The manifestations of awakening

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to explore your concern this morning as to the nature of the manifestation of the evidence of awakening.

The manifestations and evidence are many. Insights. Moments of compassion. Some passions and desires. The strength to proceed in the face of challenges. Gratitude to exist. The love of another. Respect for life. Liberating insight. The ability to know what seemed unknown. Profound peace. Wisdom beyond your years. An ability not learned in this sojourn. Insight that serves another. Memories unexplained. A sense of well-being beyond the physical journey, you see. Communication with other realities. A sense of direction in your life, without knowing how to achieve it but it still draws you. Seeing beauty and love in a child and their openness to life, their trust in their parents, and their forgiveness.

Many more, our brother, are the manifestations of awakening and little things are the grand things. The ability to see the grandness in everything is someone awakening. A journey without end, for life is without end and always renewing, creating, expanding. And your consciousness, your True Nature, are the evidence of this. Looking not, then, for pinnacles but continuation of the journey. No crowning moment of fully arriving, you see, but miracle unending. Patience, peace, commitment, and loving acceptance. Foundations on the path, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 1, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The creative process of seed thoughts

JANU: We are engaging, if you will, the ‘domino effect’ caused by touching the life, including your own, with the seed thought. A seed thought is one which bears close resemblance to a deep desire, a passion, an affinity for part of one’s life. So, in a very real way, seed thoughts are created by the life, the fundamental life desires of an individual. The ‘domino effect’ refers to the unfolding of a choice in life, a ripple effect, if you will. When one listens to their heart and their open mind and the true depth of their being, the manifestation begins.

The seed thought, when acted upon, interacts with your co-creative nature and life responds to this. As the seed thought is embraced and the true desire is acted upon and the patterns of manifestation begin to be observed, understanding grows, and the truth behind the seed thought reveals itself, a little at a time, and a foundation is developed of confidence and experience, and the dream becomes realized, and the process continues. And, as they say, one thing leads to another and then another. Not sequentially or linearly, but simultaneously.

This does not suggest that this path in life is walked alone for life is involved, our brother, in many ways. Allow yourself to dream and imagine what would bring great joy to you and help fulfill your destiny. Namaste.

Feb. 18, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross