New Journeys

Focus on potential

JANU:    Self-discovery includes self-healing. The instrument of departure from the body, the death of the body, practiced by humanity is the deterioration of the body without remedy. The physical body is subject to abuse and deterioration; however, physical death and departure is a limited option. Ignorance behind the veil perpetuates this.

The physical body is subject to the dictations of mastery. By this we mean: mastery of the creative forces that allow for the physical and energetic relationships, the patterns of existence culled, if you will, from the consciousness and its relationship with the physical. As we’ve said before, consciousness is evidence of life and mastery occurs there. Being conscious of these relationships occurs when the mind expands to include alternative realities.

Focus, with commitment and determination, on these realities awakens the consciousness to experience expansion. The potential of existence is barely understood by most, demonstrated by a few as society awakens. Life span is mutable. Well-being is a fluid reality. Be inspired by undiscovered potential and embrace the opportunities. Namaste.
Oct. 25, 2021 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


One of many ways to awaken

JANU:   The miracles of life are within the potential of the individual. It is challenging to consider that which has not been considered before. Seemingly impossible to achieve.

The life process of incarnation and transition seems natural but not controllable. There is a reality of the manipulation of these, while in excellent health, to painless transition at birth without the process of gestation. There are many reasons or benefits to accomplish this. One being catastrophic injury or circumstance to be avoided or replaced with another vehicle of expression to continue or complete exploration of incarnate life.

Human society is conditioned to one method of birth and rebirth. In time, awakening brings one to the achievement of controlling these changes for reasons unexplored to this point. This is one example of open-minded contemplation of a larger reality of life, and there are many more. Consider the opportunities and complexities of this being added to the human experience and the changes to society and the adventure of incarnate life. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2021 B                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A larger consciousness through peace

JANU: We are encouraged, then, by the momentum being gained although subtle to your consciousness. Turning the tables, so to speak, on the confusion of life behind the veil. But wisdom was gained through the experience, and still is. Life is life, whether in or out of the body, as is consciousness. Being at peace allows for current experience of these realities, for peace is without bias or preference.

Misperception is the product of confusion due to ignorance, unfocused imaginings. Focus for the conscious mind, incarnate mind, is mostly one focus at a time. The larger life consciousness is simultaneous awareness, synergisms, coordination, collaborations, systems of life, a coordinated sense of identity, an orchestration of perceptions and understandings in tune with the symphony of life.

Ponder this larger reality. Own the freedom. Be at peace.
Nov. 11, 2021                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Being more conscious

JANU:    Being more conscious leads to being more involved with the evolution of life, in whatever form it may take. Consciousness is not inert. It is part of the one.

What is the role, then, of consciousness? Being more aware, understanding more deeply, having a greater and more diverse capacity to enrich life. It involves laying a foundation of balance, of wisdom, peaceful in nature, loving, enduring, being a partner with and of creation. An eternal relationship with being. Maturity is part of this, a growing maturity. Understanding, seeing the beauty of life itself, that nothing is insignificant.

Nov. 10, 2021                                                                           Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

Simplicity and direct experience

JANU:    Simplicity of attunement describes best the modality of basic mastership. Consciousness shifting to a larger relationship with life. It is not complicated with endless detail and nuance. It is simplicity itself, not to be created by mental intention, only to be allowed by natural ability. The incarnate life, while veiled, mentally attempts to analyze the details of existence. Scientific approach proceeds in this way.

The desire to expose detail to mental understanding is insensitive to the natural essence of pure being. Creativity is a function of desire. True peace is the path to this. This is what we stressed to be understood and experienced. Detail pursued dominates essential perception. Language contributes to this as well, for words are ambiguous, not essential truth. Direct experience is the revealer, ownership of understanding, the wisdom of insight. Namaste.
Nov. 6, 2021                                                           Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Self-realization and the Larger Life

JANU: Assemblage is a denominator for alignment of spheres of influence and reality. What this means is that when one succumbs to, so to speak, their dreams and desires, there is an alignment, an agreement, a conscious relationship between the elements of being, a synergism that results in realization of the reality of life. Consciousness, conscious union, is the realization and experience of life, beingness, and larger reality.

Being at peace is a path to this. Encouragement ensues. Pettiness disappears and gives way to wisdom and the flow of life. And coming to your truth is not failure but mastership. Becoming more in awareness of one’s nature. We are one in this, and we continue to evolve in this way. Namaste.
Nov. 3, 2021                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Wisdom of True Nature on the Path

JANU:  Unencumbered by the physical sciences, the journeyer freed from the limitations of the so-called ‘laws of life’ can be involved with understanding and experiencing the Larger Life in ways not described by physicality, social conditioning of the perception of life, of what’s possible and supposedly what’s not. One can build the foundation for embracing the Truth of Life not described by these. Exploring reality without a frame of reference relies upon intuitional insight of the True Nature. When exploring this way, a less limited foundation for understanding is slowly being built, but can be a challenge for the conditioned human experience.

So what does, then, one focus upon when entering into these journeys? One focuses upon the wisdom of the True Nature and that of Life itself. Being more conscious is a desire fulfilled by these journeys, with unpredictable rewards. Awakening builds upon awakening. Achievements in consciousness build on each other, opening the door to unanticipated insights.

This is true for the True Nature as well, you see. The desire for awakening, exploration, discovery is not limited to the human journey. As your identity expands to include your True Nature, your perceptions evolve. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Consciousness is the evidence of life

JANU:   Reaching into what seems like the abyss of the Larger Life, one must presume its existence. What evidence is there of this? The evidence belongs to that which pertains to the reality of life itself. Many accept that they are alive.

“What is the nature of that reality?” one might ask. Consciousness. The journey of life is recorded there, is understood there, is experienced there, and is created there. Conscious engagement brings results that fulfill, that evolve, that embrace expression some call ‘creativity.’ Consciousness is not limited to any one reality. The vehicle of expression in use is capable of manifesting consciousness within the parameters of its existence, but understanding can transcend those limitations.

Be open to, attune to freedom to explore and experience limitless consciousness. Be at peace. Live in the freedom of limitlessness. Live in the moment. Namaste.
Oct. 21, 2021 B                               Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding life in motion 

JANU: Salient point to be made: The Now is connected, is at one with all of life. Peace is the joiner of the elements of life. We are the servants of life. We exist to perpetuate life. We are one in the truth of life. We are the moment, the Now. Let us serve.

The climate change of the Earth influences everything. The creatures, nature, humanity, and the Earth: everything in motion through cycles of expression, balancing and re-balancing. The oceans as well. The core of the Earth and the surface weather are inseparable currents of life. The dynamics of these relationships are part of change. Life in motion.

These life cycles and expressions have been in motion since the beginning of Earth’s journey. Even subtle patterns exist throughout the solar system and with other systems as well. Even consciousness evolves, as does the True Nature of humanity. These attunements as well. Live in the moment and all of its potential. Namaste.
Oct. 18, 2021 B                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Enamored as you will become a contributor to the awakening of humanity. Let there be known that the model of perception for service is not confined to one individual. Each one is part of a larger life. The movement to awakening is much more diverse than one individual’s perception. Be at peace with individual contribution as part of the larger reality. Acknowledge the benefits of others, longstanding. Even before humanity there was a commitment, movement in service. Each contribution is a pearl on the large string adding to the beauty of the collective, perceived as a team. We are always in agreement to serve life and let it be enriched for the benefit of others.  Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2021                                               Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross