Being the artist of your life

JANU: We are signaling, if you will, in a new way the arrival of clairaudiance. Now, clairaudiance can appear in the mind or aurally as well. All things are possible, our brother.

‘Unlimited possibilities’ is the theme here. As you have observed, there are many examples of extra-natural possibilities. Seemingly miraculous health and well-being in a consciousness unlimited by social conditioning of those yet to explore this. See disease and death as a common experience, but not a natural one in the sense of inevitable. Moving in the direction of a consciousness that is free of accepting limitation is a grand journey. Ignorance is replaced by knowing. One does not discard ignorance but embraces awareness and understanding. One does not discard disease and death from disease, but embraces life, balance, harmony, limitlessness. Even though cycles of destruction and renewal exist in the physical reality, rejuvenation, vitality, continuation are real as well. The consciousness of humanity that exists beyond limitation is a great healer as co-creator.

Letting go of limitation is part of the path into the larger life. “But what replaces it?” you ask. Limitless understanding, freedom, awakening to the whole truth of who you are and what you can be. Society, social consciousness does not design you, our brother. The unlimited presence of your True Nature, of the palette of Life itself, does. You can, as the artist, paint a new image of yourself, of your future, your experience, with that magic loving brush of super-consciousness. So pick up your palette. Fill it with understandings, desires, imagination, and start painting the life you choose. And marvel in gratitude for what you create. Namaste, our brother.
June 23, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 25 contains all prior attunements in this series.