JANU: We are remembering that which propels us into what some call the future. Perception of this is mostly denial of current experiences, hoping for something new or different, better, less troublesome, free of challenges.
“What is the future, then?” you ask. In relationship to the present and the past, it is the manifestation of potential in a manner that reflects the many motivations for change. Potential is an aspect of Life itself realizing all it can be, and realization is fluid with many currents and eddies, but the dynamics of which are mutually influential. So, in a sense, the future is now, our brother.
Exploring and understanding potential also includes understanding the source of it. It is not a linear reality, but coexists with itself through many realities, some call dimensions but more than this, you see. The realization of potential is triggered by desire, interests, commitment to discovery, the impulse to create. Many dynamics of that created are expressions of the many elements of motivation, of agenda. Whether conscious of these of not, they still create.
The future is mysterious for these reasons. It is difficult for the human mind to look back upon a future creation yet to be experienced, to gain wisdom from so as to understand and be a springboard for further exploration. Potential is a glimpse into this, yet to be realized. So, you see, the journey into discovering and understanding potential is hard to put your finger on, so to speak, but it is real. It is there, and it is part of life.
How does one create non-physicality? By the power of consciousness and its relationship with potential, everything is possible. And where is the wisdom to pursue these things and survive the results? It is scattered through the True Natures of countless beings, the infinite patterns of life that record everything. One need not sort through all this but pattern-match with a focused consciousness. One way in which life is connected. Namaste.
Sept. 6, 2017 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross