Weather changes

JANU:    Let us move in the direction of climate change. Much the topic of the day. Many dance around the issue of ‘Is there or isn’t there climate change?’ Of course there is, our brother. Climate is always changing. It goes through cycles of change, of short and long duration, and has many times in the past. The human sojourn is not long enough to perceive these, save at the cusp of a change.

When one lives consciously in harmony with life, and that includes nature, adjustments are made due to understanding climate changes. Anticipates, even as nature does, these changes. Gradual adaptation has always occurred within humanity. In earlier times, humanity was more attuned to the climate and the movements of nature, for their daily existence depended upon this and their life was not obscured by technology.

What is occurring at this time is completely relevant to these cycles. Yes, humans do influence to a degree with their pollutions, but these changes are exaggerated in human perception by a growing lack of adaptability and acceptance of what is natural for the Earth. If your skin is susceptible to damage from exposure to the sun, reduce the exposure. If your diet is consuming your health, change the diet. Don’t be one who says, “I love the sun and have been doing this exposure for years.” Let go of that, our brother. Be current in the times. Be free to live in the moment.

Mastering your environment does not mean controlling it beyond its natural course, but adaptation, accommodation, and insight. These are the keys to navigating weather changes. Engage all of your life in this way, changing your attitudes, perceptions, preferences, as called for. Your spirit will survive all of this, and more. The physical body is of nature, of the Earth, of the environment that is changing. Help it adapt and cope and prosper, with an open mind and a growing knowledge of what is taking place with the body’s limits and the body’s needs. If the ground is shaking under your feet, change your location.

Create a life for yourself that is adaptable. Be one with your environment, for it is the only one you have for the moment. Change is not a mystery, our brother. It can be foreseen, understood, and its influence mastered and be grateful for each day. Namaste.

June 24, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Blending of harmony & challenge in the life

JANU: Which do you prefer: a harmonious life without challenge or a life of challenging opportunities? One is a blissful life and the other rich with achievement. Why not both, our brother, co-existing? The challenge is bringing wisdom to the harmony, the harmony bringing the strength and returning the wisdom to gain more. Measure not the worth of your existence by just the virtues of harmony, but the growth you achieve by mastering life as it is.

As you blend both in your life, the insights into understanding become more profound. Sanity is a precarious thing without the balance of these two. “What then is sanity,” you ask, “to be cherished, nurtured, achieved?” Sanity is a harmonious relationship with life that maintains integrity, serves life lovingly, grows in understanding of life’s interplays, and finds peace in the midst of everything.

Resolve the extremes of living by coordinating your engagements to produce creativity that spawns new life. That’s what the flow of life is, our brother, forming the new from the old. Structures, forms, and functions change, but life continues. When one form is replaced with another, life did not end, only the forms and structures that it supports changed. Recognize the cycles of any form of life and see them in this larger way, including your own form, our brother. And we will always be one, as we move with the flow of life. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2015 B                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Elemental patterns of life

JANU: What we address this morning is the elemental nature of life that exists as the patterns, blueprints if you will, but living patterns that are the reference for manifestation. They are key ingredients in the creation of life and life’s creations.

Now, what life means to many is a product of this, these patterns. Patterns are created for manifestation to be guided and develop. The elementals of life are the product of thoughtful creation. Realize, there is a hierarchy to life, each ingredient, each element essential. A consciousness in harmony with these patterns is in harmony with the creator of them. You could describe these as thought-forms, which are the framework for manifestation. And they are in motion as well, ever changing, for the looping reality of life allows for re-creation influenced by how life unfolds.

You have asked about the design of the human vehicle and where it comes from. This is part of the source of the human design and evolution. Elementals, elemental patterns, but are shaped by, designed by, the many structures of life, their interactions, and what they produce. All under the auspices of the eternal nature of Life itself.

Much to become aware of and understand as to the hierarchy of life, an eternal ongoing reality that is constantly changing. For life is in motion, all of it, but it is still a system of life. Many orders of subtlety compared to gross physical manifestation, but includes this as well. To be in harmony with the flow of life does not mean a lack of individual initiative, creativity, desire, and service. All of this and more is part of Life in motion.

Humanity continues to seek to understand the so-called Source of Life. It is understood through the countless systems of life, their interactions, their function and purpose, their evolution, their nature. And as you do, you understand—or begin to—who and what you are in a larger and larger way. How do you define in words the source of that which is eternal?

Apr. 14, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Overcoming self-loathing

JANU: We are examining your inquiry as to the nature of the inhumanity heaped upon each other by humanity. One by one, the consciousness of those doing harm upon each other comes from self-loathing. Some attempt to relieve the pressure of this on others, and some on themselves. When one truly loves who they are, how can they not love another? Loving your power over others is not what we speak of. Loving in harmony with your True Nature and the flow of life is.

So how does one inspire humanity to truly love themselves? By showing they are worthy of love, our brother. By loving them in an unending variety of ways, in your consciousness, in your deeds. Self-love is not selfish. It is generosity, patience, and peace, the value placed upon your existence. Honor the life that you are, through self-love and caring for others. Not carrying them but inspiring them with small things that can reach deeply, turning their attention on their worthiness and not on you. Support their journey in life with encouragement. Focus on their strengths, the sources of creativity bringing strength of character when confronting challenges. See what they see as ‘weaknesses’ as challenges to become stronger, by way of the strengths they already possess.

Richness from within overcomes self-loathing and any need to visit this on another. No matter the depravity, these victories are possible. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 25, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are opportunities to be free

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us explore and comment on the scope of the human journey. It has been beset with many obstacles that are seen as challenges to gain strength and clarity in the understanding of its own nature, realizing potential through overcoming adversity. The magic, so to speak, here is the overcoming. Difficult to convey the reality that the adversity and the overcoming are, in the larger reality, one reality. Two sides of the same coin, as we have said. Instead of seeing challenges as a drain upon your time and energy, see them as a reminder to call upon more that you have within you.

It is in Life’s interest for you to succeed, but what does ‘succeed’ mean? It means mastering not only what is in the challenge, but your own perceived limitations. And being one with Life, your victories in this area are resource for others, for there is no part of your life, and your experience, and your being that is not known by Life itself. You are never a ‘victim’ unless you allow it, and even then new opportunities and challenges come to you. The true power for this comes through True Peace, for when in that state of consciousness, you are in harmony across the spectrum of your existence. Which also means you are in harmony with the Life that you are part of. Claim your true power. Realize that challenges are opportunities to be free. Namaste.

Feb. 23, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Evidence for a better life

JANU: The salient points to be made this morning include the reversal of the trends of the past and the moment that perpetuate ignorance, fears, violence, confusion. The reversal of these trends is inspired by a renewed confidence in humanity that they are powerful beings, more powerful than the personality-ego, the physicality of their existence. But in addition to this, moments of experience, evidence of such reality contributes greatly to these reversals.

So, what evidence exists of this power to create new directions in life? The evidence is in the current condition created by the fears and confusions. These conditions didn’t just appear and happen to humanity; they are humanity’s creation and continue through ignorance and the choice to ignore alternatives. Allowing for these conditions needs to become a continuing experience, and the only evidence of this model of existence, or any other.

A study of and observation of other models of existence around the world, of people happier and freer and at peace, can be seen as evidence. But many times their lives are removed from the pressures and pace of living a technology-based life and are seen as undesirable or the price is too high. So the other model of society continues, with its illnesses and war and greed, seeing that life as worth the price.

The choices remain to be made. Understanding the Earth and living in harmony with it is held as a distant ideal. The path of destruction ultimately leads to a condition that forces change for survival to continue, as life continues to evolve and move on. There is merit in seeing the wisdom of the change in this: that the reward is worth the price. Technology does not necessarily mean the loss of harmonious existence, as long as this harmony remains the focus. But ‘technology at any price’ bears consequences, mostly unforeseen.

Let us encourage, then, humanity to be inspired to measure the wisdom of their choices and look within for clarity and understanding, and embrace the greater reality of their existence, the larger life. Namaste.

Feb. 4, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The flow of life

JANU: We are holding the focus for this morning’s journey, that being the dissemination of what some would call ‘the will of God.’ More appropriately called, in the larger venue of life, the ‘flow of life.’ What is the flow of life, then, but a movement of change? Most collective life realizes its potential and every part of human existence is part of that flow, that evolution, that realization.

Now, holding the focus for the flow of life does not mean controlling it or managing it, but being in harmony with it, understanding its true being, its true power, its nature. The flow of life is a constant, but rich with countless nuances, for the flow of life is expressed in every reality. A universal constant for virtually all universes, with some exceptions, for life has a cadence, a rhythm, a pulsing, an ebb and flow. But there is always change, always life in motion. The ebbs and flows are natural occurrences, allowing for redistribution, balancing, expression of potentials left behind, in a manner of speaking. So even the flow of life, our brother, is very dynamic. You ask, “What about the flow of life in the individual being?” The patterns exist there as well. As opportunities come and go, decisions and commitments are changed, completed, making way for new ones.

The flow of life is inherent. The flow of life is owned by no one. It is part of every experience, to be benefited from and contributed to by living in harmony with it. A life in harmony with the flow of life is advantaged. Doors of opportunity seem to appear from nowhere and open. Obstacles, unbeckoned to life’s movements, soften and, in some cases, disappear. Helping others freely beckons opportunity and a rewarding joy in giving and, at times, enjoying the fruits in the lives of others. Caring for animals is a strong part of their finding peace in living. Nature responds universally to human assistance.

Your contributions to the flow of life move downstream, so to speak, and enrich where they may. Others wonder at the miracles bestowed on them, not realizing that they found them on the flow of life from the contributions of others. The flow of life is life in motion. And without change this does not exist. So, when you contemplate your existence, allow the sensing of the flow of life in and around you, and its influence of change and opportunity. Namaste.

Dec. 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross