The Power to Exist: Life’s response to the destiny of potential

JANU:   You speak of the power to exist, in today’s journey. What is the reality of such a power, the energies it uses, and what initiates that power? In a very subtle way, the possibilities of creation, of manifestation, of existence draw the energy, the power that it needs from life itself, which is beyond energy and that power, to fulfill its destiny by existing.

Now, we are not just speaking of physicality here but all realities. The power is defined, configured, shaped if you will, by the profound nature of that potential, its particular destiny and possibilities of existence. Any portion of life, our brother, in creation has a destiny, and destiny and potential are natural allies with imperative to proceed in life.

One has a tendency to perceive the present and the future, the unmanifest and the manifest, separate in some way, separated by time and events. They are not. Life is one, our brother, and is a looping reality constantly upgrading life, evolving it, and enriching itself. The power to exist is inherent in the potential of existence. And that power modifies as the result of the unfoldment of the destiny of existence. Everything in motion, our brother, including the power to exist, adapting, responding to the need for creation.

Duality mind still perceives this or that, now or then, here or there, and does not grasp well the significance or the reality of the oneness of life, much larger than but inclusive of time/space. Past, present, and future are one. Potential and destiny and creation are one. The power to exist and existence are one.

Mar. 13, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What does it mean to be Human?

JANU:             What indeed does it mean to be human? We would venture to say that, for the most part, humanity answers that question in a very limited way, yet they have some concern of what is not human, when it comes to other life forms. So what does one compare, what exists in others, to that of being human, when one does not fully grasp what it does mean to be human?

The concept of ‘being human,’ though fuzzy, not well defined, is an ancient perspective having to do with grouping for survival. But for those who existed without the threat of lack of survival, this question existed for a different reason, and the reason was more in the direction of mutual support, for strengthening groups and communities through the sharing of abilities, understandings, and intelligence.

Now this grew in three different directions, for, as it was pursued, it was realized that many of these qualities exist in other creatures as well, only not understood but the evidence was there. So an effort was made to connect with, communicate with different kinds of intelligence, and abilities, and understandings on different levels, with other creatures. An awareness of intelligence beyond the Earth was begun. For many, this was memory of ancient relationships, and, yes, there were those who visited from other worlds and associated with humanity, storing many memories, you see. And many of those visitors were human-like. Some were not, and those visits were less successful in a sense but contributed to a broader foundation of understanding and possibilities. The third direction the pursuit took was that of spiritual, if you will, identification in the direction of “who are we, really?” and “what existed before humanity in intelligent life?”

These three pursuits consumed much interest and humanity of today has yet to expand an understanding of this question. So a valid question in this direction is: “Why does one concern themselves with ‘What is Humanity?’ rather than just pursuing the path of living?”

What we see here is an opportunity to forge an alliance with life, all of life, beyond the limitation of identity. For if another species has compassion for each other, an interest in the larger life, and the pursuit of the Truth and its own evolution, it is not difficult to find common ground with their qualities, values, and performance. Look for these things when encountering another and you will find more common values than you might imagine and, with understanding, communication, and interaction, embrace new thresholds with far greater rewards for everyone.

We thank you, our brother, for this time and your attention on this question. We will pursue it further at another time. Namaste.

Feb. 7, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Step into the future

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, waiting then with you for the outcome of a projection into the future of humanity. What you see here are the beginnings of an etheric-like formation of human potential. The humanity of the future will leave behind much of what it is consumed with at this time: power, survival, influence, destructiveness, pride, false pride, emotional chaos, and consciousness traveling in circles repeating old patterns again and again.

We see in these new formations humanity less identified with physical species, but more identified with universal mind and connection with more of life than physicality, you see. We see humanity discovering the power of peace, not meaning just the lack of violence, but the peace that moves with life, fulfilling opportunity, working closely with other worlds, other species, and other realities, a sense of teamwork, community, and mutual benefit. Survival in the physical being less of a focus. Survival as a consciousness, as a spirit, being a new identity, more connected with life and the freedom to be. A vision of the future that draws humanity’s consciousness in its direction.

The perception that the future is somehow separate from reality of the moment is a limited view, for in very real ways humanity is already its future. Potential is real, our brother. It is built into life, in the spiritual DNA, if you will, of the human journey. It is happening, even as we speak. Step into the future, then, our brother. It is here.

Feb. 8, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross