The identity free being  

JANU: We are establishing a corridor of sorts between realities. This corridor is constructed of, in some cases ectoplasm, in others a kind of neural energy, and in others thought or mental energy. Today’s corridor provides opportunity to establish direct connection into the realm of transmigrational journeying. By this we mean, establishing a foothold or platform into the esoteric consciousness of non-identity.

Now, what could we be speaking of here but the reality of being free to explore any reality identity neutral. The advantage of this is the ability to relate, or should we say appreciate, any part of life without alteration, modification to conform to anticipated perceptions of reality, to observe and touch life freely. This yields an understanding of any reality without prejudice.

You ask, “How does life benefit from this?” It does so by absorbing the imprint of life, of its creations and realities as they are. The wisdom from this builds precepts for the structures of life to continue the orders, the symmetry, the creativity without the realization of potential being limited.

This is a new way of living to your current experience. A level of serving life without limiting it. For, you see, a perception of self-identity is a limitation, with parameters. We are speaking here of an element of cosmic consciousness, a beginning. This direction of evolution in consciousness leaves the need for identity behind. Every time you reach to know, still with a sense of identity or wondering what your identity is, sets parameters, limitations to perception and understanding.

Pursue this adjustment in consciousness carefully and peacefully. There are times for identity and moments of no identity. Pure Being, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Identity shifting

JANU: We are remembering when True Natures walked the Earth in physical bodies, not fully incarnate but as completely conscious being. That is the focus this morning, for it is the focus for your sojourn as well. The choices that you make serve to make this possible once more. This accomplishment completely transforms the human experience. Life becoming far less confusing and uncertain and frustrating. Humanity is moving in this direction, but understanding it, being conscious of it, is not there yet.

We return once more to the understanding of identity shifting. What choice does humanity have but to identify as being human with a vague acceptance that they have a spiritual nature? How does one identify then as a complete being and conscious of this? It is through desire, overcoming the fear of the unknown, allowing memories to return revealing the larger reality of your nature.

Becoming conscious of who you truly are does not end the incarnate experience and the human journey. It helps fulfill it with clarity and depth. Many hunger for meaning and purpose in their lives, not sure what this means. Awakening to your True Nature, identifying yourself in this larger way, resolves this. The True Nature is more aware of the larger life, meaning it is your awareness as well, for that is who you are. When one develops a talent or skill with incarnate identity, this adds to their identity, their sense of being, and the experience and evolution and expansion of their sense of identity. Awakening to your True Nature speaks to this as well.

Consider a society where adults achieve this shifting of identity, expansion of identity. Consider the opportunity for the child, having just incarnated from the larger life, to continue the journey of their own lives, their own true identities, True Natures. Enlightened parents that understand and encourage. Many children incarnate remembering much of their natures, their memories and experiences, only to let them go, for even their parents do not understand or encourage. Limited consciousness perpetuating limited consciousness.

The larger life is more real, in a way, than the limited incarnate life, but includes it. Let your imagination explore the possibilities of a larger truth, a truth that can help you understand the limitations of your current experience. No need to fear this unknown, for it is who you are. It is your true home and your true peace.

Mar. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature, for prior journeys on this subject.


Human survival

JANU:    We are assembling this morning the reason for prolonged engagement of the dynasty of life called humanity. What we mean by this is that humanity’s existence on the Earth has been tenuous at times. Intervention, carefully proceeded, was necessary to thwart humanity’s tendency toward self-annihilation.

Society consumed with fears and protection and power to guarantee survival is not a sound basis for continuation, but fears cause it to seem so. Mis-emotions and fearful thinking imprisons human consciousness. As long as humanity is unconscious as to their True Nature, it will live in fear for survival. For humanity to remove these shackles of fear, it must listen to its True Nature.

It is one thing to fully embrace physical existence as a platform for opportunity to experience the wonders of life in a unique way. It is quite another to live consumed with the fear of losing it. A life of experience and contribution is never wasted, our brother, no matter its duration. Living in the moment, or the Now, one is conscious of the reality that anticipating loss actually attracts it and takes you out of the moment, you see. Living in the moment appreciates everything, leaving the consciousness free to explore everything unconstrained or blocked by fears and what they create.

Come to realize your natural abilities to create every moment and create a life of freedom. Where is the future, our brother, in self-destruction? Observe the nations of your world, the military, the scientists struggling for advantage, the willingness to ‘downtrodden’ others for the illusion of security and survival. Choose wisely, not life in fear. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 16, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Leaving all fears behind

JANU: Humanity is more precious than most realize, not just the fact of their existence, that they are alive, but they are more than that. They are life on the move, with countless destinies. The potential for creation is unlimited. Our journeys are meant to warm humanity to their potential. The existence of human consciousness impacts life in ways yet to be understood.

The perception that other worlds are distant and isolated from humanity will begin to fade away as humanity becomes conscious of unknown relationships and the interests of other worlds and species not unlike their own. As two people who move through life are stronger when cooperating and consolidating their talents, so it will be as humanity of the Earth begins to combine talents with other worlds and, beyond that, other realities.   Shared knowledge, experience, and talents or capabilities adds greatly to the experience of all participants.

Life is not your enemy, and neither are other worlds. Let not fears of the unknown prejudice your experience and limit it. Rest in the knowledge that life is in love with life. The fear of being alone in life is the root of all fears. It was never more than a perception. How can one be alone in life, in reality, when all of life is connected and oneness is fundamental?

To lower the veil, which is your choice, to focus the attention upon reincarnating existence also has the consequence of isolation from the larger life, the Family of Life. But as the consciousness matures and begins to awaken through desire, the veil becomes porous and the path of return begins. In the larger understanding of the Truth of Life, no one has ever been truly alone, just walking that journey of separation temporarily.

The time is coming, a joyous time, as humanity discovers and remembers its connection with the larger life and being part of the larger life. The days of behavior rooted in fears will dwindle away. Many will struggle to resist this change, resisting the natural flow of life. Here and there, more and more, individuals are seeing the vision of humanity’s future. They will help lead on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The jewels in the crown

JANU: We are ornamenting life, so to speak, with the beauty of human ideals, dreams and visions, good works, service to others, loving relationships and peace with each other, a love of nature and the creatures of the Earth, and the desire to embrace and understand more of life. The ornaments that humanity are bestowing on each other and the life around them are ‘jewels in the crown’ of human consciousness. Each day, this is added to, and these jewels benefit humanity and are the foundation for their growth and maturity and their eternal nature. The jewels in the crown, so to speak, are beyond price. And, yes, they sparkle with their colors and their energies and do not fade with time.

Would that humanity could witness, with clarity, all that it has achieved. These achievements, our brother, are like lenses of connection to the consciousnesses of other worlds, for they have jewels in their crown as well. Part of how they will know each other, understand their ideals and their dreams, and what they have achieved. The aura of each human is such a display.

When observing another, open your consciousness to be aware of the jewels in the crown of another, in their auras, in their True Natures, and be inspired to the future of humanity. When you shake the hand of another, put your attention on this. Let them see yours as well. And what do you see when you see a jewel in the aura of another, in their consciousness? You see its focus. You experience its vitality. You touch its pattern. And you understand the person more deeply.

When life touches life, it is in both directions, so to speak, and the truth is exchanged and the distrust fades away. Namaste.

Mar. 7, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The collective humanity and beyond

JANU: We are encouraging at this time sweeping changes to human consciousness and the platform of life that it enjoys. Now, not ‘sweeping’ in the sense of enormous change but the widespread beginnings of change in a more consolidated or coordinated nature. Be aware that the collective consciousness of humanity is quite capable of choosing these changes and has the authority to do so.

We have taken the journeys before of exploring the reality of humanity being one collective consciousness and addressed this such in a way that does not violate individuality, but where countless individualities comprise one consciousness. A seeming dichotomy, but true nonetheless. There is wisdom in expanding your awareness to include collective reality. The range of possibilities for the collective human is broad enough to include individual choices. In this manner, the individual achievements in consciousness that may be more far reaching than others can have a collective benefit for everyone. And being a collective, individual consciousnesses can easily access any other, according to its capacity and maturity.

One of many systems of life is this collective reality. And, yes, collectives can connect with each other. When exploring other species and other worlds, consider then their collective realities. And this begins to describe the Oneness of life. So the study of collectives and systems is a study of the larger life and the larger family of life of which we speak. To consider oneself alone in life is definitely a limited perspective, and limits the experience.

Individuality is not the greatest reward for being. As each cell in your body has individuality but its life, its existence, is coordinated with the collective of the body and the service each element provides to that collective. This is the nature of life, our brother, a pattern to be understood. A pattern to fulfill by way of your existence and expanding consciousness. Namaste.

Mar. 4, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are opportunities to be free

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us explore and comment on the scope of the human journey. It has been beset with many obstacles that are seen as challenges to gain strength and clarity in the understanding of its own nature, realizing potential through overcoming adversity. The magic, so to speak, here is the overcoming. Difficult to convey the reality that the adversity and the overcoming are, in the larger reality, one reality. Two sides of the same coin, as we have said. Instead of seeing challenges as a drain upon your time and energy, see them as a reminder to call upon more that you have within you.

It is in Life’s interest for you to succeed, but what does ‘succeed’ mean? It means mastering not only what is in the challenge, but your own perceived limitations. And being one with Life, your victories in this area are resource for others, for there is no part of your life, and your experience, and your being that is not known by Life itself. You are never a ‘victim’ unless you allow it, and even then new opportunities and challenges come to you. The true power for this comes through True Peace, for when in that state of consciousness, you are in harmony across the spectrum of your existence. Which also means you are in harmony with the Life that you are part of. Claim your true power. Realize that challenges are opportunities to be free. Namaste.

Feb. 23, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The future of gender

JANU: We are journeying together again into the mysteries of life, to be mysteries no longer. For many, a ‘mystery of life’ is concerned with gender specific issues, socially and individually. Male/female identification in form, personality, and perceptions can be put in better perspective, allowing the identity to expand beyond gender with a consciousness that embraces both, as two sides of one coin, so to speak. And this is valid when considering that each individual carries both qualities, both personalities, and even, on a physical level, each is modification of the other to create life, to continue, to bring balance in the midst of duality. How can gender, then, still create such confusion when it is so commonplace?

Yes, there are androgynous beings, but they contain both qualities, both manifestations, in one body. This is true in the subtler realms as well. Humanity is beginning to embrace both qualities and nurture them, within the individual.

The so-called ‘gay’ person is this pendulum swinging past the balance point to eventually find equilibrium as an individual in the midst of self-mastery. But this transition to more androgynous existence is confusing both for society and the individual not holding the vision of what is to come of it. Do not expect the individual undergoing such changes to be the master of this, in these early stages. They struggle as well to understand and find the balance that allows happiness and a joy in living.

Society will contain no longer only the male and the female, but something more. And as a result, those consciousnesses will have a clearer vision of the larger realities of existence and the larger family of life. Allow yourself to see past the changes to the result. Your understanding will be a blessing as well, for you and for them and for humanity.

Feb. 19, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Why did you choose to incarnate?

This was the journey I took in response to this question. The reader is encouraged to seek his/her own answer to this question.

JANU: We are Janu speaking, surveying at this time the possibility of encounters with other species and other worlds. Time for this is drawing near, from a perspective of human history on the Earth. This is not to say that contact has not been made before, but not publicly. Well-chosen incidents, carefully managed. But the awakening of humanity must at some point include this, and it will restructure thinking, perceptions, attitudes, and collective behavior.

There is a reality of developing into one’s self, or evolving into the larger life. These connections and awakening will inspire elements of human consciousness and being into larger avenues of self-mastery and discovery. Humanity is approaching the point in evolution for this to occur. Imagine the universal human act of procreation in an enlightened society awakened to the needs of each other and the grander, more sublime forms of relationship. No longer willing to bring suffering to another in this area of life. Guns and weapons and murderous intent no longer seen as viable options, taking the place of consideration, cooperation, and shared understanding. The path of awakening changes everything. It is time to swing the pendulum from perceptions devolving to evolving.

It is a privilege to incarnate, a grand opportunity. Taking full advantage of this opportunity in a life harmonious with the full potential of incarnate life is wise. A reappraisal of the reason for being and incarnating at all can yield much. Enjoy a richer present and a still richer future through your choices, through your awakening. Namaste.

Feb. 12, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What are your true desires?

JANU: Interfacing with life and its creations can occur in so many different ways, most of which are not considered possible by most of humanity. Denying something does not make it untrue. Yet desiring something can find its way into truth. Choosing what you allow to be in your life as true and choosing what is not true does shape your existence. Lack of evidence in your perception of a new possibility does not mean it’s not there, but possibly just the result of denial hides it from you.

Once again: What is true and what is not? What exists and what does not? How does one choose a possibility yet to be experienced, with seemingly no evidence of existence? One does so with an open mind, an open heart, accepting the possibility of existence, and being ever alert.

Now, your true desires in life: make them clear in your consciousness and love them into your life. Realities can still be created for the very first time. All the possibilities in life have yet to be fulfilled. Why shouldn’t yours be one of them? What wonderment exists for you? What gives you joy? What are you capable of? What do you love? Remember who you are, what you have been, and embrace the future. It belongs to you. Namaste.

Feb. 11, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross