New Journeys

Relationship of elements of Dance of Life

JANU: The Dance of Life is regulated in its own way by essential continuation, changes which can include repurposing, closure and openings of patterns of evolution. The Dance of Life gives a sense of rhythm as in a heartbeat, the pulse of life through the body, the integrity of a sense of being. Confusion is an opportunity for change, assessment, insight, and inspiration.

The Dance of Life has contact with its elements, between them, yet with the maintenance of integrity so that each element evolves in its own way and adds to the diversity of the evolution of life. Therefore, realization of potential continues to fulfill opportunities, which are part of the dance, you see.

Renewal is part of continuation. Rehabilitation and purification. The Dance of Life is conducted by its creations. Each level of reality among them has its cycle of life, not only individually but in relationships with each other. Life in motion. Changes. The essential reality is needed as a field that records the dance and is a resource for redesign. Nothing is lost. Life continues. Namaste.
Oct. 6, 2021                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Service in the Dance of Life

JANU: Questionably, many perceive life as the difficulties that challenge, losing sight of a reality of choice. There is beauty to choose, freedom to choose, incredible potential to manifest, joy in simplicity, profound understanding of simplicity. Every moment, the presence of something greater. The pressure of challenge and despair seems more real than sovereignty.

How does one inspire, then, the power of choice from within? It is done through demonstration, by being those things and expressing them through kindness, patience, understanding, and connection. Invisible service is such that the one who is blessed through service sees their own qualities unfold and all of their freedom, not the one who serves. As one gains a new perspective through awakening, one begins to appreciate the gifts and blessings of life intimately, while awakening to their own True Nature as a sovereign being.
Oct. 6, 2021 B                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Exploration of meaning: Dance of Life

JANU:  In the Dance of Life, there are many dance routines, many patterns, many styles. They all have their symmetry, their beauty, their movements and flows, their rhythms, their uniquenesses and similarities. The Dance of Life has its reality in many dimensions, and they all coexist, are connected. Physicality is only one form, emotional another, mentality another, philosophy another, inspirational another. The dance is a coming together of expression, desires and understandings, confusions and clarities, of dichotomies and coordinations, of purposes and accomplishments. The dance is a perception of life in motion.

The dominant realm of consciousness has its parameters of existence, of experience and consciousness. Exploring others is a challenging opportunity for diverse and more profound perception. Exploring others can enhance and deepen perceptions of the current one for each consciousness.

The Dance of Life explores intimacy with diverse reality and one’s identity expands. Some fear this for their sanity is founded in familiarity, sameness, and repetition. Diversity of perception transforms stereotypes of understanding, letting go of life patterns that leave one attached to limitations, disturbances, inharmonious patterns of existence limiting the evolution of health and well-being. The Dance of Life is freedom to be. Namaste.
Oct. 5, 2021 B                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding by examples

JANU: The Dance of Life sometimes perceived as a tangled web, mostly when attempting to perceive all of it at once. Specific meaning becomes hidden in general observation. The Dance of Life describes many foci of life in motion. The journeys of awakening alone can obscure an individual journey. The point here being: each one has their own ‘dance of life,’ with many variations. Obscure tendencies can be explored with focus, but basic principles can be gleaned at the heart of each one’s journey.

A partnership can exist, does exist between the incarnate consciousness and the True Nature. This Dance of Life, this part of awakening, changes and evolves. Identities, from the human perspective, are part of this dance as well. These partnerships have both individual perceptions, identities, yet can be as one. There is a dance here and confusion arises when one or the other attempts to lead. The insight is the True Nature leading innate consciousness as the task of implementation, expression. This model of reality is fluid as well but is revealed in the midst of integrity. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2021 B                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The nature of awakening

JANU: Formatting preparation for journeying is useful to a degree, but conscious journeying with unlimited possibilities can leave structure behind. Being at peace supports this. Seeking information, understanding, and experience by way of the source of being, the True Nature, is a coordination of desire throughout the being.

This is part of the Dance of Life, the journey of awakening: identity expansion, coexistence of realities, moments of conscious union, listening. Righteous is the law of Life. The desire to be conscious of and conscious as, even though peaceful life is rich, dynamic, and evolving. We are exploring the human experience, which can include the Larger Life. There is wisdom in preparation, timing, and naturally occurring relationships. There are thresholds of understanding, communication, and service. Be patient, persistent, alert. Yes, we are one. Namaste.
Sept.30, 2021 B                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s note: This has been touched on over the years, and directly in April of 2015 (Nature of awakening). Each time, we move a little further up the spiral of understanding.


Humanity’s playbook

JANU: Some see life as encumbering, a burden, an annoyance, an obstacle to happiness and freedom. Many create a niche in life, a safe haven, for their pleasure and limited freedom. Some embrace life as a challenge, an opportunity to gather riches and build power structures for control. Some an affinity for nature and its serenity and perseverance, as well as beauty. Some seek spirituality with ritual and passivity. Some seek security through repetition, sameness, predictability. And others, the demand of family. And some a life of research for escapism. Others a life of pleasure seeking.

A mixture of experiences describe humanity and its Dance of Life. But for many the Earth is a consumable that will always be there, an unlimited supply of resources, not a living being with sensitivity to influences. This is our field of exploration into humanity’s relationship with the Earth and all that it is. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2021
Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Cultural decolonization is cultural decongestion

JANU: The Dance of Life has many elements of meaning, of reality. The seeming perturbances are among the many steps of the dance. The mysteries of life are not unknown in different realities. The confluence of these speaks to the realization of potential which designs creativity. Exploring cultures without judgmental comparisons opens the door to unlimited understanding. Decolonization* means decongestion, opening the door to refreshing harmony and natural experience in a larger way.

This is one of many approaches to a balanced relationship with so many possibilities the life holds. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2021 B                                                                                         Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

* This journey took place after reading the quarterly journal of Cultural Survival  which dealt with the decolonization  of indigenous peoples.


Be kind to your dancing partner

JANU: We are exploring the Dance of Life. Welcome.  And the dance is with rhythm and symmetry, beauty and grace. The symphony of Life. Victories in awakening for humanity, serving its relationship with the life of the Earth and its creatures. Choose to see, to attune to the beauty of it all. Active and dynamic peace brings the riches of Life to the mix.

We each dance our dance. Our partners are each other. Make your moves in harmony with life and the victories will continue. Be kind to each other, to the creatures, and to the Earth. Namaste.
Sept. 28, 2021 B                                               Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Absorption is a key ingredient in the transmutation of fear into freedom. Absorb the difference in your consciousness, in your being. Absorb your ideals. Absorb liberation. Absorb understanding, love of life, peace. Serve the destiny of humanity. Absorb your potential that it reveal itself with understanding and commitment. Absorb the potential of life, as an integral part of it. Absorb the truth, the light of life. Be this. Freedom to live beyond limitation. Absorb health and well-being. Absorb prosperity in all things. Radiate the reality of this freely. Namaste.
Sept. 28, 2021                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Our relationship with Earth & its creatures

JANU:   The Dance of Life, humanity’s relationship with the Earth. There are other worlds who are discovering relationships with life through the creatures of their world and each other with rewards, a revolution in consciousness, by being sensitive to the living things in nature.

Animal ‘whisperers‘ of the Earth find joy in this, for there is intelligence in all of life. Not limited to words but by direct knowing, shared experience, and inherent wisdom of each. Compare not the creatures of your world with humanity’s interpretation of intelligence and wisdom. Life can be understood and experienced through all its creations. Choose any creature; respect its place in life; and desire to share awareness of each other’s consciousness. The Dance of Life is everywhere. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2021                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross