The Nature of Life: what lies beyond what we call life?

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, handing over today the reins—although not completely—to the collective that is life, to reveal itself to your understanding and maturing, illuminating the path to the mastering of the Truth of your being. We will convey what’s being shown you.

Up to now, you have been considering the physical manifestations of creation as a guide for understanding the nature of life. We will extend this to, at this time, the subtler creations of life and the nature of their destinies. Let us consider, then, those you have encountered of a non-physical nature, exploring their future. (see Lanto) These beings, collectively, in these subtler realms of life, embrace what has seemingly been dormant for them, but has been part of their nature from the beginning. So this element of life’s nature is that of having in reserve more of the truth of its nature in the form of potential and, ultimately, realization, in countless forms and venues of life. Life is a composite of these, the essence of which has always been full of vitality and so-called miracles of expression. For who can see an individual’s full potential, other than Life itself? For only it is aware of all that can be expressed and experienced.

Now you ask, “In the Nature of Life, can there be unrealized potential that is unknown, even from other universes?” From Life’s point of view, the answer is ‘No,’ our brother, but this question hints at “What is there beyond the life that we are considering at this time?” One must keep an open mind to this possibility, for there is a larger truth here where the answer is ‘yes’ to the question, which adds to the definition of life that is beyond but co-existing, although ‘existing’ as not the best word here.

With this added dimension of understanding to the Nature of Life, let us take the time to consider our perspective. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 29, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Observing each other’s lifestyle for mutual benefit

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us embark upon the tale of two worlds, beset with struggle, conflict, much unrest. Then they discovered each other and prolonged their struggles until one could see the futility in the other of such behavior, and communicated this to each other. Realizing that, together, with one observing and one portraying, they could do better. So they used this relationship to monitor each other’s progress, inspire each other, taking counsel from each other, and achieved a greatness in their cultures never even dreamed of.

They have taken this principle to other worlds as an example of what can be achieved and have inspired many to pair up, if you will, to help each other. For, you see, even in the human environment, it is easier to see the faults or difficulties in another than in yourself. The challenge and the opportunity is to see the wisdom in the counsel of another reflecting to you what they observe, and both parties growing in their honesty of their mutual appraisals and perceptions.

Coupling in your culture, marriage if you will, can have this scenario as well. We see this opportunity missed in many of your couplings around the world. Would that it be taught more clearly and carefully and effectively, one to another. This principle occurs whether the coupling is heterosexual or not. This is not the issue.

So be at peace with relationships in difficulty, realizing that this principle is yet to be applied. Namaste.

Mar. 26, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Nature of Service: Life responding to Life

JANU:   The focus this evening is the refinement of and the enhancement of service. And we learn that service is a life response to itself, to help fulfill its destiny and its creations, to open the true power of peace for creative genius and natural healing, and the wisdom that comes from exploration. Service is not now and then, here and there. It is a continuous reality of countless forms and modalities. All of life is in service, our brother, whether aware of it or not. Intimate service from a foundation of oneness reveals that you cannot serve without being served, in one way or another. And what is service, then, but the enhancement of living and all that that includes?

Mar. 27, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




The human collective

JANU: The human journey includes a perception of life that has changed greatly, gone through cycles. The religions of humanity speak to this as well, and one can see the many changes in these perceptions of the truth of their own nature, behavior, aspirations, and achievements. Religions are far more organized in terms of structure and business, procedures and rituals. But religions are not the only source of structuring in humanity’s societies and philosophies, accepted norms, and included many changes in direction, both enlightening and depressing the spirit.

When one takes an overview of the human journey, it is filled with many so-called ‘sparks of Light’ of understanding and achievement, but evolution is seldom a straight undisturbed path of discovery and change in one direction only. There is enlightenment and confusion in the mix. The journey of humanity has grown, not only in its physical component or structure, but consciousness and what you call DNA is all evolving.

Now, on a much subtler level, realize that human consciousness is subtle as well, and the consciousness of others, on other worlds that have a pattern link to humanity, contribute to these changes in consciousness. And your achievements contribute to theirs as well. Human achievement will accelerate by comparison, once humanity embraces the reality of one life, connection with all life, in both directions, you see. Losing then, more and more, this perception of isolation and separation which limits the conscious mind in its influence upon the physicality. The Truth of Life exists for all to see and understand. And what is to come for humanity is uplifting and enjoyable and rewarding, filled with the freedom to Be.

Reviewing The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey reveals the movement in this direction and the range of human potential, which is part of its fabric of being, its Tapestry of Life. So discovery, our brother, is not just a linear thing from day to day, but a timeless reality without limit. Simultaneous awakening, in any direction of understanding, especially when viewed collectively, as humanity as a Being. The individual pursuits have merit, but so do collective pursuits. Humanity united as a collective being, conscious of its collectiveness and in embrace of it.

Grow in your appreciation of life collectively, our brother. Think in these terms. Ponder life globally. Namaste.

Mar. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Art of Communication is enhanced by the Art of Oneness

JANU:   The art of communication as such commands an intimacy with life that leads to, borders upon, oneness, for oneness is, our brother, ultimate communication. For how can there not be mutual knowing when observers, communicators, are in intimate oneness? So the art of communication includes this as a foundation. Within this premise, this foundation, the art of communication includes having something to communicate of interest to each other.

Now, individually speaking, all do not share the same interest at the same time. So one who has come to know a Truth of Life may accomplish only exposure to a possibility to another. The oneness sensitivity reveals the interests of another, revealing that the participants in communication have the possibility of sharing an interest. Now, from the individuality human perspective, communication is a process of give and take by comparison to more instantaneous communication of direct knowing and intimacy of oneness. Sharing is instantaneous and far more complete, for each party receiving information becomes aware of it as their own. So the [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-art-of-communication-reconnecting”]reconnecting [/p2p] mentioned previously  is the path to oneness. And even oneness, our brother, has many nuances, levels of reality and intimacy, and evolves. Even in instantaneous reality, life is process: instantaneous from one perspective, evolving and changing from another.

Now, when two species encounter each other with different cultures, backgrounds, philosophies, language, and some with no language—for they are telepathic and communicate in other ways, as well—what is the foundation for communication? Once again, the intimacy of oneness comes into play, a degree of it, at least, our brother. And there are degrees of oneness, for it can be applied universally, individually, and by reason of need and choice.

So today’s theme is oneness as a vehicle for communication. Oneness can be assigned to or focused upon any part of life or all of life, to any degree. So, you see, our brother, the Art of Oneness is a reality as well and worthy of exploration. So, communicate at will, our brother, with any part of life, even your own nature that at times seems illusive and not understood.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 25, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Lanto: The ability to be that which has never been

LANTO:   Yes, peace be yours, our brother, as we find our peace in our new adventure, moving into new life vistas unlike any that we have known. At the moment in our journey, we are savoring the rich flavor of life energies that are new and quite different and are becoming conscious of being re-molded, re-formed as our new existence progresses. Now, our new existence is not a total departure from all we have known and been, but includes the essence of these as a foundation for understanding, appreciating a finer reality. And through these lessons learned, we appreciate life even more, with what is being added.

The need for physical sustenance, nurturing, has long since passed. Now, the challenges are maintaining a balanced life in harmony with so many unknown patterns of life, energies if you will. But even now we are sensing life existence beyond the limits of energy. For all energies, our brother, have a limitation due to their nature, their patterns of existence, their qualities. But understand that all of these are part of the collective life of all realities, and have their role or place in the complex composite of everything.

This movement of ours, into a higher reality vibrationally speaking, causes one to be more sensitive to finer nuances of life, not only around us, so to speak, but within us as well. Our interests, desires, adventures, experiences have evolved and are evolving rapidly, so it seems. We are finding that we have the ability to reshape ourselves to become more intimately one with realities we only observed before. And we are understanding oneness in the sense of ‘becoming something else.’ Freedom to be a wider range of life and life expressions, to move about these, returning to whatever we choose. No longer an identity limited to that identity. And even multiplicity in identities, at the same time.

Much to learn here, to master, and to appreciate. Moving from physicality to energetic existence and, now, something more. Not knowing its full range yet and meaning, but becoming aware of its reality. Time and space no longer limitations, and in time, energies as well. And suspecting that the ability to be what has never been, adding to the tapestry of life in completely new ways. A breakthrough for us, our brother, and we sense your interest as well.

The journey is by no means complete and your consciousness is exploring and expanding with us. And this is an interesting relationship that is unfolding, showing that the fullness of life is available to your consciousness.

Mar. 11, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Filling in the gaps to understanding life

JANU:     We have with us this morning one who speaks of that which belongs to humanity’s destiny, meaning the expertise to fill in the blanks of understanding life. There are many worlds in the universe seeking the answers to these blanks in their collective understanding.

Humanity’s destiny will include a well-honed skill at seeing a portion of information or understanding of reality with blank spaces, so to speak, in that continuum. Humanity will be able to enter the blank space, so to speak, move in both directions on that continuum and extrapolate what’s missing in understanding. For the continuum, you see, has the information, even though the understanding may not. This method of embracing the reality of life is already being accomplished by a few, even though not always understanding how it is being accomplished. This will be another of humanity’s service to life, to other worlds, other beings. Along with this comes the responsibility of when to apply this and when to wait, for there are reasons in social and individual development that the blanks exist, and that must be understood as well.

This one who speaks has served humanity in this way before, and will continue to do so for the purpose of developing humanity’s ability in this area. This is by no means the only service of humanity to life, but an important one.

Now, when one observes humanity as it is, one wonders “Will they ever be ready for this ability?” Understand this, our brother: there are those in your world already ready, and they are developing this skill and they are the catalyst for these changes. There are breakthroughs in consciousness occurring here and there, throughout humanity, unknown to most and especially what these breakthroughs portend. Let us join, from time to time, in these developments to learn and lend support, enhancing the vision for humanity’s future.

We thank the one who has joined us for this revelation. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 24, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Life in the space between worlds

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, encouraging then this morning that we partake of an opportunity to proceed along the lines of the nature of life in what some would call space, the so-called void or vacuum.

What we see here is a swirling mixture of various forms of energy modified by the manifest forms of life. And they being influenced as well. To perceive these energies and their movements, one must recognize that life exists everywhere, and every when, manifest and unmanifest. For most of the existence of life is not physical, or third dimensional. It ranges far beyond that. Now, what exists in space to be explored and understood is a matrix of life. And even the matrix itself is vibrant, energetic, and on the move. It is like a tapestry being woven and unwoven, continuously, from many causes, outcomes, consciousnesses.

So, as we observe space, so to speak, there is a network of life, on all levels, in constant motion and not isolated in any way one part from another. For in the finer realities, everything touches everything. One’s consciousness touches this tapestry, this matrix, and, when attuned to the finer realities or energies, can be instantly connected anywhere in the matrix, and explore. So, the perception of traveling from one world to another, across vast distances and natural challenges, is a very limited view as we have demonstrated on these many journeys.

You ask, then, “How real can the experience become?” To experience the object of a journey as if present physically is not always desirable but possible, our brother. Being present in consciousness is far less problematic but still must be accomplished with an agenda free of interference with that object.

We have known of these and we have journeyed together on this matrix, but even ‘matrix’ suggests form and structure with tight parameters, if you will. It is far more fluid than that, our brother, for the matrix moves through realities in a dynamic and fluid way. And one does learn the art of moving in this way. So, when you consider the space between worlds, be mindful of the dynamic flow of the matrix of life when journeying. It is in constant motion.

Feb. 20, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Human Family: Allow the memories to return

JANU: “The Larger Human Family,” is larger than you might think it is. Not only are there physical worlds where humanity lives, there are physical worlds where humanity has lived. And there are realities, subtle worlds, where human-like consciousness flourishes. So the human family is large indeed. Other species enjoy this as well.

But the immediate concern of Earth humanity would be other physical worlds, physical beings to relate to, to learn of, to associate with. Knowing these is achievable, partially through the memories within Earth humanity, but not visited for a very long time. Humanity visits these, now and then, through dreams and longings for a better life and the relief of suffering and deprivation.

Now, the human condition on each world differs, but some of the common threads of consciousness are the result of the influence of memories of previous existence. Yes, and even the DNA, to some degree, which has some common history. Why then would humanity of the Earth be motivated to discover these other worlds of humanity, or should we say human-like existence? For the same reason that Earth humans value their own families: mutual support, mutual illumination, mutual benefit in countless ways, and the revealing of one’s own history.

Humanity has spent much time and energy looking for so-called intelligent life not of the Earth, and has not looked within its own being for the connection. Much reliance is placed upon technology to make the connection, to bridge the gap, yet within each human being the technology, so to speak, already exists, but with very little confidence in its reality, its capability and accessibility, still consumed with perceptions of vast distance, limitations of electromagnetic propagation and reception. An isolated point of view, embracing very little of what is possible.

Technology does not achieve a maturing consciousness of mutual support with other worlds, tolerance for the differences in existence and perceptions. But the development of consciousness, and through this an appreciation of the beauty and magic of life everywhere, with love and respect, prepares one for a successful future, not only with other worlds but with their own existence on their own world. This really is a new frontier, our brother, of challenge, opportunity, and achievement.

Allow, in your consciousness, these larger memories to return and reveal what they may, even of your own existence, legacies in life, and countless journeys and associations. They are what some would call a ‘treasure trove’ of understanding and maturity. Consider this carefully, our brother, for this will open up new possibilities to experience more of life directly.

Feb. 27, 2014                                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Children and Parents

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us attune to a portion of the Light, which is the Truth of Life, dealing with children and parents and society. Few realize how significant the entrance of a child into a family is. This child’s consciousness, although unused to communicating in your language, is still attuned to, awake to its True Nature and its experience before birth. Many profound understandings from direct experience inherent in these children.

Yet humanity, which has lost for the moment that attunement to their True Nature, does not perceive this. Yes, they find joy in the child’s presence, not from its wisdom but from its promise and need for their caring. Still, many children are lost from parents consumed with their personal obsessions, the struggle to survive, and the frustration and anger of their circumstance in life, all of which is their choosing and making. Yet the child knows nothing but love for and patience with troubled parents.

Attuning to the consciousness of the child, the parents would gain much, including the needs of the child, its preferences or the kind of life it needs to fulfill its destiny, express its creativity, and, yes, serve the parents as a loving being fresh from a life that is free by comparison and attuned to the Truth of Life. Yes, we recognize that children enter this world with obsessions of their own, from the patterns created in previous existences. But with enlightened parents, the parents and the children can work through these into a more successful living.

The quest for the awakening of humanity includes the children as well. But they are, in fact, messengers of life not fully understood or appreciated. Even as humanity wastes the genius of so many sacrificed in wars and other ventures of crime, and power, government, and even the legal system. Awakening would change this, for humanity would begin to understand the futility of these endeavors and how they sabotage humanity’s future and freedom. Children are exploited all over the world, in sweatshops, immoral trafficking, slavery, and abuse. The need for awakening is grand indeed and the children are a vehicle for this, if humanity would but realize.

Many would even ask the question to this proposition “Awakening to what?” having no idea, no vision. We continue to serve to inspire the consciousnesses of humanity to see a glimpse of their possibilities and their potential and open their hearts and minds to a better life, including their children’s. Namaste.

Feb. 26, 2014                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross