The power to understand everything you observe around and within you

JANU: Let us understand that the nature of the structure of life, its dynamics and design, warrants that observing the current conditions of humanity, of which there are many, reveals its path of awakening and the ingredients on that path for success. Life is designed such that all of its creation is imbued with representation of all of its solutions for the purpose of evolving into the realization of fulfillment of potential. Therefore, humanity’s potential for awakening is revealed through every element of its current condition.

“How can we know this?” you ask. “How can this representation be observed and utilized?” Deep within the human psyche, every challenge, every aspect of its condition of existence, every experience triggers or inspires an appraisal as to degree of acceptability and desire of change. So the mystery of human awakening is not really a mystery at all, but a point of interpretation and sensitivity to the message that life reveals about everything. So outer manifestation of inner awakening are really one, and they are one with insight expressed through what some would call the ‘outer life,’ reminding once more that life is one.

“Awakening to what?” some would ask. Awakening to life: its destiny, purpose, solutions, the nature of your being, and understanding your potential in any sojourn, in any relationship. To see, observe, any part of life and understand it. And as you do, understanding the observer and what the potential is in the relationship between the two. The more you awaken, the more you can observe any part of life, any person, any creation, and perceive their truth and see the reflection of that truth within you. The mayhem of the day dwindles in the face of this. Observing the homeless person on the street of your cities takes on a deeper dimension, a profound observation as to the truth of that individual and his circumstance and your own compassion through understanding.

So, to understand deeply everything you observe, everything you become aware of, even your own passions and desires, is another gem on the path of awakening. Let it be known that life is communicating its truth always and you have the potential, the whole you, to hear the message and gain the wisdom. Namaste.

Nov. 1, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross