A life at peace

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us continue to explore the reality and benefit of profound peace. The peace we speak has more to do with the harmonious relationship between all elements of consciousness, physical being, and other realities of your nature.

So many of your world are dealing with illnesses, disease, outbreaks that keep appearing on the scene, plaguing humanity. The reality here, our brother, is that humanity’s consciousness is plaguing humanity in a world that is designed for its own natural balance, in harmony within its forces, natural energies, and systems of life. So the challenge here, our brother, is not new medicines. They are a band-aid, so to speak, on a festering wound that refuses to heal. In the short term, they bring relief, but in the long term the patterns of creation of disharmony still exist. Stepping up to this plate of responsibility takes courage and a willingness to leave denial behind and accept responsibility for all that your life includes and not placing blame everywhere but with your own patterns of consciousness, preferences, biases, angers and frustrations, lack of self-love.

How many wake up every morning peacefully happy, looking forward to the day with gratitude, expecting discoveries, insights, and a resolution of issues? Profound peace does not ignore the challenges of living but engages them without fear of loss, of discomfort. Profound peace is a foundation from moment to moment that life will continue without end, that you are a part of a Family of Life who have achieved great things and share your consciousness and your peace, to inspire others to a life full of freedom, rich experience, and mastership that will continue to grow. But profound peace is a personal experience as well, bringing enrichment to every moment. Life is very personal, very individual, very present. And the peace we speak of is the same.

Worrying about unforeseen possibilities, negative experience, losses that have yet to occur, is not wisdom, is not peace. Valuing, appreciating, magnifying the alternative brings peace. And when at peace, opportunities open to you, insights, understandings for you to choose from and engage. True Peace rejuvenates by way of the letting go of anything in your life that is not peaceful. The patterns of others, yet to understand, are not yours, but you can inspire others by living your truth through a life of peace and harmony within your being. And life flows more freely, in a natural way.

Peace is unmistakable, our brother, as the flow of life becomes obvious with moments of success, successes that can be shared with others. A life in a world at peace is a rich one, filled with happy moments and a loving life. Be at peace, and namaste.

Oct. 1, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Family of Life is drawing together

JANU: We are encouraging humanity to take a look at what’s in store. The forces of violence, the consciousness of violence, and the acts of violence will end. Their energy supply is diminishing. The humanity who longs for a peaceful life with opportunity to awaken, to grow into all they can be, individually and with each other, is coming into its own. A deafening ear is being turned towards those in violence, no longer seen as powerful and threatening but as a pathetic way to live. The spirit and physical body of the individual will be seen as the Temple of Light that it is, and life decisions will be made to nurture and enhance it. Humanity is coming to humanity.

And now is an excellent time to be part of this, for in the cycles of life it is time for this. The community of spiritual and conscious beings is drawing together. You’ll understand this, and speak of it, in the times coming soon, with communication with those who live this way on other worlds and in other realities. The awakening is arriving. We encourage humanity to explore their vision, their hopes, and their dreams for what their life will be.
In harmony with this change, you’ll be a healthier humanity. No longer consumed with disease and economic ruin. Too much living to do and embrace and become for these old ways to continue. Choosing to live in freedom and peaceful pursuits will include, in time, an appreciation and concern for the lives of others on other worlds and other realities, awakening humanity to the Family of Life contributing in so many ways.
Let not the distractions of the abuses of the day cloud your vision. They do not speak for the Family of Life. They are aberrations and abominations on the Path of Truth. Namaste.
Sept. 16, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


You are loved no matter what

JANU: For this evening’s journey, may we encourage and support an interest in Divine Order and what that means. ‘Divine’ speaks to the nature of life in its manifestations that fulfills the destiny of life, all of life. The ‘Order’ we speak of is the equilibrium of the elements of life, their motion and their destinies, that fulfill life even when elements come and go. Divinity is the presence of life, universal life, eternal life, with a loving theme of unlimited acceptance of the being of life. Order speaks to life and all of its creations and realities continuing to find equilibrium, that the flow of creation, manifestation, and expansion continues unabated.

Consider your own physical vehicle and the seemingly countless systemic relationships, yet moment by moment, day after day, year after year, the process of life continues. Consciousness is raised. Wisdom is gained. Service is manifested and perfected. Your presence in life enriches it in so many ways. Divine Order is beautiful, a symphony of life and every part of life creating this symphony, you see. There is no time, our brother, when your presence is not contributing to life, even when you leave the body.
People perceive they’re living in misery, abandoned, alone, in despair and frustration. Yet they are loved for their presence in life, without exception. Who you really are is far greater than these limited perceptions. Life loves you, regardless of what you choose to explore. Find peace in this, beyond the challenges and struggles of the day. When you sleep at night, accept the love, the freedom of your True Nature. Namaste.
Sept. 3, 2014 B                                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The nature of forgiveness

JANU:    Forgiveness, then, begins with a strong love within the self for the dignity of your being and, through that, the dignity or integrity of another being, whether they are aware of their integrity or not. Forgiveness does not include agreement with all behaviors, but profound patience for life to adjust for imbalances, maintaining, of course, your own integrity, disciplines, and values.

How is it, then, enlightened beings can forgive one for hurtful behavior yet maintain a love for one’s True Nature?

Now, in your society you have agreed upon rules for living together that each one may be at peace and fulfill their destinies. How then does an individual or a society inspire changes in the individual that allows respect for others? One must see beyond the behavior and understand the reason for it and reflect this to the individual, under the direction of your True Nature. One may well ask, “How does one achieve this direction?” It is done by having a confidence and belief in who you truly are, larger than the human journey, the human identity. That is the Divine within you, which is wise, knowing, with the power of True Peace, the patience of eternity.

Forgiveness allows others on their path their destiny and the mistakes along the way, the stumbling, the falling, and the rising again. People do not evolve and awaken in a straight line, our brother, and neither have you. Have a larger view of life and the lives of individuals and be true to your values and the Divine that lives within you, which is who you truly are.

Sept. 12, 2014 B                             Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Different perspectives do not mean we can’t walk the path to truth together

JANU: The Light that understanding brings is available to everyone. Many choose this consciously and many unconsciously, subtler levels of their being encouraging their journey to see more clearly and to come to know who they are, what they are. We would see at this time the attraction from within to a peaceful life more in harmony with new possibilities.

One of the greatest opportunities for advancing humanity is not that far away, our brother. And that is contact, on one level or another, with beings not of the Earth and, eventually, non-physical beings, which are even vaster. It is time for humanity to come out of its slumber and awaken to the world that has already been there but they have only seen, here and there, in dreams and imagination. Your science has even asked the question, “How did so many of ancient times know so much of the truth of Life, celestial reality, without the technology of today?” Enlightened individuals have always existed, our brother, here and there, with insight into the nature of life, and the truth of their existence.
Instead of marveling at these achievements, so unfathomable, why not open to and discover a few of your own? If one can accomplish these things, anyone can, if the desire is there and the mind is open. Never let frustrations, so-called mistakes, unforeseen obstacles, challenges, and the doubts of others interfere with pursuing your dream and your quest to know. The truth that matters, our brother, is your own truth, for your perception of life is yours. How you evolve it, refine it, utilize it, and share it is up to you.
Having our own perceptions does not mean we cannot walk these journeys together and learn from each other and strengthen our resolve. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 22, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The meaning and purpose of life

JANU: We are Janu speaking, probing more deeply into the nature and the mystery and the magic of life, its vastness, complexity, depth, and vitality. For today’s journey, let us explore the nature of the meaning of life, and what that reveals.

What is meaning, then, in this scenario? The reality of life essentially is far beyond finite meaning, as is purpose, for how can one understand life from a limited concept, meaning, or purpose? One can embrace elements of it and resort to interpretation. What is the natural meaning of anything, our brother? The meaning and purpose of life is ‘to be,’ to continue, to fulfill destiny, the destiny of potential.

You ask if there is an end-goal here, or destination? The answer is ‘No,’ none that you would understand, for understanding is a continuation of current awareness and experience and environment. Even the True Nature, our brother, considers this. And the perpetual pursuit of these understandings comes from the universal meaning of life, but does not describe it. How can a finite reality reveal the infinite, other than its probability? But the pursuit, you see, is the tapestry of life, is the essence.

We are all the pursuers of embracing more of life but only as part of life, expressions of life. Life is one, and we are pursuing that oneness and the journey of that pursuit is the richness that is gained. What else would we be reaching for, other than the enrichment of life which we are elements of? But the realities of life are beyond number and each one is filled with the magic and enrichment of discovery and co-creation.

The purpose and meaning of life is to live it. What you find is up to you. What you create is up to you. What you understand and what you love is up to you. It is up to us all. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 24, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The power of choice

JANU: We are accumulating then at this time the knowledge that is needed for peaceful transitions by humanity into happier and more satisfying living. What we see at this time is the necessity to understand the power of choice. Now the clarity needed for successful choices is achieved through consideration that not only includes thought but the heartfelt emotions and insights of higher consciousness. This does not take long deliberation but there is a timing of these things for a process to unfold and the revelations to occur.

Now, choices are not a final decree and are always subject to reconsideration, modification, and complete change. Balance this perspective with the results of ‘waiting for life to happen.’ How can life inspire refinement in your choices, if you have none? Choice is a dynamic of creativity. And where is evolvement without creativity? Choice advances life, no matter what direction it takes. And choice is powered by commitment, and commitment comes from confidence and a clear vision.
So, you see, our brother, choices are not strictly an individual option, but a cooperation with life and its many resources and inherent wisdom. Life is rich with experience and all of this is available to the conscious co-creator. And even from the moment of commitment to a choice, enlightenment occurs, for when you touch life, life touches back. This is the power of choice.
Choose wisely, with gratitude for the power and the love that is life. Namaste.
Aug. 19, 2014                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the mind

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the ingredients of life that forecast a preponderance of evidence that life exists beyond the perceptions of many of humanity. The first to consider is each one’s mind. Not the brain, the physical organ, but the mind that explores life, senses life, intuits life beyond time/space. It is the human connection, interface if you will, with the rest of life. Many still consider the mind and brain as one reality, rather than being connected and seeming to function as one reality. The mind exists whether there is a brain or not, or a physical body or not.

The mind is a reality that partners with the True Nature to form a union of connection to the incarnate life. Remember, now, that the physical body is of the Earth, all of it. The mind and the True Nature are not incarnate, but connected to the incarnation, by an act of will,the desire, if you will, to experience, contribute, and gain wisdom from the physical life. The mind being a projection of, a reflection of, what some call ‘super-consciousness,’ which is your True Nature. Now, the condition of the brain can interfere with this connection, and many maladies are the result of this.

Now, the mind is a dynamic reality with multiple levels of awareness and function. Those levels closest to incarnate experience can become confused with the experiences: insanity, obsessions, habits, and outrageous conduct in the physical life. The pathway of clarity from the incarnate experience through the layers and realities of mind can become clouded and, to some degree, incoherent. This is why, after leaving the body of a disturbed life, there is a process of clearing and sorting out impressions. There are carryovers when reincarnating that are left over from some of these patterns, including the patterns of creativity and genius and a love for life.

The higher orders of mind and True Nature are not judgmental, harboring these patterns that originate while incarnate. Life records everything, our brother. What it does with these recordings is another study. So there is merit in the quest for clarity, sanity, goodwill, and a love for all of life while incarnate. This is accomplished each day.

Aug. 17, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the purpose of memories

JANU: As the memories come to the surface, they are opportunities to appraise life and gain more insight into these experiences. You ask, “Why do they occur? Why do they return when they do?” It is an opportunity, our brother, to review your life and assess and learn and resolve any turbulences. One moves forward from these with greater clarity, as a foundation for wiser choices.

Their purpose can be confusing at times, for there are a number of levels, nuances, that describe their content. Be conscious of your thoughts and emotions when reviewing and reliving these. Remember, you are not judged by these. They are an ‘isness’ in your Earth experience.

As you mature, your journey through life on the Earth is filled with experiences. Some you say you would have chosen differently if you had known. These are not mistakes, our brother. They are experiences to learn from, to gain insight, not only of your world, but of your own consciousness and what you take into your next journeys. It is the path to wisdom. And what would you gain if all choices were perfect, in the sense of no disturbance and no regrets? They are the richness of the journey and they reveal much for consideration. So do not reject them, but understand them, and be grateful for them. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 13, 2014 B                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A better life

JANU: We are accustomed, then, to these proceedings in the vein of exploring life and serving humanity. As we focus for today’s journey, let us be reminded that there are coming great changes for humanity, especially in the area of discovering and embracing the true power of True Peace and the insanity of violence. Exploring this, then this morning, let us choose to sense this change that is coming, this opportunity to reconfigure life, human society, in this direction.

You ask, “What is the tipping point for this change?” Some might suggest that a unique leader is needed to start this change. But the magnitude and destiny of this change is too important for one person. It will come in the form of inner desire and divine sanity to occur in the people. Now one person, or a small group, could plant the seed of understanding, but it must become a vision owned by the people. Only then can it not be thwarted or pass away on the shoulders of one. When it is owned within by the masses, it will be difficult to lead them away from what they know to be true.

So let us encourage then, in our own thoughts and relationships with others, the birthing of the commitment to peace and the awakening of humanity. The Earth can be transformed rapidly, with all the resources, energy, and lives sacrificed restored to constructing a brighter future, rooted in cooperation, mutual respect, enlightened education of the children, and a love for life and its possibilities.

Humanity does have a role, our brother, in the diseases of the world and the unending parade of new ones. So much of humanity is not at-ease and creates, energetically, according to its fears, angers, and frustrations. Humanity awakening to True Peace and integrity and a concern for each other will bring a new reality to light. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 16, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross