Dignity (Service)

JANU: We have in our hands, so to speak, this evening an opportunity to re-address the issue of subliminal responses to human dignity when applied to each other and to the self. The subliminal responses we refer to include a sense of peace and happiness.

What constitutes, then, an expression of dignity? It has to do with truthfulness, honor, true caring for another, caring for animals, and good character. These qualities, when expressed, imbue humanity with subtle responses from life of clarity and encouragement, as one observes a like response in another, of dignity.

Service this evening is to encourage this behavior in humanity. Inspiring dignity and patience. These qualities go a long ways toward a relationship with life that is free and fulfilled. Consider carefully, our brother, the qualities of dignity. Namaste.

Jan. 1, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




The Awakening of Humanity continues

JANU:   Awakening has always existed, our brother, but these are accelerated times, for the rest of life moves this way as well, and humanity is part of it. The consciousness of humanity does in fact exist in other realms. And life is moving. Some of the dynamics or elements of the movement of awakening in these times are dissatisfaction and frustration with current circumstances, soul-searching so to speak for answers, for a better way of life, recognizing at the same time that current circumstances are unresolved. Realizing that the media describe the mayhem more clearly and more frequently than the beauty of humanity and its potential, thinking that the public is more interested in such behavior when, in truth, the public is interested in a better way of life, not being pandered to in their fears and frustrations.

The one you call Pope exemplifies this alternative. His religion is more the people than dogma or theology. There are many in the masses living simpler lives yet carrying the momentum of awakening to a better life, understanding the simple truths and beauty and power more than many so-called leaders, political and military. So, frequently we reach out to the hearts and souls of these with simpler lives, with encouragement, inner strength, and insights into their awakening. They are the vanguard, our brother, of what is to come.

The governments and leaders come and go, but the people remain to lead the way. Yes, Mandela understood this is where the real power is for change, for the evolving collective consciousness of humanity and its place in the future. Many civilizations on many worlds have endured these struggles, our brother. Many still do. It is part of life, as are we. Be encouraged, full of faith and commitment to a bright future. Namaste.

Jan. 5, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




Co-creation: Incarnation and awakening

JANU: It is true, understanding this reality is assisted by remembering why one incarnates at all, you see. Incarnation is a process that reveals to the one incarnating the mechanisms of life, not just materiality but the life that allows it, the energetic disciplines, protocols, structures, and the transformations that can take place in perception, consciousness, and appreciation of life.

Co-creation is a part of this process and it belongs to the Orders of Life that allow life to create life after its own kind, so to speak. So the rewards of incarnating and co-creating are not just for the individual but for life itself. Remembering that your existence, and your performance in that existence, are always one with life. Understanding and experiencing the co-existence of individuality, uniqueness, and oneness with all other elements of life is a grand journey. Let it be known that understanding this reality is a vast journey of its own.

Let there begin, then, a dialogue with the self and the nature of its existence, appreciating and understanding an incarnate lifetime and, at the same time, embracing the larger life reality of your own being. It is micro- and macrocosm, individuality and oneness, understood the same way.

The motivation to incarnate, which is your inquiry, is to experience more of life, understand more of life, and become conscious as more of life. For in this direction of experience, one moves toward completeness of being. And even that, our brother, is but a threshold into an even larger life, for the more conscious you are, the more of life you engage.

Ignorance and illumination are the choices, our brother. In either case, your Essential Being is, and is part of life, and has worth, and is loved. Co-creation exists no matter the degree of awakening. What is created is up to you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 2, 2014                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross




Understanding incarnate life

JANU:   Humanity in general is not aware of the role the consciousness of sea life plays in its future. Considering the vastness of the seas and of the world and the life they contain, how can one ignore a possible significance of this scope? The range of this life and consciousness is part of the Earth’s collective consciousness, plays a major role. The appearance and manner of existence and function in the life of each species is indicative of the variations in underwater environmental conditions that these species have adapted to. So, it would be understood in time that this is a way to anticipate the many variations in life on other worlds. Marine biologists are privy to much of this, but the connection has yet to be fully understood, with life on other worlds and their possibilities, their realities.

You ask again, “What does it take to be human, human in the physical sense?” In this scenario, it means conditions similar to those of the Earth. For the human body is acclimated to its environment. Can you not see that the conditions of existence and the nature of species are one? What is incarnate, then, in the human being? Is it subject to remapping by environmental conditions? Influenced, yes, our brother, through experience, memories, the wisdom gained. How much of the total being that incarnates is determined by the success of previous incarnations? Deployment is influenced by these. So, even to observe humanity and its consciousness that is apparent, character and content, does not reveal the totality of the nature of that which incarnates. And, yes, this is true for other species as well, including the animals, the birds, the life in the sea.

When all you are conscious of is humanity’s existence incarnate, the entire scope of your perception is based upon this. Yet to reveal its full truth to you for you have chosen not to perceive all of life. But the choice is not permanent, our brother. It is temporary, for your nature and your heritage lie beyond these limitations. And they are alive and present and welcome your inquiry into awakening. This does not suggest discounting the importance of the current condition of human consciousness awakening, for it is part of the larger life as well and is connected to it and enriches it. The choice has always been with each incarnate consciousness, and whether to incarnate at all and under what circumstances.

Find peace in life as it is, our brother, for it will always continue. Namaste.


Dec. 27, 2013                                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Diversity of Life: the various freedoms of the realms

JANU:   For the most part, we have spoken only of third dimensional or physical existence. But there are many other realities as well that are not physical, and they have their diversity as well and their existence, their consciousness is connected to energetic reality other than your own illusion of materiality. All realities are valid and viable and co-exist but with different parameters, if you will. Where you travel physically, they travel energetically. And travel is a word your meaning does not apply to, for they do not move through great distances, linearly. When one is conscious in their manner, one’s perception of life is more universal and unlimited, for their interests govern their experience more fluidly and more instantaneously. Life is still diverse enough, our brother, for even that capability to have endless opportunity for discovery and understanding.

You ask if they are aware of your physical experience. And the answer is, for the most part, no. For their interest is to expand what they already have and are, and not to devolve. They do have researchers who venture in your direction, so to speak.

You ask, “What is their equivalent to procreation that exists in our world?”  By desire and intent and will, they coalesce life into viable consciousnesses and life spans based upon the desire to be. For they are freer to, at will, move on to finer realms of existence, to explore and experience.

So you see, our brother, consciousness, sentience comes and goes. Life re-creates itself constantly, instantly, and through process for any duration needed. The parameters of existence are diverse indeed throughout the realities of life. We of the Brotherhood of Light are examples of this, with freedoms to be that seem impossible to the incarnate experience, but that are not only natural to us, but are expandable. As freedoms apply to be, moving at will through the range of life becomes available, no longer limited to any point in evolutionary experience.

In the larger reality of life, all is known, all is observed, and there are no secrets. That is a limited perception, based upon a limited consciousness. And yes, it is possible for the incarnate consciousness to communicate with and form relationships with those who are not incarnate, as we are demonstrating. For elements of each one’s existence transcend the limitations of their current involvement with a life reality. In your case, incarnation. The awakening of humanity opens one to this reality and new freedoms to be, to experience, and to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 19, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life: Absolute freedom

JANU:   How does one broach then such a subject, such a reality? Considering the possibility that life includes all of us, all of creation, manifest or otherwise, what is its nature?

One tends to think in terms of source of life, a singular reality possessing that needed to initiate everything. Consider this, our brother, that life from this interest has no beginning. Quite a concept to embrace, that there is no ‘source’ as such, no beginning. Life has always been and always will be. One must overcome the tendency to consider understandings in terms of breadth and scope, the borders of hierarchy with beginnings and endings. Life has always been, our brother, and to understand this, it allows one to focus upon its existence. Universes have beginnings and endings, which are beyond number, scattered throughout life. Life in the most primary of reality will always be, because understanding comes when you realize that time and distance are a creation from that which is not limited to these, or defined by these. The understanding lies beyond Pure Being. “Life is” does justice to a limited understanding.

This perspective affords the consciousness the freedom to relate to the nature of life with a measure of the freedom of life without constraints or borders. It allows the consciousness to expand beyond evidence. Embracing the reality of limitless life opens the consciousness as no other reality can afford. Realizing a true freedom, yet still embracing creation. The freedom is beyond paths of discovery, of engagement, of rituals and obedience and all of these things. Pure Being consciousness is but a step to the freedom of absolute oneness with life, for to the limited mind, ‘being’ suggests the reality of ‘not being’ and that understanding alone is not the freedom we speak of.

Much to consider here, which we shall, understanding the nature of life.

Dec. 18, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life: Understanding the potential and creation

JANU: Life’s nature is crystalline, in a different sense, of course, than current understanding. These postulates occur when ‘original thought,’ for lack of a better term, self-generates into postulates that are the source of organized creation and, as such, demonstrate the principles of life and their order and hierarchy. As these postulates create, patterns are formed and this is where the crystalline nature comes in, forming a field of creation that would seem electrical in nature, but they exist beyond physicality, but are energetic, you see, of a very high order. And relate to each other as one. This best resembles ‘cosmic consciousness,’ the microcosm of which appears as the human brain, brain-mind interface. The diversity of life begins here, as this energetic network of crystalline relationships express the diversity of potential.

Now, understanding potential is not to be accomplished by seeing this as an accumulation of realized differences, variations. The theme is potential. Life is variations on this theme in manifestation. Before bits and pieces of manifestation occur, potential is understood as the oneness of an unlimited theme. The binary mind has difficulty embracing this reality, for it is part of the diverse potential, and so its model for understanding existence is time/space components of life. But nonetheless, our brother, reality is reality, whether understood or not.

The key here is being open to enlightenment, as the True Nature is. Even as the consciousness contemplates the existence of many universes, consider the life that these universes reside in, and with. This more inclusive body of life is a postulate, one of many forming the patterns of life, crystalline in nature.

More to come, our brother. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The nature and purpose of service

JANU:   As we probe the mystery of life together, let us assume that there is a mystery to be probed. And what is a mystery but a reality not fully understood or aware of? You are asking this evening about service, its nature, its purpose, its role in a useful progression of life.

Now you ask, “Does life progress, or can it, without the inclusion of service?”  Yes, it can, our brother, but then its richness is lessened, for those who serve life also invest who they are in it. And that is part of the progression of life, is it not? The investment in life, and that’s what service is and that’s its purpose. That’s its meaning: to invest your life in it. Not to rule it or to run it, but to contribute. You’re concerned about interference with the natural progression of life from your own point of view or perspective. Life allows this as well, you see, for your investment in someone else’s investment into the collective evolvement of life from all of these investments helps bring life to where it is.

Right or wrong does not describe a loving investment in life, when service is a natural calling for elements of life. To desire that life evolve and fulfill its potential, that desire is innate. So you invest, our brother, where there is opportunity and that innate quality within seems beckoned. As with any endeavor, you do your best with what you know, and learn from this and refine your service. If perfection is desired, before giving service, your service will end. But not for long, for the push from within will reveal to you the illusion of perfection.

That is this evening’s service, our brother: to understand and continue to serve. Namaste.

Dec. 20, 2013 B                                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross