With awakening comes responsibility

JANU: We are enabling this opportunity to become a signal one, meaning a reference point, for the transition in consciousness from a somewhat aggressive determination to be more awakened to one that more represents a natural flow, harmoniously speaking. The true power of the awakening being to continue to expand means greater responsibility for the ramifications. If the human consciousness and ego desires conscious union with the True Nature, there must be a movement in the direction of the wisdom of the True Nature as a guide. One must be careful with greater ability, that it serve life harmoniously.

So let us continue to proceed in this direction, our brother, and there is much more to understand. And all will come into the consciousness gently. When one is self-driven to proceed, impatience is a component that can interfere. Probing someone’s consciousness must be guided by timing, patience, permission, and need, for mutual benefit. Step by step, our brother.

Apr. 3, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The manifestations of awakening

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to explore your concern this morning as to the nature of the manifestation of the evidence of awakening.

The manifestations and evidence are many. Insights. Moments of compassion. Some passions and desires. The strength to proceed in the face of challenges. Gratitude to exist. The love of another. Respect for life. Liberating insight. The ability to know what seemed unknown. Profound peace. Wisdom beyond your years. An ability not learned in this sojourn. Insight that serves another. Memories unexplained. A sense of well-being beyond the physical journey, you see. Communication with other realities. A sense of direction in your life, without knowing how to achieve it but it still draws you. Seeing beauty and love in a child and their openness to life, their trust in their parents, and their forgiveness.

Many more, our brother, are the manifestations of awakening and little things are the grand things. The ability to see the grandness in everything is someone awakening. A journey without end, for life is without end and always renewing, creating, expanding. And your consciousness, your True Nature, are the evidence of this. Looking not, then, for pinnacles but continuation of the journey. No crowning moment of fully arriving, you see, but miracle unending. Patience, peace, commitment, and loving acceptance. Foundations on the path, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 1, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Embracing new adventures

JANU:    Humanity’s world of consciousness is limited to human experience on the Earth. Be it known that the adventures of life range far wider. This is part of the awakening of humanity, so that adventures in the larger arena of life can inspire the human journey rather than waiting for seemingly random and unbeckoned adventures to be the scenario. Human consciousness is freeing itself from the restrictions of the past, from limited to more unlimited.

How does one perceive or see a new adventure that already exists in potential, when their own restrictions limit the view? They do so by understanding, perceiving their own restrictions for what they are and letting go of old models of perception and opening to new ones. How does one open to that which is unknown to them? They do so by realizing that life itself, which is the larger reality of their own existence, already is aware of these adventures. So, you see, these adventures are known by the larger reality of who you are. A key understanding here and a growing unlimited awareness of the reality of isolated individualism. A powerful model to move your life forward into these new adventures. Any possibility unknown to you is already known and, being part of the larger life, is available.

Awakening once again reveals your own self-imposed limitations, why they exist, how they have served you, and if you are prepared to let them go, having fulfilled their opportunities for you. New adventures rejuvenate, invigorate, expand consciousness, and help you complete your path to realizing your potentials. They’re refreshing to a life of sameness and awaken your faculties. Life in motion is the nature of change. So change, our brother, is a key to a life on the move, embracing new adventures. Namaste.

Mar. 15, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The processes of incarnation

JANU: We are Janu speaking, delving into the subject of prolonging incarnate life. The first question being: Why would you want to, other than avoiding transition? When achieving and mastering the coordination of physical and spiritual existence into a combined reality, the venue of incarnate life becomes one filled with miracles indeed of discovery, achievement, and co-creation. The more you embrace the nature of life, the deeper and greater the joy. This takes nothing away from the discarnate life and its possibilities, but the incarnate life harmonious with your larger life is unique. Not better than life in other realities of existence, but unique.

What contributes, then you ask, to prolonging incarnate life? For this purpose, growing day by day in consciousness of the realities of both allows one to perceive existence, and the possibilities and opportunities that arise, in a more complete way. Becoming conscious as your complete being and the reality that it is one with brings balance, peace, and harmony, and rejuvenation to the being, including the physical vehicle, you see.

Giving back to life from the profit of this journey inspires others to the truth of their existence and the miracle of life. Being conscious only as a human being has its purpose but is limited. Being conscious as a complete being opens up the rest of life to the consciousness and to the experience and enriches physicality, the physical reality.

Now, understand this, our brother: When mastered to a larger degree, moving in and out of physicality does not require birthing and awakening yet again. It is a continuous existence, to engage at will. The process of birthing is not the only path to incarnation but has served well enough, even with its limitations. It is possible, our brother, to precipitate or manifest a vehicle and it has been done. Consider then the magnitude of change this has on the perception of incarnation and birthing, aging and passing on. So, pondering the question of prolonging life in the physical becomes understood in a new way, where the process of aging leading to transition becomes irrelevant. Incarnating in this way does not require the dropping of the veil of forgetfulness. One is conscious always and becoming more conscious. Consider the many possibilities here and the changes in perspective and goals and desires.

Mar. 5, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The magic of life at your doorstep

JANU: We are encouraging a climate for a peaceful humanity. What might such a climate be, then, our brother? We speak often of the larger life and the larger family of life. For humanity to perceive their existence, their physical existence and world, as a life larger than they currently do, it would open the door to a larger life perception beyond physicality, you see.

So the key here is to have a larger view and appreciation of their current opportunity for existence and building a fuller life. Some of the resources for this are wasted greatly and misunderstood, not only not building on these but not correcting them as well. Materialism and technology and the illusion of power have blinded them, not all of them but most, to the deeper and fuller perception of the reality of the moment and the system of life of which they are a part.

How can one abuse another, take advantage of, injure and deprive, when one is in full capacity of awareness of the beauty of that individual, the magic of their life, their potential of creativity, and their innate and natural love? And the beginning of this, our brother, is to perceive this truth within themselves. How do you relate to another in these ways without common ground? The common ground is there, our brother, but unseen.

So you see, a measure of the larger life is in the physical one as well, and an opportunity is to enhance it, drawing upon the True Nature of the larger life, not limited to physicality, you see. So useful inspiration through insight and an awakening consciousness is to inspire humanity to a larger and deeper appreciation of what they have on their doorstep, so to speak. Everything humanity needs—for wellness, and happiness, and rich and diverse exploration and discovery—they have always had.

Find the miracle of life and all of its magic within your being and, as you do, look for this in others and enhance each other’s lives. Namaste.

Feb. 28, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious connection with your True Nature 

JANU:    Living in the world of your day, this day, it is possible to bring peace to human consciousness and, through this, a measure of greater peace to Earth and its creatures. This peace we speak of centers in and upon the True Natures of humanity and the awakening of humanity. What you are beginning to experience is a more conscious working relationship between the two.

The True Nature and the human experience have a destiny that includes a more conscious relationship. Achieving a measure of this in your own life serves this destiny of humanity. How can you be insightful and speak of and act energetically in this area without direct experience? So you see, a blessing for one becomes a blessing for many. This has been the process of awakening for the human experience. So the joy in awakening, our brother, becomes a joy that includes many.

So continue your interest and pursuit of such emerging, with a deeper understanding and embrace of its purpose. Achieve this guided by wisdom. Namaste.

Feb. 25, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page The True Nature


Researching consciousness

JANU: We are awakening this morning to the reality of absorbing the next phase, or wave, of human endeavor to expand its dominion. There are those currently in your world researching, experimenting with the reality of expanding consciousness. They do so with a determination that they will master themselves and life, the life that they suspect exists. These researchers belong to a group of individuals that are truly pioneers, experimenting, researching, exploring, and discovering without knowing the result, only growing suspicions. We encourage these, when their motivation is one of benefit in an altruistic sense. Not to gain power over other nations and groups, but to free humanity from ignorance and endless cycles of frustration, depression, anger, and violence.

These groups have our blessing and their backgrounds are well founded in this area, well founded from other lifetimes and existences. These will be among the first groups to seriously engage the worlds and other realities. And their research will lead them in the direction of discovering and engaging the consciousness of other creatures of the Earth as well, and life will improve. They do not know what they are doing yet, but they will. Humanity is awakening. So be it.

Feb. 15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Looking into the vaults of time

JANU:    We are reaching then into the ‘vaults of time’ to reveal more on the destiny of humanity.

In time, human consciousness will evolve to the point that it would be difficult for today’s humanity to recognize itself. The physical body will evolve to better meet the needs of a more complete consciousness and the wisdom that goes along with it. When the human experiment was begun, all of the eggs, so to speak, were not placed in one basket, meaning the Earth. The question arises again: What is human and what is not? The human physical body will evolve to the point where the frailties of the moment are left behind. Where so much of human consciousness and society is dedicated to healing, in the face of a society that is not in harmony with the needs of the body, makes strange bedfellows.

Let us continue to encourage, then, the awakening of humanity into a larger destiny, which includes such changes. One’s sense of identity while incarnate will change and even the understanding of “being incarnate” will change. No reality of existence, our brother, is static. Everything changes.

Our observations are not limited to one sojourn, our brother. Should you choose to continue the human experience, in time to come, it will not be the same at all. Something to consider carefully. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 16, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of eternal life

JANU: Perpetuating life, the unfoldment of it, is the principle behind which purpose is given to everything. Life is perpetuated by a reality of motivation for continuation, no matter the natures of these motivations.

There is an innate knowing in all manifestation that a primary purpose of existence is to continue the flow of life without end. Even though the expressions come and go, and evolve, and new ones are begun, the life continues. Any species humanity comes in contact with has this as a core reality. Even though competition seems to prevail for a place in life, there is room enough for all of life’s creations to fulfill their destiny and to choose their path to that destiny.

Now, what does ‘eternity’ mean then in a reality beyond time and space? Eternity is better described as the Now of life. Past, present, and future of time/space consciousness is One in the Now. And the reality of the Now is a window into eternity beyond time and space. Your True Nature is part of this and possesses that window, its true connection with all of life. So, even though your incarnate consciousness is centered in time/space for the moment, acknowledge your heritage, your birthright, your true freedom. The reality of the love you hold dear in incarnate reality is an expression of the Now.

Living your life, expanding your consciousness, in this tradition, helps purify your experience with equilibrium and balance. Your physical bodies have a destiny and a patterned relationship with what we speak of, but then again, our brother, the elements of your bodies, molecules and atoms and such, have their destiny as well and they walk with you briefly on this path, making many experiences possible. This life expression that seems dormant, life it is, our brother.

Grow to see life in everything, and vitality, its living dormancy, its potential and destiny. Life is eternal. Even though manifestations come and go, and change, and interact, changing each other. Perceive life in everything and live in the Now. Be at peace and namaste.
Jan. 20, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Enhanced Consciousness

JANU: There are, in the societies of humanity, those elements that constrain the enhancement of consciousness, limiting freethinking in the innate spirit to come forth in the life more fully. Now the enhancement we speak of is natural and builds on its own when an atmosphere of expansion, exploration, and understanding prevails. We would have you know that the restrictions to this are primarily fear for survival, fear of suffering, and limitations built into the social structure. The “I have mine, and you’re on your own” attitude, instead of   “your having yours is part of me having mine.”

Nations have borders of isolation. So do individuals. We of the Brotherhood have learned that integrity is enhanced by mutual support and engagement. Some would say, “Why should I put what I have learned in my life at risk?” Isolation from your neighbor, of humanity, continues the risk, you see. Humanity’s integrity is strongest when people come together to build a better life, to learn and grow in peace with each other.

It takes courage and commitment to move from one social structure of fear and isolation to a different one new to the experience. But that’s the nature of change, our brother, letting go of the old, leaving much of it behind. Consider the challenge and opportunity when contacting other species of other worlds in the midst of current social structure of fear and isolation.

Trust in another comes from experience with them, understanding and knowing them. An awakened consciousness, an enhanced consciousness has the capacity to understand and know more of life, including each other and other worlds. Human intuition, insight, and sensitivity of consciousness can have knowing in advance. And True Nature is not limited by isolation and fear. So you have, as your core nature, the capabilities we speak of. Become conscious, then, as a complete being, by desire and practice.

Choose to live your life more and more in this way of being and the path to the future will become known to you, for the ways you are connected to all of life allow this, you see. Choose this path as a reality. Namaste.

Jan. 17, 2015                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross