with the protocols of integrity and potential for each life to fulfill its destiny. Oneness is a true bond between elements of life, a bond that can’t be broken but can be ignored or forgotten, a bond that brings unlimited resource from the nature of life into manifestation. How can life not be powerful when it’s the nature of everything? How can life be ignorant or uncaring, when it is everything?

Oneness exists whether aware of it or not for, without it, all of creation would disassociate and succumb to oblivion. Observe how many find themselves in despair or depression or loss of interest in living as a result of feeling alone in life, disconnected, and without purpose or meaning or vitality. It is a worthy attempt at raising awareness in consciousness to the truth of oneness, for oneness restores life and purpose, integrity and meaning and vitality.

Oneness does not mean the homogenizing of infinite variety and integrities. It means connection, mutual support, universal consciousness and understanding, and a peace unlike anything else can provide. Oneness and True Love, our brother, are synonymous. And one does describe the other. Oneness is mostly misunderstood, seen as vague and impractical. It is present, immediate, and vital for the continuation of life, all of life.

Let there be, then, a resurgence of awakening to the truth of oneness, love connection, and caring for each other. Namaste, our brother.

July 23, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

A message from the Buddha

The BUDDHA:   Let us proceed then at this time to mount an objection to the notion that the lives of so many are derelict in the face of so-called ‘enlightened beings’ and the ‘Pearls of Light’ that they bring to humanity. One must realize that the spark of genius lights everyone’s path, whether seen or known as enlightened or not.

What is enlightenment, then, but the notion that one has become fully possessed with the truth and wisdom? This is not so, our brother. Enlightenment is an evolution, a process, a blossoming of consciousness, and at-one-ment with the Truth of Life, which is always unfolding. So (do) not chase your life after one being who is moving on the path of enlightenment, but realize that you are that being, in your way of awakening. The light you seek, the wisdom, understanding, and love in another, is your own, but in your own way. For all consciousnesses are part of the whole, the whole of life. And yours is part of that whole, and essential. Be filled with joy that you are such, and you will always be such.

Enlightenment is a virtue unto itself and it belongs to everyone. It matters not at all the degree or manner or character of your path of truth. For even that path, our brother, for everyone is unfolding and changing, evolving. As you awaken, you will begin to appreciate this in others, whether they are aware of it or not. For it is their True Nature.

My presence, my brother, is that of the Buddha consciousness, as you have requested, with you for a moment, in the Now.  Welcome to the journey of life. I dearly love the Buddha in everyone. We all are the Family of Life, in the moment which is eternal and where freedom is truly found. Welcome, brother. In the truth of my being, we are Buddha.

July 23, 2013 B

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The Nature of Divine Intervention

JANU:  Intervention suggests introducing influence of some nature into a situation, whether it be an individual or nature or life’s many complex energy realities. And all of these are one. Intervention, then, occurs when certain protocols are met and wisdom and love are part of the foundation to proceed. It is not our intent to interfere with someone’s life path and choices arbitrarily. It is our intention to assist in bringing harmony to the conditions of life. By harmony, we mean a beneficial relationship between the situation and life itself, the flow of life, for enrichment to continue. The Divine part of this theme is the True Nature of life and its collective consciousness, and wisdom, and loving presence at the heart of all creation.

How does one initiate, then, Divine intervention and does Divine intervention only apply to disharmony? Can it also apply to expanding the Light, which is the truth of life? The answer is yes to both, for life is not static. It is in motion and unfolding and realizing its potential. Many times, a moment, a spark of Light or understanding is all that is needed to open a door to creativity, exploration, and fulfillment of life’s potential. This is called for when the one involved has a fertility of consciousness and heart for this moment of Light to take hold, to become more.

Divine intervention occurs, our brother, continuously throughout the universe. Let it become then, in your consciousness, a reality, a viable part of life, natural and uplifting. What some would call a miracle is a normal part of life. It can occur through the din of social consciousness. Divine intervention occurs through the capability and willingness of the servants of Life, from angels to grand beings to your neighbor. Yes, even the creatures of the Earth. They all can be an opportunity for Divine intervention, an open mind, an open heart, a clear agenda, and a love for life, and a willingness to respond. Live life in such a way that you are an opportunity for Divine intervention.

July 21, 2013                                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross