Resolving the complexities of life through enlightened simplicity

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us view an understanding of the complexities of life. From an incarnate point of view, these complexities seem to compound over time—complexities leading to complexities—yet the inner life seems devoid of solutions and insight. Not always, but much of the time. How does one, then, initiate a change in these complexities towards solution, leading to more solutions? The simple act is a beginning, our brother. Not just simple in possessions but simple in circumstance, simple in motivations, ambitions, and goals.

Even though one may choose numerous paths of engagement in the incarnate life, the approach can still be simplicity, free of complex manipulations, deceptions, and maneuvers for power over others. Goals include the benefit of humanity, the growth of peace in the life, and by ‘peace’ we mean the harmonious relationship with the nature of the endeavor, the patience for natural unfoldment instead of pushing beyond natural evolution in understanding and service. Genius of insight, understanding, and solutions is revealed more freely and naturally when the approach to complexities is free of agendas that disturb the flow and cause turbulence and reversals of direction. It is possible, our brother, to embrace a new path or goal and gain insight, clarity, into the ramifications, whether turbulent or flowing. Waiting to see what will happen is not mastership or guided insight.

Complexities are developed or enhanced by ignorance and lack of perception, not only of the goal but of the self and the motives. While surveying the larger life and its vastness and diversity, simultaneous reality, look for the simple truth that explains so many of these, which is their root, their origin, and a bit of their destiny. Complexity, mastered with simplicity, enlightened simplicity.

July 23, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Why warring still exists, and choosing true peace

JANU:   The discourse this evening centers around the unwillingness of humanity to claim its true power, seeing the violence around them and around the world as powerful. These forces have no power but what people give them. Humanity lives in fear of such apparent power, but will find joy and peace in the True Power within. “How does one find such power?” they might ask. By desiring it, our brother, and loving it into your life, for this True Power is in harmony with a loving nature.

Now, humanity can have wars as long as it chooses, but there are a growing number of those who have chosen the alternative, and they will move on in their awakening and understanding of life and who they are. Wars only lead to more wars, because it is a model of behavior for problem and conflict solving that most of the people and the world’s leaders have allegiance to. Why then would so many choose this path in life and hang on to it? It is because of a fear, our brother, and fear is a strong emotion, and it feeds on itself, masking more harmonious attitudes and emotions. They have yet to understand or witness the power of True Peace. Those who lose the battles harbor resentment and ill-will against the victors, festering in their culture, their consciousness, their hearts, until eventually one speaks up to lead them and the warring continues.

One can choose not to fight and move beyond the perception of, the model of, winners and losers. Compromising with solutions that benefit everyone is always a better path. Making choices in life with greater and greater understanding is the way.

July 21, 2014 B                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Are E.T.s on Earth and what are they doing?

JANU: Yes, brother, there are extra-terrestrials involved in the Earth and, in one way or another, always have been. The original Earth experiment of humanity required humanity to evolve on its own merit, as far as it knew. The extraterrestrial presence from time to time was, and is, to assist here and there, for the most part unannounced. Not to jeopardize the experiment, you see. There came moments when more direct involvement, carefully managed, was called for. More so when certain humans evolved to the point of understanding, where direct contact was possible and contained to those involved. The mission is similar at this time, but with different elements of involvement, those who research, medicine, science, some religions, and politics. Yes, even music and the arts are benefiting from their presence, even at this time.

You ask, “Why not just let humanity achieve these advances on their own, in their own way?” The answer, our brother, is: humanity’s evolution is not just for humanity, but for those its future will involve. The evolution of life everywhere is undergoing changes, adjustments, re-direction, and coordination, to facilitate the potential of life. The extra-terrestrials, and others, are part of this, and humanity will be part of this as well, as it matures. Many so-called free thinkers, philosophers, and leaders have understood this. So, you see, the evolution of humanity is balanced between initiative, creativity, and coordination with more of life, and other understandings. Life is a balance between all of these, at different times and different ways. Consider, then, the reality of inspiration in the guidance and opportunity.

Humanity has never been truly alone on its path, for its path is part of a larger life, not just of the Earth. Remember, life is connected. Humanity is one, in ways it has yet to understand, but it will. Namaste, our brother.

July 7, 2014 B                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The evidence that humanity is not alone

JANU:  The focus this evening represents the culmination of an element of the human journey, and that is the “alone in the universe” perception. The absence of events to the contrary would speak volumes to many that the perception is valid. But the evidence is there, our brother, to be recognized for what it is. And the evidence is humanity itself.

So, where did the human body in its present form come from? You use the term ‘intelligent design’ at this time. What intelligence do you speak of? Certainly not the nebulous one, full of vagueness, ambiguity, and belief. Belief being nudged into the background, so to speak, by a growing discernment, logical thought, a growing sense of ‘something more’ that can be understood.

Humanity co-creates, not always understanding the process or the results. Now, how does co-creation indicate that humanity is not alone in the universe? It speaks of creation without understanding process. So, if humanity was created, isn’t it likely that, in a universe this size, others were created as well? Life does not place all of its eggs in one basket. So if others were created on other worlds, with different paths of evolution, consciousness, creativity, faculties, and gifts of ability, would it not be likely that the universe has a richness of life to benefit from? Is it reasonable that a genius would separate itself into components with no communication, no cooperation, no collaboration, no interaction?

So exploring that humanity itself is the evidence of not being alone in life is worthy of consideration. And to know it’s a matter of the process of time for the discovery to be made, that knowledge of and communication with other life forms, other species, other intelligences are in the offing. We trust those will bring an inquiry of many perspectives in the search for the Truth of Life. And we invite these, our brother. Namaste.

July 10, 2014 B                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Regimen of Life

Note: In this context, regimen means the ‘orderly procedure of a natural process’ rather than an imposed ‘course of therapy’ as per Webster’s dictionary.

JANU:  We are assembling this evening the regimen of life that produces wave after wave of layered life that recalls its own truth. This regimen we speak of is the reality where the elements of life are aware of each other simultaneously and form a system of perpetuation. This regimen of life is expressed through all the elements of life living as one. As you have observed this evening, your Earth is a prime example of countless systems of life interacting and perpetuating each other in a harmony not easily understood, for each element is unique in its own right yet vital for the Earth to continue. Your physical bodies are similar, and your subtle bodies add to the mix, so, in a sense, you are living as a world of co-existing and cooperating systems of life to perpetuate your experience.

Understanding what life is, and its co-existence of unique elements all part of perpetuation of life, has a beauty and a symmetry that never stops changing but remains a marvel. A worthy and enriching journey to understand how and why everything is needed, in countless different ways of mutual benefit, for life to continue. Even the so-called good and bad of theoretical dichotomy brings balance to the motion of life. To understand this is one of countless beginnings to embrace the truth of life and to become conscious as who you truly are. Namaste.

July 8, 2014 B                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Story of Humanity

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us consider the story of humanity, or mankind, if you will. This story is not unlike many others in the universe, but this one is humanity’s. The story here is one of confidence building, in every area: surviving; procreation and family; industry, for survival and prosperity; and intelligence, as a foundation for creativity and improving life. The story includes many elements of living: building relationships; connecting with nature; understanding the life of the Earth, the land to the skies to the seas; finding life everywhere, crossing the natural boundaries into other realms of the Earth and, now, what lies beyond the Earth. The story of humanity embraces inner realities, subtle realities, and nuances of existence that compel the reader of life to continue to achieve and build a foundation of understanding and achievement for the future of humanity to come.

Soon, humanity will learn of other species, other worlds, living lives in completely different ways, causing humanity to re-examine its own story. Yet the story of humanity and the Earth is by no means complete, for the story of Earth and humanity are intertwined and, for the time being, one does not proceed without the other. The diverse story of the Earth, richer than yet imagined, is worth discovering for much that is learned can be directly applied to humanity’s future. We of the Brotherhood, those incarnate and discarnate, are part of these stories. Even as we speak, we are adding to that story.

Life is coming together, our brother, from many distant realities, for all of life is connected, in one way or another. Humanity needs to expand its awareness of its own journey and the journeys its life touches. And these stories of life, our brother, are being read, and not just by humanity, for there are many who explore the story of life in much larger ways, with growing profound understanding and the ability to inspire and build.

We have heard some refer to the future of humanity in space, if you will, as “the Final Frontier.” It is not, for there is no ‘final’ frontier. But there are ‘next’ frontiers and awakening is at hand. Namaste.

July 15, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Path of Excellence

JANU: For this morning’s journey, we shall embark upon the path of excellence for humanity. Excellence here is not understood as perfection, in the sense of free of errors or miscalculation or challenges. Excellence here refers to humanity exercising their potential and manifesting their destiny with the freedom realized by a growing awakening, clarity of thought and emotion, and the commitment to always refine and realize their ideals, growing in harmony with the larger life, and fulfilling their chosen responsibility to elevate their relationships and their service. They are in fact, our brother, emissaries of life and aren’t we all, each in our own gift and way and capability?

Excellence is not measured as the flawless life, but as a growing one, evolving and loving the opportunity to grow in the mastership of their circumstance and potential. The path of excellence includes the frailties and the power and wisdom and love to overcome them all and inspire others. Being the light in your life—and light explained as the Truth of Life—can’t help but bring light to others, for light has a presence in life, a vitality. It is a sustainer of life in motion.

There is a peace that comes with the mastering of the challenges of life, building a confidence in meeting new ones. Peace and confidence, based on a foundation of experience and understanding, go hand in hand. A confident humanity leaves behind self-made conflicts among each other fed by fears, insecurities, and a lack of confidence in self-worth and the trustworthiness of others.

Each day is filled with opportunities to build upon excellence in the thought, emotion, comment, and conduct. So examine your own reasons or motivations for how you conduct your day and choose wisely the outcome you prefer and live every day in a little greater freedom from the old ways of social conditioning. Natural excellence in your life is normal, even though uncommon. Your life can be the seed to inspire others into their excellence.

July 18, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Human evolution and growth

JANU:  For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the reality that humanity is destined for an evolution of its nature. One could take a look at every element of society—human consciousness, behavior, goals and ideals, ambitions, and understandings—and look into their potential for evolution, for they will all change, become more refined and sophisticated and bring humanity into greater harmony with life and each other.

One element is unannounced: helping of another; assisting one in difficulty; bringing clarity, to any degree of understanding, to their circumstance; rallying around, so to speak, to help another recover from adversity and confusion and deprivation. You ask, then, “How might this element of human behavior and consciousness evolve?” It will evolve to the point where humanity will be alert to each other’s challenges, even before they occur, to help them prepare to master the challenge. Not so much to prevent the challenge, or react to it after it has occurred, but to prepare for it. How many times have individuals or groups of humanity entered into experimentations, adventures, new undertakings, where in hindsight they might have thought better of it?

Challenges occur, our brother, not to punish life but to inspire growth through the struggle in the gaining of the wisdom of the experience. Yes, there is individual challenge and opportunity, but aren’t we all here to help each other? Not to remove or bypass the challenge but to master it, ready for the next. Life is filled with many joys as well, happy moments to be shared if chosen, to lift the spirits of each other. And in these happy moments and joy comes strength from within that brings hope for the future to become richer and brighter. The human journey is not all one blissful moment after another, but a mixture of challenge, opportunity, and loving assistance from each other.

So what does growth include, our brother? Life is not designed to annihilate itself, but to expand, enrich, cherish, and love all that it is and can be. So it is with humanity, bringing balance and meaning to the journey.

July 16, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


‘Going within’ for understanding

JANU:   We are connecting with the concept: Going within for understanding. Let us first speak to this subject as to its validity and benefit to humanity.

“What is going within, then?” some would ask, some having heard of this but not owning the experience or understanding it. ‘Going within’ is being in a state of listening, being alert and sensitive to inspiration. There is a world of reality with many elements and nuances and capabilities that are part of the being that you are. Now, this world includes the so-called outer life as well, for when ‘going within’ one is listening to and communicating with all of life. So ‘going within’ is sensitizing, quickening your consciousness to attune to the life that you are.

You ask, “Why is ‘going within’ more successful than seeking your answers only in the life around you?” The life around you is not the source of who you are, or the source of creation or the source of the life that creation manifests from. When one wishes to understand the behavior and awareness of any animal or creature, the core truth of that animal must be connected with and, in a sense, to a degree, take a stroll in their life as they see it. The same principle applies to your own. To understand the nature of your concerns, and related possibilities, one must attune to your True Nature, the source of your being, that that lives within you, and explore your life or any part of it.

Many will ask, “How does one accomplish this?” It is by asking the question in your life, about anything that you care about, and listening. And open your mind and your heart to the reality that there is an answer, and you are part of the life designed to answer it truthfully. This life we speak of is intelligence and information. It is always present, always available. As you develop the art of listening, and not just with your mind but with your emotions and your spirit, your understanding deepens and becomes more immediately available.

Now, this does not exclude moments of understanding inspired by observations of life around you. These are not separate realities and both can be beneficial, but the inner journey reveals, with less distraction, a more direct response to your inquiry. Now, it is possible, once developed, to observe life in motion around you and, with that listening sensitivity, see the truth that is taking place. Using both to gain insight and understanding simultaneously, discovering the inner and outer life are one. When developed to a comfortable degree, one no longer fears transition, but realizes they’ve been walking through that process of living both in the outer and the inner life, as they more freely experience any reality.

July 14, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Will of the People

JANU: We are Janu speaking, discussing at some length the reality of the will of the people. Now, on one level this refers to the unawakened choices of humanity, and on another level the inner and more enlightened consciousness of humanity and its will. The first being subject to the whims of society, mob rule, the perceived power of the military and the politicians, the government, and the personal passions and biases. The latter refers to a collective understanding of the needs of humanity, its commitments, its potential, and its service to life, including that of the Earth.

Now, humanity is not just one or the other, but a mixture. Even the unenlightened will of the people is influenced by the inner memory of the larger Life and True Nature; although not consciously or with deliberation, there is influence still. Humanity, consciously, has yet to identify itself as part of a larger family of life. Most everything is parochial.

You ask, “Why do so many in Spirit give so much to the awakening of humanity?” It is because, our brother, humanity is a part of the larger family of life and, in a true sense, we all take care of our own, so to speak. It is our desire to serve humanity that has become aware of the magnificent genius and greatness and beauty and love that live within its True Nature, that they be inspired to master its potential.

It is useful for each individual to explore its own sense of will and free choice. How real that is, how real it could be, and what is the source of it. The will of the people on both levels is subject to the range of possibilities that each is conscious of and the degree of command over these opportunities. So the choices, you see, are not unlimited within the conditions of consciousness, but are unlimited in the full potential of life.

Awakening, our brother, to the larger life increases the options of engagement, realization, and co-creation. How can you exercise free will of choice over a reality you have no awareness of? The journeys we enjoy reveal more and more of this. May we encourage others to consider the same for themselves, and the dialogue within humanity grow, as well as the dialogue we enjoy, whether incarnate or not. For life talks to life, our brother, no matter the form or the location or the time or the reality. May we all lift each other into the Truth of Life and enjoy the journey. Namaste.

June 24, 2014 B                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross