Potential, networking, and synergism

JANU:    We are savoring with you the delightful edibles of life, the consuming of enrichment based upon revelations of the Truth of Life. Human potential breathes these expressions of life into existence by way of desire, opportunity, and the triggers life brings to experience. Human potential is one of many throughout Life, and worthy of much study. How does one study that yet unmanifest? It is done through insight, the sight of an open consciousness with a passion for discovery, and the consideration of possibilities. Yes, integrity is key in this, that the focus remain pure enough that the flow of life finds expression.

Human potential and the Larger Life are one, you see, and as potential is realized, the life becomes larger still. They are hand in hand, one. This reality extends itself to many other venues of life, not the least of which we are about to explore in the region of Andromeda. There is a synergism to all of this. So far as potentials are explored and realized everywhere, the network of Life is enriched and unified. For Life is the composite of all of these, not just humanity.

Individual potential and discovery, networking with others, respect for every journey of becoming, and appreciation of the beauty of it all. The integrity of each journey brings to conclusion each opportunity and prepares for the next. Live as one, our brother, in the integrity of life, this networking of its elements, and the synergism of it all. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2018                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The journey of journeys

JANU:    We are celebrating, if you will, a common term echoing the larger meaning, rejoicing, if you will: ‘Peace on Earth.’ Goodwill, the so-called Second Coming, the awakening of Christ Consciousness, commitment to each other, an opening of the consciousness to the larger reality of Life, including human existence, in the life of the planet. These things occur and spawn a journey into the Larger Life of which the Earth is a part, not only a physical reality, you see, but with consciousness, energy, and its own brand, if you will, of creativity. Everything you are aware of has a larger reality.

We have spoken of integrity. Now we speak of fraternity. A brotherhood of humanity is not the only brotherhood in the universe, our brother. Andromeda has one as well, in fact many. There even exist fraternities of worlds of longstanding. And there are those who are conscious of worlds beginning to emerge consciously into the Larger Life, of which the Earth is one.

How does one describe realities beyond the words of one reality? It is by employing the larger reality of one’s own being to discover and connect with what coexists. Not limited to journeys of so-called machines of space or physical limitations of the body, you see, but using the faculties one was born with and will have after passing, so to speak.

Discovering and connecting with the rest of your Nature, whether incarnate or not, is the journey of journeys. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross