Models of changing awareness

JANU: Be it known that there are individuals and groups of humanity around the world embracing awakening with a vision toward spreading this Light, with a concern for the awakening of all of humanity. Awakening is a process of many forms and countless elements of understanding and inner and outer change. These individuals and groups around the world are mastering their own consciousness and growing together, sharing insights, supporting each other through times of confusion or misunderstanding.

These awakenings are growing and, to a degree, those who oppose this are becoming more and more aware that this will challenge their model for living and thinking and feeling, realizing that they will slowly lose their grip on the lives of others. More and more people realize the true power of consciousness and connection with each other. When change occurs from within, it touches others and is more powerful and contagious.

As this consciousness grows, of enlightenment, there will be a change in focus for the media. No longer seeing the destructive side of unenlightened individuals as powerful and fearsome but as self-destructive, weakening. Seeing those who live in the Light, and the fruits of their existence as the true power from within. Realizing that sharing their stories will inspire others to claim that power for themselves. Paying it forward, so to speak. Social organizations and media will awaken as well and cast their net into the sea of life to be part of these changes. And many of their workers secretly welcome the change.

How to reach for and grasp the reality of this new direction is the question when not understanding the alternatives or how to begin. The models for this change are everywhere, unspoken moments in individual lives where the heart, the consciousness, and the True Nature are given their due.

Helping others selflessly is rewarded with joy and peace of mind and a glad heart, anxious to do more. Peace of mind and satisfaction with the life you have lived have no price and you are richer for it. Serve each other and marvel at the outcome. Namaste.

June 18, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Physicality is not limited to physical matter

JANU:    Humanity’s consciousness of incarnate reality is somewhat limited. Gross physical density is only a part of it. Because the True Nature of the incarnate human has many levels of consciousness, when applied while incarnate physical reality expands greatly. Physicality, commonly experienced, is limited to physical creativity, but creativity has many realities, and when applied to the awakened human, one with their True Nature, physicality can be created, manipulated, modified, altered, or continue unaffected by what some would call natural deterioration or decay.

Some marvel at what appears to be the ability to levitate heavy objects, but they are no longer heavy, you see, during manipulations of other realities of physicality. The materialization of objects from one location to another; the foreknowledge of events, even in the physical; the seeming creation of life, animated life, where there appeared to be none; the changing of colors intentionally; the manipulation of weather, movement of storms, and shields from destruction. The list goes on and on, our brother, the possibilities that include even determining, to varying degrees, the length of a sojourn.

Awakening to the larger you, the larger life, the larger truth of being has unlimited rewards. Is ignorance really superior to the wisdom of knowing? Why wait for technology to visit other worlds, exchange understandings, learn from each other, when all of this and far more can be accomplished when at one with your own True Nature? It is not isolated from the rest of life as much of humanity thinks they are. Be not so in awe of unlimited possibilities that you hesitate to engage the smallest ones, so to speak, at your doorstep. Namaste.

June 9, 2015 B                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Truth lives in everyone

JANU: We are rich in the knowledge that the Truth lives in everyone, as the primary reality, tolerating unenlightened excursions into life to gain experience, which always adds to the Truth within. Understanding the complexities and nuances of incarnate life and the primary nature of Truth is still unfolding. The challenge and opportunity here is to grow in consciousness in awareness of this complexity and to choose to see the difference so that, even continuing on the incarnate journey, the Truth is revealed, understanding deepened, and maturity develops. In the play, so to speak, the dance of life, but not of it.

That kind of equilibrium is very useful. When observing life, and seeing Truth, how deeply is it perceived? The experience of the incarnate life serves mastership greatly. All realities of life that are embraced and experienced contribute to a growing consciousness. As awakening continues, all of these can be accessed to contribute to a more complete you. Do not underestimate the contribution to your existence, your being, of the incarnate experience. Allow that life to reveal its Truth. And you are not the only one that benefits, our brother.

Even misperceptions, misunderstandings, are rooted in the Truth of life, for that Truth allows them, you see, to continue the path of discovery and reveal many things about the layers and processes of consciousness. Grow more flexible in the embrace of opportunity and the results. Namaste.

June 3, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Getting to know the larger you

JANU:    Much of the dissatisfaction with living conditions on the Earth, by humanity, comes from a lifestyle, including all faces of society, that is created by consciousnesses yet to awaken fully to the True Nature. As awakening continues, the social condition will change. Enlightened humanity will not make the same choices and will see no profit in mutually destructive behavior.

Now, this does not mean the True Nature of individuals is silent but, when fears govern choices, it is difficult to hear the True Nature. Remember, the True Nature is constantly aware of everything about you. There are no secrets. And the True Nature is attuned to the larger life beyond time and space as well. Where is the wisdom in building on a fault line, dietary habits that degrade your health? Why do you think so many wish to end their lives? Even those who attempt to provide therapy would benefit greatly from the insights of the True Nature. And what is this True Nature we speak of but the eternal you, the you that remembers everything, attuned to the larger life and has access to the wise counsel of the larger Family of Life.

This is not to say that humanity has wasted all of its opportunities. It has gained much. But there are thresholds of illusion. The status quo does not apply. For many, life seems to travel in circles, every day much like another and no end in sight. It is as frustrating to the spirit.

Go deep inside. Love who you truly are and get to know and embrace who you truly are. You will find peace and joy, a love for life, and the fulfillment of countless adventures, discoveries, and capabilities, and your incarnate life will blossom. Namaste.

May 25, 2015                                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

An enhancement of opportunities

JANU: We are assembling the beginnings of a pronounced advancement in the opportunities for the awakening of humanity as determined by its evolution and desire.

You ask what the nature of these opportunities is. They are focused upon introspection with enlightenment, an enhancement of the joy of serving others, the ability to experience healing through the understanding and resolution of behavior and misperceptions. An example of this is the movement of humanity towards a more natural diet, exercise, the requirement of fresh air, and economic stability, bringing peace and a foundation for expressing creativity.

The movement away from, gradually, religious dogma, rituals, and requirements to an inner responsibility in harmony with life and the True Nature. Communication with other worlds for broadening understanding and the challenges and opportunities available. Opportunity of perception that is revealing and clarifies so many other misperceptions. Opportunities to focus attention and desires and abilities for greater and deeper results. Opportunities to communicate with understanding beyond words, leaving ambiguities behind, deception, dishonesty, and manipulation. Allowing each other to find peace with each other and confidence. And opportunities to love themselves, to love life, and to know their True Natures. All of these opportunities are real, our brother, and, as understanding and experience grows, will be more widely accepted and desired.

These are the paths to peace and well-being. It is remarkable, indeed, the longevity of the human body in the presence of these human conditions of ignorance. To experience oneness with the reality of life is liberating, expanding, and a blessing. Namaste.

May 19, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Recycling and recreating of the human journey

 continuing with the thought of the past two days:

JANU: There is growing within the human psyche, the human consciousness, a pattern that could be called a peace movement formulated by, conditioned by, the desire of so many for freedom from a lack of integrity and the games people play for position and power at the expense of others. The ambitions that drive so much of society take their toll on those that support it with the perception that survival is a function of this form of insanity. What we describe are changes in human consciousness that seem too gradual to be noticed but, when attuned to, can be seen as a groundswell.

The difficulty for those who grab their power at the expense of others is that the fear behind these struggles is growing, making it ever more difficult to see the Light. Unfortunately, many who are caught up in these circumstances, the followers if you will, will feel the burden of these changes, which will bring freedom preceded by confusion and fear for survival.

So these are turbulent times for humanity. Letting go of the old rung on the ladder of life to embrace the next takes a faith and courage to be found within. These are the times when True Nature takes more conscious place in the consciousness of humanity. As nature recycles itself to create anew, so is the human experience, dramatically for some, being recycled, recreated. Look forward to these changes. Attune to them. Understand them. Move with them and profit from them. Namaste.

May 11, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The inner truth can become the outer truth

JANU: We are considering carefully an approximation of that needed for a balanced understanding of the powerplays outpicturing throughout humanity. The True Peace that comes from true inner power is an illusion to those who struggle for power by controlling others to feed their need for it, which is never satisfied. So they exercise violent control, or their illusion of it, to take what they perceive as power from others. And others, not understanding or owning their inner power, live in fear of this and give their power to despots. And the cycle feeds on itself.

Once again, the need for awakening, individually and collectively. Individuals acquiescing to these violent forces do not stand in their integrity, for they do not see they have the power to do so. Fear for survival tends to rule the heart and mind. These despots have no power of their own, save what the people give them, but they are held hostage by fear of the very ones they give power to. Where does the cycle end, our brother? What changes it? Despots come in all sizes, from the boss at the workplace to the so-called leaders of nations. And even in religion but in different forms as even they teach fear of God. Fear is their tool to gain power and survive. All of this is created by people with varying agendas.

Peace comes, our brother, by being at one with your True Nature, what some call the ‘still, small voice.’ Why is it still and why is it small? Because it challenges the strongly held beliefs in the need for external power, control of others, loss of integrity, cleverness, manipulation, and lip service to so-called models of a ‘righteous’ life. Where is the truth, our brother?

It appears as though humanity survives in spite of itself. All of this can change into true freedom of spirit, ownership of life, and creativity that benefits everyone. It is not a pipe dream to be free, but one must let go that which interferes and choose that which promotes. Awaken to the truth within you that has always been there and never left you. That’s where freedom and power lie. Namaste.

May 10, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also post of June 4th and June 5th


The individual and collective human experience

JANU: We agree to foster the advent of a secure relationship with the True Nature. Joining these levels of consciousness as one brings clarity to everything. One doesn’t struggle to achieve this. Commitment and a loving desire in an atmosphere of allowing amidst evidence of a growing awareness brings confidence to proceed.

The human entity has many perspectives of consciousness, as does the True Nature. Humanity has evolved into this. Awakening to the True Nature is not a new adventure for humanity, but it’s becoming more understood and recognized as individual and collective advancement and a better life. The veil is lifting, our brother. The darkness is retreating and humanity will understand why it exists and is looked after.

Now, not many see a relationship between their individual journeys through life and personal being with the collective of humanity, but it is just as real as your individual lives. Being more and more conscious of collective reality on the human journey is a great revealer of things to come, in incredible detail.

How does one appraise, then, the content of the human collective? By attuning to the collective reality, the body human, and not just the physical bodies, but the spiritual collective as well. One can choose to be aware of, to see, the aura of humanity. And by some specific awarenesses, everything humanity has experienced, created, and is creating is known. Trends are observed, patterns, and the patterns of change. So, observing humanity, our brother, includes the freedom to be aware, not for curiosity but to better serve and understand.

A small brick is an essential part of a grand structure, but this structure, comprised of all the small components, is something more. Only, the human collective is a living structure and all the components are evolving. Awakening is the path, our brother.

Attuning to humanity as a collective reality is a good beginning and there are many consciousnesses, beings, who have already accomplished this and continue to do so. There is a wholesomeness and balance to this approach. The collective humanity has a destiny, a purpose, and none of it is a secret. Explore the reality of service, what it means to you, its traditions and evolution. Service is a theme of life and has always been. Namaste.

May 4 and 6, 2015                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also “Human temperament” and “Inner Truth can become the Outer Truth


The push is on for awakening

JANU: There is a push to awaken humanity into a far more joyous relationship with life, and each other. Moments of insight, misunderstood, ignored, giving way to the pressures of living created by humanity, can be gently expanded to insights as requested at any time.

There is so much that life has to reveal, that means other beings as well, to the benefit of humanity. Many keep asking, “Why don’t these beings come out into the open, land their craft, if that’s the case, and meet the people?” The answer is: Is humanity ready for such an experience? How would these beings be received? Loving acceptance? Or with suspicion and a defensive attitude, mistrust, judged with old perceptions and concepts created by humanity? So the desire for others to relate to humanity, lift consciousness, and inspire joyous hearts is there but clearly the task is for humanity to grow in consciousness and understand their message and who they are. And this is supported by a reality that humanity understands who they themselves are

The path of awakening to True Nature is the journey we speak of. For understand this, our brethren, the True Nature is the link to the rest of life. Many of these other beings understand this and have achieved this oneness, this connection, and wish this for humanity as well. But they cannot force this upon humanity, only inspire. So, in a very real way, humanity’s journey into awakening is part of their journey as well. One way or another, the awakening of humanity benefits all of life. So the push is on, and, in our way, we are part of it.
May 13, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Realization of your total identity

JANU: We are announcing the realization that there always comes a time when each one has a breakthrough moment in consciousness of self-realization, what the self really is, you see. This breakthrough moment is life changing, for the focus of existence is more permanent, more anchored in reality. You ask to describe this breakthrough moment. It is different for each one, our brother, but it has to do with thoughts, desires, concerns, frustrations, scattered perceptions coming together as one, resolved in an understanding of your nature and the flow of life.

It is not just that the presence of the True Nature is with you but the identity becomes far more complete. Yes, the True Nature is who you are eternally, but the rest of your existence, including the human journey, is giving depth, character, texture, flavor, and wisdom, and all of that is included in who you are. So, your identity is all of these, as part of that which lives on. Your identity as a human-being-only personality changes and grows, includes more and more. So does your True Nature, for it includes the human journey. In time, ‘we’ becomes ‘I’, the Capital I, if you will, meaning the complete you. Still in motion, still absorbing life, and still observing life.

This process may seem unique to your current consciousness and memories. This is not your first time, our brother. It is a universal experience, each one unique due to the diversity of life. And by no means the end of the journey. Just one more threshold, you see, in the evolution of life. Cherish the moments, for the next moment is not the same as the last. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

May 2, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross