Two thoughts on improving life

A new way of living

JANU: How simple and natural it can be to communicate within. It has always been thus, but many human conceptions, patterns of living can’t accept it. Would it be that humanity, interpersonally, could communicate with each other non-verbally.

Inner communication can change the social landscape profoundly. Consider a patient unconscious and the physician communicating with clarity and a profound understanding of the patient’s condition, guided by the patient’s own consciousness. The paramedic as well, knowing exactly what to do. Not only person to person, but person to animal, or any living creature. Not only in physical crises, but in relationships.

Consider the scenario of first encounter with another world. Words no longer a barrier. Misinterpretation rare. Agendas no longer secret. The consciousness of your world revealed.

Finally, society living in harmony with the planet’s resources and destiny. The truth of deity no longer a mystery. And your own being, at peace with you. Awakening once more the issue of the moment, changing everything. Continue to awaken and live a new way of life. Namaste.

Sept.15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


JANU: When involved in an exchange, buying and selling, any business activity, any description of any part of your life to another, give some thought to the person you would have Life bring you together with for the exchange. Someone deceptive, with hidden agenda, or someone honest? And what of your relationship after the exchange, moving forward?

Being honest in your transactions, whether financial, verbal, or any other, how far do you carry honesty? Are you comfortable with the exchange that benefits only you? What is your integrity made of? Are you committed to the power of the truth, or does manipulation, deception, seem more powerful?

These patterns of consciousness and behavior, thoughts and feelings, will limit you on your path of awakening. There are no secrets in the larger life. All is known, whether the parties in your exchange are aware or not. Search yourself for these patterns and the truth that lives in others can know them as well. Conduct your dealings on a higher level in the long run, and in the short they will be more successful. Namaste.

Sept. 15, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Oneness and connection with other worlds

JANU: We are continuing to explore life with you. There is another world nearby–near in consciousness, not physically–that springs to mind, so to speak, when you entertain the query about the choices a species makes and what they make of the world that is given them. Humanity could have gone in many different directions. A more intellectually oriented world, a more mystical world, a more technological world, a more integrated world of different species. But when you look closely at other worlds, humanity chose to include a combination of directions as if sampling the varieties of life that are possible. The other world we speak of chose privacy and, as a result, became a homogenous society not benefiting from the synergism of experimentation.

Now, many of humanity are of the opinion, or perception, that the elements of their existence are only of the Earth. Many inspirations that have shaped human existence come from many realities. Those who are centered in being alone in the universe would be surprised to learn that the thoughts and consciousness of humanity have inspired other beings on other worlds, influencing their culture and advancements. Being open to exchanges of this nature more consciously will bridge the misperceptions of isolation. The True Natures of individual humans, and collectively, network far and wide. And none of human consciousness and social norms is unknown to them.

The point of this journey is to encourage a growing openness and sensitivity to connection between lives, between ideas, between visions, ambitions, and wonderings. One can know the thought of another, without knowing who or where or what they are. And they can know yours, as well. Oneness, our brother, on a deeper and larger scale, is how we all live, as we have journeyed together to other worlds and other cultures evidences the truth of this.

Being alone in life is an illusion by choice, but as one awakens and matures and becomes wiser, the choice changes and the perception of reality changes as well. The Truth of Life is not held in secret and awareness of it is a choice. Humanity is not the only race in the universe evolving into a larger life. Be at peace with your neighbor. You have been helping each other since the beginning. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 14, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

The Light of the human collective

JANU: Probing the depths of human collective consciousness, we see a bright light. This bright light casts out the darkness of ignorance and has always been there. Collective human consciousness is drawing upon this, for it holds the potential for humanity’s future. Its glow is being cast upon humanity’s concerns. It is, in fact, the collective True Nature of humanity.

There are many such collective True Natures throughout the universe. And they are networked. Humanity has yet to communicate directly with other worlds and their species publicly, but others have, and the True Natures certainly have.

Before too long, humanity will be compelled to think in terms of a family of worlds and species. No longer its whole world being itself. As you may imagine, everything changes. Many have known of Earth humanity, observing and waiting for its evolution, for it must come to the family of worlds in ownership of its integrity. The many factions of life co-exist in a dance of changing interactions as the flow of life continues. In these larger venues of life, it is natural for a species to be thought of as an entity, for it is connected in that way.

It is time for humanity to move in this direction for, as you would say, the universe is getting smaller and smaller. So much exists, and has existed, whether humanity is aware of it or not. The day of discovery for anyone is shared with others and their days of discovery, even of the same thing. Teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, common interests and goals, passions and compassions become more the norm.

Inner journeys and outer challenges can co-exist. Separate realities no longer, but co-existing effectively. Namaste.

Sept. 7, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



As this is very similar to the concept of Precipitation, they are being posted together.

JANU:    When seeking understanding of any part of life, including your own, allow it to be. Love it into being. Attempting to create what already exists gets in the way.

You ask, “Where does creativity come into this?” Creating an aspect of consciousness that allows manifestation to occur, allowing could help. Compared to drugs and surgery, it has no negative side effects. Your entire being is designed to perform in a healthy manner. Allowing peace and balance in the life allows good health, eliminating the stress which interferes, coming from a consciousness centered in self-control and individual manipulation of life.

Realize, our brother, that each one is an expression of a larger life, the intimacy of which is restricted by thoughts and emotions based upon a consciousness of isolated independence, which does not allow the natural gifts of life to walk with you on your path. Why not allow a sense of the larger life to enhance your human experience?

Your body knows the diet it needs at any given time, but it is not often listened to. Your emotional body knows instantly discordant feelings from harmonious ones. Every part of your being knows what is taking place.

Demanding from life is one thing. Choosing and allowing is another. Focus on your desires. Allow them to manifest in harmony with the flow of life and the truth that lives within you. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 20, 2015                                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is real and what is not? How open is your mind?

JANU: We are celebrating this time the advent of the multiple reality of our being. What do we mean by this, you ask. Our being, our brother, is capable of multiple existences simultaneously in the adventure of life. We are capable of manifesting any characteristic you observe on the human journey. The reality of our connection with any True Nature fits into the category referred to as elementals. Virtually any portion of life can be visited and understood and communicated with. The shifting of consciousness to another reality is a natural one. Life attunes to life. Now, oneness not being an empty concept but a practical reality, whatever your attention is on you are connected to. The degree of connection is selectable.

This one who inspires you, called “Dynamo” given name Steven Fraine, has deep convictions about life, yet to discover the totality of his nature, demonstrates how fluid life is and that no reality is fixed. He is discovering the Truth of Life in his own way in the miracles he demonstrates. They are a small portion of the larger life, but they do awaken the consciousness. It is useful to open the mind for a moment but the question remains: open to what? But it is a beginning and it brings back memories, free of a limited concept of physical reality.

What is real, and what is not? A difficult question to embrace, begging the next, which is: How open is your mind to the larger reality of life?

Aug. 27, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Introducing another exploration: The Power to Create

JANU: We are summarizing then the recent journeys on the human condition. May we say that there occurs to us that this body of information is a journey of information of return to what humanity has known before, this being a reminder. As awakening is a process, the process must include the patience to allow for balance in the psyche to be maintained during the awakening to these truths. There is much more that humanity has owned before, as to its origin and the larger life, which we will speak of from time to time. The summary of this journey so far speaks to humanity with a bright future, many challenges, and the inner strength and wisdom to meet them well. Moving past the sense that one is alone in the world will bring strides forward of greater confidence in life and in one’s existence.

Remembering what you already know can be confusing at times, for one has a tendency to hang on to what they think they know, not wanting to change it. For one finds comfort in stability and tomorrow looking a lot like today. Embracing change as a way of living is yet to come, but it is facing everyone. That does not mean that all change is around the corner, so to speak. Sometimes it is lifetimes long, to where the incarnate mind does not perceive it. But the change is coming, our brother. It is wise to be open to it, for it is life in motion, and life cannot expand or continue without it.

So this cycle of exploring the human condition is changing. Next we will explore the power, the capacity to create. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Aug. 17, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

(Be sure to check the next two posts.)


Owning more of life and who you are

JANU: Welcome to life beyond physicality. We encourage this for everyone, in a way and time that is right for them. This is the ‘larger life’ of infinite possibilities and eternal nature and helps the real elements of life to be put into perspective.

The physical trip to other worlds adds to the experience. But be aware, our brother, that many have been to these worlds before. Not physically, but intimately as well. But the human consciousness, when attuned to the larger life, in harmony with its True Nature, can experience and know many things. So much of society in the physical allow elements of their lives to dominate their experience from a limited perspective. One does not need to travel the universe physically to know it.

The pulses and rhythms of life are everywhere. Cataclysmic changes can be sensed long before they occur. One learns that consciousness exists in countless forms and realities, even though the common human perspective sees objects as little more than solid matter, for they are limited by the concept of time. Creation evolves in physical reality slower than perception can detect and faster than perception can detect. So to perceive life with a timeless consciousness makes for a larger life.

This does not negate the need for and the benefits of the physical experience. That can be added as well to the larger consciousness. But there comes a time when the view of life senses there is much more and begins to realize that your True Nature, at one with your incarnate consciousness, is not so limited. Life becomes more inclusive in understanding, contribution, and the flow of life that you are.

These words can only point a direction of exploration. They own nothing, but your consciousness can own everything. There are miracles of reality in the Earth experience. Communicate intimately and successfully with any creature of the Earth and experience a miracle that expands you in a moment and touches the life of that creature, bringing wonder to its consciousness. These opportunities are everywhere. Include more of life in what you own. A journey without end. And reward without end. Feel life around you. Choose to connect with it to understand and to serve as well. Namaste.

Aug. 22, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Which eyes of perception do you see through?

JANU: We are assembling at this time a bright focus upon the meanderings of human endeavors. Any of which are laudable for their achievements, primarily limited to the incarnate existence. What we explore this morning is humanity’s potential to create in a larger way, utilizing all of its understanding in the physical sciences, but also embracing the science of life in a larger way.

Scientific pursuit keeps bumping into, so to speak, the limits of its approach, not realizing that the larger science of life is where the answers are found. Not only in creation, but in the consciousness of the individual. How does one determine that the wall, the obstacle in their pursuit does not lie somewhere in the physical life, yet undetected, but in the larger life beyond physicality? So that pursuit in this area of life seems less fuzzy, imprecise, vague, but through the desire of awakening, becomes repeatable, trustworthy, and a doorway into larger truths.

The language and understanding achieved in one reality is not as revealing as in another. The structures of understanding must be allowed to grow and change, to pattern match, if you will, with the reality of larger venues of life. So it is internally with your own psyche, thought processes, range of sensitivity to subtler existence. Not so subtle, if you will, when achieved. Direct observation of concrete structures of physicality does not reveal their whole truth to the concrete mind. The larger truth of life includes physicality, but physicality on a much deeper perception of reality.

Life is everywhere, and in everything. No matter what reality you’re focused upon, the deeper truth and understanding has always been present. And the true part of your nature has always been there. So, in a sense, the question is asked: Which eyes of perception do you see through?

Aug. 23, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perceptions of form to formlessness

JANU: We are hammering out, if you will, any challenges to understanding the True Nature of manifest reality and the so-called nonphysical. What we are reaching for in understanding here, our brother, is that the difference in these realities is not all that different, having once referred to physicality as more realities than you might imagine, and this is true by way of the reason of oneness. You frequently query about how to comprehend individuality in a nonphysical reality. That is accomplished, our brother by—or should we say, through—the shape of consciousness. Now, shape is a limited term here but a beginning to your understanding.

When one has inner vision that penetrates the subtler realities of life, one can see images that represent individuals, but they are subject to change. And there are many factors involved, depending upon consciousness of observer and observed, but as realities become finer and finer, there are processes for former structure that are quite different. Humanity is strongly oriented upon visual imagery. One must realize that the imagery produced by consciousness-shaping is fluid and changes due to the need for recognition and the relationships involved.

Moving on, our brother, reality exists beyond any form or structure that a human would identify. De-humanizing your perspective to be more facile is one of the many processes that accompany moving the mind beyond physicality with a much larger perspective. You are learning that life is far more complex and still in motion, but all of this is taken in stride and becomes a natural perception of life, to the degree one allows it or desires it.

Allow the awakening to a grander reality of life expressions. Be patient with your discoveries. Allow this to normally occur. And, yes, you have known and experienced all of this before. Understanding, appreciating, and exploring oneness is a journey of its own. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding a life form

JANU: The words used in this communication are sponsored by other life forms, as a result of your inquiry. Communication with other life forms for mutual benefit is not in English, our brother, or any other Earth language of humanity and must be translated, which is one of our services on these journeys.

There is a life form, that you are seeing at this moment, which is similar in shape to a caterpillar, but the hair is much longer. Color is like a light gray. This life form does not build edifices or engage in what you would call agriculture. There is procreation. But the intelligence and wisdom does not derive from these things. And, yes, this life form exists on the Earth. It exists in the jungles of tropical rainforests and is a transplant from another world. They have a very old consciousness and their understanding and vision of life is not like yours at all.

So, where does conversation or communication begin, our brother, when there seems to be nothing in common? It begins by valuing each other’s existence and being open to mutual service.
Their physical existence is there to survive on the Earth and to comfort each other. Their protection from predators is in the form of virtual invisibility, but can be seen in the mind. They live in the trees. And, no, they do not have a name. But co-exist with the trees and provide in return an enzyme that the tree makes use of for its protection. Their arrival from another world was arranged, this being one of their purposes. Their hair-like appendages contribute to a symbiotic relationship with the tree.

You ask what do they know that you could understand? They know long life, our brother. A kind of timelessness and an intimate sense of oneness. They understand connection, co-dependency of a beneficial nature.
This is but one example, our brother, of the diversity of life, and purpose, longevity, and oneness. Namaste.
July 1, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross