Keeping past thinking from limiting future possibilities

JANU:   The imperatives designed within the human destiny are coming together as a motivating force, drawing human consciousness into more of the profound aspects that lead to success.

We would have you understand at this time that human destiny is not limited to technology but includes development of consciousness and the evolution of the human body to meet and accomplish human destiny. The goals for humanity are quite large, indeed, for its place in life, its role in life is quite large indeed. The joining up of human consciousnesses around the world that are committed and eager to embrace a new future of greater depth and scope, are also looking to unite. Not physically so much as in presence, understanding, and consciousness.

We see this as a growing trend at this. This call, so to speak, in the movement of human evolution and consciousness, is not unique to the Earth. It is a call that has been occurring everywhere. Life’s potential is the attraction and the source of the call. You must agree that we embrace this call as well. Now, the call is a universal one, touching life wherever there is opportunity to respond.

So let us consider carefully, then, the comfort of familiarity and past understanding that they not limit the revelations to come and a fresh look at life, of unlimited possibilities. Namaste.

Mar. 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross