Exploring Life

JANU: We are Janu speaking, hammering away then, so to speak, at the knowledge of the human endeavors that pertain to miniscule advancements in science and technology and the condition of human evolution.

Let us begin by saying that there is an endeavor within each of us to understand and experience more of life and not settle for the status quo. This is part of human nature. It is the theme for awakening, evolving, and, yes, living. For even though life can be repetitious at times, there’s a part of the nature that still evolves, for the repeated experiences are evolving as well. We begin to see in time the threads of life that are in motion and changing. And when we do, the repetitions slough off and life expands.

Impatience does not change this scenario. The life quest does. And by ‘quest’ we mean the passion to live and become. Science and technology are part of this, for as these reveal more of the truth of life, the consciousness, the True Nature, brings a depth of meaning into creative possibilities. Be observant as even the modalities, the models, of science and technology evolve. The thread of life is still there.

Always reach for more, while continuing to absorb and plumb the depths of what has already been achieved. Life being a continuous, simultaneous process. Be encouraged, inspired, and motivated to explore life. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 13, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life

JANU: We shall speak to your query as to the nature of life. It is the motivator of all creation, of all realities, and the Now we speak of so often. The motivation is from its nature to ‘be.’ And ‘to be’ is at the heart, the core, of the nature of life. Needless to say, the manifestations of life carry this motivation and reflect the presence of life. Even the inanimate objects, as you ask, have motivation ‘to be’ for the realities, the energy, the conditions of their existence are still on the move, and even though your perception of process, some call ‘time’, is imperceptible in its motion, the motion is there, our brother.

So what perception would you use to appreciate, understand, the nature of life, when it possesses, if you will, all perceptions, all interpretations? You ask for a practical understanding of the nature of life. It is in the form, our brother, of the continuation of everything. Where can you gaze and not appreciate the nature of life? How can life, then, be an eternal reality without the motivation to ‘be’? Even the ending of a sojourn of incarnation is not the ending of life, for your own True Nature continues, changing its relationship with the opportunities of life, imbued with the motivation to ‘be.’ And this motivation, our brother, in all of life inspires all of life to ‘be,’ for the fruits of this ‘beingness’ always enhances life and reveals its potential.

Aug. 14, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Giving and receiving

JANU: Let us begin then this evening by pulling together the necessary ingredients, if you will, for Divine assistance in the recollection of our venues and nature of service. They are like the cycles of a tree through the four seasons. Although the cycles of the tree are linear, in the larger understanding of this analogy the cycles are simultaneous. And as the leaves fall to the ground in the Fall, they are as blessings to the Earth, for they monitor or regulate the moisture of the rain for the tree, as do blessings for the Earth and the people influence the life in a regulatory way, but not controlling. The leaves in the summer filter the air and the life of the Earth relies upon and absorbs the elements of the air that that life must rid itself of. Symbiotic relationship.

So you see, life, our brother, is better understood as the symbiotic relationship of giving and receiving to the nature of existence. Striking a balance, if you will. The tree analogy is must one part of life that symbolizes reality, as does every other system of life. Even the presence of humanity is a system of life, taking and receiving of the life of the Earth, and in many other realities as well. Giving and receiving is the theme here, and all of life needs all of life. So, you see, our brother, everyone is worthwhile and needed. Everyone.

Aug. 12, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


An awakening society

JANU: We are Janu speaking and having at this time a moment of interest in the society that humanity will choose as it awakens further into its destiny. We see a society where humanity will take account of its relationship with other worlds and species, where it will explore new capabilities in each other. Its music will be inspired by these new capabilities and go a long ways towards the power of music to bring harmony to the bodies and the mind, to lift consciousness into new capabilities.

The new society will no longer deprive the female gender of opportunities they are quite capable of. Gender games will fade into the past, no longer relevant.

Enlightenment will diminish the need for a complicated legal system and incarceration.

More nutritional food will be in the offing, to reduce the need for large consumption, leaving the body more relaxed and the digestive system less taxed and more endurable.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Aug. 8, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Transformed Human

JANU: Imagine then, if you will, the nature of the consciousness of one who is truly centered in being at peace, with a love for life, and awakening to all that life is.

This being is powerful in ways that most cannot imagine, for it is a different kind of power. It is eternal power, founded in a love for life. This one makes choices based upon a growing foundation of insight into the nature of everything. This one maintains balance, equilibrium, in all of their faculties. This one has a radiance, a glow, an aura of love and peace. It cannot be denied. This one lives in perfect health, even while incarnate. Male and female have joined as one in this consciousness. This one speaks a little in words, but much in presence. This one is inexhaustible in commitment to life and the encouraging of others to find their truth and their integrity. This one lives without fear and is even-minded in all matters.

What we are speaking of here, our brother, is the destiny of humanity. Gentleness and true strength, love and peace, and a wisdom that understands and communicates with all of life. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 5, 2014                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Family of Life

JANU: For this morning’s journey may we explore and appreciate the reality of the Family of Life. So many have recounted their near-death experiences as a wonderful light of love and the presence of so many loved ones, wishing to remain but being encouraged to return to incarnate life. Awakening to and embracing the Family of Life is rich indeed.

One may consider their associations come to a halt when incarnated. They do not. The relationships continue, as with any true family. One can awaken into this reality and begin to appreciate and re-experience those relationships. Being conscious as part of a family enhances one’s sense of purpose and worth, survival, continuation, and destiny. The nature of any family is the source of it, which is always present at the root of its reality. So it is in so-called spirit life, our brother, only the sense of oneness, bonding, is deeper.

“How does one then,” you ask, “support and continue the journey of family?” By being all you can be, being generous with your life, nurturing each other, and sharing experiences and understandings. This we do, our brother, with these journeys. For you think that only incarnate people benefit from this activity? It is far larger than that and the legacy of this activity continues on, for it is recorded in life for posterity.

“What of the pioneers in life, who seem to travel a singular path of their own making and choosing? Where is their family?” you ask. Their family is still with them, whether they are conscious of it or not. The many miracles along the way of survival and discovery, and the joy of it, are always shared. And the journeys alone, so to speak, have beginning and end, but they end in a new reality, enhanced, at times, by the singular journey. So judge not the seeming ‘loner’ in life. Their journey performs miracles of its own, for their passion is discovery, of exploration, new encounters, new understandings, and the depth of their being comes forth and, as a spark of life, all of life is lifted.

You asked this morning if there is a price for genius. There is, our brother, but the price varies greatly and not always understood. Be a loving member of the family of your life, as you observe others struggling with theirs. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 12, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Pushing the limits of human awareness

JANU:   How easy it is for conscious awareness to remain fixed upon the previous day’s experience and level of understanding. For today’s journey, let us push the envelope, if you will, by entertaining a new understanding at this time.

Most of humanity is limited to a self-perception or identification of only being human, with only vague evidence or suspicion of being more. May we suggest the question: More of what? What is the nature of the ‘more’? We suggest: more of life, more that life is, more of what life is becoming. The ‘more’ that knows this, understands this, and understands your human ego. Most are impressed with their limited understanding of the so-called vastness of the universe, and its diversity, complexity, and age, and settle for this as being all of life. Not understanding that, while entertaining the idea that there are other physical universes beyond number, and equivalent universes that are not physical, this suggests to the open mind that life is without end.

The adventure continues. There will always be the next adventure, the next reality of which you are already a part, for your True Nature embraces the larger life, not settling for the limited understanding that surrounds you. The physical evidence that suggests that as reality and exploration of life has borders and limitations, a sanity of existence the mind can find comfort in and settle for. How many even realize the borders in their own consciousness and settle for this? Living in a world of physicality has an appearance of: everything has limits and form and shape and duration, obeying rigid laws of existence. And people settle for this and it is natural for them to do so, until they are ready for more and the urge comes from within.

The phrase “been there, done that” is the foundation for something new. So let us challenge humanity to review, from time to time, their place in life and possibilities. Namaste.

July 25, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The True Nature experience

JANU: May we begin by saying that the declaration of at-one-ment with the True Nature, openly, unconditionally, so that the experience is not limited in any way, brings clarity so all that you aspire to becomes yours. Peace that so many desire becomes yours. Wholeness of your vehicles of expression, your bodies, becomes yours. The love that you cherish becomes you. The truth of your being bonds you with the truth of others.

The True Nature experience or perspective deepens and broadens your identity, your self-perception. And, in time, you’ll see others’ True Nature and support them–their awakening, their ownership of their life and who they are–with patience and a commitment to their awakening. Judgment no longer applies or has merit. And you more fully understand that life does not judge you, and never has. You only judge yourself. Harshly, we might say. Punishment does not apply, when viewing the behavior of another or yourself. Life does not punish, but allows natural consequence to occur, as an opportunity for insight and growth.

The joy of awakening has no end, no destination other than the moment, The NOW, for the moment is timeless and transcends confinement. Namaste.

July 24, 2014                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Resolving the complexities of life through enlightened simplicity

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us view an understanding of the complexities of life. From an incarnate point of view, these complexities seem to compound over time—complexities leading to complexities—yet the inner life seems devoid of solutions and insight. Not always, but much of the time. How does one, then, initiate a change in these complexities towards solution, leading to more solutions? The simple act is a beginning, our brother. Not just simple in possessions but simple in circumstance, simple in motivations, ambitions, and goals.

Even though one may choose numerous paths of engagement in the incarnate life, the approach can still be simplicity, free of complex manipulations, deceptions, and maneuvers for power over others. Goals include the benefit of humanity, the growth of peace in the life, and by ‘peace’ we mean the harmonious relationship with the nature of the endeavor, the patience for natural unfoldment instead of pushing beyond natural evolution in understanding and service. Genius of insight, understanding, and solutions is revealed more freely and naturally when the approach to complexities is free of agendas that disturb the flow and cause turbulence and reversals of direction. It is possible, our brother, to embrace a new path or goal and gain insight, clarity, into the ramifications, whether turbulent or flowing. Waiting to see what will happen is not mastership or guided insight.

Complexities are developed or enhanced by ignorance and lack of perception, not only of the goal but of the self and the motives. While surveying the larger life and its vastness and diversity, simultaneous reality, look for the simple truth that explains so many of these, which is their root, their origin, and a bit of their destiny. Complexity, mastered with simplicity, enlightened simplicity.

July 23, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Choosing experiences wisely

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, moving our journey in the direction of participation in the network of communication that exists between the human mind and the human brain and the human body, or bodies, we should say. These networks of communication exist to perpetuate the life, gaining wisdom through experience, which is part of the path of enlightenment, you see, which is part of the reason for incarnation—experience. Not theory or philosophy or deduction but experience, for experience triggers response and records in all of the vehicles through the brain/mind interface.

So what experiences do people choose and why do they choose them? The less awakened mind chooses them for entertainment, comfort, relaxation, self-punishment as a result of what they call ‘mistakes.’ And some stumble, as it were, into experiences, not by conscious choice. A fundamental reality in the incarnate life is understanding and wisdom gained through experience, with its own flavor by being incarnate. Choosing experiences wisely accelerates the gaining of wisdom, revealing more effective choices on the path of discovery and self-realization.

Ponder an experience before choosing it, not to the point of choosing no experiences but consider the possibilities for your enlightenment and your contributions to life. We are not suggesting here that these considerations are required in full before choosing, you see, for much is revealed during the experience, and considered at the same time. Now, employ your many levels of understanding and capacity for sensitivities to enlightenment and these elements of innate understanding and processing will be part of your communication merging these with your life in motion, a simultaneous reality of awareness. The choosing and the experience is life in motion.

We are not suggesting a long process here of deliberation, for these can occur in a moment of insight and direction to the one who is awakening. The choices are always yours and part of your freedom to be. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 1, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross