The many who serve humanity and the Earth

JANU: We are summoning, within the jurisdiction of this series, an awareness of the many resources of humanity to draw upon to assist in the awakening.

There are, of course, the Brotherhoods of Light that serve the Earth, not exclusively but with commitment and expertise and love for humanity. The number is fluid as Brotherhoods engage as they will, as their needs are required as humanity awakens.

Never underestimate the presence and effectiveness of the Angelic Host, for it is their nature to assist, not just globally but in groups and individually. For opportunities to serve, as they do, occur everywhere.

There are those visitors from other worlds who assist in their way, technologically, sometimes energetically, and now and then with visitation. More than you realize, more profoundly than many realize. They have left technology on and in the Earth that functions intermittently, continuously, and on programmed schedules.

There have been the installations such as the Wheeyah Codes to guide humanity as they are able, when requested, to awaken to the Earth, its language, its pulse of life, and its purpose and destiny.

There are subtler realities embedded throughout the Earth for information gathering and coordination of service. The other realms, what some call ‘dimensions,’ have visitors as well, for the Earth possesses subtler realities of existence and they are part of the scheme of life. These services are more energetic in subtle expressions. Humanity does not fully realize yet the many realities of their own existence and the correlations to other beings that reside on and in the Earth. Much activity here.

The Earth is serviced by those who choose such relationships with the Earth and other worlds, helping to maintain the integrity of a world, not just physically. There are what you would call ‘historians,’ record-keepers that maintain the archives of human experience and the history of the Earth for reference and recall by anyone so attuned and in need of this information. Visually as well, our brother, past scenarios can be reviewed.

There are those who assist scientists, engineers, and even individual researchers and creators in their efforts. Subtly, of course, for the most part, but not limited to this. Many have been visited by these helpers, thinking they were dealing with physical beings.

There are those who are icons, if you will, of the Light, of the Truth of Life, who linger in the midst of humanity and the Earth and radiate awakening. And there are a few humans who have journeyed, in one way or another, to other realities, to other worlds. Some have returned and some have not, but still raising the consciousness of humanity through their experience.

As you can see, our brother, your world is a busy place and awakening includes awareness of any or all of this and more. We would have you understand this: that no one is alone. Namaste.

Nov. 10, 2014           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Brotherhoods of Light

JANU: We are organized as a group called the Brotherhood of Light, which encompasses much and is always in motion, fluid if you will, with many factions of specialization, insight, experience, and attunement to life. We would have you understand and know that this brotherhood is not gender specific. ‘Brotherhood’ used in the sense of camaraderie, mutual support and cooperation, and combined effectiveness, which is ever growing.

There are many brotherhoods in what you call ‘Spirit,’ our brother. They belong to a tradition of service, exploration, discovery, and achievement. And, yes, they know of each other and can draw upon each other to meet opportunities to serve life. The brotherhoods are not identified by location but by consciousness, patterns of existence, and refinement of interests. The so-called members, if you will, of any brotherhood are not imprisoned there, you see. They come and go, as their call guides them.

You ask, “How do they know which opportunities to embrace?” It is by the energetic pattern, configuration of every opportunity. And these are communicated by very subtle means to those brotherhoods of like mind, like pattern. Life is like an ocean of information, our brother, patterns of existence, energies, radiation patterns on those levels. It is not difficult to connect with countless opportunities in life to relate to and become one with. And, yes, the brotherhoods are in many opportunities to serve at the same time, although time and space are not factors. Indirectly, they are, but not limited to that.

Compared to human consciousness, physically speaking, they seem an unlimited resource for information and understanding, patience, wisdom, and love. And for the most part, they are. Yes, there are some, our brother, who are incarnate in other worlds, here and there, who are in such close proximity and consciousness to the Brotherhoods of Light that they virtually act as one, giving the Brotherhoods more intimate access to the incarnate life, the better to serve and understand. Some have moments of this relationship; others have a life full of this relationship.

Life is not as stratified as some might think. There are many overlaps, other than use of life for various reasons. And even this is always changing, moving in new directions, accomplishing grander things, and life is being enriched. Humanity many times thinks they walk alone, private, living only by their wits. They are observed, measured, if you will, in terms of where they’re at in life, nudged and encouraged in most subtle ways, and inspired. Their life is filled, more than they realize, and Life knows everything, for they are one with Life, whether they are aware of it or not.

Stumbling through life is not a destiny, but even at this, humanity learns, experiments, and grows. But their resources for engaging life are vaster indeed. But the choice is humanity’s for, in the larger scheme of reality, humanity—and by this we mean those who inhabit humanity—are not governed by time or space and are free beings, living what they choose. We of the Brotherhoods of Light live this way as well. Namaste.

Nov. 9, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the flow of life

JANU: We are examining as such the nuances of being preoccupied with the uncertainty of life and investing in it. Uncertainty is perpetuated by a lack of awareness of the depth, richness, and presence of life itself, for all the possible outcomes of any life expression are still a part of, and known by, aspects of life that are ongoing. When one can perceive and appreciate the eternal nature of life, uncertainty takes a backseat to the certainty that life will continue. How many worry needlessly as to the outcome of tomorrow, or next year, or ten years, whatever? How long will the Earth last? Where will humanity be? Will I die tomorrow?

The larger awareness of life understands that you may leave the body tomorrow, but you will not die. Life goes on and your journey will not end. Even if the Earth ended tomorrow, your journey will move on. Life moves on, has endless alternatives and opportunities. So why spend so much of your attention and energy and focus and planning on something so transitory, and not the life that continues on, always, bringing new adventures, new opportunities, deeper understandings?

Now even in the moment of uncertainty as to the smaller things in life, the more immediate, there are always solutions. Life is not unmindful of the minutia as well and, being an eternal being, there is cause to have faith in this and be at peace always. For in peace the solutions are clear, the choices are wise, the outcomes are worthwhile, and the vision clears, and the health remains.

When life flows freely through your existence, your resources to resolve issues become deeper and stronger. Be clear in your deliberations, trust in the outcomes, and allow life to unfold while you are committing to a conviction in the true power of your values, your integrity, your truthfulness in what you do. When you’ve tried to manipulate, be in denial, misinform others, and lie to yourself, the flow of life through yours gets confused and that is where the uncertainty comes from, our brother.

Micro-managing the life that you are and around you does not allow the wisdom of life to flow with you. Walk quietly. Listen carefully. Speak what you know to be true, from your integrity. Love yourself and others. Be at peace, and your life will flow more smoothly. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 21, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The inner and outer life are one life

JANU: We are engaged in, if you will, the inspiring of human consciousness into a larger life. All of life benefits with this awakening of humanity.

Humanity has to realize the breadth and depth of its connection with the larger life, which includes other realities, other beings, and other worlds. The connection already exists, so the awakening is embracing consciously the larger life that has always been, changing, of course, as realizations occur. So-called religion is an attempt to awaken humanity to this reality but, being created by humanity, gets misinterpreted. Then human motives and desires and misinterpretations set in and the larger purpose becomes unknown to humanity. Yet the frustration and dissatisfaction with religion as it exists at this time grows deeper. The larger life existed, our brother, long before the religions of the Earth.

So what do you place your faith in? Your beliefs are focused upon what? Have faith in and believe in the truth of life, our brother, for it has existed for so long, in realities you are not aware of yet, successfully and you exist as an expression of that life.

Love beyond current understanding holds this life in existence. Through the journey within, life is revealed and understood and served, but the so-called outer life, our brother, is of the same life. But the one without the other leads to misunderstanding, confusion. And the cycles of understanding repeat, and those of misunderstanding as well.

Incarnation, our brother, is for the purpose of fulfilling potential and destiny and enriching life. Seeing what goes on around you can be seen and understood more deeply when the inner and the outer life are one. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 14, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The human condition is known to the larger family of life

JANU: We are forming conclusions as to effective additions to human consciousness on its path of awakening. Once such addition would be the formation of groups of individuals with first hand experience and memories of connecting with the larger life to any degree. This group would not form or broadcast criticisms of their current human consciousness, for they would still be learning as well. Of course, individual and collective observation is subject to reasonableness and screening as to bias. But they would lovingly support with profound patience and understanding those who wish to develop into a larger consciousness, respecting countless different perceptions of experiences. For even those who share their insights and experiences are still evolving into deeper and broader understanding of the truth of life, so no point of view or perception is seen as the whole story, so to speak, but a glimpse and a possibility.

In this way, humanity owns its progress and grows as it may, not depending solely upon insights from spirit or other sources. The path to enlightenment must be rooted in one’s integrity, reasonableness, and true nature. Now, this does not suggest that humanity is standing still, but we all exist, our brother, to help each other in a proper way.

So, understanding the human condition and what it is capable of is a worthy adventure. Human consciousness is in the possession of memories and experience, patterns of existence richer than its current understanding. So part of the path of awakening, our brother, is remembering, bringing profound memories to the surface in a perfect way.

The human condition, or awareness of it, is known by many not of the Earth so the struggles and the victories are not a secret to the larger life. And elements of the larger life are responding, providing wise service to the human journey, with patience and care. The family of life is worth knowing, our brother, a long-standing tradition of life in motion with a foundation of love and patience. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 22, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross