The magic of life at your doorstep

JANU: We are encouraging a climate for a peaceful humanity. What might such a climate be, then, our brother? We speak often of the larger life and the larger family of life. For humanity to perceive their existence, their physical existence and world, as a life larger than they currently do, it would open the door to a larger life perception beyond physicality, you see.

So the key here is to have a larger view and appreciation of their current opportunity for existence and building a fuller life. Some of the resources for this are wasted greatly and misunderstood, not only not building on these but not correcting them as well. Materialism and technology and the illusion of power have blinded them, not all of them but most, to the deeper and fuller perception of the reality of the moment and the system of life of which they are a part.

How can one abuse another, take advantage of, injure and deprive, when one is in full capacity of awareness of the beauty of that individual, the magic of their life, their potential of creativity, and their innate and natural love? And the beginning of this, our brother, is to perceive this truth within themselves. How do you relate to another in these ways without common ground? The common ground is there, our brother, but unseen.

So you see, a measure of the larger life is in the physical one as well, and an opportunity is to enhance it, drawing upon the True Nature of the larger life, not limited to physicality, you see. So useful inspiration through insight and an awakening consciousness is to inspire humanity to a larger and deeper appreciation of what they have on their doorstep, so to speak. Everything humanity needs—for wellness, and happiness, and rich and diverse exploration and discovery—they have always had.

Find the miracle of life and all of its magic within your being and, as you do, look for this in others and enhance each other’s lives. Namaste.

Feb. 28, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious connection with your True Nature 

JANU:    Living in the world of your day, this day, it is possible to bring peace to human consciousness and, through this, a measure of greater peace to Earth and its creatures. This peace we speak of centers in and upon the True Natures of humanity and the awakening of humanity. What you are beginning to experience is a more conscious working relationship between the two.

The True Nature and the human experience have a destiny that includes a more conscious relationship. Achieving a measure of this in your own life serves this destiny of humanity. How can you be insightful and speak of and act energetically in this area without direct experience? So you see, a blessing for one becomes a blessing for many. This has been the process of awakening for the human experience. So the joy in awakening, our brother, becomes a joy that includes many.

So continue your interest and pursuit of such emerging, with a deeper understanding and embrace of its purpose. Achieve this guided by wisdom. Namaste.

Feb. 25, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page The True Nature


Spiritual baptism

JANU: For this morning’s journey, we are beginning to proceed along the lines of ‘spiritual baptism’ for humanity.   What this means is that there is and has been prepared for humanity a baptism or awakening to the truth of their being. A great joy of remembering and experiencing who they truly are, beyond the circumstances of physical existence.

This baptism is like a blessing of being touched by the True Power of their own spirit, moving beyond the life of perceiving that they are alone. This blessing reveals and touches the heart and the consciousness with connection and a growing intimacy with the love that life is. How can one who opens to this reality not want to share this and express this with those who will listen and are open? This is the ‘awakening of humanity,’ our brother. Spiritual baptism. And yes, it is very real. Nothing outside of you will convince you like the journey within, for that is the path to truly meeting another. The influence on each one is as varied as there are people, so-called individuals.

This is not imposed upon humanity but inspired by the collective True Natures of humanity. It is their blessing for awakening their incarnate experience, understanding the vital timing for everything. We have witnessed this before and it honors life itself.

Feb. 13, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Humanity’s ancient past will inspire a grand future

JANU: We are focused at this time upon a remembrance of the exquisite time, if you will, when humanity was at peace. This occurred when humanity was more conscious of, and more a part of, the larger human family from other worlds. There was much focused activity embracing life, growing in understanding, sharing plans for relationships. Some of humanity moved in and out of physicality, conscious of existence in other realities. The human physical experience was an experiment added to what it was currently used to. Travel between worlds was not so much physical as in consciousness, but was real enough to bring understanding and creative manifestation to the more physical existence.

In time, those that traveled these opportunities moved on, and human existence on the Earth devolved and much of this was forgotten. The current reality of ‘deity’ was created by humanity as a reflection of a loftier consciousness and remembrance, but as something separate and isolated, praying for favors from, forgetting that what was prayed for was once reality of their own making.

The awakening process, our brother, is the journey of return to these loftier times and beyond. The memory of these is clear in spirit. Nothing is lost. This is part of what humanity is awakening to: its own legacy. As we serve humanity’s awakening, our vision for their future is inspired by their past. As you join us in this memory, you will understand our service to humanity, regardless of their current circumstance. Be at peace with the confusion of humanity at this time. It will fade away as humanity chooses a return to a grander life and larger possibilities.

Feb. 6, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Celebrating the miracle of insight

JANU: We are celebrating those magical moments of insight, life-changing revelations that occur around the world with many of humanity, and explore what triggers an insight or revelation.

Primarily, it is the desire to know and experience, whether for yourself or for another; an honest, simple desire for guidance, understanding, and service; a moment of open-mindedness and faith in the power to receive, to understand, from something larger than your current perception of reality. One does not need to understand the mechanics, so to speak, the structure of communication, but willing to receive it and apply it. We are not speaking of curiosity and entertainment here, but a conviction that it is needed. A perception of the presence of a reality that knows, some would call a ‘divine connection.’

Sincerity and light-heartedness go hand in hand. Sincerity focuses the commitment to know, to serve. Light-heartedness opens the mind and heart to receive, joyous to once more experience a sense of the magic of life. Always there. Always benevolent. Always loving.

There is an answer and a solution, our brother, for any question, any need. Be open to the answer, the understanding, as it is. And then apply it, honestly. Have faith in its result, whether seen or not, and find True Peace. Namaste.

Jan. 19, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Wonderful changes to come

JANU:    What we see here, our brother, is a coming together of many interested beings, if you will, consciousnesses involved in a number of adventures, or projects if you prefer, to include the union of purposes relating to different species of intelligent life. The development of co-creative powers and abilities; the coordination of wisdoms gained, across vast regions of life, the universe if you will, with more than that; the ability to create the future wisely and not just wait for it to unfold; the mastering of well-being and peace of mind, clearing the path for steady advancements in the conditions of living and exploration; the coming together of life, as we have said, in so many new ways. The beings we speak of cherish this and have already accomplished much.

The cycles of life come and go, but life continues. The advancements we speak of continue. The physical dimension is one of many platforms for demonstrating and gaining wisdom from the application of new understandings. Life is far richer and filled with opportunity, not just to learn and understand, but to become more than you thought you could be. As spirit, humanity is already of great value and ability, demonstrating this, gaining wisdom through this, and the physical world is challenging but the benefit is beyond measure.

We will be exploring new horizons for life has so much to offer, not just through what exists already, but what can be. All our communications as such, our brother, are a small portion of this and they will continue as needed. But they are not all we will accomplish as we open to more possibilities. Be patient, steadfast, and open to many changes to come. Namaste.

Jan. 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Inspiring humanity to larger realities

JANU: We move into the long-term commitment to the preparation of humanity for an off-world encounter with someone not of the Earth, but on the Earth. The appearance is unremarkable. The identity, knowledge, and intelligence are not flaunted. The perception into the depth of the human experience grows constantly. Communication of understanding is more telepathic for the purpose of sharing information. This one comes and goes as well, but always through or by means of normal transportation, which is time consuming. This one lives in Ireland at the moment and has spent time in Wales, yet to visit America.

This one has been on the Earth for approximately seven years, and is scheduled to leave in two years, or be replaced. This next one will be female in appearance and will be here for ten years. The purpose here is to normalize a relationship with humanity, for better understanding when other worlds are discovered, which is already happening, leading to ‘first contact’ which will trigger deep introspections into the human identity by humanity.

This activity has been continuing for many years and is done for the benefit of humanity, as it discovers the larger family of life and its own nature. Our own journeys through the site you have created are designed to accomplish this as well, slowly, piece by piece. People who are ready for this information will find their way to these.

Jan. 13, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Have faith in humanity and its future

JANU: We are speaking to the need for the rising up of the goodwill of the people of the world that they come into their own of self-determination and a shining and peaceful example. We see their confidence in a better life for everyone radiating and touching others. We see the naturalness in animal lovers’ love for nature blessing the Earth, and the Earth finding peace with humanity. We are not here to ‘curse the darkness,’ so to speak, but to honor and magnify the Light that lives in so many.

The life that is the Earth is adding colors to its hue and the awakening consciousness of humanity will benefit from it by allowing it in and becoming a spokesperson of the life of the Earth. The so-called worldwide web, or Internet, is a precursor to unified human consciousness and that kind of networking. Humanity will come to see each other as a network of consciousness, with purpose, longevity, and destiny.

The virtues of harmonious living will foster peace in the world and a change in lifestyle, attitudes, emotions that will allow the body’s natural healing and well-being to emerge more fully once more. And the so-called reasons for fear will seem less valid, less powerful, in the presence of a networked life, which brings universal understanding. The thought of world peace and peace within the being will become an experience, no longer just an idea or philosophy, an experience within that is present and real.

Humanity is awakening into a grander life, with confidence in the future and yet undreamed of possibilities. See a bright future. Have faith in this. Namaste.
Jan. 13, 2015                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Lifting each other into freedom

JANU: Humanity has a tendency to follow the human ego instead of its innate conscience. Those who find joy in the wonder and giving nature of children are more apt to follow their conscience, which nurtures the bonding, life to life. This can extend to others who let their guard down of social consciousness that can come to understand that physical survival is not the measure of success while the joy of lifting another into their freedom is a good beginning.

This is an important element of navigating life, your path of destiny, successfully. Countless opportunities present themselves to lift another into their freedom, each one being a different mix of opportunities in your moment in life. Let us agree, then, to be willing to help lift another into their freedom, responding to opportunities with the guidance of your own conscience, your own True Nature. A subject to be explored and understood and lived. Namaste.
Dec. 29, 2014 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The coming together of humanity

JANU: We are catalyzing, if you will, the coming together of humanity, a wondrous journey with joyous results. The gnashing of teeth, if you will, of those yet to embrace out of fear and sense of loss of control as an independent individual, isolated from any power or reality larger than themselves. The coming together of humanity is part of its destiny, for the Larger Family of Life already is demonstrating this change. ‘Partners on the journey of life’ is the perception that will gain a foothold in the new reality. The consciousness already exists and manifests in small communities and groups.

What does ‘coming together’ mean for the daily life and the individual? It means that more and more your decisions, your perceptions, your values include those of others, eventually seeing them as your own through the process of refinement and application. Even individual well-being and health is a shared relationship and each one becomes the stronger for it. No longer the sense of isolated accomplishment and failure. Demonstrating this physically in the incarnate life will grow into a conscious ownership and become part of the identity of the individual. What this prepares humanity for is encountering other species, other worlds. And this quality in human consciousness will be received well by others, knowing that their society and being are respected and enhanced by human contact, whether physically or in consciousness.

The coming together of humanity will make wars and conflict and mutual abuse obsolete. In fact, these attitudes will be largely forgotten for the lives will be filled with the alternative of mutual caring and support. People will look forward to the first meeting of each other, with nothing to fear. Disputes or conflicts will be resolved in a new way, both parties desiring harmonious solution, for the experience of being in harmony with each other is comforting and enriching and conflict is not. You ask of individual sovereignty and creativity. They will be enhanced, our brother, for the creativity and sovereignty will be richer.

And, in time, an appreciation of the Family of Life will include discarnate life, which is vast and rich. For understand this, our brother: this is your experience as well, when not incarnate. Much to remember of who you are, what you’ve been, and what you’re becoming. Only part of this is described by physical experience. A more universal consciousness is occurring and this is welcomed in the Family of Life. Namaste.

Jan. 6, 2015                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross