The search for intelligent life

JANU: We are using this opportunity to prevail upon the natural forces of physical existence to give way to their evolution, including the physical bodies of humanity.

What we see coming here is an uplift in the innate healing forces within the physical body to accommodate the coming changes in human physiology. These changes will include the quickening of certain portions of DNA, a small addition to current DNA, a refinement of the synapses in the brain, and a growing and deepening connection with the mind and True Nature. We see this occurring slowly over time, becoming more and more noticeable by the individual.

This is already occurring in some and the natural forces are being quickened as the consciousness of humanity is awakening and responding to the larger life, as understood by their own True Nature. This is not just for humanity, you see, but all of the Earth, for humanity is an integral part of the system of life called ‘the Earth.’ A growing understanding will occur that humanity exists to serve the Earth as well, for it is part of it.

Less and less will humanity see themselves as intelligent and superior and the rest of life on Earth not. Intelligence is everywhere, our brother, in one form or another. Part of the larger system of life. Ha! “The search for intelligent life!” It is all around you, and among the stars. It is everywhere. The creatures of the world understand life, but in a different way, and some in ways humanity still struggles to understand.

So, as you walk your day, look around you and see the intelligence in life inherent in every creation. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The evolution of humanity

JANU: Yes, greetings. We are Janu speaking, accounting then this morning for movements of peace and creativity within humanity around the world. It is encouraging to find these elements of movement in the awakening of humanity, some of which has been transpiring for quite some time. So we focus then this morning not just on the challenges of human consciousness, but the progress.

There are those in your world who have achieved: so-called dimensional shifting; mastership of gravity or weightlessness, not only for themselves but for objects as well; direct knowing; manifestation of objects within the palm of the hand, and others; the creation of rapid healings within the bodies; the control of circumstances, weather and other elements of life; the assisting of the Earth in many areas of involvement, energetically, geographically; there are those with vision who see clearly beyond the moment, into the future of humanity and themselves; there are those who endeavor strongly to bring peace to the world, and the lives of people; and there are those who understand and connect with life on other worlds and in other realities. There are many who have mastered the arts and contributed greatly to the richness of the human experience; those who have devoted themselves to science, to improve life; and those in medicine who have taken up developing the fine art of alternatives.

Human consciousness is engaging and grasping more and more of the realities of life. In time, each one’s specialty will become more and more part of the life of others. There is a tendency to view humanity only from the suffering, the violence, the challenges that seem not to be overcome. But there is much more to humanity than that, and we see it emerging here, in time, between the suffering and deprived and the insightful and more successful at life. But there is a perspective that looks at the collective of humanity and observes that evolution. And it is improving, our brother. Namaste.
Nov. 8, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Are E.T.s on Earth and what are they doing?

JANU: Yes, brother, there are extra-terrestrials involved in the Earth and, in one way or another, always have been. The original Earth experiment of humanity required humanity to evolve on its own merit, as far as it knew. The extraterrestrial presence from time to time was, and is, to assist here and there, for the most part unannounced. Not to jeopardize the experiment, you see. There came moments when more direct involvement, carefully managed, was called for. More so when certain humans evolved to the point of understanding, where direct contact was possible and contained to those involved. The mission is similar at this time, but with different elements of involvement, those who research, medicine, science, some religions, and politics. Yes, even music and the arts are benefiting from their presence, even at this time.

You ask, “Why not just let humanity achieve these advances on their own, in their own way?” The answer, our brother, is: humanity’s evolution is not just for humanity, but for those its future will involve. The evolution of life everywhere is undergoing changes, adjustments, re-direction, and coordination, to facilitate the potential of life. The extra-terrestrials, and others, are part of this, and humanity will be part of this as well, as it matures. Many so-called free thinkers, philosophers, and leaders have understood this. So, you see, the evolution of humanity is balanced between initiative, creativity, and coordination with more of life, and other understandings. Life is a balance between all of these, at different times and different ways. Consider, then, the reality of inspiration in the guidance and opportunity.

Humanity has never been truly alone on its path, for its path is part of a larger life, not just of the Earth. Remember, life is connected. Humanity is one, in ways it has yet to understand, but it will. Namaste, our brother.

July 7, 2014 B                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Human evolution and growth

JANU:  For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the reality that humanity is destined for an evolution of its nature. One could take a look at every element of society—human consciousness, behavior, goals and ideals, ambitions, and understandings—and look into their potential for evolution, for they will all change, become more refined and sophisticated and bring humanity into greater harmony with life and each other.

One element is unannounced: helping of another; assisting one in difficulty; bringing clarity, to any degree of understanding, to their circumstance; rallying around, so to speak, to help another recover from adversity and confusion and deprivation. You ask, then, “How might this element of human behavior and consciousness evolve?” It will evolve to the point where humanity will be alert to each other’s challenges, even before they occur, to help them prepare to master the challenge. Not so much to prevent the challenge, or react to it after it has occurred, but to prepare for it. How many times have individuals or groups of humanity entered into experimentations, adventures, new undertakings, where in hindsight they might have thought better of it?

Challenges occur, our brother, not to punish life but to inspire growth through the struggle in the gaining of the wisdom of the experience. Yes, there is individual challenge and opportunity, but aren’t we all here to help each other? Not to remove or bypass the challenge but to master it, ready for the next. Life is filled with many joys as well, happy moments to be shared if chosen, to lift the spirits of each other. And in these happy moments and joy comes strength from within that brings hope for the future to become richer and brighter. The human journey is not all one blissful moment after another, but a mixture of challenge, opportunity, and loving assistance from each other.

So what does growth include, our brother? Life is not designed to annihilate itself, but to expand, enrich, cherish, and love all that it is and can be. So it is with humanity, bringing balance and meaning to the journey.

July 16, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross