New Journeys

The nature of attuning

JANU: The nature of attuning is what many will want to know, as they begin or enhance their journeys.  Key ingredients are focus of attention, openmindedness to awareness of thought beyond the incarnate consciousness, the willingness to consider and embrace alternative perspectives, and a desire to reunite consciously with one’s larger being. The energetic systems of the being are realigned, focused and strengthened with repetition, especially with experiences that make sense out of inquiries that one is exposed to, including their own.

Slowly, one realizes that the larger reality of being is who they are. The incarnate experience is only a portion of that reality, limited by the veil, which is temporary. More and more of life’s circumstances, including one’s well-being, are understood more clearly, their nature and their remedy. One is exposed to the finer protocols of life, which are called for when observing others and being sensitive to their natures. Being able to listen without preconditions other than integrity and truth.

One does not make demands when attuning, but allows expanded consciousness and experience. When one realizes that life has layers of truth and meaning, with their own harmonious relationships, then personal identity slowly expands to include more of life. Projection of scenarios into the future, based on potential and current trends, reveals possibilities to explore. This eventually becomes more and more a way of living, a way of life, and anything less is not as satisfying. Conscious reunion slowly returns, with the rest of their nature, and more and more they speak with one voice. And this is only the beginning of transformation of consciousness in that entity and lifestyle. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2020 B                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


This is the time of changes

JANU:   Diligence spends its time prolonging progress. Progress, then, speaks of progression. The awakening of humanity has its phases of development. The current phase is the hint of realization that there is more to life: wiser, brighter, more powerful, richer, more understanding. And not only this, but a richness that cannot be described without it. One cannot dabble in the mud without getting muddy, but it is time to think differently and realize that it is possible to create a new experience. One begins to realize much has been forgotten and chooses to remember.

One must be diligent to experience this change and, as memory begins to return, the changes are part memory and something new and, in time, realizing their own being created them. They are more than ‘human beings.’ This is a time of changes. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2020                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


New memories—the future human

JANU: The subject is new memories. Moving from the past, embracing the future through the present and the Now, the guide being the true potential and the wisdom of the True Nature. New memories means new experiences. So let us experience the human of the future.

In the future generation of the species, as a conscious activity, as humans become androgynous, needless to say, human bodies will have to change, and they will. The conflicts of the past involving procreation will disappear. The male-female egos and challenges, the intensity of desires and conflicts of interest will give way to far more peaceful co-creation.

Needless to say, society will change as well, with mutual support of the progeny. The entire structure of family will change. Even the names given of ‘sister,’ brother,’ ‘father,’ ‘mother,’ and the rest will give way to a new order. The human family, perception of the concept, will more closely resemble the family of the Larger Life. The entire human civilization will become family, but in a different way.

Separate male/female genders will give way to androgynous beings. Past conflicts of family names and rivalries, war and the like, will give way to a unity of purpose yet diversity of interest. No longer wasting resources on pointless conflicts that are not profitable to the future of humanity.

Needless to say, human consciousness will change as well, as will the language, relationships. Even brotherhood and sisterhood will fade away in meaning. Names will eventually give way to the identity of presence, in the presence of awakened consciousness and perception. Religions will give way to spiritual reality infused into the incarnate life which is being transformed by the merging. Travel to other worlds and realities will become more of a reality, not limited to physical conveyance but the transference of consciousness, and a vivid experience.

New memories abound. Namaste.
Feb. 18, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Leadership in American politics

JANU:  Assembled, then,  are those forces that bring about change. Directing change has to do with conscious focus and a sense of need and opportunity.

A clear example of this is the need for leadership in your land. We refer to the one called Joe Biden. His presence and influence is not perfect but will lead the way from the darkness that exists. An important decision for him is his running mate for it will influence the direction of leadership for time to come. Our blessing for his leadership is the wisdom to make this choice, which means there is one such capable of this to be chosen.

Decisions such as this lay the foundation for change, that changes the lives of so many. The awakening of humanity is the prize. Hold this situation in the Light and the freedom it affords. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2020                                                                      Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Equivalency is the theme here. Is there equivalency between individuals, creatures of nature, creatures who are spiritual beings, and civilizations on other worlds? In other words, what do you have in common? Possibly, more than each of you is aware.

Most but not all require nourishment. Others are self-sustaining, but a completely different lifeform. All have consciousness. Not all have self-preservation or procreation; some are spontaneous lifeforms. All are expressions of life. Not all exist in communities. All can experience direct knowing. Most do not annihilate each other. There are those who manifest themselves continuously, to varying degrees by choice. There are many who are not planet-bound. A great many are telepathic, affording better communication and freedom of thought. And there are those where past, present, and future are the same thing.

So, when thinking of community and associations, broaden your perspective. You are not limited to any one of these. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2020                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

For more on the collaborations and associations available through awakening, see Awakening II – Associations and Collaborations


What is spirit?

JANU: You ask, “What is spirit?” A term almost best left to the use of the incarnate consciousness, disconnected, in a sense, from the larger reality of life, for even the physical life, you see, is unseen to the five senses. Explored to some degree with physical technology but also explored by those with awakened consciousnesses—clairvoyance and the like.

Now, the True Nature might be categorized in this way but its consciousness embraces so much more. We use the term ‘life’ as a general label to include many realities, but even that is a limitation, for it suggests the possibilities: “What is life and what isn’t?” “What is real and what isn’t?” “What is true and what is false?” Even dichotomies are perceptions posed by parts of life.

You ask, “What is consciousness?” It is awareness by that which is capable of such. Then asking, “Are there any limits to consciousness?” and “What is the nature of unconsciousness? Does it have reality as well?” and “What is the source of consciousness? What is the nature of its existence?” “Is Life itself conscious, or only by virtue of its progeny, its creations?”

Many assumptions are made for the mind to continue to explore. Can a creation react to its creator and, if so, how fully? This is exploring life. Does an answer exist, even potentially, for any inquiry? What is the mind, the consciousness, of an explorer? Do inquiries ever achieve these? Namaste.
Feb. 11, 2020 B                                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Chaos or cadence?

JANU:    Chaos and cadence, seemingly arch-enemies but combined they are attributed to peace, balance, symmetry, and continuation. Current perception of incarnate life is strong on the side of chaos, and weak in the direction of peace and balance, symmetry, order.

“How do these combine to yield peace?” you ask. Because each reveals the other for their natures, leaving one free to identify with the Middle Way, the path of peace and balance. For in this Middle Way, the truth of everything is perceived. Extremes reveal each other for what they are, less likely the identification with either one. Yet both are born of the experiment of living, of creating.

So observe these streams from the True Nature that allows them to exist, with the eye of the Center Way, which sees all and condemns neither. Experience this reality of life, in conscious union with who you truly are. For, in a sense, you are this experiment of life, capable of experiencing these extremes and everything in between. No need to identify with any of this except the freedom and the wisdom of your True Nature. We are one. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2020                                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Exploring macrocosm & microcosm

JANU:   One must look at, while exploring the microcosm, the nature of time/space reality. Not only its source, but its underlying reality. The macro and micro understanding of the nature of life coexist as one, for the macro perspective is time/space, distance, time substance, materiality, interactions. The micro side of that reality is none of those, yet it is part of the essential nature of all time/space reality.

What is the reality of the perception of a thing versus a no thing? Different parameters of existence. A thing is a particular manifestation of energy, with properties and characteristics wide-ranging. Forms interacting with each other, maintaining each one’s boundaries of existence, even when mingled. The energy reality of the unmanifest is the creation of the impetus of life. So manifest and unmanifest reality coexist. One linked through the other. One more like potential, the other manifestation.

So how does one explore and understand the nature of potential, of manifestation? It is done by not trying to compare the two or describe one by the nature of the other. Direct experience and understanding is through attention upon, attuning to, and openness to the aspect of your True Nature that is related to both. Identity-shifting, you see, for your very physical existence, which is not who you are, cannot exist without life’s potential, the unmanifest.

So, you ask, “Why is the unmanifest? What is its motivation?” To become manifestation.  Its impetus, its motivation is the nature of Life to evolve, to gain experience, wisdom, and realize potential. Beings who incarnate, and accomplish other things as well, are some of the instruments of this evolution of life.

So, you see, exploring the microcosm is exploring your own Nature and its scope, where the micro is not explained in macro terms. It is, however, experienced as part of ‘being,’ revealing its relationship to the macro. Patience on this journey. Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2020 B                                         Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

For two other perspectives on  macrocosm/microcosm, see Co-creation and Exploring life through its creations


Supporting good leadership

JANU:    Enormous responsibilities are judged so by the capacity of the one perceived responsible and the significance of what is involved. As one takes upon such a responsibility, a blessing is called for: of courage, confidence, insightfulness, commitment, and integrity. These are some of the qualities one looks for in the responsibility of leadership, whether leading one’s life or others. Wise choices in supporting such come from those who hold such ideals in high esteem. Good leaders have these qualities. The purpose of the blessings is to support these, to inspire the consciousness of the leader. Their own True Natures are in play.

So align oneself with such as these, with your own integrity as your guide. Remember, love is that life force that binds life together. Be one with this. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2020 B                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The experience of awakening

JANU:   Attention should be given to the natural heritage that belongs to everyone to awaken to their own True Natures, to explore and serve life in this way.

Whatever their endeavor, it will be enhanced by way of greater insight and understanding as to the nature of circumstances. Goals will have deeper meaning. Others will be understood in subtle ways. Decisions will be wiser. Anticipations of a better life will be fulfilled. Any sense of being alone in life will slowly give way to belonging to a larger family and its collective wisdom. One’s own motivations will become more clearly understood. Caring about and for others will have added dimension. Creativity will blossom; conflicts giving way to mutual benefit. Realization of living as an energetic being in harmony with true power and the flow of life will become the way of life, for humans will have the benefit of the qualities of their own True Natures. And individual identity will give way to something much larger.

This and much more through the path of awakening and conscious reunion with all that you are. Namaste.
Feb. 20, 2020 B                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross