New Journeys

The breath of life

JANU:    The breath of life continues to be life’s love. As part of its nature, it sings through all of existence and harmonizes in the direction of continuing, evolving. The desire to know, to be, to serve comes from the vitality of life. Life challenges itself through its creations as a motivating pattern.

The breath of life has its parallels in the motivations and experience of breathing. Consciousness has these same patterns. It breathes with understanding, discovery, the quest to understand, to discover. This breath of life nourishes the soul, brings vitality, a kind of peace that gives confidence and a sense of well-being.

Challenge is motivation. Motivation calls upon the energy to continue. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2021 B                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The evolution of performance

JANU:  Performance is the key to the embellishment of an idea, an insight, a principle, and an opportunity. Performance is the manifestation of potential. Life not only is, but performs as well. Mastership of performance is a misperceived reality. In a life that is always in motion, so is performance. Looking for perfection is an illusion for evolution, change, alternatives are always present. When understood in this way, so-called failure no longer dominates confidence. Defeatism disappears. Appreciation of all performance evolves with the flow of your reality. Let there be, then, a satisfaction with movement in performance, becoming a reason to continue. Namaste.
Dec. 14, 2021                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Benefiting from a blessing is a life pattern worthy of gratitude. The experience brings a joy to be shared with others. It is natural to wish blessings for others, for the human journey is one that all are included in, incarnated on one world. Blessings flow constantly as Life encourages, lovingly, the evolution and happiness of all creatures. A simple desire to lift many. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2021 B                                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Humanity—we are one

JANU: ‘Simpatico’ is this evening’s theme. All of humanity is of the Larger Life. Brothers and sisters all, trying to make sense of what seems unknown, confusing, out of reach, yet hoping for breakthroughs in understanding as to their own true nature and the larger life, called many names. Witness religions, of which there are many, part of the one Life.

This universe is filled with life yet isolated one from another by distance and the veiled consciousness. Much wisdom to be gained and service offered on the journey of awakening. Purpose only beginning to be understood and achieved. True peace opens the way, yet many distractions interfere. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2021 B                                                                                    copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Evolving the incarnate and larger life as one

JANU:     Identity expansion seems to fly in the face of the common veil experience. But from the larger point of view the veil experience flies in the face of complete identity shifting. Both are natural, but one is the creation of larger reality for a purpose. The desire to move beyond it can have several motivations. One is freedom from challenges of the veiled experience.

Another is to return to the memory of a larger life and its advantages of insight, wisdom, continuation, knowingness, and freedom from limitation. But one serves the other, you see. The opportunity is to facilitate their cooperation in service to each other as one reality. The misperceptions of the veil experience as to full identity. Thin the veil, which supports a perception of the larger life. The process supports a growing wisdom and maturity of this relationship. Thus the awakening process. Finding and maintaining peace during this awakening process while incarnate is an evolving opportunity to understand and experience these realities as one.

The so-called miracles of life have always been available but the wisdom to use them through experience is part of the journey.  Applying what’s gained in these journeys is the demonstration of what has been gained. Being at peace minimizes reversals and confusion. Let us proceed. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2021                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Processing life to evolve

JANU:    Processing life is concurrent with awakening. The two are natural co-travelers. One supports the other and encourages the path of discovery with consciousnesses more open to unobstructed clarity. Regrets and guilt, anger and frustration are life prisons to the peaceful and open mind of awakening. Unfinished business to be processed, understood, forgiven, achieving freedom to move on.

This is why memories of life circumstances continue to wander the memories, the dreams, the insights. The desire to awaken attracts these to gain the freedom to awaken from the temporary prisons. When processed they enrich the understanding of life and its potential. They promote tolerance and understanding of others who have their own prisons.

It is a natural part of life to experience issues that seem limiting. There is wisdom to be gained in the process of freedom. Life is patient, rich with opportunities in both directions. Have the courage to be committed to processing freedom and realizing potential. Own them. Namaste.
Nov. 26, 2021                                         Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Enriching life

JANU: One speaks of purpose in life. One such is to enrich it. And what does this mean, exactly? It is to add to its lifepaths with depth, with peace, with harmony, with creativity, with the symmetry of collaboration, coordination, and with love. Insight that brings understanding tolerates kindness, freedom, and sovereignty, expanding the consciousness and the gratitude for life. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2021 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Love is…

JANU:    Love is the great forgiver, whether for oneself or for another. Or for all creatures, you see. It can be the solution for conflicts, misunderstandings, tense relations, and ignorance. It clears the way for understanding.

Love is the great creator. It manifests desires, solutions, and potential.

Love is the peacemaker, the rejuvenator, the equalizer. It is freedom. It is your nature.

Ponder this carefully and with patience. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2021 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:     Tolerance is a good beginning in the healing of human relations. Imbalances in the living experience of societies bring frustrations, fears, and anger. People are driven to extremes of behavior watching their families suffer in deprivation and abuse. Governments struggle with intolerance, lacking insight into wisdom. The pressures against peaceful survival, problem solving, and the lack of hope make the future seem dark. The challenges in living with environment, disease, and weather seem to pile upon each other and are out of control. Self-determination becomes lost and hides perception of the beauty of life. People become intolerant of each other, which is transferred from lack of control for environment into circumstances.

A life pattern of tolerance goes a long way towards perception of possibilities, solutions, and concern for each other. Tolerance is a beginning but much more is needed. The power to create solutions in life is within each one, to varying degrees. Encourage each other to experience that power, peacefully. It is deep within and ever present. Encourage people to love themselves. It is hard to give to another what you don’t own. Namaste.
Nov. 12, 2021 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The reality of life

JANU:   The dynamic of life that appeals most to evolving humanity has to do with understanding and learning its meaning to experience it. The meaning of life hangs in the air as an unknown just beyond the grasp, and is sensed as ambiguous and vague. Yet there is gratitude for it. The meaning of life is being lived in so many ways but not perceived in its simplicity, in its universality, in the scope of its reality.

The veil leaves humanity with a perception of separation, of disconnect, of it being abstract. Awakening to the truth of one’s being is a path of recovery, for the True Nature exists in harmony with the meaning of life. The separation and aloneness of the veiled experience flies in the face of a larger reality, connection and oneness of life in its fullness.

Be the Larger Life that includes all reality. One sojourn is a small part of the Larger Life, yet still rich in opportunity for all is connected and co-exists. Allow true peace to lift the consciousness, to see life as always ongoing. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2021 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross