Honoring those who gave to humanity

JANU:    We have in hand this evening, so to speak, a preferable outcome for the joining together of discrete moments in the history of humanity.

Now, what do we mean by this? It means that over the course of human history there have been moments of excellence in acts of kindness and the desire to be free of the entanglements born of fear and power and the desire to survive at any cost. There are those in your history that have defined the meaning of service, giving everything they’ve had without seeing the outcomes of the service.

Our service this evening is to unify these moments of greatness in consciousness and in deed into an ongoing and steady light to show humanity a better way. All of these contributions to life are imprinted in and on the Earth. All of these belong to all of humanity by the reality of oneness.

Let us honor these contributions and the light that they bring to human destiny. So be it. And namaste.
April 15, 2013 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. https://journeysintolight.org/category/service/


Human destiny

JANU: Speaking to the destiny of humanity, what an intriguing journey humanity has taken. Not just this world, but on others as well. Peace seems to be the theme eluding humanity the most, prolonged struggle, suffering, confusion, and conflict. But sprinkled throughout this destiny have been moments of joy-filled peace, gratitude, service to others, evolving love, the desire to awaken more fully, to know and understand, to discover and to create.

So where does all this leave the human destiny? Seemingly mired in traditional struggles and conflicts, but make no mistake: humanity is emerging. Peace is becoming more prevalent in the hearts of many. As the attention focuses more on this, collectively, this becomes the dominant reality and the struggles are revealed for their origin and their destinies. Striving for a more fulfilling life on every level need no longer seem illusive.

The message of the moment is commitment, clarity of vision, determination to experience. Confidence that beliefs become reality not dogma, not doctrines of the past, but belief and the beauty that life possesses and delivers. Each one is so imbued with the potential for such a destiny. Focus on one’s own potential, the richness from within. Open mind and heart to the reality of the True Nature and its relationship with the Larger Life. Allow your identity to blossom and be the light that it is. Namaste to all.
Jan.11, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross