Being part of the systems of life

JANU:    The Earth is a complex being and has a True Nature. So it is with other worlds, our brother. The fundamental patterns of existence extend more widely than that of the human; therefore, understanding the nature of life is enhanced by understanding your own. Communication is possible, a kind of direct knowing, with any system of life. Oneness is seldom understood but it is the nature of relationships of expressions of life with each other.

How can one say, then, the life of the Earth, which includes many variables, is not a part of the human experience as well? For your body is made of the Earth, sustained by it, and there is pattern matching on every level. Relate to the Earth through the core realities of your own nature, your own being. Support its well-being through this relationship. When decisions are made involving the resources and the beauty of the Earth, have sensitivity to the needs of the Earth as well. Consider making a list of not only the benefits you gain from the Earth, every moment of every day, but understand the Earth more thoroughly and learn of its needs. Not just physical ones, you see, but energetic ones. And let service to life include the world that gives you life.

You ask of the Earth’s relationship with other worlds, including the Solar System. There is a synergism throughout the Solar System little understood, but the entire structure and balance and movements within the system influence each system of life within it. It is well to understand and perceive your own being and the complexity of your solar system as partners in life. Extend your consciousness to include this and make note of what is revealed.

Your Earth does not evolve on its own, but is part of a larger system of life, the complex and vast energy transfers, modulations, and you are a part of all of this, in one way or another. What humanity contributes to the flow of life is not a secret, but part of the Earth’s and the Solar System’s foundation of sharing influence and balance of peace.

Choose to listen, understand, and, yes, even communicate with the larger reality of your incarnate life. Be one with this Earth and its Solar System. Learn more of the way of life. The Earth understands a great deal. It is aware of much. Allow the comforting of each other. Your own True Nature understands this wisdom. There is one form of intelligence or another throughout life, our brother. Namaste.

July 10, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Lawless Life

JANU:    Enamored as you are of the wonders of the universe and of life, we shall proceed with your current interest, the so-called laws of life. All laws, our brother, are organizations of life to produce the realization of potentials, regulate to some degree paths of exploration and realization, and provide a common ground to understanding among beings. As we have said before, all such laws are mutable, are created, and replaced.

You asked earlier of life without such laws. Can this be true and what is the nature of such a life? Yes, it can be true, our brother, but what is your frame of reference for understanding such a life? For the most part, it is a life of laws and the structures they bring to existing and engagement. You ask if such a life can have meaning or purpose. The answer is yes, our brother, but it is a life without structure, constraints, and engaged by a consciousness that no longer needs such. Its evolution, its flow of life is without structure. Your identity can no longer be seen as you’re accustomed to. The concept of ‘others’ no longer applies in the same way. Pure being is the nature. It is dimensionless, for there are no parameters of existence.

Yes, in time, through the course of experiencing life, such a reality is achievable for it is, in a sense, primary to the rest of life with laws of existence. Not seen as desirable by most, for most cherish the opportunities of structured life and wish to engage the challenges of such and expand their consciousness.

Realize, our brother, that unstructured reality created—or should we say, allowed there to be created—organized life. Such consciousness is useful in more profoundly understanding structured life and its origin, its meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose are understood in a larger way. Terms such as ‘infinite,’ ‘eternity,’ ‘unlimited reality’ are explored in a new way. Unregulated or unstructured consciousness, formless, unlimited, is at the heart of this understanding. Time and space, a creation. Dimensions, so-called, a creation. Subtle realities, creation. Eternal life, many shades of reality. Even eternity, our brother, is a limited word or a limited understanding. Much to consider here on what is real and what is not. Namaste.

June 19, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Merging with the True Nature

JANU:   Having wondered as to understanding the nature of the True Nature and its relationship with the human consciousness, let us explore this.

The True Nature has always been part of the life experience, incarnate and discarnate. It is the part of you that transcends time/space but, at the same time, is conscious of and present in every moment of the incarnate life. Not to be thought of as a separate being, but as who you are. The incarnate life experience is absorbed, imprinted, in what you might call the memory of the True Nature. In time, when acclimated to the truth of this, the human identity will expand to include the Eternal You. Your remaining incarnate is initiated and maintained by the True Nature. The True Nature is your permanent identity. How can your human identity be your only perception when you have had others? As you become more aware of your other journeys through life, human identity will find a different role in your consciousness.

Your True Nature records all of your journeys. Now, it is possible to function in the human incarnate life, in societies, with a larger sense of identity, but it takes getting used to for it will change and enhance all of your experiences and, to varying degrees, relationships. You’ll become more conscious of your relationships in spirit as well, benefiting from wise counsel. You will become aware of sojourns that you have had. All of this with the help of the True Nature. Why not join the larger life and the rest of who you are? Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Why we need each other

JANU: The subject for this morning: understanding why people need each other. Yes, you can live alone in a lifetime with no associations but aspects of your being, of your consciousness, will devolve. Service to others is a key ingredient to wellness, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. You might call this a kind of co-dependency, but this benefits everyone and makes you stronger and more well-balanced.

Now associations in the discarnate life and the other realities are equally important for, collectively, life is imprinted with all experiences, and wisdom, creativity, love, and this resource contributes to any deficiency in any area of an existence. Not only do humans need each other, they need the rest of the larger life as well. And the larger life evolves with each experience of each individual. So, being at one with the collective, the larger life, allows you to be a partner, a player, in its flow, in its reality and the destiny of everyone.

We are not speaking here exclusively of what you would call sentient beings, but all of life whether you understand it or not. Life is your servant, as are you. Even when alone for a time in your sojourn, the life within you and around you is your partner, your comforter, your sustainer. Even the unawakened and the misguided and the confused and frustrated are part of this as well. The boredom with life that some experience comes from a life of sameness, without change or flow or creativity. Conscious connection with the larger life, the larger you, and the needing and serving of others, brings light to that boredom, making every moment seem worth living.

Service is like a channel of life moving through you, uplifting you and those you serve at the same time. So let the power of life move through your life as you reach out to help, to uplift. Your needs are not private or unknown. Allow the flow of life to move through you. Namaste.

June 1, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A larger understanding of humanity

JANU: Reaching then into the flow of life called humanity, we would convey an understanding that humanity as such has a long history and the current human experiment in life is not the first. And there will be others to come. Much planning and building and service to the human journey on the Earth has occurred. The source of human existence and therefore the reason it will continue is from the architects of life of which humanity is a part.

A lengthy and strong tradition of life is humanity’s background. It has overcome many obstacles and crises and thresholds of achievement long forgotten. And in every instance, humanity has demonstrated its mettle and this is part of the reason the architects of humanity are committed to its survival and its evolution. Its service to life has always existed and will reach new thresholds in times to come. As humanity awakens, the understanding opens and the command of its faculties, its capabilities, will bring much into play. The current unrest and warring, conflicts and struggles, are a small part of human history, and even a smaller part of its future.

And as humanity of the Earth discovers and connects with humanity of other worlds, this network of life will become more profound in the flow of life. Humanity has demonstrated it is a survivor with capabilities yet to be realized. Base not your bonding to human destiny, and the destiny of those who incarnate, the beings of Light, the eternal natures, on only one sojourn. Understand the larger reality of humanity and, through that, the larger Family of Life. Many are involved with human destiny that are not human. The Family of Life is vast, diverse, and in motion.

Think in an unlimited way. Live in an unlimited way. Understand in an unlimited way. And be unlimited. Namaste.

June 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Physicality is not limited to physical matter

JANU:    Humanity’s consciousness of incarnate reality is somewhat limited. Gross physical density is only a part of it. Because the True Nature of the incarnate human has many levels of consciousness, when applied while incarnate physical reality expands greatly. Physicality, commonly experienced, is limited to physical creativity, but creativity has many realities, and when applied to the awakened human, one with their True Nature, physicality can be created, manipulated, modified, altered, or continue unaffected by what some would call natural deterioration or decay.

Some marvel at what appears to be the ability to levitate heavy objects, but they are no longer heavy, you see, during manipulations of other realities of physicality. The materialization of objects from one location to another; the foreknowledge of events, even in the physical; the seeming creation of life, animated life, where there appeared to be none; the changing of colors intentionally; the manipulation of weather, movement of storms, and shields from destruction. The list goes on and on, our brother, the possibilities that include even determining, to varying degrees, the length of a sojourn.

Awakening to the larger you, the larger life, the larger truth of being has unlimited rewards. Is ignorance really superior to the wisdom of knowing? Why wait for technology to visit other worlds, exchange understandings, learn from each other, when all of this and far more can be accomplished when at one with your own True Nature? It is not isolated from the rest of life as much of humanity thinks they are. Be not so in awe of unlimited possibilities that you hesitate to engage the smallest ones, so to speak, at your doorstep. Namaste.

June 9, 2015 B                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious merging with your True Nature

JANU: We are one. Establishing this frame of reference for communication and insights is a beginning. Being conscious as one entity is a co-existence of many elements of consciousness. Just as your physical body and brain, which is your physical body, and mind, which transcends the physical reality, co-exist as one, independent in many ways but nonetheless at one, mutually beneficial, each needing the other for the experience and the particular journey. Unique to the entity, you see, or unique as the entity. It is not unlike this, being one in consciousness with and as your True Nature. How can it be otherwise? But the framework evolves, becomes more sophisticated, more capable and the understanding unfolds in a natural way.

In time you will hear the voice of others as they explore this evolution in consciousness, and you will learn from each other. When leaving the body, the human imprint remains but no longer dominates consciousness, for all you have ever been and done, on any level, is imprinted. You may call memory, if you wish. For nothing is lost but remains a resource to draw upon and to add to.

Your True Nature journeys with you through life and, little by little, your relationship as one explains itself, reveals itself. And you realize you’re a larger being in a larger life with larger opportunities and a larger service. Continue, our brother. We are one in this. Namaste.

June 4, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the latest page on awakening, as those four also relate to this journey.


Why not open to a larger life?

JANU: We ask the question: Why not open to the larger life, the larger you? What is there to fear? Yes, you say, “The unknown.” Why would you think that life has misery in store for you, while opening to its truth, its richness, and its love? What evidence can you base this on? Your misery is born of ignorance and fear and a lack of those elements of the larger life. Why remain isolated from blessings when you can receive them in a perfect way and participate in blessings for others and other parts of life? How many wondrous things have you learned and experienced that were new to you and unknown, that you would have missed by remaining ignorant or unawakened?

The parts of you that fear the unknown are those that wish to remain in power and dominate your life. Including those around you, who always attempt to keep you under their control, that they might use your power and your freedom for their benefit. Not just individuals, but organizations, and religions as well. How many in your life draw their power from you rather than support your own freedom?

The question remains: Why not embrace the freedom and the beauty of the larger life? It has always been offered to you, waiting for you to agree. Letting go of ignorance and embracing the unknown truth seems risky to those living in darkness. This does not require leaving the body or abandoning the opportunities of your current existence, but allowing this adds so much to who you are, how you live and relate to life.

Why not live a life in True Peace, rather than struggle and worry, frustration, depression, anger, blaming everything but yourself for your experience? Reclaim you birthright, your true power to create your life, and re-create it. The illusion of your life being yours, independent of a larger life, perpetuates the ignorance, our brother. Your true freedom is in harmony with life and its flow, and that of others.

Open to the beauty of what’s to come and you will never turn back to live as you once did. Allow this to be your experience only through agreeing with it and discover your heart’s desire with clarity and the true reason you exist at all, with fulfilling purpose and meaning. Namaste.

May 20, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Getting to know the larger you

JANU:    Much of the dissatisfaction with living conditions on the Earth, by humanity, comes from a lifestyle, including all faces of society, that is created by consciousnesses yet to awaken fully to the True Nature. As awakening continues, the social condition will change. Enlightened humanity will not make the same choices and will see no profit in mutually destructive behavior.

Now, this does not mean the True Nature of individuals is silent but, when fears govern choices, it is difficult to hear the True Nature. Remember, the True Nature is constantly aware of everything about you. There are no secrets. And the True Nature is attuned to the larger life beyond time and space as well. Where is the wisdom in building on a fault line, dietary habits that degrade your health? Why do you think so many wish to end their lives? Even those who attempt to provide therapy would benefit greatly from the insights of the True Nature. And what is this True Nature we speak of but the eternal you, the you that remembers everything, attuned to the larger life and has access to the wise counsel of the larger Family of Life.

This is not to say that humanity has wasted all of its opportunities. It has gained much. But there are thresholds of illusion. The status quo does not apply. For many, life seems to travel in circles, every day much like another and no end in sight. It is as frustrating to the spirit.

Go deep inside. Love who you truly are and get to know and embrace who you truly are. You will find peace and joy, a love for life, and the fulfillment of countless adventures, discoveries, and capabilities, and your incarnate life will blossom. Namaste.

May 25, 2015                                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Exploring other physical realities

This is on the order of “Coming Attractions.” Yet it seems to fit well with ideas expressed in the previous attunement.

JANU: We are done with this searching for answers we already know. The deeper clarity comes from understanding what lies beyond them, for that shines new light on what you think you know. So let us pursue new thresholds of understanding, attunement, and achievement and we shall see new vistas that include what has been gained. Why not open then to what lies behind and beyond?

For this evening’s journey, let us partake of a new vista. And the vista we choose: the reality in the larger life of the role physicality plays in a non-physical life. Understand this: there are many different physical realities. The one of your current experience is one of many. Now, the laws of life, the parameters of existence, are quite different and need to be, for the range of life reality non-physically is vast as well. And physicality plays a role interfacing with these many other realities. So physicality must have many more realities.

So there is a worthy journey, our brother, to explore and understand other physical realities and how they differ and how they contribute to, participate in, the larger life. Much talk of alternate universes, parallel universes, alternate existence, and dimensions. We shall explore this further and you will learn to let go of what you think you understand of only one element of physical life. Physicality will have new meanings. Thank you and namaste.

May 12, 2015 B                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross