Choosing experiences wisely

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, moving our journey in the direction of participation in the network of communication that exists between the human mind and the human brain and the human body, or bodies, we should say. These networks of communication exist to perpetuate the life, gaining wisdom through experience, which is part of the path of enlightenment, you see, which is part of the reason for incarnation—experience. Not theory or philosophy or deduction but experience, for experience triggers response and records in all of the vehicles through the brain/mind interface.

So what experiences do people choose and why do they choose them? The less awakened mind chooses them for entertainment, comfort, relaxation, self-punishment as a result of what they call ‘mistakes.’ And some stumble, as it were, into experiences, not by conscious choice. A fundamental reality in the incarnate life is understanding and wisdom gained through experience, with its own flavor by being incarnate. Choosing experiences wisely accelerates the gaining of wisdom, revealing more effective choices on the path of discovery and self-realization.

Ponder an experience before choosing it, not to the point of choosing no experiences but consider the possibilities for your enlightenment and your contributions to life. We are not suggesting here that these considerations are required in full before choosing, you see, for much is revealed during the experience, and considered at the same time. Now, employ your many levels of understanding and capacity for sensitivities to enlightenment and these elements of innate understanding and processing will be part of your communication merging these with your life in motion, a simultaneous reality of awareness. The choosing and the experience is life in motion.

We are not suggesting a long process here of deliberation, for these can occur in a moment of insight and direction to the one who is awakening. The choices are always yours and part of your freedom to be. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 1, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross