Two thoughts on improving life

A new way of living

JANU: How simple and natural it can be to communicate within. It has always been thus, but many human conceptions, patterns of living can’t accept it. Would it be that humanity, interpersonally, could communicate with each other non-verbally.

Inner communication can change the social landscape profoundly. Consider a patient unconscious and the physician communicating with clarity and a profound understanding of the patient’s condition, guided by the patient’s own consciousness. The paramedic as well, knowing exactly what to do. Not only person to person, but person to animal, or any living creature. Not only in physical crises, but in relationships.

Consider the scenario of first encounter with another world. Words no longer a barrier. Misinterpretation rare. Agendas no longer secret. The consciousness of your world revealed.

Finally, society living in harmony with the planet’s resources and destiny. The truth of deity no longer a mystery. And your own being, at peace with you. Awakening once more the issue of the moment, changing everything. Continue to awaken and live a new way of life. Namaste.

Sept.15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


JANU: When involved in an exchange, buying and selling, any business activity, any description of any part of your life to another, give some thought to the person you would have Life bring you together with for the exchange. Someone deceptive, with hidden agenda, or someone honest? And what of your relationship after the exchange, moving forward?

Being honest in your transactions, whether financial, verbal, or any other, how far do you carry honesty? Are you comfortable with the exchange that benefits only you? What is your integrity made of? Are you committed to the power of the truth, or does manipulation, deception, seem more powerful?

These patterns of consciousness and behavior, thoughts and feelings, will limit you on your path of awakening. There are no secrets in the larger life. All is known, whether the parties in your exchange are aware or not. Search yourself for these patterns and the truth that lives in others can know them as well. Conduct your dealings on a higher level in the long run, and in the short they will be more successful. Namaste.

Sept. 15, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Find the truth within to see the truth around you

JANU:    This power to create is present in the life of an individual when that individual is in harmony with, attuned to, at one with the True Nature. Creating in harmony with the flow of life gives longevity to and purpose for the creation. Now, some create without this advantage and their creations have destructive consequences in competitions among people, struggling for power. And there are many who create with harmonious motives with the flow of life, loving their families, respecting each other, and wishing freedom and prosperity, happiness, for those who seek it. The dance of life created in this way gives call to the power to create. And this call is answered with forces unknown, beings unknown, and the well wishes of others.

Some use power to give, others use power to take. A central difference in applying the power to create: Life makes available all the power you need to create. There is no need to take power from another person. Recognize the power another may offer you. Is it in harmony with the truth within you? And does everyone involved grow from it?

The power to create is not grandiose. A smile can be a huge moment in someone’s life. A moment’s peace and sense of well-being are grand experiences. A brief insight in a troubled mind works wonders, coming from within. These small gifts are grand, indeed. Holding someone’s hand who feels alone and without direction. Many provide these in their lives.

Encourage others to listen to their own still, small voice. It is their True Nature, that loves them. The truth of who you are would lift you into happiness, peace of mind, love of self, and the confidence to move on. The power to create a happier life has always been yours. Look within and find the truth so you can recognize the truth around you. Namaste.

Sept. 18, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are opening at this time to a discussion on precipitation. By this we mean that process of engaging life in such a way as to bring about manifestation of your desires.

Precipitating is like being a co-creator, gently but deeply aligned with expectancy, with the power to create and the power of the Presence of Life itself, but the focus is not upon this. It’s upon the desire, knowing that, by some means, by the power and presence and flow of life, your desire and commitment will be realized. And the more this takes place, the more peaceful this becomes. When left to the natural resources of Life, along with your vision and your commitment, manifestations occur in a balanced way, which includes timing and manner. This occurs throughout the life, sometimes noticed and sometimes not.

Now, precipitation can mean a new creation. Are your desires being fulfilled by the creation of another? But to you it is new. There are those who precipitate experiences recklessly. Generally, these are self-destructive, eventually, but most are in the direction of a better life in harmony with natural order.

It is the power to create. This power is adaptable. Once again, calling for a growing wisdom and maturity. Life constantly re-creates itself, and does so in response to individual and collective consciousness and desires. And there are always consequences, and they help to guide you in better decision-making. Move forward with your power to create, while deepening your insights into consequences, tempered with past experience. All of life is a dynamic reality, but let your evolution in consciousness be dynamic as well. Precipitate consciously, in harmony with life. Namaste.

Sept. 14, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the next post on “Allowing.”


Merging the inner and outer life

JANU:    What distinguishes this morning’s service from others is the propensity for tolerance of the lives of people trying to make sense of their lives. They rely on churches, religions, professional counselors, therapists, the external influences more than their own inner reality and are confused about how to begin. A beginning is to desire deeply to understand life, your own life, to discover your faculties for embracing a deeper and larger understanding. Many are not even grateful for being alive. Society has accomplished much to support living, but not a lot to support a clear sense of being and ownership of existence larger than their sojourn.

The peace we speak of is a wonderful pathway to understanding. They think that the resources outside of them are the substance and security of their lives. It is temporary, and flawed, unreliable. But seeing these with insight, depth, and the inner wisdom changes this. One need not embrace everything in society to meet their needs, so it is wise to choose with some care what you embrace.

Realize that there is wisdom within, insight beyond the external life. Balance the two with patience and insight into the Truth and to the existence and purpose of opportunities. Even the largest ambitions in the material world benefit from a core reality of harmony with the truth of your being and the larger life. Entertain the timeless reality of existence to have a maturing perspective on reality. Merge the inner and outer life in a balanced way. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 2, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Peace of mind and happiness

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the adoption of the Divine within. As a social norm, so many experience life with an emptiness, something missing, confusion and lack of direction, unanswered questions, and missing a connection with someone or something. The solution has always been within, our brother. The True Nature has always been there. Yet many run away from it, for the conscience and the ‘still, small voice’ seem to always get in the way of social pursuits based upon the ‘old ways’ we have spoken of. A life alone. Even in coupling, marriage, this exists. How can you give to another what you don’t own within? Knowing the truth within your being in your consciousness prepares you to know the truth within another, to see their emptiness and inspire them to fill it, knowing that the solution has always been with them.

Trying to control life from that foundation does not bring the results we speak of. Being in harmony with the flow of life is a superior control reality. The nature and the evidence of that flow is with you every day, but do you see it for what it is, and what it promises, and what it delivers? It knows your innermost desires. The peace of mind you seek has always been an inner choice. It is possible to own nothing in a materialistic sense, but to own everything within. The only true control you will ever find.

People speak of faith, commitment, religious dedication. Direct knowing within transcends the belief in faith systems. How can they teach by imposing on you? The system of life that you are is older and wiser than any of these. Find peace of mind and joy, happiness, not based upon externals but your connection with the truth of your being. Any moment of the day or night, be at peace and happy with all that you are. That is worth owning and will never mislead. Welcome to the larger Family of Life and your True Nature. Namaste.

Aug. 24, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Another look at True Peace

JANU: How does one experience True Peace within, within the consciousness, within the being, as a foundation for engaging their lives? Meaning all that occurs each day. It is not achieved primarily by analysis, but more by choosing and allowing the peace that already exists deep within your being.

When you are at peace, all that you observe in life, including yourself, is seen for what it is, without judgement, condemnation. For those reactions to what you observe do not occur when you are at peace. Peace is not a separation from, a distancing from the movements of life around you, but a stable state within you of perception, without being ‘for’ or ‘against’ it. Pure love and peace go hand in hand.

Life itself, our brother, does not agree or disagree with social or individual behavior. This does not change your freedom to choose one path over another, to choose your relationships and the life you wish to live. But a peaceful relationship with your choices and your relationships allows you to be clear enough, perceptive enough, understanding enough, and patient enough to make wiser choices in harmony with harmonious timing.

Helping another wisely includes all of these, and more. Being of service, whether to others or circumstances or any part of life, is not defined by outcomes. Allow life to unfold as it will. Intimacy with life deepens when not ruled by reactive responses. Intimacy with yourself allows the truth of your being to come to the surface as experiences to understand, accepted for what they are: part of your journey. And grateful for them, for what you have learned. Wisdom is yielded from all of this; knowledge applied to experience.

More to understand, our brother, at another time. Namaste.

Aug. 11, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Living a graceful life

JANU:    This morning’s journey sees humanity in a larger way, not just in personalities, behavior, egos, and the self-created conflicts, but in the peace and freedom to be they nurture within. Humanity has within their potential graceful living, generosity, the capacity to transcend all the limitations of incarnate life, many of which are perceived in a very limited way. Humanity has the capacity for perfect health at all times, a longevity of their choosing. Their True Natures are eternal, so can the thoughts be, also.

Needs for living can be met in a more profound way through creative manifesting, postulation, and the nurturing of the Earth, not by altering Nature, but by allowing the body to adapt to it harmoniously. The processing of foods leaves much to be desired. The understanding that natural vitality in vegetation is what needs preserving on the way to the marketplace, you see. Unpolluted air and, yes, pure water, these are not miracles of understanding. They are well-known but ignored for the sake of profits. The obsession with power, by way of economics, is an illusion of power.

A larger view of life, destiny, potential, and its wonders is within the capability of humanity. The sharing of those who can perceive a brighter future can change perspective for those who may need a nudge into their greatness. Loving all you can be and the life that affords it is a worthy focus. Humanity’s destiny includes all of this. Reflect this in each day and the changes will come. There is genius within you. Embrace it. Namaste.

Aug. 8, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a process

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us pursue a natural course of events that lead to awakening. We do not speak of awakening here as a single event, but the process of evolving consciousness of and as the True Nature. Moments of unexplained insight that prove to be true. Moments of inspiring another that prove helpful. Moments of unusual peace within the being. Moments of desire to know more, not for entertainment but to embrace more of life in the richness that brings. Moments of deep concern for the healing and well-being of another, not for self-aggrandizement but a sincere wish for their freedom. Moments of caring for the Earth and its creatures. Moments of appreciating someone’s endeavor. Moments of loving a child and their smile and their happiness and their growth. A desire to be part of life and serve it. And the growing memory that you have been this before and will be again. Unlimited mind and freedom to enrich life, not on your own but in harmony with the Family of Life.

Awakening is all of this and much more. This is not an ego quest, but an appreciation of life. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2015 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Creating a brighter future

JANU:    Welcome, then, to this new avenue of pursuit for humanity, creating a bright future even as we speak. How does one, then, describe a brighter future than the present? It is accomplished, our brother, by being one with the present and enriching and enhancing it in so many ways: owning the conditions that have been created by humanity and choosing alternatives by identifying, recognizing the elements of life already contributing to these alternatives. So, you see, creating a brighter future is already in progress.

Support everything you perceive within and without that looks like the path to a brighter future. Encourage current contributions, individually and socially. When observing a moment such as this, allow the consciousness to expand and touch every such moment with support. Be more observant in the unfolding of each day. These many sparks of Light, so to speak, at work then in your consciousness that they synergistically grow and evolve and mature. Contribute to the raising of human consciousness with fresh insights, new understandings, and the description of possibilities to be taken advantage of. Endeavor to be always truthful and honest, with sensitivity to the consciousness of others.

These moments of Light are of equal worth, not holding one moment of enlightenment worth more than another. That kind of judgement divides and stratifies, does not unite into oneness. Even a brief moment of uplift or happiness brought to another is a pearl and has results past the moment. The creation of a moment of happiness continues on.

Anticipate solutions to challenges. Expect them. Remember, peace is not the absence of activity, but activity that is in harmony with all of life. So be at peace and enjoy life more and more. All of the systems of your being will be brought into harmony. Inspire others in the same way. Namaste.

July 27, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Progress on the human journey of awakening

JANU: We are raising the consciousness this evening to include the condition of the awakening of humanity. This evening’s understanding and observation of this is founded on the principle that there belongs to each collective of a species of consciousness that the collective understanding of this subject is available to all servants with commitment. The seeming social distractions from awakening seem to belie current reality.

It is a service to continue to see and serve the progress humanity is making in its rejection of violence and embrace of wanting something better, more peaceful, more powerful in each one’s life. Caring for the well-being of the Earth and its creatures, and its ecosystems, its children and their education, collectively humanity is advancing. Seven percent, if you can measure it that way, which is a grand step forward. Humanity is fearing less and less those who would destroy the serenity and the peace and the power of the people’s dreams. Violence no longer feared has no future.

Be alert, our brother. Life, in the form of the creatures of the world, its weather patterns, its energetic realities, is powerful indeed and it has the ability, to varying degrees, to direct its own True Power to strengthen those who are in harmony with it. So, instead of being against mis-creations by humanity, be in harmony with the natural forces of peace that do exist in the world. Learn of them. Be sensitive to them. Serve them as they serve you. And this is not done being alone, our brother. There are so many who serve humanity, whether incarnate or not. Be confident in the power of this, its growth, its depth, in the presence of your life and the Earth that loves you. A better life is already on the way. Namaste.

July 23, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross