The human condition and the flow of life

JANU:    Why not include the current human condition within the framework of assessing all that life can be?

One has a tendency to see the human condition as deplorable, misguided, brutal, and unloving. The human condition, our brother, is the flow of life, no matter what its condition, character, peacefulness or lack thereof. How does one judge, then, what is enough and what is not? Where is the dividing line between failure and success? There is none for this reason: humanity is loved, no matter its condition or history or future. It is life in motion.

If life gave up on humanity because of its current condition, what else would it give up on? So giving up on humanity is rejecting the flow of life, for even in its current condition it has a future, which is life’s future. And life is vast and profound and timeless and diverse beyond imagination, and all-powerful and knowing, and patient beyond time. Never give up on humanity or yourself, for the flow of life moves on. And what is not life, to be left behind?

So move into the future through the present, no matter the condition. A more peaceful appraisal of reality, don’t you agree? Anticipate the future by opening to humanity’s potential in the present, and all it has achieved. Remember, our brother, do this no matter the condition. Namaste.

Apr. 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Being human is a chapter in your Book of Life

JANU: Solidarity, then, in our countenance will bring a more vibrant reality to our life’s journey. What we speak of here this morning is the union of the elements of being, the composite of which is who you are. The challenge in this is to expand identity to include all of who you are, not just human.

Human is a chapter in a larger life. The book is who you are, made up of many chapters but still one book. And in this book all that you are is one. This book in the library of life is available to serve all who walk the path of life, and their journeys serve you as well. This library we speak of is the Larger Life, the Family of Life.

Now, these realities exist whether you are conscious of them or not, and you draw upon them to varying degrees, depending upon the conscious intimacy of all the chapters in the book that you are. Now, this book that we speak of is not in stasis, but is constantly evolving. Imagine in the library of life where all of the books are in motion, vibrant, active, changing. So what you connect with for the Truth of Life in this moment has changed to the next. A valid question is: “How flexible are you in your grasp of the Truth of Life, your own identity, and the changes you are making in the totality of your being, or, should we say: the changes that are being made in the totality of your being?” What does ‘identity’ mean or include, for one who is constantly changing, including their identity? What do you hang your hat on? What do you hold on to?

You hang on to the flow of life that you are, our brother. The collective you is a reality in motion. Difficult reality for the binary mind/human personality to wrap around: identity that does not stand still, yet still exists but does not stand still. Limiting your consciousness to one identity, one reality, serves its purpose in the beginning of the journey, but even that must change. Much to consider. Namaste.

Mar.29, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The human journey

JANU:    We are surveying then at this time the opportunities to understand and proceed with humanity’s journey of awakening. Collectively speaking, humanity’s journey of awakening is proceeding but not automatically. The collective desire is awakening to know the truth of their existence, create a better life, free themselves from the darkness, and subliminally including the ones who perpetuate it. The True Natures of individuals are not isolated one from another. They are a collective as well and form a union, a bright light, inspiring the path of human awakening.

As we have said before, the human journey is an experiment and the dynamics of it are a constant study and revelation for many, including those beyond the human experiment. It is in the interest of the Larger Life to observe this journey. Generally speaking, humanity is unaware of the vast interest in their journey. There are factions of life that will benefit from and serve the human experience in time to come. Humanity is part of a vast network of life with many dynamics playing out, so to speak. Embracing the larger life in human consciousness provides many insights into resolving issues in the current journey.

And, yes, there are other experiments in life, other than that of the Earth. Life recycles itself with one experiment after another, always gaining from the recyclings, beginnings, and the completions. Relatively speaking, humanity is just beginning its journey, the Larger Life looming on its doorstep, frontiers yet to be imagined. Many chapters to come in the Book of Life.

We inspire humanity not to be faint of heart or to lose hope in anticipation of change. Humanity is not alone and never has been. Namaste.

Mar. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Identity shifting

JANU: We are remembering when True Natures walked the Earth in physical bodies, not fully incarnate but as completely conscious being. That is the focus this morning, for it is the focus for your sojourn as well. The choices that you make serve to make this possible once more. This accomplishment completely transforms the human experience. Life becoming far less confusing and uncertain and frustrating. Humanity is moving in this direction, but understanding it, being conscious of it, is not there yet.

We return once more to the understanding of identity shifting. What choice does humanity have but to identify as being human with a vague acceptance that they have a spiritual nature? How does one identify then as a complete being and conscious of this? It is through desire, overcoming the fear of the unknown, allowing memories to return revealing the larger reality of your nature.

Becoming conscious of who you truly are does not end the incarnate experience and the human journey. It helps fulfill it with clarity and depth. Many hunger for meaning and purpose in their lives, not sure what this means. Awakening to your True Nature, identifying yourself in this larger way, resolves this. The True Nature is more aware of the larger life, meaning it is your awareness as well, for that is who you are. When one develops a talent or skill with incarnate identity, this adds to their identity, their sense of being, and the experience and evolution and expansion of their sense of identity. Awakening to your True Nature speaks to this as well.

Consider a society where adults achieve this shifting of identity, expansion of identity. Consider the opportunity for the child, having just incarnated from the larger life, to continue the journey of their own lives, their own true identities, True Natures. Enlightened parents that understand and encourage. Many children incarnate remembering much of their natures, their memories and experiences, only to let them go, for even their parents do not understand or encourage. Limited consciousness perpetuating limited consciousness.

The larger life is more real, in a way, than the limited incarnate life, but includes it. Let your imagination explore the possibilities of a larger truth, a truth that can help you understand the limitations of your current experience. No need to fear this unknown, for it is who you are. It is your true home and your true peace.

Mar. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature, for prior journeys on this subject.


Leaving all fears behind

JANU: Humanity is more precious than most realize, not just the fact of their existence, that they are alive, but they are more than that. They are life on the move, with countless destinies. The potential for creation is unlimited. Our journeys are meant to warm humanity to their potential. The existence of human consciousness impacts life in ways yet to be understood.

The perception that other worlds are distant and isolated from humanity will begin to fade away as humanity becomes conscious of unknown relationships and the interests of other worlds and species not unlike their own. As two people who move through life are stronger when cooperating and consolidating their talents, so it will be as humanity of the Earth begins to combine talents with other worlds and, beyond that, other realities.   Shared knowledge, experience, and talents or capabilities adds greatly to the experience of all participants.

Life is not your enemy, and neither are other worlds. Let not fears of the unknown prejudice your experience and limit it. Rest in the knowledge that life is in love with life. The fear of being alone in life is the root of all fears. It was never more than a perception. How can one be alone in life, in reality, when all of life is connected and oneness is fundamental?

To lower the veil, which is your choice, to focus the attention upon reincarnating existence also has the consequence of isolation from the larger life, the Family of Life. But as the consciousness matures and begins to awaken through desire, the veil becomes porous and the path of return begins. In the larger understanding of the Truth of Life, no one has ever been truly alone, just walking that journey of separation temporarily.

The time is coming, a joyous time, as humanity discovers and remembers its connection with the larger life and being part of the larger life. The days of behavior rooted in fears will dwindle away. Many will struggle to resist this change, resisting the natural flow of life. Here and there, more and more, individuals are seeing the vision of humanity’s future. They will help lead on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Welcome home to the larger family of life

JANU: We are warming up to the idea that the joy of inner communication brings about a confidence in the self amidst the circumstances of life that overcomes doubt and confusion. You would say, at this point, that many in humanity attribute this experience to different names: the presence of God in the life, the presence of Jesus in their life, true for other religions as well. Something divine, something present and wise and powerful and, above all, loving. And there are those who awaken to the point that ‘deity’ takes on new meaning, new reality. We refer to, at times, the larger life, the larger you, unlimited consciousness, and Oneness.

For some, faith in this for the time being is sufficient, for the joy and the confidence is the result. For others, understanding includes this but moves beyond it, understanding that the previous is part of that larger life. No one, our brother, is locked out from the inner divine, the inner joy, and the wisdom and love. They need only choose it and embrace it. It is their legacy, their birthright.

When that inner confidence and connection is present, there is the confidence that all things are possible. When you observe individual lives and their circumstances, it is not difficult to see that this simple reality would profoundly change their perception of the new life and their experience. Everyone is powerful in the truth of their being.

Fear not the future. Embrace it with full expectancy of a wonderful and illuminating life. This is the peace we speak of, that conscious embrace and the inner knowing of the larger life that you already are. The larger Family of Life includes everyone. Welcome home. Namaste.

Mar. 3, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The magic of life at your doorstep

JANU: We are encouraging a climate for a peaceful humanity. What might such a climate be, then, our brother? We speak often of the larger life and the larger family of life. For humanity to perceive their existence, their physical existence and world, as a life larger than they currently do, it would open the door to a larger life perception beyond physicality, you see.

So the key here is to have a larger view and appreciation of their current opportunity for existence and building a fuller life. Some of the resources for this are wasted greatly and misunderstood, not only not building on these but not correcting them as well. Materialism and technology and the illusion of power have blinded them, not all of them but most, to the deeper and fuller perception of the reality of the moment and the system of life of which they are a part.

How can one abuse another, take advantage of, injure and deprive, when one is in full capacity of awareness of the beauty of that individual, the magic of their life, their potential of creativity, and their innate and natural love? And the beginning of this, our brother, is to perceive this truth within themselves. How do you relate to another in these ways without common ground? The common ground is there, our brother, but unseen.

So you see, a measure of the larger life is in the physical one as well, and an opportunity is to enhance it, drawing upon the True Nature of the larger life, not limited to physicality, you see. So useful inspiration through insight and an awakening consciousness is to inspire humanity to a larger and deeper appreciation of what they have on their doorstep, so to speak. Everything humanity needs—for wellness, and happiness, and rich and diverse exploration and discovery—they have always had.

Find the miracle of life and all of its magic within your being and, as you do, look for this in others and enhance each other’s lives. Namaste.

Feb. 28, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Serving an evolving Earth and humanity

JANU: We open this morning to announce that a deliberation of sorts is being made to explore human possibilities and the direction of human awakening, in cooperation with that of the Earth and other worlds. Humanity and the Earth have been considered extensively by many not of the Earth, for a long time. This deliberation is an event that takes place on occasion to monitor and evaluate those that serve the Earth and humanity. And by ‘Earth’ we mean all life upon the Earth and the Earth itself, as a complete living system. What is seen here are darker areas evolving at a different pace than others and slightly different directions. This deliberation will conclude, for the most part, by the end of your month, but there are those who monitor the Earth experience somewhat continually and report their findings in a less formal way than this deliberation.

Humanity still determines its future and its steps on the path, but more and more will be sensitive to its connection with the rest of life, the larger life, with mutual benefit and cooperation. The science of the mastery of being will revolutionize the human experience, not to mention its future. And this journey is by no means unique in your universe, but the shape it takes may well be. The need for housing, infrastructures, physical creations, and, yes, even food, certainly religion and spiritual guidance, social structures, and governments will have a different reality as humanity grows from the physical into the alternatives of subtle life and the mastery of energy and consciousness.

The deliberation takes all of this into account. The purpose of the deliberation is to evaluate the next phases of assisting the Earth and humanity. Much to consider. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 27, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Humanity is growing into freedom

JANU: As we travel together, so to speak, we come upon a preponderance of evidence that the True Nature of humanity has a benevolent, loving and giving collective reality. The evidence of this is growing as humanity gains wisdom, greater clarity of thought and feelings, and understanding of the plight of others. In due course, humanity will be a blessing to many not of the Earth, even without being there physically. Being capable of this will reform human society, realizing that this change in everyone makes for a better life and a richer future.

This will transfer to the children with a greater confidence in their own worth and ability to engage life and express their own creativity, not just as children but as ‘Old Souls,’ so to speak. There will be a growing number of individuals being born conscious, having chosen their destiny in each sojourn, needing no one to tell them what they can be, and possessing the sensitivity for journeying in consciousness and communicating.

No longer will humanity be limited to its own local consciousness, but will include the truth of other worlds. Make no mistake that all of this requires visiting other worlds physically. It does not. This can happen at any time, for the pathways of experience, connection, communication, service, wisdom gaining are many beyond physicality. The close proximity of worlds is never required for life to come together. But isolation serves a purpose that diminishes as beings evolve and discover the subtler and larger life and their own True Natures.

Glorious and grand times ahead, our brother, that transcend current limitations. As they say, keep your eyes on the prize. It’s always been there. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 1, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the larger life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us endeavor to bring into focus and clarity, as you have requested, the journey into the larger life. First off, let us explain what that means. What is the ‘larger life?’

The larger life is more than you know at the time, this moment. Now, that varies with the individual, depending upon their desires and perceptions. The larger life is not something separate from you. It is the larger truth of your being, nature. You’re already part of this and contribute to it. Human consciousness has been somewhat parochial, but it is reaching out to the stars, to other worlds, to the nature of Nature, if you will. But still, predominantly perceives itself, each one of you, as a physical human only, with a fuzzy notion of spirituality and the subtler life. Vague notions.

Now, there are cultures and traditions around the world that have explored these realities with some success, manifesting capabilities that seem miraculous. And the public marvels at these with little or no understanding, for they are consumed with survival, business, family, economics, and social power. Even religions and churches attempt to provide comfort to those they touch, preaching the strength of faith and belief but not the ownership of True Nature as a conscious reality manifesting success in life.

The larger life reveals the truth behind all of this: the nature of change and destiny; the power to create on many levels; the power to know the truth of anything by simply desiring and allowing the understanding; the capacity to reveal life, all of creation—past, present and future—with the power to be enjoyed and inner peace by just choosing it; to explore the universe, and others, and awaken to life everywhere; to understand wealth beyond money; to embrace unlimited mind and be in love with life; to remember and be conscious as who you are and all you have been; to live in the Now, in freedom and True Peace. All of the larger life is already present in one way or another and you are connected to part of all of these.

Your current physical sojourn is only a moment in time and you are so much more. The larger life awareness is at your doorstep. Open the door with confidence, expectation, and integrity. Allow it in as you step through, into the larger life. Namaste.

Jan. 26, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross