The awakening life

JANU: We come together again as one in the consciousness. We support this journey of awakening. Coupled with awakening is living life. The evolutionary changes go hand in hand with the progression of awakening. They are one. So one does not awaken just for the sake of it, but as part of the forward motion of living.

Let us look, then, at a profile of the awakening life: A greater clarity of decision-making; of choices; of commitments and follow through; of explorations; of seeing, experiencing the beauty behind everything. The awakening life has a greater reality to it, a sense of presence and a growing connection and heritage with what life has been and is becoming. An awakening life embraces opportunities not perceived before. And yes, creates them as well, through the design of potential in the imagination, the creativity, the enthusiasm for living.

How often does one perceive each beginning of the day filled with expectation, wonder, and the marshalling of the consciousness, the energetic realities of being for engagement? Or is one day pretty much like another? Life allows either, our brother, and the power to choose which.

Understand this: the physical body, which is also an energetic body, responds to the consciousness. Feeling ‘pregnant with life’ supports giving birth to vitality within all the systems of the body, for they are needed, you see, to be in harmony to fulfill the designs, to live and create. The awakening life sees no limitations, for the realities of one element of life are connected to the realities of others. The physical body is not separate from spirituality. The physical life nurtures the spiritual life with experience. The spiritual life nurtures the physical life with potential, vitality, and limitless resources.

Love unites all of this, our brother. It is the constant. And because of the variety, the diversity of the natures of reality, so is love. What an adventure on its own, to discover and experience the range of the realities of love.

So how does one bring into focus in the moment such vast reality and possibilities? By exploring what lies before you in the moment, and plumbing the depths of that reality and what it is connected to, for life is revealed in the micro and the macro. How can it be otherwise? Becoming more aware of your own True Nature leads to this. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2016                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The beauty of awakening

JANU: We are agreeable then to engage your deep desire: the awakening of humanity to more and more of its True Nature, the Divine Within to some. Looking for relateable meaning, the peace that so many wish for, the clarity of mind to understand what lies before them and within them, to have a growing sense of not only what’s to come but how to improve their lives and manifest their dreams. Some call this freedom, sovereignty, the path of mastership and service. The more you understand and know of life and your own nature, the more you love and embrace it all and understand each other. Honor each other’s existence and freedom.

Economics rules so much of human society, not understanding that the power to create isn’t based in finances. It is an intimate connection with creative realities of life itself. These exist on many levels, waiting to be employed. If life can manifest the universe and more, think you not that life can manifest, through the application of consciousness, love, and wisdom, all of your needs through wise opportunities and choices?

Yes, humanity functions and survives, but just barely when observed from perspective of greater consciousness. Your life is not at the beck and call of circumstance in incarnate realities. Why allow it to be? Integrate the larger truth of who you are with this limited, temporary human existence and manifest something miraculous. Share the truth of this with others by living it. Example is a great teacher that others can understand in their own way.

This series of journeys exists for this reason, and more will come as needed, encouraging individual inner journeys and awakening. The greatest teacher you will ever find is who you truly are. What would have your interests cherished more fully than your own True Being? For what else understands your heart and your desires more fully? This is awakening, our brother, and is unique to each one, according to their place in their own evolution. Timing and manner is the prerogative of each one. This we support and encourage. There is joy in this and wonder, peace and fulfillment and life. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The duration of humanity

JANU: We are focusing, then, upon the duration of the human journey and its stages of evolution and thresholds of service. The duration of the human journey begs the question: What is human? A certain species, yes. An evolutionary path of consciousness, yes. A pattern of certain qualities in the larger reality of service to life, yes. A species unique but changing, but not only of the Earth.

Physical stature to become thinner and taller due to lifestyle changes, evolution of DNA, activation of DNA elements, changes in consciousness, and changes in environment. Humanity has already changed a great deal physically. The reasons for these continue. Colonies on other worlds present environmental changes. The humanity changes will find their way to the rest of the population, to varying degrees. So these explorations, you see, are not isolated in their influence.

Inner journeying changes perspective, understanding, and awareness of the self and its potential. This will continue on, our brother, for many millennia. The larger the experience and perspective, the less need for brutal conflict, selfishness, and personal empire building. The strength and well-being of the collective will be understood as individually and mutually beneficial. Enriching the whole serves the individual as well.

The accumulation of True Power and its expression will endure. Individuality and a sense of the wholeness of the collective continue harmoniously. In many ways, the reality of the collective finds expression and meaning individually. Humanity is adaptable to the varying experiences of other worlds, other beings, other life realities energetically and beyond. Humanity’s existence is already a product of these. The perspective of ‘this or that’ gives way to ‘this and that,’ becoming more. The joy of fulfillment no longer limited to personal gains or the illusion of wealth and ownership of possessions. Life becomes more fluid with opportunities and realities moving in and out and through the life. This serves the flow of life and the converse is true.

So, you see, our brother, humanity is more than the physical body and its current configuration. Life endures, evolves, serves itself.   Experiences beyond number line the path of the future of humanity. So the endurance, you see, is not defined by outcome but by the journey. Full of change, full of traditions that come and go, and full of beauty and love yet to be understood. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 28, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Why or why not awaken?  

JANU: Yes, some may say, “Why not awaken?” and others, “Why?” We should say this, at this time, “The choice is yours.”

Now, awakening is a natural evolutionary process. Marches on whether focused upon or not. The awakening process we speak of is the removal of impediments to awakening, a natural occurrence, the way an awakening life improves. The desire, so to speak, of your True Nature, of your consciousness becomes more realized. This is not an imposition on you, but a freeing of what lives within you, and by that we mean your quest to live, be, create, explore, and find meaning.

Life is a co-creative experience. The fields of creation exist everywhere, every reality, and your nature is as co-creator, and you are Life itself creating after its own kind. Being asleep to this is a freedom as well. A time to reconsider, start over if you will, explore life from a different perspective, or rest so to speak.

This incarnate reality is but a moment in the larger life, but a valid one. Instinctual revelations are guides patterned in your journey, sustained by the larger you. Elements of your True Nature exist throughout your incarnate life but are not recognized for what they are, taken for granted in most cases, attributed to the ‘mysterious unknown,’ considered unknowable. Everything is known, our brother, including you.

Many struggle for achievements based on the smaller life they’re aware of. Insights appear and are called ‘miracles’ and left at that, especially in unguarded moments. Longing to understand, many consider awakening and wonder how to begin. The truth is they’ve already begun by placing their attention on that reality.

The True Nature is not some far off thing but is at the core of your being. Every moment of your life is known and recorded. The True Nature misses nothing, but contains the wisdom and knowledge of all you have ever been.

We are attempting to paint a picture here of a portion of the life that you are. Getting to know yourself and to expand your identity to this larger reality is a good beginning. Many have gone on before you. As a matter of fact, you have walked this path before and may walk it again, should you choose to. When reviewing your memories, at times you say to yourself, “If I had but known, I would have walked a different path.” At times, the path you choose is to experience the experience of others, to understand them, or to understand more deeply the paths you have walked before, gaining all the wisdom you can from each opportunity.

Life has many layers of simultaneous existence, of reality. Incarnate life is only one. The questions of “Why or why not awaken?” have very large answers. Take the journey and discover them. Namaste.
Sept. 21, 2016                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

You may wish to read the initial attunement addressing this issue, “Why awaken?

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Exploring life through its creations

JANU: We know of your appetite for extraterrestrial exploration. Much of it, our brother, is memory to you. The Earth experience is not the largest of your travels and encounters. Many of your involvements have been on moons of other worlds, some of which rival your Earth for habitable conditions. You have piloted craft and journeyed on them and even explored interiors, if you will, of distant suns. The shaping of a world, the manifestation of its existence and eventual configuration, is a science in itself.

There are much more than just comets and asteroids migrating from place to place throughout the universe. There are worlds, moons, suns, nebula, clusters, galaxies, cosmic particles. Virtually all of the building blocks of stellar objects exist and move through space. The design of the universe, physically and energetically, is a continuous unfoldment and evolution, even though it appears that creation such as your world and solar system are stable. This is a perception based upon limited experience, which many perceptions are based on. The duration of that manifest reality does not measure it as eternal, for the entire universe, our brother, is not eternal in its present state. Life is, through one form or another, one reality or another.

Your journeys through the universe have always interested you, for no two journeys are the same, you see. Even when revisiting, things have changed. The human journey is no different, you see. With a larger view, one can see this and prepare to engage it. So, examine perspectives, perceptions, preconceived ideas. If they are fixed, static, they soon have little reality, especially when you create them from the foundation of the limitations on one human journey, one sojourn. Your desire to explore the universe is a natural one. Discovering that the micro- and macrocosms are equally fascinating, rich with realities and ever changing.

Life is a constant. Nothing else is. Continue to explore and discover, for it reveals the nature of life itself, as do we, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 15, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Understanding the journey of awakening

JANU: Awakening, our brother, is an inclusive journey. It is not a choice against incarnate life, but a choice to expand it. Your interests and desires become more diverse, with greater depth, layers of reality, and a greater capacity for well-being on every level. All of your resources at play. The integration of the incarnate life into the larger life, being already a part of it, but in consciousness, you see. The larger life seems a mystery, but the incarnate life has mystery as well, yet to be understood and experienced. We tell you these things to broaden your view. As you embrace another truth that broadens your view, life responds by connecting you with that view that you may explore it more fully and in ways that open you to other realities. A mystery, our brother, is only something unknown to the one observing. But everything is known.

Building a foundation in this way of understanding draws you closer to the realities you consider and are drawn to you. In time, the distinction between incarnate and larger life fades as all that you are, integrated in your consciousness once more, becomes your identity and your world. And by ‘world’ we mean the sphere of your understanding, the reality of your consciousness. It seems, in your memory, that much of your being beyond the physical life, and including it, you have been what some would call a ‘loner.’ There are episodes of this in your experience, whether incarnate or not, but it is your way of focusing without distraction. Once understanding is achieved, you share it with others. This is your path of awakening and you hold no patent on this, so to speak, you see. Just one of many approaches to observation, listening, and contribution.

So, you see, awakening is not just the purview of discarnate life. Its potential is present always. You ask if there is awakening in the larger life. There is, our brother, for why wouldn’t there be, if life is constantly evolving, expanding, and creating. So this journey of awakening while incarnate, and the lessons learned and achieved, serve well in the larger life as well, you see.

So the journey of awakening is ongoing, as is the journey of life. Making the transition from the body is not the end of anything, except that particular incarnate experience, and even the essence and memory of it lives on within you. So passing on is not a tragedy, in that sense, just life changing. As the commercial in your media says, or asks we should say, with a light touch here, “What’s in your wallet?” What is your perspective? What is your take on life, on your life? Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


The Orders of Life

JANU: Paying attention as we may, the Orders of Life are referred to from time to time. These are something like protocols, but they are more like patterns of life that are akin to the elements of maturing and evolving, similar to that which comprises childhood into adulthood, the growing opportunities and responsibilities that appear as this unfolds.

The Order of Life we are engaging is that which is called “Embarkation.” Embarking upon what will seem as a new life, for its significance and components have a range, a set of opportunities that are not only unique to that Order of Life but have a heritage linking them to other Orders of Life. We would have you know this, that you be open to more of the, what you might say, structures of life, arrangements, patterns to be embraced and be owned in consciousness in your True Nature.

The True Nature, our brother, is not the end of the journey of awakening but a threshold, an Order of Life that has substance and depth and meaning and a connection with many realities. In many ways, it is as a doorway to walk through, and awakening to this opens the door. The Family of Life includes more than you can imagine. And even that is being added to. Life is so much vaster and richer than many are even aware of.

Incarnate veiled consciousness seems defined by life and end of life, beginnings and endings, limits and boundaries, life spans that seem real and definitive. Consider the reality of unlimited life, engagements, collaborations, creations, experiences, and awakenings beyond what we have mentioned or referred to. And you are still you, our brother, but so much more. When you journey to another country, another culture for the first time, you are ‘you’ entering that experience. But as you experience that opportunity, the ‘you’ is changing, expanding, maturing, gaining wisdom, and appreciating the larger life and, in some ways, contributing to it as you may. Such it is with awakening and engaging a larger life, you see. You are still you, but the ‘you’ includes so much more.

The Orders of Life are worth knowing, experiencing, and discovering. Enjoy these journeys. We guide you in this way, to encourage commitment and a love for life. Namaste.

July 20, 2016 B                                                                                             ht © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Willingness to allow

JANU: ‘At will’ is the theme for this journey, meaning: “What are you willing to be? What are you willing to allow in changes in your life?”

When engaging the larger life, what role does your will have to play, and how does it engage and interact with the willingness of countless venues of life, beings, worlds, realities? Are you willing to have what some humans would call a small or insignificant role or do you require importance? How diverse is your willingness to be part of life? And are you willing to respect the will of another, even the flow of life? What are your desires, as opportunities become apparent?

Even this journey, our brother, evolves. Willingness is not static or fixed. It is very fluid. Listening to life, no matter how it’s portrayed or embodied, is as important as expressing your involvement, your being, your desires. Being compatible with the rest of life does not mean being invisible. It is still choices, our brother. And what makes a wise choice?

This understanding is worthy of consideration. When negotiating, counseling, making agreements, contributions, and new associations, allow listening and understanding to blend with expression and decision-making. Listening, our brother, includes far more than words or thoughts. It is an experience filled with sensations, impressions, responses, and touches all that you are. The human mind is dominantly binary, one thing and another. The larger life, the larger consciousness, the larger reality is a mixture of everything, with selected involvements and relationships and, yes, associations.

What we refer to here is a departure from consciousness with borders, limitations, individuality, separation to one with inclusion, breadth and depth far-ranging and adaptable. Not everyone can embrace this in the same way or at this point in their lives. But this is all part of life, our brother, that includes everything.

Whatever journey the consciousness is walking, see the beauty behind it and in its destiny. Your willingness and theirs play a role in the larger life. Be true to your example of being. Allow them theirs. Share what you may. Be as allowing as the flow of life. Embrace the larger life and its realities in this way. Namaste, our brother.
July 8, 2016                                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Appreciating the value of each element of life

JANU:    How is it, then, that humanity needs encouragement to embrace the larger life of which the Earth life is a part? It is the nature of evolution, our brother, that element of life that is subject to so many influences yet, at the same time, has a destiny. This is not just a time/space issue, you see, or influence. But one must consider from the larger point of view the countless elements of existence that touch each other. The destiny of any species, and its evolution, does not occur in isolation. The inspirations that we offer are part of this larger tapestry of life, not the only influence or inspiration but part of many. As many individuals that exist, whether conscious incarnate or not, there are constant elements of evolution at play. Even a passing thought, our brother, of interest plays a role. These journeys we take and have compiled are only part of a larger movement of life, and even they are created by so many influences, beings, circumstance, interactions.

So, describing awakening, evolution, and destiny in words is futile. Even the perception of these is limited. So the question becomes: why proceed? Because these elements of life, our brother, are part of the magic that is life and consciousness is raised in so many ways. So compare not any contribution to the raising of consciousness to any other. You proceed because it serves life, without requiring to see the whole picture, you see. The whole picture exists, and is evolving, but each piece of the puzzle is as important as any other to complete the picture. Everything is of value.

The larger life is not defined by time/space. That is only part of it and it all coexists and is one. It is difficult for the human oriented consciousness, conditioned by society, to see everything as of equal value. Learn to perceive, to appreciate the value of any part of life on its own merit, without comparison. A peaceful way to live, free of judgement, condemnation, diminished value. Everything matters, our brother, at all times. On this foundation, explore life, every journey, every encounter, every endeavor. Namaste.

July 7, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 51: The laws of life

JANU: We are presenting at this time that which belongs to the service of the anomalies of life, the so-called apparent realities, as they begin their trek through the life of an individual. Now, by ‘anomalies’ we mean those features of life experience that pertain to so-called nature, laws of physics, and other sciences. These are referred to as ‘surface realities’ for they seldom reach the truth behind them. They are as masks to the purity of being. And this is why miracles are called miracles, for on the surface nature of things miracles are unexplainable.

This is why analysis of these so-called surface structures of life, attempting to explain and understand what lies behind them as primary source cannot be explained. They are structured ways of understanding to maintain their integrity for the human journey of experience into relationships, the more mechanical nature of the human journey in the physical life. They serve a purpose, our brother. They are revelatory on the one hand, and conceal much more on the other, until the consciousness has evolved to the point where it is no longer owned by these perceptions, these fixed realities so to speak, and the True Nature reality can finally emerge even while incarnate.

What takes place here is a change in perception, an understanding that transcends limited points of view, the so-called surface structures of physicality and its laws, its order, its inflexibility. Time and space, our brother, are misunderstood. They are more fluid than you realize. The fixed appearance of their nature is a surface reality, superficial. Wise is the consciousness that opens to the so-called laws of life and nature as mutable, with layers of reality, serving a temporary purpose for limited points of view but in truth they are free to be expressed in so many different ways.

This is part of the path of awakening, our brother, the many different realities of the so-called laws of life, of natural law, structure and form, a time/space perspective, seemingly rock solid, from a limited point of view. Life is so much more than this, adaptable, changing.

You ask, “Where is the sanity in all of this?” The sanity, our brother, is who you are and life itself, the life that can be anything. Manifesting, creating, is not the source of life but the journey of it. We speak of ‘freedom of being,’ not pigeon-holing life so to speak into one reality or another. The journey of awakening is not easy for one who requires structure, ironclad order, but is for one who is willing to explore and experience their True Nature. The ultimate journeyer in harmony with life. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.