A peaceful life

JANU:   Let us begin then by saying that forecasting the future has always included the entire spectrum of life from what might be called destructive activity to creative and beautiful creation. The most complete forecast of the future is that life will continue, opportunities will continue, the genius of life itself will continue. Worlds will come and go but life continues. So, your sense of security as a being is: the forms will change, new ones created, but life continues. Your weather will go through big and small cycles of change, suiting the needs of your world.

Where is the lesson in all of this, our brother, for surely this is no mystery to the inquiring mind? The lesson is: your core values, perceptions, relationship with being and all of creation is to accept its coming and going as well as your own. In the flow of this, be focused in the moment, invest in life, love yourself and your neighbor, filled with gratitude and joy in the gifts of the moment. Peace and involvement and contribution, marveling in the magic of life, appreciating its eternal presence and the opportunities you are afforded through this.

Life is not about hanging on to anything, or being stuck in repetitive patterns, or knowing ahead of time all of its manifestations. It is about being and doing the best you can in the moment, allowing others and all of creation to partake of their destiny as you do your own. These are the elements of peace, our brother, to be understood and loved. And greet each day with confident anticipation. This keeps you free from being owned by patterns and memories and relationships, for all of these, our brother, come and go and are changing. The only guarantee is that life will continue, and that is what you place your hopes and dreams and aspirations upon.

Always in motion. Always patient. Always allowing. And always loving life into being. Be at peace and namaste.

Mar. 8, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



What is true peace?

JANU:  We are moving away from, at this time, the need for what could be called ‘collective bargaining’ in our endeavor to bring about a measure of peace in your world. For peace is not a function of agreements to back away from conflict for the time being. Peace is from within, leading to no need for the social conduct that triggers conflict, rooted in fear of loss not only of life but of possessions and territory and power. Our concern at this moment is the revitalization of awareness of the reality of the innate nature of peace in primary life and disposition of the Light Being.

Let us begin this change by saying that true peace is not a weak position in the face of warring realities of humanity. It is a position of strength greater than warring conflicts, for it induces and invites creative power, realization, illumination, wisdom, and supports productive and strong relationships with each other, other worlds, other beings, and the other creatures of your world. A peaceful nature registers very quickly with other life forms. Few understand the reality of peace, for they confuse it with a cessation of warring or violent conflict or submersion, deceit and manipulation.

So we focus this morning on the true power and nature of peace. As we have said, peace is innate in the nature of life, of which humanity is a part, as we all are. And if so, peace is not created as wars are. It is the opening of a mind and heart that allow your True Nature to express itself as a chosen way of life, with the many benefits and advantages over violence. Understanding that violence comes in many forms, and not just physical attack, it is helpful to recognize the difference in the presence and energy of peace and violence.

Being sensitive to life and your nature is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Some feel that possessing a weapon of some kind is an act of strength. It is not. It only builds the false illusion of apparent strength through violence, justified by fear and a need for protection. True peace brings an inner glow of confidence, gratitude, and oneness with life.

Let there be then, an upwelling of peaceful consciousness and choice of lifestyle that honors and expresses this. Grow in understanding, experience and the wisdom of peace. Namaste.

Mar. 14, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Transitional Migration: moment to moment & lifetime to lifetime

JANU:    We proceed along these lines of the challenges to migrating from one life experience to another, and the identity shifting that takes place. Identity shifting is natural for those who incarnate or engage in new experience, to deepen the experience with a minimum of distraction of past memories and identifications.

You seem curious about how this transpires between incarnations. The challenges are similar, for the frame of reference for perceiving life in one’s own identity migrates from the engagements of life and their identities to True Nature. This is not an instantaneous process but undergoes transition experience, slowly, allowing for absorption of these experiences by the True Nature. We would have you understand that the rate of change is up to the individual’s will to embrace it. Letting go of patterns that have dominated for new ones requires an honesty within the self concerning obsessions, preferences, and the movement and flow of life, for even these processes are part of the flow of life and run their course for completion.

One has the perception that when one passes on it’s an immediate transition and a complete one from incarnation to the so-called ‘larger life.’ It is not instantaneous, our brother. It is process, and all of life experience is process, with many variables, influences, and elements in the flow of life to complete their journeys.

Transitional migration is an ancient and complex reality, for the influences and patterns are without number and have a life of their own, to a degree, which play out on the fabric of life, or tapestry. The ability to focus attention, let go of obsessions, make transitions from one pattern to another can be practiced and developed, which we have accomplished to some degree in these journeys. Many are the life stories that can be observed, reviewed, and understood that have already taken place and are taking place throughout life. One can observe and understand their own transitional migration of the many migrations of the past. Many have been with success and can build your confidence for success in those to come.

Our transitional migrations are larger than just from one incarnation to another in physicality. From one to another of the many realities of life, it can seem as worlds of their own, physical or not. Life is a journey, our brother, and every moment of it a journey of its own, with transitional migration challenges, even moment to moment in the midst of larger journeys. Every pattern you hang on to influences the next migration.

So the choice is yours, always, how open you wish to be to new patterns of life, new journeys, how much you require they appear as the old journeys or completely new. Choose wisely, our brother, as you consider this, even from one day to the next. Namaste.


Feb. 21, 2014                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Filling in the gaps to understanding life

JANU:     We have with us this morning one who speaks of that which belongs to humanity’s destiny, meaning the expertise to fill in the blanks of understanding life. There are many worlds in the universe seeking the answers to these blanks in their collective understanding.

Humanity’s destiny will include a well-honed skill at seeing a portion of information or understanding of reality with blank spaces, so to speak, in that continuum. Humanity will be able to enter the blank space, so to speak, move in both directions on that continuum and extrapolate what’s missing in understanding. For the continuum, you see, has the information, even though the understanding may not. This method of embracing the reality of life is already being accomplished by a few, even though not always understanding how it is being accomplished. This will be another of humanity’s service to life, to other worlds, other beings. Along with this comes the responsibility of when to apply this and when to wait, for there are reasons in social and individual development that the blanks exist, and that must be understood as well.

This one who speaks has served humanity in this way before, and will continue to do so for the purpose of developing humanity’s ability in this area. This is by no means the only service of humanity to life, but an important one.

Now, when one observes humanity as it is, one wonders “Will they ever be ready for this ability?” Understand this, our brother: there are those in your world already ready, and they are developing this skill and they are the catalyst for these changes. There are breakthroughs in consciousness occurring here and there, throughout humanity, unknown to most and especially what these breakthroughs portend. Let us join, from time to time, in these developments to learn and lend support, enhancing the vision for humanity’s future.

We thank the one who has joined us for this revelation. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 24, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The power of gratitude (Service)

JANU:    The flow of life into each being’s consciousness is enhanced by the energetic power of gratitude. It opens the heart, opens the mind, opens the charkas, and opens the channel of light through the charkas. Now, some will say, “What is there to be grateful for?” not understanding that gratitude is not caused by anything. It’s a choice, a determination by the individual to experience this and communicate with life more openly, letting go of any need to justify gratitude.

It allows for spontaneous love, and joy, happiness, and peace, and the rejuvenating properties of the flow of life. It removes conditions, restrictions, limiting the perceptions, and strengthens the so-called fiber of your being. It reduces anomalies in the balance of systems throughout your vehicles. It allows release from the obsession of memories, of self-condemnation and the condemnation of others. And it is true that, whatever state you are in, you attract similar states in others and in the patterns of life and energy that are everywhere.

A loving gratitude attracts to you similar patterns of life, and what better service this evening than to support these conditions for humanity? These revelations have a home and, more and more, the home is the hearts of humanity, supported by a loving consciousness. Let us serve in this way this evening, our brother. Be a grateful inspiration for those you meet. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2014 B                                                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Life in the space between worlds

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, encouraging then this morning that we partake of an opportunity to proceed along the lines of the nature of life in what some would call space, the so-called void or vacuum.

What we see here is a swirling mixture of various forms of energy modified by the manifest forms of life. And they being influenced as well. To perceive these energies and their movements, one must recognize that life exists everywhere, and every when, manifest and unmanifest. For most of the existence of life is not physical, or third dimensional. It ranges far beyond that. Now, what exists in space to be explored and understood is a matrix of life. And even the matrix itself is vibrant, energetic, and on the move. It is like a tapestry being woven and unwoven, continuously, from many causes, outcomes, consciousnesses.

So, as we observe space, so to speak, there is a network of life, on all levels, in constant motion and not isolated in any way one part from another. For in the finer realities, everything touches everything. One’s consciousness touches this tapestry, this matrix, and, when attuned to the finer realities or energies, can be instantly connected anywhere in the matrix, and explore. So, the perception of traveling from one world to another, across vast distances and natural challenges, is a very limited view as we have demonstrated on these many journeys.

You ask, then, “How real can the experience become?” To experience the object of a journey as if present physically is not always desirable but possible, our brother. Being present in consciousness is far less problematic but still must be accomplished with an agenda free of interference with that object.

We have known of these and we have journeyed together on this matrix, but even ‘matrix’ suggests form and structure with tight parameters, if you will. It is far more fluid than that, our brother, for the matrix moves through realities in a dynamic and fluid way. And one does learn the art of moving in this way. So, when you consider the space between worlds, be mindful of the dynamic flow of the matrix of life when journeying. It is in constant motion.

Feb. 20, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Human Family: Allow the memories to return

JANU: “The Larger Human Family,” is larger than you might think it is. Not only are there physical worlds where humanity lives, there are physical worlds where humanity has lived. And there are realities, subtle worlds, where human-like consciousness flourishes. So the human family is large indeed. Other species enjoy this as well.

But the immediate concern of Earth humanity would be other physical worlds, physical beings to relate to, to learn of, to associate with. Knowing these is achievable, partially through the memories within Earth humanity, but not visited for a very long time. Humanity visits these, now and then, through dreams and longings for a better life and the relief of suffering and deprivation.

Now, the human condition on each world differs, but some of the common threads of consciousness are the result of the influence of memories of previous existence. Yes, and even the DNA, to some degree, which has some common history. Why then would humanity of the Earth be motivated to discover these other worlds of humanity, or should we say human-like existence? For the same reason that Earth humans value their own families: mutual support, mutual illumination, mutual benefit in countless ways, and the revealing of one’s own history.

Humanity has spent much time and energy looking for so-called intelligent life not of the Earth, and has not looked within its own being for the connection. Much reliance is placed upon technology to make the connection, to bridge the gap, yet within each human being the technology, so to speak, already exists, but with very little confidence in its reality, its capability and accessibility, still consumed with perceptions of vast distance, limitations of electromagnetic propagation and reception. An isolated point of view, embracing very little of what is possible.

Technology does not achieve a maturing consciousness of mutual support with other worlds, tolerance for the differences in existence and perceptions. But the development of consciousness, and through this an appreciation of the beauty and magic of life everywhere, with love and respect, prepares one for a successful future, not only with other worlds but with their own existence on their own world. This really is a new frontier, our brother, of challenge, opportunity, and achievement.

Allow, in your consciousness, these larger memories to return and reveal what they may, even of your own existence, legacies in life, and countless journeys and associations. They are what some would call a ‘treasure trove’ of understanding and maturity. Consider this carefully, our brother, for this will open up new possibilities to experience more of life directly.

Feb. 27, 2014                                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Children and Parents

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us attune to a portion of the Light, which is the Truth of Life, dealing with children and parents and society. Few realize how significant the entrance of a child into a family is. This child’s consciousness, although unused to communicating in your language, is still attuned to, awake to its True Nature and its experience before birth. Many profound understandings from direct experience inherent in these children.

Yet humanity, which has lost for the moment that attunement to their True Nature, does not perceive this. Yes, they find joy in the child’s presence, not from its wisdom but from its promise and need for their caring. Still, many children are lost from parents consumed with their personal obsessions, the struggle to survive, and the frustration and anger of their circumstance in life, all of which is their choosing and making. Yet the child knows nothing but love for and patience with troubled parents.

Attuning to the consciousness of the child, the parents would gain much, including the needs of the child, its preferences or the kind of life it needs to fulfill its destiny, express its creativity, and, yes, serve the parents as a loving being fresh from a life that is free by comparison and attuned to the Truth of Life. Yes, we recognize that children enter this world with obsessions of their own, from the patterns created in previous existences. But with enlightened parents, the parents and the children can work through these into a more successful living.

The quest for the awakening of humanity includes the children as well. But they are, in fact, messengers of life not fully understood or appreciated. Even as humanity wastes the genius of so many sacrificed in wars and other ventures of crime, and power, government, and even the legal system. Awakening would change this, for humanity would begin to understand the futility of these endeavors and how they sabotage humanity’s future and freedom. Children are exploited all over the world, in sweatshops, immoral trafficking, slavery, and abuse. The need for awakening is grand indeed and the children are a vehicle for this, if humanity would but realize.

Many would even ask the question to this proposition “Awakening to what?” having no idea, no vision. We continue to serve to inspire the consciousnesses of humanity to see a glimpse of their possibilities and their potential and open their hearts and minds to a better life, including their children’s. Namaste.

Feb. 26, 2014                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Freedom is our destiny

JANU:   What we have in store for this morning’s journey is a remembrance of times when life was, in your experience, more sublime. We have in mind two or three worlds of your experience that soared to great heights in diplomacy, love for one another and life, creativity, especially in the area of individual freedom, awakening, consciousness. These worlds were bound together by their traditions and their growing ability to communicate directly with each other and serve each other’s worlds, even at distance. So much can be accomplished in a world filled with freedom, and freedom that is mastered from within.

We would have you know of these worlds, our brother, for they exist, and more than they, at this time. Most do not realize that the potential for this in life is widespread and runs deep, and the seemingly noisy argument of the conflicts of today pale in comparison. The destiny of life is not destruction, conflict, and abuse. It is freedom. It is creativity. It is realization of potential. And this leads to life evolving and entering new thresholds of existence, ranges of potential yet dreamed of.

The duality of conflict and so-called peace is at the low end of the scale, and it does not take brutality and war to achieve freedom. Freedom is a given, our brother. It is the nature of life in full bloom. So let us think on these things, dwell upon them, when considering life on the Earth as humanity portrays it. It is a minor part of life’s potential.

Greatness is in the palm of everyone’s hand. They need only choose and let go of self-imposed restrictions and limitations. We see this potential in humanity, for we have seen it elsewhere and know it to be true. Thank you, our brother, for these considerations and the spreading of the Light. Namaste.

Mar. 2, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




Loving the unknown (Service)

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, serving then this evening in a manner that befits an invisible server. We linger in the shadows of life so as to be of assistance without interference or taking credit, if you will, so that the service rendered draws no attention to itself, modifying its effectiveness.

For this evening’s journey, may we match better with the human tradition of fear of the unknown, to support an attitude of love of the unknown, from a foundation of primary and fundamental principle of trust in life, not intending to annihilate itself but to fulfill itself through all of its creation. This we serve this evening, our brother.

Feb. 17, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross