
JANU: Retribution flies in the face of forgiveness and peace, but it fuels many wars with much loss and suffering. To small and large degrees, it is a catalyst for destabilization of the realization of human potential. Another life pattern to be understood and dealt with. An alternative is standing in the other’s shoes for a moment and thoroughly understanding the circumstances.

What is forgiveness, then, but finding a way of leveling the playing field of life peacefully, without the life patterns of frustration and loss. What do you identify with? Who are you being in any circumstance? Being free to choose comes from mastering life patterns and creating those chosen wisely. Namaste.
Oct. 27, 2020 B                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering life

JANU:  When taking the larger view of any moment in life, one can see and appreciate a range of perspectives that bring sanity and wisdom to the observation. No matter the degree of perceived persecution, even to the taking of a life, there is an overview of understanding that leads to a balanced view of all that has taken place. Motivations, circumstances, outcomes, and the flow of life.

Response to such an observation is one of healing through love and patience, the injection of love and wisdom and understanding, the enlightenment of those involved, the encouragement of self-remedy and moving forward. Life continues, no matter what, wiser for the experience, empowered through forgiveness, enriched by understanding, strengthened by patience and commitment.

Living in the The NOW brings all of this to the fore. Denying nothing, embracing everything. Namaste.
July 10, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing forgiveness

JANU:   Forgiveness is only the beginning of healing, of returning balance to relationships and perceptions. Invoke forgiveness for all involved and begin anew. Forgiveness allows this. It brings peace without over-analyzing.

Forgiveness is letting go. And grace returns, light-heartedness, and insight. Creativity emerges with light-heartedness and patience. Namaste.
Jan. 22, 2020 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life has many wonderful gifts

JANU:    Forecasting gloom and doom has become a growing concern among those without larger vision for human potential and its future. Rightly so are the needs of those to contribute to society the reality of the generosity of life, its forgiveness, patience, love, wisdom, and tradition, evolution and enrichment beyond time. What we spoke of earlier, in terms of peace and forgiveness, helps to cement, if you will, the gifts of life into the experience of those who live it. Each one travels along on the heels of another when without vision and the conscious wisdom and insight of their own True Nature.

Humanity is not alone in this quest, this scenario of evolution and discovery. For human consciousness has a heritage of many beings not incarnate, many with a history of connection with incarnate life on the Earth. It is difficult to understand how the seeming chaos of society, unenlightened as it is, clears the way for enlightenment and the richness life has to offer. But it does, by way of experiencing the results of the chaos and learning from these. Humanity will still have challenges and struggles, but with different face, you see.

When one tastes honey for the first time, the memory of the experience is strong and natural desire for more is compelling. So it is with the experience of bliss, true peace. This is why moments of joy are shared. The journey of kindness is one of many that enrich others. Continue with these and namaste.
Nov. 25, 2019 B                                                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Forgiveness is a life of freedom

JANU: Forgiveness, as requested, performs miracles in the face of blame, whether in one’s own consciousness or that of others.

Yes, even the creatures of the Earth experience this, for even they have relationships with each other that are product of their instinctual behavior and what they have learned from each other to survive. One great service from the human to an animal is kindness, allowing them to experience survival without taking that of another. They understand love and they give love back as they are capable.

The same is true of others, you see, for everyone incarnates with patterns for survival in a society that takes no prisoners, so to speak, and does not easily give kindness without payment. Each one benefits from forgiveness of self. Memories of experiences living the incarnate life keep returning as a potential blessing. Forgiveness reveals the wisdom of the experience and the freedom to move on. Not only for the self, but for others involved. A beginning for them to self-forgive should they choose it.

Forgiveness is rooted in the nature of love, the reality that unifies life’s potential, with freedom to be expressed, explored, and experienced. Forgiveness heals ill feeling, thoughts that harbor resentment and condemnation. Forgiveness removes darkness from the memory and replaces it with light and love. Forgiveness is a way of living and growing and surviving. Find the joy in the freedom of letting go of ill feelings and attitudes. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2019 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing unconditional love

JANU:    Love is being employed in a much larger and profound way than most understand. Entire being open to accepting the true nature of love that binds everything into the symmetry of existence. Compatibility of coexistence. The expression of all potential. Allows for instant communication, conscious union, co-creativity, and embrace of the Larger Life throughout the being.

Love is the source of forgiveness of personal regrets, self-condemnation, perception of wrong-doing. Love is the healer, for it is in harmony with Life itself. Love is a living presence, a liberating experience bringing peace to the consciousness, and allows for profound peace and the true power of that peace. A worthy reality to experience ever more fully. Namaste.
Aug. 29, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Resolving the past to gain freedom

JANU: That which is presented is a discourse reaching into the nuance of life that pertains to the so-called past. Now, remembering your understanding of the past as it exists in the moment, let us explore this, for there is need for service here.

The past lives in the memory—cell memory, etheric memory, planetary memory—and can be relived in the mind, in the heart, and in the body. For virtually everyone, there is need for healing, resolution, balancing, wisdom gaining, understanding through the memory of the so-called past. For many, it is filled with regret, frustration, a sense of lack, guilt. So understanding the path taken as the past must be revisited, experiencing not only so-called negatives, but the positives as well. For through the understanding of these comes the self-forgiveness and the understanding of all that was involved. For these memories and their passions still live within the being, and the visiting of the past must be balanced with experiencing all that was gained through giving and receiving.

And through this process will be gained the freedom, the true freedom, to embrace the future in a manner that does not resemble the past and those limitations. For the past and the future live in the present and are connected there. The future cannot be used successfully when using it is an attempt to distance oneself from their past. They are one and they live, they coexist. So embrace the past, no matter what it entails, and resolve it, bringing balance to the relationship of the two and the resulting freedom.

This evening we serve this reality. Choose to see, choose to know, choose to understand, choose to own all that you have been, and enjoy the freedom. Namaste
Nov. 13, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The beauty of empathy

JANU:    Empathy is a natural element of coexisting consciousness. It belongs to a tradition of oneness, of unity. Empathy is a vehicle for transference of conscious experience. It is a love expression, shared by coexisting elements of life. Experiencing it in the incarnate life has its counterpart in the larger life.

Empathy communicates without words. It is the origin of prayer. Allowing empathy to find root in your consciousness brings beauty into the life of all involved. Empathy is not limited to one species. It communicates across apparent divisions of separation. Empathy resides in memory, even when one reviews their own. It is a healer of relationships. It has a partnership with forgiveness. It is a messenger of understanding and promotes tolerance and patience. Empathy exacts nothing. All creatures experience this. It is the strong expression of awakening.  Namaste.
May 30, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A deeper understanding of forgiveness

JANU:    What this scenario of inner being encompasses is the Larger Life family of beings. And this includes human beings as well, for are they not part of the Larger Life? Are they not spirit beings? Seeing them in this way, relating in this way, bridges the separations caused by the veil. Relating to everyone in this way as a foundation opens up your own consciousness to more of the truth, the reality of being. A step forward, you see.

Awakening reunites consciousness, the reality of coexistence. Direct communication beyond word, you see, direct knowing and understanding. No matter how outrageous the acts while incarnate, forgiveness is a resource of the True Nature for each one, as each one walks and experiences the incarnate journey. To strengthen forgiveness and its benefit, awaken to the source of it within your being.

Forgiveness is a reality that touches all of life. It doesn’t mean agreeing or disagreeing with any life pattern, but allowing it and understanding it. It replaces condemnation, judgement, and bitterness. Allow this theme, this reality, to be part of the mix of perception and relationships, not only with your own existence but that of others as well, you see.

Even the nature that seems to be attacking the lives of people has its causes and need to express. Conscious coexistence allows for coordination of needs in the midst of challenges. Moving with the flow of life allows coexisting conditions to be. Thank you and namaste.
May 27, 2019                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Processing regrets

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to proceed along the line of borrowed regrets. What is meant by this is: regrets are borrowed from old traditional thinking, finding fault with the process of living and learning.

When something occurs, an experience, and regret ensues, turn the coin over and learn from this. Turn it into a blessing of understanding, change, insight, and meaning. Regrets are old patterns of thinking, and resolve nothing, and continue themselves in unending circles.

Learn from everything, every experience. Deny nothing. Embrace the truth of your path in life. Move forward with the wisdom gained. Forgiveness is a wonderful substitute for regret, for oneself and for others. Be patient with the learning process. Re-create your life, moment by moment. Observe others in this same way. Learn and move on, grateful for the opportunity to grow. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross