Integrating the elements of the human condition through awakening

JANU: Resuming our current journey of understanding the human condition and its path of awakening into the larger life, we will discover and observe many elements of the human condition to better understand its path of awakening and the impact this will have on the desire for a better life than humanity has known.

The medical profession, although a mixed bag, if you will, of motivations, emotions, and commitments and accomplishments, is an indicator of this desire in humanity. As with politics in your nation, your government, the motivations to train and begin that vocation are laudable but the reality of functioning within the established medical or political community takes its toll. For a few, it strengthens the resolve that began the journey. For others, it is changed into one of power, wealth, and longevity. The reality of both professions, and others, can be confusing when viewed globally. Even in the religious circles, the churches and organizations of same, this exists for it isn’t the profession that causes this but the current stage of human awakening. For a more awakened individual, and/or organization, makes better choices for a better life.

We are here to understand that awakening influences everything in human society and consciousness. How many consider the military establishment other than designed for war, battle, and destruction, under the banner of protecting peace? This can be confusing as well for those who participate and those who support. It can fuel distrust between nations and other leaders who possess that kind of power. Even awakening, our brother, is no guarantee of wiser choices, but increases the likelihood. But for those in pain and suffering, their confusion takes a backseat, so to speak, the focus of relief from suffering, not just physical, but emotional and mental and spiritual as well.

How many in your societies feel alone in life, even while surrounded with others? So populating your immediate surroundings is not the answer. It is the inner connection with life and your own nature that brings relief. We are not suggesting here the path of inner life, awakening, is separate from the outer life, but merging the two brings a lasting victory of clarity, peace of mind, confidence in the future, and a love of life. These journeys, our brother, are to show a path of the integration of everything into a full life. Nothing lost. Everything gained. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2014                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Changes through Awakening

Changes to come for an awakening humanity
Change is coming soon


Changes to come for an awakening humanity

JANU: Ponder then, if you will, the changes in store for humanity during this transition. The perceived need to fear each other and insane behaviors slowly diminish allowing trust to ensue and more openness, mutual support, and understanding, a more generous nature fearing less of personal loss and more of satisfaction in the benefit of another. This results in fewer and fewer living in desperation, feeling that justifies stealing from others to survive. When they learn that making their needs known brings others to their rescue, converting them from ‘takers to survive’ to ‘givers to survive.’
Continue reading “Changes through Awakening”

Humanity’s path to peace

JANU:   We are encouraging a model of consciousness to serve and support the emergence of True Peace around the Earth, around the world, around the culture, around each one, that True Peace become a way of life for each one to choose. The True Natures of humanity support a life of mutual benefit, moving beyond the cycles of repetition focused in disharmony, with attention upon and commitment to true freedom to be creative, happy, and loving, and conscious of destiny and potential and discovery. Embracing all challenges and opportunities with these profound attributes of human consciousness will enrich the human experience.

Many other worlds struggle with similar challenges, and many have resolved them. What awaits humanity, and much more, is to experience and involve with the larger Family of Life. Many worlds and many realities are there and have been. Humanity and the Earth is but one of countless, but still only on the doorstep of such revelation. The peaceful path liberates the consciousness from all cycles of isolation, depravity, and poverty of understanding. So let us continue with this and explore humanity’s path to peace and a brighter future. Namaste.

Sept. 30, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Earth is glowing

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, enjoying the afterglow of recent achievements in human consciousness by many around your world. There is a glow around and in the Earth for humanity is claiming its victory over Darkness, metaphorically speaking. Humanity being one with the Earth, the movement into the Truth of Life or Light, as we have called it, is a shared journey. When observed collectively, human evolution in consciousness is reaching a maturity level, claiming its power to develop the human experience into conscious brotherhood. So much of life is on humanity’s doorstep to be discovered, engaged, and served.

Many individuals and groups, exploring an understanding of the nature of life and the true peace that is part of it, are choosing to identify with and own these changes, more than just understanding, you see. They are choosing to experience them. The day is coming, our brother, when the school systems will include in the curriculum the power within to create and the choices that can be made at any age. When this occurs more fully, the richness within each one’s nature, full of experience of this and other lives, will begin to show and be encouraged. The world will be transformed through this.

The first adventure of discovery is each one’s True Nature and then, through this, the vast richness of life in and beyond the Earth. The elderly will not be left behind in this adventure, for their consciousness, their spirit, is not old and feeble. And their ownership of a life of experience and wisdom will come to the surface with clarity and insight. More and more people will leave the body consciously, as a decision in harmony with the timing of their lives, and less and less from ill health and disease. They will walk from incarnation as easily and naturally as they came into it, in peace, both a joyous experience. The religions of your world will be seen with new eyes for the truths hidden from view by misunderstandings, misperceptions, and the veils of all participants. Every part of human society will change.

The Earth is becoming aglow, our brother, a worthy focus when considering the mayhem of the moment. And the Earth is not alone in this. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 26, 2014                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Family of Life is drawing together

JANU: We are encouraging humanity to take a look at what’s in store. The forces of violence, the consciousness of violence, and the acts of violence will end. Their energy supply is diminishing. The humanity who longs for a peaceful life with opportunity to awaken, to grow into all they can be, individually and with each other, is coming into its own. A deafening ear is being turned towards those in violence, no longer seen as powerful and threatening but as a pathetic way to live. The spirit and physical body of the individual will be seen as the Temple of Light that it is, and life decisions will be made to nurture and enhance it. Humanity is coming to humanity.

And now is an excellent time to be part of this, for in the cycles of life it is time for this. The community of spiritual and conscious beings is drawing together. You’ll understand this, and speak of it, in the times coming soon, with communication with those who live this way on other worlds and in other realities. The awakening is arriving. We encourage humanity to explore their vision, their hopes, and their dreams for what their life will be.
In harmony with this change, you’ll be a healthier humanity. No longer consumed with disease and economic ruin. Too much living to do and embrace and become for these old ways to continue. Choosing to live in freedom and peaceful pursuits will include, in time, an appreciation and concern for the lives of others on other worlds and other realities, awakening humanity to the Family of Life contributing in so many ways.
Let not the distractions of the abuses of the day cloud your vision. They do not speak for the Family of Life. They are aberrations and abominations on the Path of Truth. Namaste.
Sept. 16, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The patterns of life and destiny

JANU: We are Janu speaking, holding session, if you will, as we move along the path of awakening of humanity and its destiny. Others observe this journey of humanity as well. It is studied and compared to many others to learn of the nature of the choices humanity makes as it slowly considers its destiny and its shaping of it.

What does ‘destiny’ mean, then, in the presence of so-called free will and choice and awakening? The patterns of life include destiny, the power to choose, and the freedom to become. But the choices made, and the becoming, are not free of influence, circumstance, existing opportunities, and opportunities that are created. And even so-called time does not govern these, for that is process.
These patterns of life can be observed as probabilities that make up life of so many other beings, consciousnesses, and passions to live. So ‘destiny,’ our brother, is not set in stone but taken into account as the choices within patterns of life reveal themselves. Free will is the freedom to make choices within the parameters of existence, any existence that consciousness resides in, identifies with, chooses to explore. Everything is connected to everything else, in one way or another. The awakening consciousness begins to appreciate the myriad of realities within the patterns of life, which are without number. And all of this, our brother, is One and every universe, every reality, is of these patterns.
There are subtle ‘ring-pass-nots’ throughout creation, throughout life, to help maintain the integrity of every pattern of life. For when a consciousness embraces a previously unknown pattern of life, movement takes place in the integrity of that pattern, and nothing is motionless, our brother, or stands still, but evolves and changes. When we say “Life is in motion” the understanding of this has unlimited interpretations of this reality. An interesting balance in perspective to embrace all of this and more, maintaining an evolving sanity of perception and relationship to all of life.
Sept. 16, 2014 B Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A carnivorous or a giving life

JANU: The carnivorous elements of life speak profoundly to the evolutionary journey in the relationship between consciousness and incarnate life.

Now, what do we mean by ‘carnivorous’ in this approach, this understanding? We mean that which takes from another without advantage to the one being taken from. Of course, in the area of human diet and food, the correspondence is flesh foods for consumption. But this relationship has its counterpart in many other realities of life. In humanity, financially speaking, profiting from another which only advantages the profiteer. Lying about another with blame for your own misdeeds, compromising their freedom, if only in their own consciousness, to gain your own. The ‘eat or be eaten’ scenario speaks to this. What would life be like, then, in any reality, where one was concerned with the benefit to another?
You ask why so much of this carnivorous reality exists to such degree? It has to do with primal misconceptions about survival, without illumination, a foundation of understanding, a larger view of life. Once again, this speaks to the need for awakening to see the truth at the heart of more and more of life, and then making wiser choices. It is worthy to look at one’s own existence each day to see if there are elements of being carnivorous or being beneficial to another, individual or creature or the Earth, all of life.
This theme, this approach to relating to life is profound, for life supplies to those who give, those who lift life up, those who support, whatever is needed to continue and enhance that flow because it’s of service, life expansion and richness. Giving something to another for their benefit is never a loss to the giver. The giver always has more to give. Life finds a way.
Consider this carefully, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The power to exist

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us pursue, if we may, that which delves into the Mystery of Life in the area of existing. For this subject to make sense to the incarnate consciousness surrounded by human identity and culture, one must see behind all of that and reach into, not the depths of their being, but the height of it.

So what is the nature of existence? That we each possess, for we exist, you see. The evidence is there. We are talking here about a love for life not described by human passions and emotions but eluded to by life continuing in whatever form it may take, when allowed to. And where does the ‘allowing’ come from, our brother, but the finest nature of love that the expressions of love through existence are born of.

Now, all of the expressions of love that the consciousness can observe, experience, and imagine have as their first principle of being ‘the power to exist.’ Observe nature and its tenacity for life, given the slightest opportunity to continue. And when that is removed, the potential remains. The power to exist is the nature of life, manifesting its potential, loved into existence.

Now, it is possible to redirect the consciousness, the attention, to this reality within the being and experience this ‘power to exist.’ And, when allowed into your consciousness, everything created, including your own being, can be returned to and maintained in its true pattern of being, for the ‘power to exist’ transcends all disharmonies if chosen.

This does not suggest applying this power to others, taking away their power to choose. Respect the sovereignty of all life, all existence. Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

Sept. 10, 2014                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The path to victories is of your own design and choosing

JANU:    We call upon at this time the energy of, the reality of, journeyers in life that travel time and space to bring about a richer experience and a knowledge base for those who seek it, for not everyone journeys in the same way or employs the same faculties in the same way. Each have their own gifts.

So the journeyers we speak of at this time resemble humanity in some ways. They travel in craft. They have a more advanced understanding and application of those forces humanity reaches for and, in many cases, is unaware of. Much of their communication is telepathic, across vast distances, while traveling at speed.

The ones we look in on today have a green energetic hue with a touch of yellow. They have mastered these journeys long ago. They are now looking forward to the possibilities to enhance their achievements. They exist on the edge or the cusp between physicality and subtler reality, less physical, you see. And the experience of this existence makes them aware that they are near thresholds of change but are uncertain as to their physical status when embracing these new realities. There are others who have achieved this change, and they search both physically and telepathically for contact of this nature. Their craft are spread far and wide and, at determined intervals, halt their travel and telepathically network for the sensitivity to attune to what they reach for. And in this way, all of these journeyers are aware of more than they can achieve individually.

In time they will realize that what they search for is within them and is achievable without the travel, you see. In time, their travels may reveal others who have achieved what they look for, but these others cannot gift them this experience. It is a journey within that puts you at one with everything. Traveling for answers is left over from the physical journeys of their history, their tradition. It is not a waste of time, for it will reveal the truth of what they seek, if for no other reason than hinting at the solution but not providing it. Many achievements in life are accomplished by understanding the truth of this.

They will achieve their victory and realize the path to victory is of their own design and choosing, as it is with so many victories in life, our brother. Consider this carefully. Namaste.

Aug. 30, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Different perspectives do not mean we can’t walk the path to truth together

JANU: The Light that understanding brings is available to everyone. Many choose this consciously and many unconsciously, subtler levels of their being encouraging their journey to see more clearly and to come to know who they are, what they are. We would see at this time the attraction from within to a peaceful life more in harmony with new possibilities.

One of the greatest opportunities for advancing humanity is not that far away, our brother. And that is contact, on one level or another, with beings not of the Earth and, eventually, non-physical beings, which are even vaster. It is time for humanity to come out of its slumber and awaken to the world that has already been there but they have only seen, here and there, in dreams and imagination. Your science has even asked the question, “How did so many of ancient times know so much of the truth of Life, celestial reality, without the technology of today?” Enlightened individuals have always existed, our brother, here and there, with insight into the nature of life, and the truth of their existence.
Instead of marveling at these achievements, so unfathomable, why not open to and discover a few of your own? If one can accomplish these things, anyone can, if the desire is there and the mind is open. Never let frustrations, so-called mistakes, unforeseen obstacles, challenges, and the doubts of others interfere with pursuing your dream and your quest to know. The truth that matters, our brother, is your own truth, for your perception of life is yours. How you evolve it, refine it, utilize it, and share it is up to you.
Having our own perceptions does not mean we cannot walk these journeys together and learn from each other and strengthen our resolve. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 22, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross