Integrity and the True Nature

JANU: We are Janu speaking, succumbing then to the desire for the proliferation of integrity in human consciousness. Let us say then at this time that integrity is meant by that which is in harmony with the True Nature.

And you ask, “What is the nature of the True Nature?” The True Nature is a life expression that honors its commitment to the realization of the human potential to enrich life and become coherent as to the nature of life itself, across its spectrum. What this means is that human consciousness becomes a coherent partner in life with each other, the collective, and the journey of other consciousnesses not of the Earth.

It was never intended or designed that human consciousness would be essentially separate from the True Nature indefinitely. This is the awakening of humanity, our brother, becoming conscious as your True Nature. Life engagements are far more beautiful and of profound meaning when the perspective of the True Nature and all of its faculties are the conscious identity of an individual, for one can see in advance the consequences of possible choices in life. The choices become wiser. So ask yourself, “What do you base a choice on?”

We are not suggesting here that the True Nature plays no role in people’s lives. But for many, the ‘still small voice’ is very small indeed and sometimes, when heard, ignored, for it seems not to agree with choices based upon emotional and mental desire, preferences. So the choice still remains for the human consciousness to choose the larger life. A clearer look at the result of past choices can be illuminating.

So love the True Nature into your life, our brother, gently, patiently, and gratefully. Namaste.

Mar. 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature.


Embracing new adventures

JANU:    Humanity’s world of consciousness is limited to human experience on the Earth. Be it known that the adventures of life range far wider. This is part of the awakening of humanity, so that adventures in the larger arena of life can inspire the human journey rather than waiting for seemingly random and unbeckoned adventures to be the scenario. Human consciousness is freeing itself from the restrictions of the past, from limited to more unlimited.

How does one perceive or see a new adventure that already exists in potential, when their own restrictions limit the view? They do so by understanding, perceiving their own restrictions for what they are and letting go of old models of perception and opening to new ones. How does one open to that which is unknown to them? They do so by realizing that life itself, which is the larger reality of their own existence, already is aware of these adventures. So, you see, these adventures are known by the larger reality of who you are. A key understanding here and a growing unlimited awareness of the reality of isolated individualism. A powerful model to move your life forward into these new adventures. Any possibility unknown to you is already known and, being part of the larger life, is available.

Awakening once again reveals your own self-imposed limitations, why they exist, how they have served you, and if you are prepared to let them go, having fulfilled their opportunities for you. New adventures rejuvenate, invigorate, expand consciousness, and help you complete your path to realizing your potentials. They’re refreshing to a life of sameness and awaken your faculties. Life in motion is the nature of change. So change, our brother, is a key to a life on the move, embracing new adventures. Namaste.

Mar. 15, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The journey of miracles

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the reality that exists between universes, between worlds, between species of beings, between thoughts. The reality we speak of has to do with the essential nature of what you call life. What is the source of existence? It is not a creative presence designing everything that’s created. It is more a presence that allows the tendencies of the forces of life to create. The life of creation designs itself, our brother, from its potential. And its potential is realized through the process of self-discovery and creative spark or impulse touching another, and another, and another. The ‘snowball effect,’ if you will.

You ask, “Where does the snowball come from?” It is created by the primary impulse of life to be. The life that you speak of begins its creative reality to realize, through experience on many levels, its nature. This can seem vague or nebulous, but primal reality is not specific, as you observe in the basics of time/space reality. It’s not a structure or a form or even an energy. It is the beginning of consciousness, self-awareness. This understanding is useful to those who contemplate the scope of reality. The larger your understanding, the more complete, the wiser your choices, the greater your contribution to life’s self-discovery. The more cosmic your consciousness, the more complete you are. And isn’t that what primary life is accomplishing?

Understanding the fundamental realities of oneness awakens you to all that you are one with and one as. We embrace this as well, our brother. It not only supports our communication, but so much more. Moving in this direction of comprehension is the path to completion, fulfillment, and the loving nature of life itself. A journey of miracles, our brother. Enjoy them all. Namaste.

Mar. 12, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Leaving all fears behind

JANU: Humanity is more precious than most realize, not just the fact of their existence, that they are alive, but they are more than that. They are life on the move, with countless destinies. The potential for creation is unlimited. Our journeys are meant to warm humanity to their potential. The existence of human consciousness impacts life in ways yet to be understood.

The perception that other worlds are distant and isolated from humanity will begin to fade away as humanity becomes conscious of unknown relationships and the interests of other worlds and species not unlike their own. As two people who move through life are stronger when cooperating and consolidating their talents, so it will be as humanity of the Earth begins to combine talents with other worlds and, beyond that, other realities.   Shared knowledge, experience, and talents or capabilities adds greatly to the experience of all participants.

Life is not your enemy, and neither are other worlds. Let not fears of the unknown prejudice your experience and limit it. Rest in the knowledge that life is in love with life. The fear of being alone in life is the root of all fears. It was never more than a perception. How can one be alone in life, in reality, when all of life is connected and oneness is fundamental?

To lower the veil, which is your choice, to focus the attention upon reincarnating existence also has the consequence of isolation from the larger life, the Family of Life. But as the consciousness matures and begins to awaken through desire, the veil becomes porous and the path of return begins. In the larger understanding of the Truth of Life, no one has ever been truly alone, just walking that journey of separation temporarily.

The time is coming, a joyous time, as humanity discovers and remembers its connection with the larger life and being part of the larger life. The days of behavior rooted in fears will dwindle away. Many will struggle to resist this change, resisting the natural flow of life. Here and there, more and more, individuals are seeing the vision of humanity’s future. They will help lead on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Seeing the truth in life

JANU: We are cementing relations, if you will, with the future of humanity by engaging and assisting in the awakening of humanity into what it is capable of. Humanity’s potential for developing its future in harmony with life is rooted in its True Nature, and it is wise for humanity to become conscious of that True Nature.

Now, the journey into manifesting potential is not always an easy one, for incarnate humanity, for many, is not consciously connected with its True Nature. The birth of the human experience is, of course, larger than that of the Earth for there are other worlds walking a similar path, but the nature of all of these is the love that life invested in this grand adventure. So, the awakening of humanity is in large measure to its own True Nature, the cause and source of its being, and its true power, through loving the life that bore it. When you view another in your world, see past the outer form, choose to see the radiance of the truth of life, some call the Light. There you will see the magic of it all, the beauty of it all, for you will see the love of life in motion, constantly creating, supporting, and embracing what it embodies.

It is all too easy to see only the brutality within the human condition. This is only temporary reality and a testing, if you will, of human resolve to do better. There is a human tendency to value more highly achievements when the achievements seem difficult to acquire. When one has a sense of ‘earning’ their place in life, they value that place more fully. This is a natural course of events in the path of awakening, of achieving potential and a better life. So set your ideals and your goals, your dreams and wishes. That is a natural part of life as well. The victories will come through commitment to a clearer focus, a clearer vision, a clearer desire, and these victories open doors to great ones, you see. Choose to see the truth in all you do and, especially, all that you are. Enjoy life. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross