Why do those who serve humanity seem to suffer for it?

JANU:  You pose the question this evening as to why it seems that those who serve humanity seem to suffer and struggle for the cause, always being a trial? Part of the reason for this is that they connect with the conditions of those they serve and their compassion connects to the suffering of those served that they might understand and appreciate the depths of the human condition. They do have their moments of joy, when a bit of peace and uplift comes to those who suffer. Let us not forget, or ignore, that they experience joy touching the larger life for the power and the wisdom and the love to bring to another. They also know the human condition is not un-resolvable. They walk in the shoes of those they serve, to better understand and to connect.

Many serve the awakening of humanity in so many different ways, encouraging people to believe in themselves and their dreams. The matter of service is revealed by your place in life and your passion and your abilities. Be content that, in ways you are unaware of, humanity is awakening. Namaste.

Feb. 12, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The inner and outer life are one life

JANU: We are engaged in, if you will, the inspiring of human consciousness into a larger life. All of life benefits with this awakening of humanity.

Humanity has to realize the breadth and depth of its connection with the larger life, which includes other realities, other beings, and other worlds. The connection already exists, so the awakening is embracing consciously the larger life that has always been, changing, of course, as realizations occur. So-called religion is an attempt to awaken humanity to this reality but, being created by humanity, gets misinterpreted. Then human motives and desires and misinterpretations set in and the larger purpose becomes unknown to humanity. Yet the frustration and dissatisfaction with religion as it exists at this time grows deeper. The larger life existed, our brother, long before the religions of the Earth.

So what do you place your faith in? Your beliefs are focused upon what? Have faith in and believe in the truth of life, our brother, for it has existed for so long, in realities you are not aware of yet, successfully and you exist as an expression of that life.

Love beyond current understanding holds this life in existence. Through the journey within, life is revealed and understood and served, but the so-called outer life, our brother, is of the same life. But the one without the other leads to misunderstanding, confusion. And the cycles of understanding repeat, and those of misunderstanding as well.

Incarnation, our brother, is for the purpose of fulfilling potential and destiny and enriching life. Seeing what goes on around you can be seen and understood more deeply when the inner and the outer life are one. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 14, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross