Life is full of wonder

JANU: We are supporting the notion that life is full of wonder, forecast by its potential. For the time being, human consciousness is preoccupied with survival in the physical. When enlightened beyond this, it will realize that life is not temporary, just the physical is. And the wonder of life will always be there to explore, to expand your consciousness, to reveal to you so many understandings. And, yes, even you are part of the wonder for you are life exploring itself, manifesting itself, creating new discoveries. Individual and collective consciousness are one. So, as you explore the wonders of life, the discoveries and the understandings become a part of the collective human mind.

The current voyage to Pluto is one of the wonders. Notice how it stimulates imagination, excitement, a look into the future and a larger life by so many. It liberates consciousness from continuing mundane and somewhat pettiness of life, by comparison. Discoveries such as this bring the thought to humanity: “What else exists? What else awaits us? What are the possibilities of discovery?” And that quickens so many levels of reality within the human, including the physical. Everything prepares a little bit for the answer to the question.

So, wonder at this discovery. Absorb its revelations. And understand its role in life’s realities. Namaste.

July 14, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Rapture

JANU: For this morning’s journey, we partake of what some have called “the Rapture.”

There is a reality to this. One allows their consciousness to be unlimited by Earth’s social norms and be lifted into the reality of the Divine True Nature, still incarnate but with a larger and deeper identity that can know the Truth and experience other realities. The still small voice no longer still but more fully engaged in the sojourn, not as something separate from you but a realization and acceptance of who you truly are. Outwardly, one sees no change, other than a greater, more peaceful confidence, and elements of wisdom and understanding, and patience.

This is an empowering experience that comes with responsibility, and a growing maturity, and more thoughtful relationship with living. This rapture transforms your life experience and brings you awareness of the larger life. Everything is revealed. There are no secrets because your intimacy with life is more profound. Even the true nature of love is like a new experience. Namaste.

July 2, 2015                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of True Peace  

JANU:    We are bringing peace, the peace that liberates the consciousness, brings clarity to challenges and opportunities, the peace that supports the reunification in consciousness of the being. This peace acts as a vehicle of transport through the journeys of life. The faculties are liberated from constrictions. The constrictions of disbelief; limited perception; self-denial; the opinions of others; the negative programming from society, physicians, religions, the media; the outer and inner programming from incarnate life; even the limited perception of longevity.

The peace that supports a larger view of life and your own being. The peace that supports standing in your truth and your integrity. The peace that allows you to know the truth and the shadows that conceal it. The peace that supports an inquiring mind that can absorb more of life. A peace that, by example, inspires others to allow it. The peace that can embrace a harmonious blend of order, clarity, creativity, and change in your life. Peace that allows seeing the Truth for what it is and what it is not.

A free and happy being, filled with gratitude and love for life. Namaste.

June 15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Models of changing awareness

JANU: Be it known that there are individuals and groups of humanity around the world embracing awakening with a vision toward spreading this Light, with a concern for the awakening of all of humanity. Awakening is a process of many forms and countless elements of understanding and inner and outer change. These individuals and groups around the world are mastering their own consciousness and growing together, sharing insights, supporting each other through times of confusion or misunderstanding.

These awakenings are growing and, to a degree, those who oppose this are becoming more and more aware that this will challenge their model for living and thinking and feeling, realizing that they will slowly lose their grip on the lives of others. More and more people realize the true power of consciousness and connection with each other. When change occurs from within, it touches others and is more powerful and contagious.

As this consciousness grows, of enlightenment, there will be a change in focus for the media. No longer seeing the destructive side of unenlightened individuals as powerful and fearsome but as self-destructive, weakening. Seeing those who live in the Light, and the fruits of their existence as the true power from within. Realizing that sharing their stories will inspire others to claim that power for themselves. Paying it forward, so to speak. Social organizations and media will awaken as well and cast their net into the sea of life to be part of these changes. And many of their workers secretly welcome the change.

How to reach for and grasp the reality of this new direction is the question when not understanding the alternatives or how to begin. The models for this change are everywhere, unspoken moments in individual lives where the heart, the consciousness, and the True Nature are given their due.

Helping others selflessly is rewarded with joy and peace of mind and a glad heart, anxious to do more. Peace of mind and satisfaction with the life you have lived have no price and you are richer for it. Serve each other and marvel at the outcome. Namaste.

June 18, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Primary patterns of human consciousness

JANU:    Elementally speaking, then, let us pursue an understanding of primary patterns of human consciousness and misinterpretations that lead to discordant behavior. Primary patterns are those that are initiated and evolved as the conditions of life change. And, yes, new patterns come forth from time to time. Primary patterns include survival, environmental relationships, health and well-being, creativity, loving discovery and understanding.

When you observe the current human condition, it is not difficult to see misinterpretations, misapplication, and misidentification. And, yes, identity is a primary pattern. Humanity has been asking, “Who am I?” for eons, mistakenly forming identity as the results of misinterpretation and misapplication of primary patterns.

And yes, the True Nature evolves as well and contributes to the conditioning of the outer experience. As we have said before, all the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are mutable and the True Nature is included. So the journey of the merging of human consciousness with its True Nature involves cooperation and a desire to evolve, to create an enlightened identity continuously evolving.

Yes, we are one and a work in progress, so to speak. If life is always in motion and changing, we are part of that as well. Our bonding is essential. Let us walk into the future together. It is a rich one. Namaste.

May 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Why not open to a larger life?

JANU: We ask the question: Why not open to the larger life, the larger you? What is there to fear? Yes, you say, “The unknown.” Why would you think that life has misery in store for you, while opening to its truth, its richness, and its love? What evidence can you base this on? Your misery is born of ignorance and fear and a lack of those elements of the larger life. Why remain isolated from blessings when you can receive them in a perfect way and participate in blessings for others and other parts of life? How many wondrous things have you learned and experienced that were new to you and unknown, that you would have missed by remaining ignorant or unawakened?

The parts of you that fear the unknown are those that wish to remain in power and dominate your life. Including those around you, who always attempt to keep you under their control, that they might use your power and your freedom for their benefit. Not just individuals, but organizations, and religions as well. How many in your life draw their power from you rather than support your own freedom?

The question remains: Why not embrace the freedom and the beauty of the larger life? It has always been offered to you, waiting for you to agree. Letting go of ignorance and embracing the unknown truth seems risky to those living in darkness. This does not require leaving the body or abandoning the opportunities of your current existence, but allowing this adds so much to who you are, how you live and relate to life.

Why not live a life in True Peace, rather than struggle and worry, frustration, depression, anger, blaming everything but yourself for your experience? Reclaim you birthright, your true power to create your life, and re-create it. The illusion of your life being yours, independent of a larger life, perpetuates the ignorance, our brother. Your true freedom is in harmony with life and its flow, and that of others.

Open to the beauty of what’s to come and you will never turn back to live as you once did. Allow this to be your experience only through agreeing with it and discover your heart’s desire with clarity and the true reason you exist at all, with fulfilling purpose and meaning. Namaste.

May 20, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Living free in your full identity

JANU: We are holding the focus for renewal for all of humanity. Otherwise stated: rebirth into who they truly are. This theme of life is growing and will become more dominant in the affairs of living. This rebirth is not a departure from incarnate life or incarnate concerns, but an expansion of consciousness to include so much more. And, in time, the identity includes all that you are. What a grand journey of experiences and wisdom and contribution to life!

What is awakening, then, but becoming fully aware of all that you are and, through that existence, access to understanding the rest of life? Everything will be perceived through a new perception, understood more profoundly, valuing each other beyond pettiness and competition and power struggles, finding peace behind everything, transmuting mis-creations into re-creations. Commitments to life are greater than one sojourn. Conscious incarnations by choice, even while mastering your life, anticipating the wonder of endless new adventures and discoveries.

These new understandings and perceptions lead to mutual support, helping each other realize their journeys and explorations. New associations with other worlds profoundly more meaningful, not only for humanity but for them as well. The reality of alternate existences, rungs of existence, are limitless as well in scope and diversity. Life without physical bodies is vast. Everything is changing, our brother, everything. No longer being ‘stuck,’ if you will, in social scenarios, patterns of living and relationships. Pioneers in human civilization are revered. In the new life, everyone pioneers in one way or another, exploring and sharing discoveries to help each other.

Freedom, our brother. Live in freedom and own the life that you are, settling for no less. Being free, living free, enhances life. Namaste.

Apr. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The identity free being  

JANU: We are establishing a corridor of sorts between realities. This corridor is constructed of, in some cases ectoplasm, in others a kind of neural energy, and in others thought or mental energy. Today’s corridor provides opportunity to establish direct connection into the realm of transmigrational journeying. By this we mean, establishing a foothold or platform into the esoteric consciousness of non-identity.

Now, what could we be speaking of here but the reality of being free to explore any reality identity neutral. The advantage of this is the ability to relate, or should we say appreciate, any part of life without alteration, modification to conform to anticipated perceptions of reality, to observe and touch life freely. This yields an understanding of any reality without prejudice.

You ask, “How does life benefit from this?” It does so by absorbing the imprint of life, of its creations and realities as they are. The wisdom from this builds precepts for the structures of life to continue the orders, the symmetry, the creativity without the realization of potential being limited.

This is a new way of living to your current experience. A level of serving life without limiting it. For, you see, a perception of self-identity is a limitation, with parameters. We are speaking here of an element of cosmic consciousness, a beginning. This direction of evolution in consciousness leaves the need for identity behind. Every time you reach to know, still with a sense of identity or wondering what your identity is, sets parameters, limitations to perception and understanding.

Pursue this adjustment in consciousness carefully and peacefully. There are times for identity and moments of no identity. Pure Being, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Investing in life

JANU:    We are building once more an understanding and this one pertains to goals and achievements on the journey of life. We speak much of awakening here, but in a way awakening is the result of goals and achievements in consciousness and its investment in wherever you are, whether physicality, other worlds, other realities. The investment in life that you are capable of affords your experience to include greater opportunity to serve life. A life that invests in life is at one with the realization of potential through your True Nature.

And you ask, “What sort of investments produce the results of awakening?” The investments, our brother, are given to life, given to others, and they have a profound quality of a love for life that becomes your identity. Some have referred to this as Christ consciousness, a love for all life. The form this love takes depends upon the service and the need. Being an observer only is not the engagement we speak of here. Investing who you are is.

Become a blessing for others, without drawing attention to yourself. Become the invisible server that is part of your destiny. Enrich the atmosphere of life for others to partake of. Invest in True Peace that opens the channel within each one to creativity and the flow of life. Be a channel for blessings, insights, the Truth of Life, that people can find within them all that they need, as they choose. No longer just the observer, our brother, but one who invests in life what they have gained. Namaste.

Apr. 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The True Nature of non-human life

JANU:    You have asked about the True Natures of other life forms, the non-human creatures of your world and those no longer incarnate. May we say this about that: There always comes a time when understanding moves beyond current convention. For each incarnate life form, the Essential Nature continues beyond physical life, for it exists before and during incarnation.

Now, humanity favors the notion that their superiority to the non-human life of the world means that theirs is the only life form with a divine True Nature. This is not so. The self-awareness of a non-human creature of the Earth is quite different but it exists. And when bonding occurs with a human being, a remnant of this survives. The subtler realities of life are not just reserved for human spirit. There are realms of life suitable to and created by the consciousness of non-human life. The simplistic perspective of life beyond physicality does not mean diverse realities do not exist.

Why would a human being have a True Nature in spirit, and not another creature? It sure would not describe a balanced life. An awakened humanity—more awake than it is, you see—would perceive the consciousness of the creatures of the Earth with greater intimacy, communication, understanding. Humanity’s use of verbal communication and language does not apply well to the consciousness of other creatures, because humanity for the most part does not entertain the possibility. Now, so-called animal lovers, gardeners, those who love plants and nature approach this, you see.

Once again, awakening opens new opportunities to be conscious of life and its diverse reality, but it is difficult to let go of old ways and open to new ones. This is why we say, “Proceed slowly.” Gently move into your future, the larger you, and the Family of Life. A rewarding journey, you see, being true to your own True Nature. Namaste.

Apr. 2, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross