Moving beyond doubt and overcoming fears

Fear is a primary motivator for unawakened humanity. These two journeys address the means to move beyond these fears, and what lies beyond.

Overcoming fear for survival
Moving beyond doubt and fear



Overcoming fear for survival

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to cancel all doubts and fears as to the future of humanity. When we speak of humanity, we speak of the manifested being. The spirit, or souls if you prefer, live on but the human experience is a journey of great value to these, for they gain so much and evolve. Another cornerstone of confidence in this understanding is that humanity as such exists on other worlds as well. So, even if the Earth ended, humanity continues, so the spirits or souls if you will have ample opportunity to continue. The unawakened mind perceives only one basket to hold the treasure of existence; therefore the fear for survival.

Making the most of your existence is still wise, cherishing the moments, the relationships, the discoveries of your own nature and potentials. This fear tends to cause projections into the future of what will be; yet your power in those thoughts is in the moment. The moment is the source of the future. And even if humanity did not exist but it were beneficial, it would be created, our brother, as it was in the beginning. So what is there to fear, in terms of existence and survival, opportunity, and the joy of living?

As much as you find possible, live in the moment. Enrich it. Value it. Understand and explore it. There is the power of existence, the power to be, the power to manifest, and the power to live. Grow in your awareness of what living is, and what it can create. Be at peace, yet full of life. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




Moving beyond doubt and fear

JANU: What we bring into focus this morning represents the finale of lingering doubts as to the reality of subtler realms and subtler faculties of the individual.
Experience is a great teacher in everything. When one opens to possibilities that are uncommon, the teacher arrives and reveals the truth through experience. It is difficult to deny the truthfulness of direct experience. What is ‘normal’ and what is ‘common’ in the experiences of humanity is not the same thing, although both are in flux and the scales move towards the ‘normal.’ That journey has many rewards, not only the revelation of mysteries but the discovery that they are even there. Life becomes measurably more interesting, inspiring, and richer in securing the consciousness—and by this we mean the life and the heart of everything.

We are not suggesting here that doubt serves no purpose. It does, but as experience unfolds, the need for doubt changes into the desire to experience more through a greater degree of openness to possibilities. Life is a grand journey filled with unknowns becoming known, the challenge and opportunity to let go of the old and embrace the new. Now, we did not say dismiss the old, for it is the foundation of your discoveries, and completes your awareness, your consciousness.

Fear serves survival but it must be allowed to be replaced by discovery and understanding. Loving life opens the door to more of life. It was always thus and will be. Why not begin this very moment to open to new adventures, new understandings, and a richer relationship with life?
Be at peace on this journey, for you are loved and understood and valued. Namaste.
Dec. 5, 2014                              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross